Add “Ignore warning” option to cabal check
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / CmdSdist.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
8 module Distribution.Client.CmdSdist
9 ( sdistCommand
10 , sdistAction
11 , packageToSdist
12 , OutputFormat (..)
13 ) where
15 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
16 import Prelude ()
18 import Distribution.Client.CmdErrorMessages
19 ( Plural (..)
20 , renderComponentKind
22 import Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout
23 ( DistDirLayout (..)
24 , ProjectRoot (..)
26 import Distribution.Client.NixStyleOptions
27 ( NixStyleFlags (..)
28 , defaultNixStyleFlags
30 import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig
31 ( ProjectConfig
32 , commandLineFlagsToProjectConfig
33 , projectConfigConfigFile
34 , projectConfigShared
35 , withProjectOrGlobalConfig
37 import Distribution.Client.ProjectFlags
38 ( ProjectFlags (..)
39 , defaultProjectFlags
40 , projectFlagsOptions
42 import Distribution.Client.ProjectOrchestration
43 ( CurrentCommand (..)
44 , ProjectBaseContext (..)
45 , establishProjectBaseContext
46 , establishProjectBaseContextWithRoot
48 import Distribution.Client.Setup
49 ( GlobalFlags (..)
51 import Distribution.Client.TargetSelector
52 ( ComponentKind
53 , TargetSelector (..)
54 , readTargetSelectors
55 , reportTargetSelectorProblems
57 import Distribution.Client.Types
58 ( PackageLocation (..)
59 , PackageSpecifier (..)
60 , UnresolvedSourcePackage
62 import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage
63 ( SourcePackage (..)
66 import Distribution.Client.Errors
67 import Distribution.Client.SrcDist
68 ( packageDirToSdist
70 import Distribution.Compat.Lens
71 ( _1
72 , _2
74 import Distribution.Package
75 ( Package (packageId)
77 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
78 ( flattenPackageDescription
80 import Distribution.ReadE
81 ( succeedReadE
83 import Distribution.Simple.Command
84 ( CommandUI (..)
85 , OptionField
86 , ShowOrParseArgs
87 , liftOptionL
88 , option
89 , reqArg
91 import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess
92 ( knownSuffixHandlers
94 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
95 ( Flag (..)
96 , configDistPref
97 , configVerbosity
98 , flagToList
99 , flagToMaybe
100 , fromFlagOrDefault
101 , optionDistPref
102 , optionVerbosity
103 , toFlag
104 , trueArg
106 import Distribution.Simple.SrcDist
107 ( listPackageSourcesWithDie
109 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
110 ( dieWithException
111 , notice
112 , withOutputMarker
113 , wrapText
115 import Distribution.Types.ComponentName
116 ( ComponentName
117 , showComponentName
119 import Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription (GenericPackageDescription)
120 import Distribution.Types.PackageName
121 ( PackageName
122 , unPackageName
124 import Distribution.Verbosity
125 ( normal
128 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
129 import System.Directory
130 ( createDirectoryIfMissing
131 , getCurrentDirectory
132 , makeAbsolute
134 import System.FilePath
135 ( makeRelative
136 , normalise
137 , (<.>)
138 , (</>)
141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
142 -- Command
143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 sdistCommand :: CommandUI (ProjectFlags, SdistFlags)
146 sdistCommand =
147 CommandUI
148 { commandName = "v2-sdist"
149 , commandSynopsis = "Generate a source distribution file (.tar.gz)."
150 , commandUsage = \pname ->
151 "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " v2-sdist [FLAGS] [PACKAGES]\n"
152 , commandDescription = Just $ \_ ->
153 wrapText
154 "Generates tarballs of project packages suitable for upload to Hackage."
155 , commandNotes = Nothing
156 , commandDefaultFlags = (defaultProjectFlags, defaultSdistFlags)
157 , commandOptions = \showOrParseArgs ->
158 map (liftOptionL _1) (projectFlagsOptions showOrParseArgs)
159 ++ map (liftOptionL _2) (sdistOptions showOrParseArgs)
162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
163 -- Flags
164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
166 data SdistFlags = SdistFlags
167 { sdistVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity
168 , sdistDistDir :: Flag FilePath
169 , sdistListSources :: Flag Bool
170 , sdistNulSeparated :: Flag Bool
171 , sdistOutputPath :: Flag FilePath
174 defaultSdistFlags :: SdistFlags
175 defaultSdistFlags =
176 SdistFlags
177 { sdistVerbosity = toFlag normal
178 , sdistDistDir = mempty
179 , sdistListSources = toFlag False
180 , sdistNulSeparated = toFlag False
181 , sdistOutputPath = mempty
184 sdistOptions :: ShowOrParseArgs -> [OptionField SdistFlags]
185 sdistOptions showOrParseArgs =
186 [ optionVerbosity
187 sdistVerbosity
188 (\v flags -> flags{sdistVerbosity = v})
189 , optionDistPref
190 sdistDistDir
191 (\dd flags -> flags{sdistDistDir = dd})
192 showOrParseArgs
193 , option
194 ['l']
195 ["list-only"]
196 "Just list the sources, do not make a tarball"
197 sdistListSources
198 (\v flags -> flags{sdistListSources = v})
199 trueArg
200 , option
202 ["null-sep"]
203 "Separate the source files with NUL bytes rather than newlines."
