1 Description: correct include
2 This part of the code was moved into it's own project and was packaged
3 separately by me. To make the build process work, this small fix is
5 Author: Philipp Huebner <debalance@debian.org>
7 Index: erlang-p1-sip/src/esip_socket.erl
8 ===================================================================
9 --- erlang-p1-sip.orig/src/esip_socket.erl
10 +++ erlang-p1-sip/src/esip_socket.erl
14 -include("esip_lib.hrl").
15 --include("stun.hrl").
16 +-include_lib("p1_stun/include/stun.hrl").
18 -define(TCP_SEND_TIMEOUT, 15000).
19 -define(CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 20000).