Add “Ignore warning” option to cabal check
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / VCS.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
8 module Distribution.Client.VCS
9 ( -- * VCS driver type
10 VCS
11 , vcsRepoType
12 , vcsProgram
14 -- ** Type re-exports
15 , RepoType
16 , Program
17 , ConfiguredProgram
19 -- * Validating 'SourceRepo's and configuring VCS drivers
20 , validatePDSourceRepo
21 , validateSourceRepo
22 , validateSourceRepos
23 , SourceRepoProblem (..)
24 , configureVCS
25 , configureVCSs
27 -- * Running the VCS driver
28 , cloneSourceRepo
29 , syncSourceRepos
31 -- * The individual VCS drivers
32 , knownVCSs
33 , vcsBzr
34 , vcsDarcs
35 , vcsGit
36 , vcsHg
37 , vcsSvn
38 , vcsPijul
39 ) where
41 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
42 import Prelude ()
44 import Distribution.Client.RebuildMonad
45 ( MonitorFilePath
46 , Rebuild
47 , monitorDirectoryExistence
48 , monitorFiles
50 import Distribution.Client.Types.SourceRepo (SourceRepoMaybe, SourceRepositoryPackage (..), srpToProxy)
51 import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
52 import Distribution.Simple.Program
53 ( ConfiguredProgram (programVersion)
54 , Program (programFindVersion)
55 , ProgramInvocation (..)
56 , emptyProgramDb
57 , findProgramVersion
58 , getProgramInvocationOutput
59 , programInvocation
60 , requireProgram
61 , runProgramInvocation
62 , simpleProgram
64 import Distribution.Types.SourceRepo
65 ( KnownRepoType (..)
66 , RepoType (..)
68 import Distribution.Verbosity as Verbosity
69 ( normal
71 import Distribution.Version
72 ( mkVersion
75 #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,18,0)
76 import Control.Applicative
77 ( liftA2 )
78 #endif
80 import Control.Exception
81 ( throw
82 , try
84 import Control.Monad.Trans
85 ( liftIO
87 import qualified Data.Char as Char
88 import qualified Data.List as List
89 import qualified Data.Map as Map
90 import System.Directory
91 ( doesDirectoryExist
92 , removeDirectoryRecursive
94 import System.FilePath
95 ( takeDirectory
96 , (</>)
98 import System.IO.Error
99 ( isDoesNotExistError
102 -- | A driver for a version control system, e.g. git, darcs etc.
103 data VCS program = VCS
104 { vcsRepoType :: RepoType
105 -- ^ The type of repository this driver is for.
106 , vcsProgram :: program
107 -- ^ The vcs program itself.
108 -- This is used at type 'Program' and 'ConfiguredProgram'.
109 , vcsCloneRepo
110 :: forall f
111 . Verbosity
112 -> ConfiguredProgram
113 -> SourceRepositoryPackage f
114 -> FilePath -- Source URI
115 -> FilePath -- Destination directory
116 -> [ProgramInvocation]
117 -- ^ The program invocation(s) to get\/clone a repository into a fresh
118 -- local directory.
119 , vcsSyncRepos
120 :: forall f
121 . Verbosity
122 -> ConfiguredProgram
123 -> [(SourceRepositoryPackage f, FilePath)]
124 -> IO [MonitorFilePath]
125 -- ^ The program invocation(s) to synchronise a whole set of /related/
126 -- repositories with corresponding local directories. Also returns the
127 -- files that the command depends on, for change monitoring.
130 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
132 -- * Selecting repos and drivers
134 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
136 data SourceRepoProblem
137 = SourceRepoRepoTypeUnspecified
138 | SourceRepoRepoTypeUnsupported (SourceRepositoryPackage Proxy) RepoType
139 | SourceRepoLocationUnspecified
140 deriving (Show)
142 -- | Validates that the 'SourceRepo' specifies a location URI and a repository
143 -- type that is supported by a VCS driver.
145 -- | It also returns the 'VCS' driver we should use to work with it.
