Support GHC 9.12
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / Program / HcPkg.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 -- |
9 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg
10 -- Copyright : Duncan Coutts 2009, 2013
12 -- Maintainer :
13 -- Portability : portable
15 -- This module provides an library interface to the @hc-pkg@ program.
16 -- Currently only GHC and GHCJS have hc-pkg programs.
17 module Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg
18 ( -- * Types
19 HcPkgInfo (..)
20 , RegisterOptions (..)
21 , defaultRegisterOptions
23 -- * Actions
24 , init
25 , invoke
26 , register
27 , unregister
28 , recache
29 , expose
30 , hide
31 , dump
32 , describe
33 , list
35 -- * Program invocations
36 , initInvocation
37 , registerInvocation
38 , unregisterInvocation
39 , recacheInvocation
40 , exposeInvocation
41 , hideInvocation
42 , dumpInvocation
43 , describeInvocation
44 , listInvocation
45 ) where
47 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude hiding (init)
48 import Prelude ()
50 import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
51 import Distribution.Parsec
52 import Distribution.Pretty
53 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
54 import Distribution.Simple.Errors
55 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Run
56 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types
57 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
58 import Distribution.Types.ComponentId
59 import Distribution.Types.PackageId
60 import Distribution.Types.UnitId
61 import Distribution.Verbosity
63 import Data.List (stripPrefix)
64 import System.FilePath as FilePath (isPathSeparator, joinPath, splitDirectories, splitPath, (<.>), (</>))
66 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
67 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
68 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
69 import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath.Posix
71 -- | Information about the features and capabilities of an @hc-pkg@
72 -- program.
73 data HcPkgInfo = HcPkgInfo
74 { hcPkgProgram :: ConfiguredProgram
75 , noPkgDbStack :: Bool
76 -- ^ no package DB stack supported
77 , noVerboseFlag :: Bool
78 -- ^ hc-pkg does not support verbosity flags
79 , flagPackageConf :: Bool
80 -- ^ use package-conf option instead of package-db
81 , supportsDirDbs :: Bool
82 -- ^ supports directory style package databases
83 , requiresDirDbs :: Bool
84 -- ^ requires directory style package databases
85 , nativeMultiInstance :: Bool
86 -- ^ supports --enable-multi-instance flag
87 , recacheMultiInstance :: Bool
88 -- ^ supports multi-instance via recache
89 , suppressFilesCheck :: Bool
90 -- ^ supports --force-files or equivalent
93 -- | Call @hc-pkg@ to initialise a package database at the location {path}.
95 -- > hc-pkg init {path}
96 init :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO ()
97 init hpi verbosity preferCompat path
98 | not (supportsDirDbs hpi)
99 || (not (requiresDirDbs hpi) && preferCompat) =
100 writeFile path "[]"
101 | otherwise =
102 runProgramInvocation verbosity (initInvocation hpi verbosity path)
104 -- | Run @hc-pkg@ using a given package DB stack, directly forwarding the
105 -- provided command-line arguments to it.
106 invoke :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDBStack -> [String] -> IO ()
107 invoke hpi verbosity dbStack extraArgs =
108 runProgramInvocation verbosity invocation
109 where
110 args = packageDbStackOpts hpi dbStack ++ extraArgs
111 invocation = programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) args
113 -- | Additional variations in the behaviour for 'register'.
114 data RegisterOptions = RegisterOptions
115 { registerAllowOverwrite :: Bool
116 -- ^ Allows re-registering \/ overwriting an existing package
117 , registerMultiInstance :: Bool
118 -- ^ Insist on the ability to register multiple instances of a
119 -- single version of a single package. This will fail if the @hc-pkg@
120 -- does not support it, see 'nativeMultiInstance' and
121 -- 'recacheMultiInstance'.
122 , registerSuppressFilesCheck :: Bool
123 -- ^ Require that no checks are performed on the existence of package
124 -- files mentioned in the registration info. This must be used if
125 -- registering prior to putting the files in their final place. This will
126 -- fail if the @hc-pkg@ does not support it, see 'suppressFilesCheck'.
129 -- | Defaults are @True@, @False@ and @False@
130 defaultRegisterOptions :: RegisterOptions
131 defaultRegisterOptions =
132 RegisterOptions
133 { registerAllowOverwrite = True
134 , registerMultiInstance = False
135 , registerSuppressFilesCheck = False
138 -- | Call @hc-pkg@ to register a package.
140 -- > hc-pkg register {filename | -} [--user | --global | --package-db]
141 register
142 :: HcPkgInfo
143 -> Verbosity
144 -> PackageDBStack
145 -> InstalledPackageInfo
146 -> RegisterOptions
147 -> IO ()
148 register hpi verbosity packagedbs pkgInfo registerOptions
149 | registerMultiInstance registerOptions
150 , not (nativeMultiInstance hpi || recacheMultiInstance hpi) =
151 dieWithException verbosity RegMultipleInstancePkg
152 | registerSuppressFilesCheck registerOptions
153 , not (suppressFilesCheck hpi) =
154 dieWithException verbosity SuppressingChecksOnFile
155 -- This is a trick. Older versions of GHC do not support the
156 -- --enable-multi-instance flag for ghc-pkg register but it turns out that
157 -- the same ability is available by using ghc-pkg recache. The recache
158 -- command is there to support distro package managers that like to work
159 -- by just installing files and running update commands, rather than
160 -- special add/remove commands. So the way to register by this method is
161 -- to write the package registration file directly into the package db and
162 -- then call hc-pkg recache.
