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[cabal.git] / Cabal-syntax / src / Distribution / Types / UnqualComponentName.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
5 module Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
6 ( UnqualComponentName
7 , unUnqualComponentName
8 , unUnqualComponentNameST
9 , mkUnqualComponentName
10 , packageNameToUnqualComponentName
11 , unqualComponentNameToPackageName
12 , combineNames
13 ) where
15 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
16 import Distribution.Utils.ShortText
18 import Distribution.Parsec
19 import Distribution.Pretty
20 import Distribution.Types.PackageName
22 -- | An unqualified component name, for any kind of component.
24 -- This is distinguished from a 'ComponentName' and 'ComponentId'. The former
25 -- also states which of a library, executable, etc the name refers too. The
26 -- later uniquely identifiers a component and its closure.
28 -- @since
29 newtype UnqualComponentName = UnqualComponentName ShortText
30 deriving
31 ( Generic
32 , Read
33 , Show
34 , Eq
35 , Ord
36 , Typeable
37 , Data
38 , Semigroup
39 , Monoid -- TODO: bad enabler of bad monoids
42 -- | Convert 'UnqualComponentName' to 'String'
44 -- @since
45 unUnqualComponentName :: UnqualComponentName -> String
46 unUnqualComponentName (UnqualComponentName s) = fromShortText s
48 -- | @since
49 unUnqualComponentNameST :: UnqualComponentName -> ShortText
50 unUnqualComponentNameST (UnqualComponentName s) = s
52 -- | Construct a 'UnqualComponentName' from a 'String'
54 -- 'mkUnqualComponentName' is the inverse to 'unUnqualComponentName'
56 -- Note: No validations are performed to ensure that the resulting
57 -- 'UnqualComponentName' is valid
59 -- @since
60 mkUnqualComponentName :: String -> UnqualComponentName
61 mkUnqualComponentName = UnqualComponentName . toShortText
63 -- | 'mkUnqualComponentName'
65 -- @since
66 instance IsString UnqualComponentName where
67 fromString = mkUnqualComponentName
69 instance Binary UnqualComponentName
70 instance Structured UnqualComponentName
72 instance Pretty UnqualComponentName where
73 pretty = showToken . unUnqualComponentName
75 instance Parsec UnqualComponentName where
76 parsec = mkUnqualComponentName <$> parsecUnqualComponentName
78 instance NFData UnqualComponentName where
79 rnf (UnqualComponentName pkg) = rnf pkg
81 -- TODO avoid String round trip with these PackageName <->
82 -- UnqualComponentName converters.
84 -- | Converts a package name to an unqualified component name
86 -- Useful in legacy situations where a package name may refer to an internal
87 -- component, if one is defined with that name.
89 -- 2018-12-21: These "legacy" situations are not legacy.
90 -- We can @build-depends@ on the internal library. However
91 -- Now dependency contains @Set LibraryName@, and we should use that.
93 -- @since
94 packageNameToUnqualComponentName :: PackageName -> UnqualComponentName
95 packageNameToUnqualComponentName = UnqualComponentName . unPackageNameST
97 -- | Converts an unqualified component name to a package name
99 -- `packageNameToUnqualComponentName` is the inverse of
100 -- `unqualComponentNameToPackageName`.
102 -- Useful in legacy situations where a package name may refer to an internal
103 -- component, if one is defined with that name.
105 -- @since
106 unqualComponentNameToPackageName :: UnqualComponentName -> PackageName
107 unqualComponentNameToPackageName = mkPackageNameST . unUnqualComponentNameST
109 -- | Combine names in targets if one name is empty or both names are equal
110 -- (partial function).
111 -- Useful in 'Semigroup' and similar instances.
112 combineNames
113 :: (Monoid b, Eq b, Show b)
114 => a
115 -> a
116 -> (a -> b)
117 -> String
118 -> b
119 combineNames a b tacc tt
120 -- One empty or the same.
121 | nb == mempty
122 || na == nb =
124 | na == mempty =
126 -- Both non-empty, different.
127 | otherwise =
128 error $
129 "Ambiguous values for "
130 ++ tt
131 ++ " field: '"
132 ++ show na
133 ++ "' and '"
134 ++ show nb
135 ++ "'"
136 where
137 (na, nb) = (tacc a, tacc b)
138 {-# INLINEABLE combineNames #-}