204 sdistNulSeparated
205 (\v flags -> flags{sdistNulSeparated = v})
206 trueArg
207 , option
208 ['o']
209 ["output-directory", "outputdir"]
210 "Choose the output directory of this command. '-' sends all output to stdout"
211 sdistOutputPath
212 (\o flags -> flags{sdistOutputPath = o})
213 (reqArg "PATH" (succeedReadE Flag) flagToList)
216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
217 -- Action
218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
220 sdistAction :: (ProjectFlags, SdistFlags) -> [String] -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
221 sdistAction (pf@ProjectFlags{..}, SdistFlags{..}) targetStrings globalFlags = do
222 (baseCtx, distDirLayout) <- withProjectOrGlobalConfig verbosity flagIgnoreProject globalConfigFlag withProject withoutProject
224 let localPkgs = localPackages baseCtx
226 targetSelectors <-
227 either (reportTargetSelectorProblems verbosity) return
228 =<< readTargetSelectors localPkgs Nothing targetStrings
230 -- elaborate path, create target directory
231 mOutputPath' <- case mOutputPath of
232 Just "-" -> return (Just "-")
233 Just path -> do
234 abspath <- makeAbsolute path
235 createDirectoryIfMissing True abspath
236 return (Just abspath)
237 Nothing -> do
238 createDirectoryIfMissing True (distSdistDirectory distDirLayout)
239 return Nothing
241 let format :: OutputFormat
242 format =
244 | listSources, nulSeparated -> SourceList '\0'
245 | listSources -> SourceList '\n'
246 | otherwise -> TarGzArchive
248 ext = case format of
249 SourceList _ -> "list"
250 TarGzArchive -> "tar.gz"
252 outputPath pkg = case mOutputPath' of
253 Just path
254 | path == "-" -> "-"
255 | otherwise -> path </> prettyShow (packageId pkg) <.> ext
256 Nothing
257 | listSources -> "-"
258 | otherwise -> distSdistFile distDirLayout (packageId pkg)
260 case reifyTargetSelectors localPkgs targetSelectors of
261 Left errs -> dieWithException verbosity $ SdistActionException . fmap renderTargetProblem $ errs
262 Right pkgs
263 | length pkgs > 1
264 , not listSources
265 , Just "-" <- mOutputPath' ->
266 dieWithException verbosity Can'tWriteMultipleTarballs
267 | otherwise ->
268 traverse_ (\pkg -> packageToSdist verbosity (distProjectRootDirectory distDirLayout) format (outputPath pkg) pkg) pkgs
269 where
270 verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault normal sdistVerbosity
271 listSources = fromFlagOrDefault False sdistListSources
272 nulSeparated = fromFlagOrDefault False sdistNulSeparated
273 mOutputPath = flagToMaybe sdistOutputPath
275 prjConfig :: ProjectConfig
276 prjConfig =
277 commandLineFlagsToProjectConfig
278 globalFlags
279 (defaultNixStyleFlags ())
280 { configFlags =
281 (configFlags $ defaultNixStyleFlags ())
282 { configVerbosity = sdistVerbosity
283 , configDistPref = sdistDistDir
285 , projectFlags = pf
287 mempty
289 globalConfigFlag = projectConfigConfigFile (projectConfigShared prjConfig)
291 withProject :: IO (ProjectBaseContext, DistDirLayout)
292 withProject = do
293 baseCtx <- establishProjectBaseContext verbosity prjConfig OtherCommand
294 return (baseCtx, distDirLayout baseCtx)
296 withoutProject :: ProjectConfig -> IO (ProjectBaseContext, DistDirLayout)
297 withoutProject config = do
298 cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
299 baseCtx <- establishProjectBaseContextWithRoot verbosity (config <> prjConfig) (ProjectRootImplicit cwd) OtherCommand
300 return (baseCtx, distDirLayout baseCtx)
302 data OutputFormat
303 = SourceList Char
304 | TarGzArchive
305 deriving (Show, Eq)
307 packageToSdist :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> OutputFormat -> FilePath -> UnresolvedSourcePackage -> IO ()
308 packageToSdist verbosity projectRootDir format outputFile pkg = do
309 let death = dieWithException verbosity $ ImpossibleHappened (show pkg)
310 dir0 <- case srcpkgSource pkg of
311 LocalUnpackedPackage path -> pure (Right path)
312 RemoteSourceRepoPackage _ (Just tgz) -> pure (Left tgz)
313 RemoteSourceRepoPackage{} -> death
314 LocalTarballPackage tgz -> pure (Left tgz)
315 RemoteTarballPackage _ (Just tgz) -> pure (Left tgz)
316 RemoteTarballPackage{} -> death
317 RepoTarballPackage{} -> death
320 -- Write String to stdout or file, using the default TextEncoding.
