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[cabal.git] / Cabal-syntax / src / Distribution / FieldGrammar.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
5 -- | This module provides a way to specify a grammar of @.cabal@ -like files.
6 module Distribution.FieldGrammar
7 ( -- * Field grammar type
8 FieldGrammar (..)
9 , uniqueField
10 , optionalField
11 , optionalFieldDef
12 , monoidalField
14 -- * Concrete grammar implementations
15 , ParsecFieldGrammar
16 , ParsecFieldGrammar'
17 , parseFieldGrammar
18 , fieldGrammarKnownFieldList
19 , PrettyFieldGrammar
20 , PrettyFieldGrammar'
21 , prettyFieldGrammar
23 -- * Auxiliary
24 , (^^^)
25 , Section (..)
26 , Fields
27 , partitionFields
28 , takeFields
29 , runFieldParser
30 , runFieldParser'
31 , defaultFreeTextFieldDefST
33 -- * Newtypes
34 , module Distribution.FieldGrammar.Newtypes
35 ) where
37 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
38 import Prelude ()
40 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
42 import Distribution.FieldGrammar.Class
43 import Distribution.FieldGrammar.Newtypes
44 import Distribution.FieldGrammar.Parsec
45 import Distribution.FieldGrammar.Pretty
46 import Distribution.Fields.Field
47 import Distribution.Utils.Generic (spanMaybe)
49 type ParsecFieldGrammar' a = ParsecFieldGrammar a a
50 type PrettyFieldGrammar' a = PrettyFieldGrammar a a
52 infixl 5 ^^^
54 -- | Reverse function application which binds tighter than '<$>' and '<*>'.
55 -- Useful for refining grammar specification.
57 -- @
58 -- \<*\> 'monoidalFieldAla' "extensions" (alaList' FSep MQuoted) oldExtensions
59 -- ^^^ 'deprecatedSince' [1,12] "Please use 'default-extensions' or 'other-extensions' fields."
60 -- @
61 (^^^) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
62 x ^^^ f = f x
64 -- | Partitioning state
65 data PS ann = PS (Fields ann) [Section ann] [[Section ann]]
67 -- | Partition field list into field map and groups of sections.
68 partitionFields :: [Field ann] -> (Fields ann, [[Section ann]])
69 partitionFields = finalize . foldl' f (PS mempty mempty mempty)
70 where
71 finalize :: PS ann -> (Fields ann, [[Section ann]])
72 finalize (PS fs s ss)
73 | null s = (fs, reverse ss)
74 | otherwise = (fs, reverse (reverse s : ss))
76 f :: PS ann -> Field ann -> PS ann
77 f (PS fs s ss) (Field (Name ann name) fss) =
78 PS (Map.insertWith (flip (++)) name [MkNamelessField ann fss] fs) [] ss'
79 where
80 ss'
81 | null s = ss
82 | otherwise = reverse s : ss
83 f (PS fs s ss) (Section name sargs sfields) =
84 PS fs (MkSection name sargs sfields : s) ss
86 -- | Take all fields from the front.
87 takeFields :: [Field ann] -> (Fields ann, [Field ann])
88 takeFields = finalize . spanMaybe match
89 where
90 finalize (fs, rest) = (Map.fromListWith (flip (++)) fs, rest)
92 match (Field (Name ann name) fs) = Just (name, [MkNamelessField ann fs])
93 match _ = Nothing