164 | registerMultiInstance registerOptions
165 , recacheMultiInstance hpi =
167 let pkgdb = registrationPackageDB packagedbs
168 writeRegistrationFileDirectly verbosity hpi pkgdb pkgInfo
169 recache hpi verbosity pkgdb
170 | otherwise =
171 runProgramInvocation
172 verbosity
173 (registerInvocation hpi verbosity packagedbs pkgInfo registerOptions)
175 writeRegistrationFileDirectly
176 :: Verbosity
177 -> HcPkgInfo
178 -> PackageDB
179 -> InstalledPackageInfo
180 -> IO ()
181 writeRegistrationFileDirectly verbosity hpi (SpecificPackageDB dir) pkgInfo
182 | supportsDirDbs hpi =
184 let pkgfile = dir </> prettyShow (installedUnitId pkgInfo) <.> "conf"
185 writeUTF8File pkgfile (showInstalledPackageInfo pkgInfo)
186 | otherwise =
187 dieWithException verbosity NoSupportDirStylePackageDb
188 writeRegistrationFileDirectly verbosity _ _ _ =
189 -- We don't know here what the dir for the global or user dbs are,
190 -- if that's needed it'll require a bit more plumbing to support.
191 dieWithException verbosity OnlySupportSpecificPackageDb
193 -- | Call @hc-pkg@ to unregister a package
195 -- > hc-pkg unregister [pkgid] [--user | --global | --package-db]
196 unregister :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> PackageId -> IO ()
197 unregister hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid =
198 runProgramInvocation
199 verbosity
200 (unregisterInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid)
202 -- | Call @hc-pkg@ to recache the registered packages.
204 -- > hc-pkg recache [--user | --global | --package-db]
205 recache :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> IO ()
206 recache hpi verbosity packagedb =
207 runProgramInvocation
208 verbosity
209 (recacheInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb)
211 -- | Call @hc-pkg@ to expose a package.
213 -- > hc-pkg expose [pkgid] [--user | --global | --package-db]
214 expose :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> PackageId -> IO ()
215 expose hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid =
216 runProgramInvocation
217 verbosity
218 (exposeInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid)
220 -- | Call @hc-pkg@ to retrieve a specific package
222 -- > hc-pkg describe [pkgid] [--user | --global | --package-db]
223 describe :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDBStack -> PackageId -> IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
224 describe hpi verbosity packagedb pid = do
225 output <-
226 getProgramInvocationLBS
227 verbosity
228 (describeInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb pid)
229 `catchIO` \_ -> return mempty
231 case parsePackages output of
232 Left ok -> return ok
233 _ -> dieWithException verbosity $ FailedToParseOutputDescribe (programId (hcPkgProgram hpi)) pid
235 -- | Call @hc-pkg@ to hide a package.
237 -- > hc-pkg hide [pkgid] [--user | --global | --package-db]
238 hide :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> PackageId -> IO ()
239 hide hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid =
240 runProgramInvocation
241 verbosity
242 (hideInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid)
244 -- | Call @hc-pkg@ to get all the details of all the packages in the given
245 -- package database.
246 dump :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
247 dump hpi verbosity packagedb = do
248 output <-
249 getProgramInvocationLBS
250 verbosity
251 (dumpInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb)
252 `catchIO` \e ->
253 dieWithException verbosity $ DumpFailed (programId (hcPkgProgram hpi)) (displayException e)
255 case parsePackages output of
256 Left ok -> return ok
257 _ -> dieWithException verbosity $ FailedToParseOutputDump (programId (hcPkgProgram hpi))
259 parsePackages :: LBS.ByteString -> Either [InstalledPackageInfo] [String]
260 parsePackages lbs0 =
261 case traverse parseInstalledPackageInfo $ splitPkgs lbs0 of
262 Right ok -> Left [setUnitId . maybe id mungePackagePaths (pkgRoot pkg) $ pkg | (_, pkg) <- ok]
263 Left msgs -> Right (NE.toList msgs)
264 where
265 splitPkgs :: LBS.ByteString -> [BS.ByteString]
266 splitPkgs = checkEmpty . doSplit
267 where
268 -- Handle the case of there being no packages at all.
269 checkEmpty [s] | BS.all isSpace8 s = []
270 checkEmpty ss = ss
272 isSpace8 :: Word8 -> Bool
273 isSpace8 9 = True -- '\t'
274 isSpace8 10 = True -- '\n'
275 isSpace8 13 = True -- '\r'
276 isSpace8 32 = True -- ' '
277 isSpace8 _ = False
279 doSplit :: LBS.ByteString -> [BS.ByteString]
280 doSplit lbs = go (LBS.findIndices (\w -> w == 10 || w == 13) lbs)
281 where
282 go :: [Int64] -> [BS.ByteString]
283 go [] = [LBS.toStrict lbs]
284 go (idx : idxs) =
285 let (pfx, sfx) = LBS.splitAt idx lbs
286 in case foldr (<|>) Nothing $ map (`lbsStripPrefix` sfx) separators of
287 Just sfx' -> LBS.toStrict pfx : doSplit sfx'
288 Nothing -> go idxs
290 separators :: [LBS.ByteString]
291 separators = ["\n---\n", "\r\n---\r\n", "\r---\r"]
293 lbsStripPrefix :: LBS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString -> Maybe LBS.ByteString
294 #if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,8)
295 lbsStripPrefix pfx lbs = LBS.stripPrefix pfx lbs
296 #else
297 lbsStripPrefix pfx lbs
298 | LBS.isPrefixOf pfx lbs = Just (LBS.drop (LBS.length pfx) lbs)
299 | otherwise = Nothing
300 #endif
302 mungePackagePaths :: FilePath -> InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageInfo
303 -- Perform path/URL variable substitution as per the Cabal ${pkgroot} spec
304 -- (
305 -- