make LTS branch pre-releases
[cabal.git] / Cabal-syntax / src / Distribution / Types / SourceRepo.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4 module Distribution.Types.SourceRepo
5 ( SourceRepo (..)
6 , RepoKind (..)
7 , RepoType (..)
8 , KnownRepoType (..)
9 , knownRepoTypes
10 , emptySourceRepo
11 , classifyRepoType
12 , classifyRepoKind
13 ) where
15 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
16 import Prelude ()
18 import Distribution.Utils.Generic (lowercase)
20 import Distribution.Parsec
21 import Distribution.Pretty
23 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
24 import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
25 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
27 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
29 -- * Source repos
31 -- ------------------------------------------------------------
33 -- | Information about the source revision control system for a package.
35 -- When specifying a repo it is useful to know the meaning or intention of the
36 -- information as doing so enables automation. There are two obvious common
37 -- purposes: one is to find the repo for the latest development version, the
38 -- other is to find the repo for this specific release. The 'ReopKind'
39 -- specifies which one we mean (or another custom one).
41 -- A package can specify one or the other kind or both. Most will specify just
42 -- a head repo but some may want to specify a repo to reconstruct the sources
43 -- for this package release.
45 -- The required information is the 'RepoType' which tells us if it's using
46 -- 'Darcs', 'Git' for example. The 'repoLocation' and other details are
47 -- interpreted according to the repo type.
48 data SourceRepo = SourceRepo
49 { repoKind :: RepoKind
50 -- ^ The kind of repo. This field is required.
51 , repoType :: Maybe RepoType
52 -- ^ The type of the source repository system for this repo, eg 'Darcs' or
53 -- 'Git'. This field is required.
54 , repoLocation :: Maybe String
55 -- ^ The location of the repository. For most 'RepoType's this is a URL.
56 -- This field is required.
57 , repoModule :: Maybe String
58 -- ^ 'CVS' can put multiple \"modules\" on one server and requires a
59 -- module name in addition to the location to identify a particular repo.
60 -- Logically this is part of the location but unfortunately has to be
61 -- specified separately. This field is required for the 'CVS' 'RepoType' and
62 -- should not be given otherwise.
63 , repoBranch :: Maybe String
64 -- ^ The name or identifier of the branch, if any. Many source control
65 -- systems have the notion of multiple branches in a repo that exist in the
66 -- same location. For example 'Git' and 'CVS' use this while systems like
67 -- 'Darcs' use different locations for different branches. This field is
68 -- optional but should be used if necessary to identify the sources,
69 -- especially for the 'RepoThis' repo kind.
70 , repoTag :: Maybe String
71 -- ^ The tag identify a particular state of the repository. This should be
72 -- given for the 'RepoThis' repo kind and not for 'RepoHead' kind.
73 , repoSubdir :: Maybe FilePath
74 -- ^ Some repositories contain multiple projects in different subdirectories
75 -- This field specifies the subdirectory where this packages sources can be
76 -- found, eg the subdirectory containing the @.cabal@ file. It is interpreted
77 -- relative to the root of the repository. This field is optional. If not
78 -- given the default is \".\" ie no subdirectory.
80 deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
82 emptySourceRepo :: RepoKind -> SourceRepo
83 emptySourceRepo kind =
84 SourceRepo
85 { repoKind = kind
86 , repoType = Nothing
87 , repoLocation = Nothing
88 , repoModule = Nothing
89 , repoBranch = Nothing
90 , repoTag = Nothing
91 , repoSubdir = Nothing
94 instance Binary SourceRepo
95 instance Structured SourceRepo
96 instance NFData SourceRepo where rnf = genericRnf
98 -- | What this repo info is for, what it represents.
99 data RepoKind
100 = -- | The repository for the \"head\" or development version of the project.
101 -- This repo is where we should track the latest development activity or
102 -- the usual repo people should get to contribute patches.
103 RepoHead
104 | -- | The repository containing the sources for this exact package version
105 -- or release. For this kind of repo a tag should be given to give enough
106 -- information to re-create the exact sources.
107 RepoThis
108 | RepoKindUnknown String
109 deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
111 instance Binary RepoKind
112 instance Structured RepoKind
113 instance NFData RepoKind where rnf = genericRnf
115 -- | An enumeration of common source control systems. The fields used in the
116 -- 'SourceRepo' depend on the type of repo. The tools and methods used to
117 -- obtain and track the repo depend on the repo type.
118 data KnownRepoType
119 = Darcs
120 | Git
121 | SVN
122 | CVS
123 | Mercurial
124 | GnuArch
125 | Bazaar
126 | Monotone
127 | -- | @since
128 Pijul
129 deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Enum, Bounded)
131 instance Binary KnownRepoType
132 instance Structured KnownRepoType
133 instance NFData KnownRepoType where rnf = genericRnf
135 instance Parsec KnownRepoType where
136 parsec = do
137 str <- P.munch1 isIdent
138 maybe
139 (P.unexpected $ "Could not parse KnownRepoType from " ++ str)
140 return
141 (M.lookup str knownRepoTypeMap)
143 instance Pretty KnownRepoType where
144 pretty = Disp.text . lowercase . show
146 data RepoType
147 = KnownRepoType KnownRepoType
148 | OtherRepoType String
149 deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
151 instance Binary RepoType
152 instance Structured RepoType
153 instance NFData RepoType where rnf = genericRnf
155 knownRepoTypes :: [KnownRepoType]
156 knownRepoTypes = [minBound .. maxBound]
158 repoTypeAliases :: KnownRepoType -> [String]
159 repoTypeAliases Bazaar = ["bzr"]
160 repoTypeAliases Mercurial = ["hg"]
161 repoTypeAliases GnuArch = ["arch"]
162 repoTypeAliases _ = []
164 instance Pretty RepoKind where
165 pretty RepoHead = Disp.text "head"
166 pretty RepoThis = Disp.text "this"
167 pretty (RepoKindUnknown other) = Disp.text other
169 instance Parsec RepoKind where
170 parsec = classifyRepoKind <$> P.munch1 isIdent
172 classifyRepoKind :: String -> RepoKind
173 classifyRepoKind name = case lowercase name of
174 "head" -> RepoHead
175 "this" -> RepoThis
176 _ -> RepoKindUnknown name
178 instance Parsec RepoType where
179 parsec = classifyRepoType <$> P.munch1 isIdent
181 instance Pretty RepoType where
182 pretty (OtherRepoType other) = Disp.text other
183 pretty (KnownRepoType t) = pretty t
185 classifyRepoType :: String -> RepoType
186 classifyRepoType s =
187 maybe
188 (OtherRepoType s)
189 KnownRepoType
190 (M.lookup (lowercase s) knownRepoTypeMap)
192 knownRepoTypeMap :: Map String KnownRepoType
193 knownRepoTypeMap =
194 M.fromList
195 [ (name, repoType')
196 | repoType' <- knownRepoTypes
197 , name <- prettyShow repoType' : repoTypeAliases repoType'
200 isIdent :: Char -> Bool
201 isIdent c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '-'