146 validateSourceRepo
147 :: SourceRepositoryPackage f
148 -> Either SourceRepoProblem (SourceRepositoryPackage f, String, RepoType, VCS Program)
149 validateSourceRepo = \repo -> do
150 let rtype = srpType repo
151 vcs <- Map.lookup rtype knownVCSs ?! SourceRepoRepoTypeUnsupported (srpToProxy repo) rtype
152 let uri = srpLocation repo
153 return (repo, uri, rtype, vcs)
154 where
155 a ?! e = maybe (Left e) Right a
157 validatePDSourceRepo
158 :: PD.SourceRepo
159 -> Either SourceRepoProblem (SourceRepoMaybe, String, RepoType, VCS Program)
160 validatePDSourceRepo repo = do
161 rtype <- PD.repoType repo ?! SourceRepoRepoTypeUnspecified
162 uri <- PD.repoLocation repo ?! SourceRepoLocationUnspecified
163 validateSourceRepo
164 SourceRepositoryPackage
165 { srpType = rtype
166 , srpLocation = uri
167 , srpTag = PD.repoTag repo
168 , srpBranch = PD.repoBranch repo
169 , srpSubdir = PD.repoSubdir repo
170 , srpCommand = mempty
172 where
173 a ?! e = maybe (Left e) Right a
175 -- | As 'validateSourceRepo' but for a bunch of 'SourceRepo's, and return
176 -- things in a convenient form to pass to 'configureVCSs', or to report
177 -- problems.
178 validateSourceRepos
179 :: [SourceRepositoryPackage f]
180 -> Either
181 [(SourceRepositoryPackage f, SourceRepoProblem)]
182 [(SourceRepositoryPackage f, String, RepoType, VCS Program)]
183 validateSourceRepos rs =
184 case partitionEithers (map validateSourceRepo' rs) of
185 (problems@(_ : _), _) -> Left problems
186 ([], vcss) -> Right vcss
187 where
188 validateSourceRepo'
189 :: SourceRepositoryPackage f
190 -> Either
191 (SourceRepositoryPackage f, SourceRepoProblem)
192 (SourceRepositoryPackage f, String, RepoType, VCS Program)
193 validateSourceRepo' r =
194 either
195 (Left . (,) r)
196 Right
197 (validateSourceRepo r)
199 configureVCS
200 :: Verbosity
201 -> VCS Program
202 -> IO (VCS ConfiguredProgram)
203 configureVCS verbosity vcs@VCS{vcsProgram = prog} =
204 asVcsConfigured <$> requireProgram verbosity prog emptyProgramDb
205 where
206 asVcsConfigured (prog', _) = vcs{vcsProgram = prog'}
208 configureVCSs
209 :: Verbosity
210 -> Map RepoType (VCS Program)
211 -> IO (Map RepoType (VCS ConfiguredProgram))
212 configureVCSs verbosity = traverse (configureVCS verbosity)
214 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
216 -- * Running the driver
218 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
220 -- | Clone a single source repo into a fresh directory, using a configured VCS.
222 -- This is for making a new copy, not synchronising an existing copy. It will
223 -- fail if the destination directory already exists.
225 -- Make sure to validate the 'SourceRepo' using 'validateSourceRepo' first.
226 cloneSourceRepo
227 :: Verbosity
228 -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
229 -> SourceRepositoryPackage f
230 -> [Char]
231 -> IO ()
232 cloneSourceRepo
233 verbosity
235 repo@SourceRepositoryPackage{srpLocation = srcuri}
236 destdir =
237 traverse_ (runProgramInvocation verbosity) invocations
238 where
239 invocations =
240 vcsCloneRepo
242 verbosity
243 (vcsProgram vcs)
244 repo
245 srcuri
246 destdir
248 -- | Synchronise a set of 'SourceRepo's referring to the same repository with
249 -- corresponding local directories. The local directories may or may not
250 -- already exist.
252 -- The 'SourceRepo' values used in a single invocation of 'syncSourceRepos',
253 -- or used across a series of invocations with any local directory must refer
254 -- to the /same/ repository. That means it must be the same location but they
255 -- can differ in the branch, or tag or subdir.
257 -- The reason to allow multiple related 'SourceRepo's is to allow for the
258 -- network or storage to be shared between different checkouts of the repo.
259 -- For example if a single repo contains multiple packages in different subdirs
260 -- and in some project it may make sense to use a different state of the repo
261 -- for one subdir compared to another.