321 write str
322 | outputFile == "-" = putStr (withOutputMarker verbosity str)
323 | otherwise = do
324 writeFile outputFile str
325 notice verbosity $ "Wrote source list to " ++ outputFile ++ "\n"
326 -- Write raw ByteString to stdout or file as it is, without encoding.
327 writeLBS lbs
328 | outputFile == "-" = BSL.putStr lbs
329 | otherwise = do
330 BSL.writeFile outputFile lbs
331 notice verbosity $ "Wrote tarball sdist to " ++ outputFile ++ "\n"
333 case dir0 of
334 Left tgz -> do
335 case format of
336 TarGzArchive -> do
337 writeLBS =<< BSL.readFile tgz
338 _ -> dieWithException verbosity $ CannotConvertTarballPackage (show format)
339 Right dir -> case format of
340 SourceList nulSep -> do
341 let gpd :: GenericPackageDescription
342 gpd = srcpkgDescription pkg
344 files' <- listPackageSourcesWithDie verbosity dieWithException dir (flattenPackageDescription gpd) knownSuffixHandlers
345 let files = nub $ sort $ map normalise files'
346 let prefix = makeRelative projectRootDir dir
347 write $ concat [prefix </> i ++ [nulSep] | i <- files]
348 TarGzArchive -> do
349 packageDirToSdist verbosity (srcpkgDescription pkg) dir >>= writeLBS
353 reifyTargetSelectors :: [PackageSpecifier UnresolvedSourcePackage] -> [TargetSelector] -> Either [TargetProblem] [UnresolvedSourcePackage]
354 reifyTargetSelectors pkgs sels =
355 case partitionEithers (foldMap go sels) of
356 ([], sels') -> Right sels'
357 (errs, _) -> Left errs
358 where
359 -- there can be pkgs which are in extra-packages:
360 -- these are not SpecificSourcePackage
362 -- Why these packages are in localPkgs, it's confusing.
363 -- Anyhow, better to be lenient here.
365 flatten (SpecificSourcePackage pkg@SourcePackage{}) = Just pkg
366 flatten _ = Nothing
368 pkgs' = mapMaybe flatten pkgs
370 getPkg pid = case find ((== pid) . packageId) pkgs' of
371 Just pkg -> Right pkg
372 Nothing -> error "The impossible happened: we have a reference to a local package that isn't in localPackages."
374 go :: TargetSelector -> [Either TargetProblem UnresolvedSourcePackage]
375 go (TargetPackage _ pids Nothing) = fmap getPkg pids
376 go (TargetAllPackages Nothing) = Right <$> pkgs'
377 go (TargetPackage _ _ (Just kind)) = [Left (AllComponentsOnly kind)]
378 go (TargetAllPackages (Just kind)) = [Left (AllComponentsOnly kind)]
379 go (TargetPackageNamed pname _) = [Left (NonlocalPackageNotAllowed pname)]
380 go (TargetComponentUnknown pname _ _) = [Left (NonlocalPackageNotAllowed pname)]
381 go (TargetComponent _ cname _) = [Left (ComponentsNotAllowed cname)]
383 data TargetProblem
384 = AllComponentsOnly ComponentKind
385 | NonlocalPackageNotAllowed PackageName
386 | ComponentsNotAllowed ComponentName
388 renderTargetProblem :: TargetProblem -> String
389 renderTargetProblem (AllComponentsOnly kind) =
390 "It is not possible to package only the "
391 ++ renderComponentKind Plural kind
392 ++ " from a package "
393 ++ "for distribution. Only entire packages may be packaged for distribution."
394 renderTargetProblem (ComponentsNotAllowed cname) =
395 "The component "
396 ++ showComponentName cname
397 ++ " cannot be packaged for distribution on its own. "
398 ++ "Only entire packages may be packaged for distribution."
399 renderTargetProblem (NonlocalPackageNotAllowed pname) =
400 "The package "
401 ++ unPackageName pname
402 ++ " cannot be packaged for distribution, because it is not "
403 ++ "local to this project."