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[cabal.git] / cabal-install-solver / src / Distribution / Solver / Modular / RetryLog.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
2 module Distribution.Solver.Modular.RetryLog
3 ( RetryLog
4 , toProgress
5 , fromProgress
6 , mapFailure
7 , retry
8 , failWith
9 , succeedWith
10 , continueWith
11 , tryWith
12 ) where
14 import Distribution.Solver.Compat.Prelude
15 import Prelude ()
17 import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Message
18 import Distribution.Solver.Types.Progress
20 -- | 'Progress' as a difference list that allows efficient appends at failures.
21 newtype RetryLog step fail done = RetryLog {
22 unRetryLog :: forall fail2 . (fail -> Progress step fail2 done)
23 -> Progress step fail2 done
26 -- | /O(1)/. Convert a 'RetryLog' to a 'Progress'.
27 toProgress :: RetryLog step fail done -> Progress step fail done
28 toProgress (RetryLog f) = f Fail
30 -- | /O(N)/. Convert a 'Progress' to a 'RetryLog'.
31 fromProgress :: Progress step fail done -> RetryLog step fail done
32 fromProgress l = RetryLog $ \f -> go f l
33 where
34 go :: (fail1 -> Progress step fail2 done)
35 -> Progress step fail1 done
36 -> Progress step fail2 done
37 go _ (Done d) = Done d
38 go f (Fail failure) = f failure
39 go f (Step m ms) = Step m (go f ms)
41 -- | /O(1)/. Apply a function to the failure value in a log.
42 mapFailure :: (fail1 -> fail2)
43 -> RetryLog step fail1 done
44 -> RetryLog step fail2 done
45 mapFailure f l = retry l $ \failure -> RetryLog $ \g -> g (f failure)
47 -- | /O(1)/. If the first log leads to failure, continue with the second.
48 retry :: RetryLog step fail1 done
49 -> (fail1 -> RetryLog step fail2 done)
50 -> RetryLog step fail2 done
51 retry (RetryLog f) g =
52 RetryLog $ \extendLog -> f $ \failure -> unRetryLog (g failure) extendLog
54 -- | /O(1)/. Create a log with one message before a failure.
55 failWith :: step -> fail -> RetryLog step fail done
56 failWith m failure = RetryLog $ \f -> Step m (f failure)
58 -- | /O(1)/. Create a log with one message before a success.
59 succeedWith :: step -> done -> RetryLog step fail done
60 succeedWith m d = RetryLog $ const $ Step m (Done d)
62 -- | /O(1)/. Prepend a message to a log.
63 continueWith :: step
64 -> RetryLog step fail done
65 -> RetryLog step fail done
66 continueWith m (RetryLog f) = RetryLog $ Step m . f
68 -- | /O(1)/. Prepend the given message and 'Enter' to the log, and insert
69 -- 'Leave' before the failure if the log fails.
70 tryWith :: Message -> RetryLog Message fail done -> RetryLog Message fail done
71 tryWith m f =
72 RetryLog $ Step m . Step Enter . unRetryLog (retry f (failWith Leave))