262 syncSourceRepos
263 :: Verbosity
264 -> VCS ConfiguredProgram
265 -> [(SourceRepositoryPackage f, FilePath)]
266 -> Rebuild ()
267 syncSourceRepos verbosity vcs repos = do
268 files <- liftIO $ vcsSyncRepos vcs verbosity (vcsProgram vcs) repos
269 monitorFiles files
271 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
273 -- * The various VCS drivers
275 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
277 -- | The set of all supported VCS drivers, organised by 'RepoType'.
278 knownVCSs :: Map RepoType (VCS Program)
279 knownVCSs = Map.fromList [(vcsRepoType vcs, vcs) | vcs <- vcss]
280 where
281 vcss = [vcsBzr, vcsDarcs, vcsGit, vcsHg, vcsSvn]
283 -- | VCS driver for Bazaar.
284 vcsBzr :: VCS Program
285 vcsBzr =
287 { vcsRepoType = KnownRepoType Bazaar
288 , vcsProgram = bzrProgram
289 , vcsCloneRepo
290 , vcsSyncRepos
292 where
293 vcsCloneRepo
294 :: Verbosity
295 -> ConfiguredProgram
296 -> SourceRepositoryPackage f
297 -> FilePath
298 -> FilePath
299 -> [ProgramInvocation]
300 vcsCloneRepo verbosity prog repo srcuri destdir =
301 [ programInvocation
302 prog
303 ([branchCmd, srcuri, destdir] ++ tagArgs ++ verboseArg)
305 where
306 -- The @get@ command was deprecated in version 2.4 in favour of
307 -- the alias @branch@
308 branchCmd
309 | programVersion prog >= Just (mkVersion [2, 4]) =
310 "branch"
311 | otherwise = "get"
313 tagArgs :: [String]
314 tagArgs = case srpTag repo of
315 Nothing -> []
316 Just tag -> ["-r", "tag:" ++ tag]
317 verboseArg :: [String]
318 verboseArg = ["--quiet" | verbosity < Verbosity.normal]
320 vcsSyncRepos
321 :: Verbosity
322 -> ConfiguredProgram
323 -> [(SourceRepositoryPackage f, FilePath)]
324 -> IO [MonitorFilePath]
325 vcsSyncRepos _v _p _rs = fail "sync repo not yet supported for bzr"
327 bzrProgram :: Program
328 bzrProgram =
329 (simpleProgram "bzr")
330 { programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" $ \str ->
331 case words str of
332 -- "Bazaar (bzr) 2.6.0\n ... lots of extra stuff"
333 (_ : _ : ver : _) -> ver
334 _ -> ""
337 -- | VCS driver for Darcs.
338 vcsDarcs :: VCS Program
339 vcsDarcs =
341 { vcsRepoType = KnownRepoType Darcs
342 , vcsProgram = darcsProgram
343 , vcsCloneRepo
344 , vcsSyncRepos
346 where
347 vcsCloneRepo
348 :: Verbosity
349 -> ConfiguredProgram
350 -> SourceRepositoryPackage f
351 -> FilePath
352 -> FilePath
353 -> [ProgramInvocation]
354 vcsCloneRepo verbosity prog repo srcuri destdir =
355 [programInvocation prog cloneArgs]
356 where
357 cloneArgs :: [String]
358 cloneArgs = [cloneCmd, srcuri, destdir] ++ tagArgs ++ verboseArg
359 -- At some point the @clone@ command was introduced as an alias for
360 -- @get@, and @clone@ seems to be the recommended one now.
361 cloneCmd :: String
362 cloneCmd
363 | programVersion prog >= Just (mkVersion [2, 8]) =
364 "clone"
365 | otherwise = "get"
366 tagArgs :: [String]
367 tagArgs = case srpTag repo of
368 Nothing -> []
369 Just tag -> ["-t", tag]
370 verboseArg :: [String]
371 verboseArg = ["--quiet" | verbosity < Verbosity.normal]
373 vcsSyncRepos
374 :: Verbosity
375 -> ConfiguredProgram
376 -> [(SourceRepositoryPackage f, FilePath)]
377 -> IO [MonitorFilePath]
378 vcsSyncRepos _ _ [] = return []
379 vcsSyncRepos verbosity prog ((primaryRepo, primaryLocalDir) : secondaryRepos) =
380 monitors <$ do
381 vcsSyncRepo verbosity prog primaryRepo primaryLocalDir Nothing
382 for_ secondaryRepos $ \(repo, localDir) ->
383 vcsSyncRepo verbosity prog repo localDir $ Just primaryLocalDir
384 where
385 dirs :: [FilePath]
386 dirs = primaryLocalDir : (snd <$> secondaryRepos)
387 monitors :: [MonitorFilePath]
388 monitors = monitorDirectoryExistence <$> dirs
390 vcsSyncRepo verbosity prog SourceRepositoryPackage{..} localDir _peer =
391 try (lines <$> darcsWithOutput localDir ["log", "--last", "1"]) >>= \case
392 Right (_ : _ : _ : x : _)
393 | Just tag <- (List.stripPrefix "tagged " . List.dropWhile Char.isSpace) x
394 , Just tag' <- srpTag
395 , tag == tag' ->
396 pure ()
397 Left e | not (isDoesNotExistError e) -> throw e
398 _ -> do
399 removeDirectoryRecursive localDir `catch` liftA2 unless isDoesNotExistError throw
400 darcs (takeDirectory localDir) cloneArgs
401 where
402 darcs :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
403 darcs = darcs' runProgramInvocation
405 darcsWithOutput :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO String
406 darcsWithOutput = darcs' getProgramInvocationOutput
408 darcs' :: (Verbosity -> ProgramInvocation -> t) -> FilePath -> [String] -> t
409 darcs' f cwd args =
411 verbosity
412 (programInvocation prog args)
413 { progInvokeCwd = Just cwd
416 cloneArgs :: [String]
417 cloneArgs = ["clone"] ++ tagArgs ++ [srpLocation, localDir] ++ verboseArg
418 tagArgs :: [String]
419 tagArgs = case srpTag of
420 Nothing -> []
421 Just tag -> ["-t" ++ tag]
422 verboseArg :: [String]
423 verboseArg = ["--quiet" | verbosity < Verbosity.normal]
425 darcsProgram :: Program
426 darcsProgram =
427 (simpleProgram "darcs")
428 { programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" $ \str ->
429 case words str of
430 -- "2.8.5 (release)"
431 (ver : _) -> ver
432 _ -> ""
435 -- | VCS driver for Git.
436 vcsGit :: VCS Program
437 vcsGit =
439 { vcsRepoType = KnownRepoType Git
440 , vcsProgram = gitProgram
441 , vcsCloneRepo
442 , vcsSyncRepos
444 where
445 vcsCloneRepo
446 :: Verbosity
447 -> ConfiguredProgram
448 -> SourceRepositoryPackage f
449 -> FilePath
450 -> FilePath
451 -> [ProgramInvocation]
452 vcsCloneRepo verbosity prog repo srcuri destdir =
453 [programInvocation prog cloneArgs]
454 -- And if there's a tag, we have to do that in a second step:
455 ++ [git (resetArgs tag) | tag <- maybeToList (srpTag repo)]
456 ++ [ git (["submodule", "sync", "--recursive"] ++ verboseArg)
457 , git (["submodule", "update", "--init", "--force", "--recursive"] ++ verboseArg)
459 where
460 git args = (programInvocation prog args){progInvokeCwd = Just destdir}
461 cloneArgs =
462 ["clone", srcuri, destdir]
463 ++ branchArgs
464 ++ verboseArg
465 branchArgs = case srpBranch repo of
466 Just b -> ["--branch", b]
467 Nothing -> []
468 resetArgs tag = "reset" : verboseArg ++ ["--hard", tag, "--"]
469 verboseArg = ["--quiet" | verbosity < Verbosity.normal]
471 vcsSyncRepos
472 :: Verbosity
473 -> ConfiguredProgram
474 -> [(SourceRepositoryPackage f, FilePath)]
475 -> IO [MonitorFilePath]
476 vcsSyncRepos _ _ [] = return []
477 vcsSyncRepos
478 verbosity
479 gitProg
480 ((primaryRepo, primaryLocalDir) : secondaryRepos) = do
481 vcsSyncRepo verbosity gitProg primaryRepo primaryLocalDir Nothing
482 sequence_
483 [ vcsSyncRepo verbosity gitProg repo localDir (Just primaryLocalDir)
484 | (repo, localDir) <- secondaryRepos
486 return
487 [ monitorDirectoryExistence dir
488 | dir <- (primaryLocalDir : map snd secondaryRepos)
491 vcsSyncRepo verbosity gitProg SourceRepositoryPackage{..} localDir peer = do
492 exists <- doesDirectoryExist localDir
493 if exists
494 then git localDir ["fetch"]
495 else git (takeDirectory localDir) cloneArgs
496 -- Before trying to checkout other commits, all submodules must be
497 -- de-initialised and the .git/modules directory must be deleted. This
498 -- is needed because sometimes `git submodule sync` does not actually
499 -- update the submodule source URL. Detailed description here:
500 --
501 git localDir ["submodule", "deinit", "--force", "--all"]
502 let gitModulesDir = localDir </> ".git" </> "modules"
503 gitModulesExists <- doesDirectoryExist gitModulesDir
504 when gitModulesExists $ removeDirectoryRecursive gitModulesDir
505 git localDir resetArgs
506 git localDir $ ["submodule", "sync", "--recursive"] ++ verboseArg
507 git localDir $ ["submodule", "update", "--force", "--init", "--recursive"] ++ verboseArg
508 git localDir $ ["submodule", "foreach", "--recursive"] ++ verboseArg ++ ["git clean -ffxdq"]
509 git localDir $ ["clean", "-ffxdq"]
510 where
511 git :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
512 git cwd args =
513 runProgramInvocation verbosity $
514 (programInvocation gitProg args)
515 { progInvokeCwd = Just cwd
518 cloneArgs =
519 ["clone", "--no-checkout", loc, localDir]
520 ++ case peer of
521 Nothing -> []
522 Just peerLocalDir -> ["--reference", peerLocalDir]
523 ++ verboseArg
524 where
525 loc = srpLocation
526 resetArgs = "reset" : verboseArg ++ ["--hard", resetTarget, "--"]
527 resetTarget = fromMaybe "HEAD" (srpBranch `mplus` srpTag)
528 verboseArg = ["--quiet" | verbosity < Verbosity.normal]
530 gitProgram :: Program
531 gitProgram =
532 (simpleProgram "git")
533 { programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" $ \str ->
534 case words str of
535 -- "git version 2.5.5"
536 (_ : _ : ver : _) | all isTypical ver -> ver
537 -- or annoyingly "git version" yes, really
538 (_ : _ : ver : _) ->
539 intercalate "."
540 . takeWhile (all isNum)
541 . split
542 $ ver
543 _ -> ""
545 where
546 isNum c = c >= '0' && c <= '9'
547 isTypical c = isNum c || c == '.'
548 split cs = case break (== '.') cs of
549 (chunk, []) -> chunk : []
550 (chunk, _ : rest) -> chunk : split rest
552 -- | VCS driver for Mercurial.
553 vcsHg :: VCS Program
554 vcsHg =
556 { vcsRepoType = KnownRepoType Mercurial
557 , vcsProgram = hgProgram
558 , vcsCloneRepo
559 , vcsSyncRepos
561 where
562 vcsCloneRepo
563 :: Verbosity
564 -> ConfiguredProgram
565 -> SourceRepositoryPackage f
566 -> FilePath
567 -> FilePath
568 -> [ProgramInvocation]
569 vcsCloneRepo verbosity prog repo srcuri destdir =
570 [programInvocation prog cloneArgs]
571 where
572 cloneArgs =
573 ["clone", srcuri, destdir]
574 ++ branchArgs
575 ++ tagArgs
576 ++ verboseArg
577 branchArgs = case srpBranch repo of
578 Just b -> ["--branch", b]
579 Nothing -> []
580 tagArgs = case srpTag repo of
581 Just t -> ["--rev", t]
582 Nothing -> []
583 verboseArg = ["--quiet" | verbosity < Verbosity.normal]
585 vcsSyncRepos
586 :: Verbosity
587 -> ConfiguredProgram
588 -> [(SourceRepositoryPackage f, FilePath)]
589 -> IO [MonitorFilePath]
590 vcsSyncRepos _ _ [] = return []
591 vcsSyncRepos
592 verbosity
593 hgProg
594 ((primaryRepo, primaryLocalDir) : secondaryRepos) = do
595 vcsSyncRepo verbosity hgProg primaryRepo primaryLocalDir
596 sequence_
597 [ vcsSyncRepo verbosity hgProg repo localDir
598 | (repo, localDir) <- secondaryRepos
600 return
601 [ monitorDirectoryExistence dir
602 | dir <- (primaryLocalDir : map snd secondaryRepos)
604 vcsSyncRepo verbosity hgProg repo localDir = do
605 exists <- doesDirectoryExist localDir
606 if exists
607 then hg localDir ["pull"]
608 else hg (takeDirectory localDir) cloneArgs
609 hg localDir checkoutArgs
610 where
611 hg :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
612 hg cwd args =
613 runProgramInvocation verbosity $
614 (programInvocation hgProg args)
615 { progInvokeCwd = Just cwd
617 cloneArgs =
618 ["clone", "--noupdate", (srpLocation repo), localDir]
619 ++ verboseArg
620 verboseArg = ["--quiet" | verbosity < Verbosity.normal]
621 checkoutArgs =
622 ["checkout", "--clean"]
623 ++ tagArgs
624 tagArgs = case srpTag repo of
625 Just t -> ["--rev", t]
626 Nothing -> []
628 hgProgram :: Program
629 hgProgram =
630 (simpleProgram "hg")
631 { programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" $ \str ->
632 case words str of
633 -- Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 3.5.2)\n ... long message
634 (_ : _ : _ : _ : ver : _) -> takeWhile (\c -> Char.isDigit c || c == '.') ver
635 _ -> ""
638 -- | VCS driver for Subversion.
639 vcsSvn :: VCS Program
640 vcsSvn =
642 { vcsRepoType = KnownRepoType SVN
643 , vcsProgram = svnProgram
644 , vcsCloneRepo
645 , vcsSyncRepos
647 where
648 vcsCloneRepo
649 :: Verbosity
650 -> ConfiguredProgram
651 -> SourceRepositoryPackage f
652 -> FilePath
653 -> FilePath
654 -> [ProgramInvocation]
655 vcsCloneRepo verbosity prog _repo srcuri destdir =
656 [programInvocation prog checkoutArgs]
657 where
658 checkoutArgs = ["checkout", srcuri, destdir] ++ verboseArg
659 verboseArg = ["--quiet" | verbosity < Verbosity.normal]
660 -- TODO: branch or tag?
662 vcsSyncRepos
663 :: Verbosity
664 -> ConfiguredProgram
665 -> [(SourceRepositoryPackage f, FilePath)]
666 -> IO [MonitorFilePath]
667 vcsSyncRepos _v _p _rs = fail "sync repo not yet supported for svn"
669 svnProgram :: Program
670 svnProgram =
671 (simpleProgram "svn")
672 { programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" $ \str ->
673 case words str of
674 -- svn, version 1.9.4 (r1740329)\n ... long message
675 (_ : _ : ver : _) -> ver
676 _ -> ""
679 -- | VCS driver for Pijul.
680 -- Documentation for Pijul can be found at <>
682 -- 2020-04-09 Oleg:
684 -- As far as I understand pijul, there are branches and "tags" in pijul,
685 -- but there aren't a "commit hash" identifying an arbitrary state.
687 -- One can create `a pijul tag`, which will make a patch hash,
688 -- which depends on everything currently in the repository.
689 -- I guess if you try to apply that patch, you'll be forced to apply
690 -- all the dependencies too. In other words, there are no named tags.
692 -- It's not clear to me whether there is an option to
693 -- "apply this patch *and* all of its dependencies".
694 -- And relatedly, whether how to make sure that there are no other
695 -- patches applied.
697 -- With branches it's easier, as you can `pull` and `checkout` them,
698 -- and they seem to be similar enough. Yet, pijul documentations says
700 -- > Note that the purpose of branches in Pijul is quite different from Git,
701 -- since Git's "feature branches" can usually be implemented by just
702 -- patches.
704 -- I guess it means that indeed instead of creating a branch and making PR
705 -- in "GitHub" workflow, you'd just create a patch and offer it.
706 -- You can do that with `git` too. Push (a branch with) commit to remote
707 -- and ask other to cherry-pick that commit. Yet, in git identity of commit
708 -- changes when it applied to other trees, where patches in pijul have
709 -- will continue to have the same hash.
711 -- Unfortunately pijul doesn't talk about conflict resolution.
712 -- It seems that you get something like:
714 -- % pijul status
715 -- On branch merge
717 -- Unresolved conflicts:
718 -- (fix conflicts and record the resolution with "pijul record ...")
720 -- foo
722 -- % cat foo
723 -- first line
724 -- >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
725 -- branch BBB
726 -- ================================
727 -- branch AAA
728 -- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
729 -- last line
731 -- And then the `pijul dependencies` would draw you a graph like
734 -- -----> foo on branch B ----->
735 -- resolve conflict Initial patch
736 -- -----> foo on branch A ----->
738 -- Which is seems reasonable.
740 -- So currently, pijul support is very experimental, and most likely
741 -- won't work, even the basics are in place. Tests are also written
742 -- but disabled, as the branching model differs from `git` one,
743 -- for which tests are written.
744 vcsPijul :: VCS Program
745 vcsPijul =
747 { vcsRepoType = KnownRepoType Pijul
748 , vcsProgram = pijulProgram
749 , vcsCloneRepo
750 , vcsSyncRepos
752 where
753 vcsCloneRepo
754 :: Verbosity
755 -- \^ it seems that pijul does not have verbose flag
756 -> ConfiguredProgram
757 -> SourceRepositoryPackage f
758 -> FilePath
759 -> FilePath
760 -> [ProgramInvocation]
761 vcsCloneRepo _verbosity prog repo srcuri destdir =
762 [programInvocation prog cloneArgs]
763 -- And if there's a tag, we have to do that in a second step:
764 ++ [ (programInvocation prog (checkoutArgs tag))
765 { progInvokeCwd = Just destdir
767 | tag <- maybeToList (srpTag repo)
769 where
770 cloneArgs :: [String]
771 cloneArgs =
772 ["clone", srcuri, destdir]
773 ++ branchArgs
774 branchArgs :: [String]
775 branchArgs = case srpBranch repo of
776 Just b -> ["--from-branch", b]
777 Nothing -> []
778 checkoutArgs tag = "checkout" : [tag] -- TODO: this probably doesn't work either
779 vcsSyncRepos
780 :: Verbosity
781 -> ConfiguredProgram
782 -> [(SourceRepositoryPackage f, FilePath)]
783 -> IO [MonitorFilePath]
784 vcsSyncRepos _ _ [] = return []
785 vcsSyncRepos
786 verbosity
787 pijulProg
788 ((primaryRepo, primaryLocalDir) : secondaryRepos) = do
789 vcsSyncRepo verbosity pijulProg primaryRepo primaryLocalDir Nothing
790 sequence_
791 [ vcsSyncRepo verbosity pijulProg repo localDir (Just primaryLocalDir)
792 | (repo, localDir) <- secondaryRepos
794 return
795 [ monitorDirectoryExistence dir
796 | dir <- (primaryLocalDir : map snd secondaryRepos)
799 vcsSyncRepo verbosity pijulProg SourceRepositoryPackage{..} localDir peer = do
800 exists <- doesDirectoryExist localDir
801 if exists
802 then pijul localDir ["pull"] -- TODO: this probably doesn't work.
803 else pijul (takeDirectory localDir) cloneArgs
804 pijul localDir checkoutArgs
805 where
806 pijul :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
807 pijul cwd args =
808 runProgramInvocation verbosity $
809 (programInvocation pijulProg args)
810 { progInvokeCwd = Just cwd
813 cloneArgs :: [String]
814 cloneArgs =
815 ["clone", loc, localDir]
816 ++ case peer of
817 Nothing -> []
818 Just peerLocalDir -> [peerLocalDir]
819 where
820 loc = srpLocation
821 checkoutArgs :: [String]
822 checkoutArgs = "checkout" : ["--force", checkoutTarget, "--"]
823 checkoutTarget = fromMaybe "HEAD" (srpBranch `mplus` srpTag) -- TODO: this is definitely wrong.
825 pijulProgram :: Program
826 pijulProgram =
827 (simpleProgram "pijul")
828 { programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" $ \str ->
829 case words str of
830 -- "pijul 0.12.2
831 (_ : ver : _) | all isTypical ver -> ver
832 _ -> ""
834 where
835 isNum c = c >= '0' && c <= '9'
836 isTypical c = isNum c || c == '.'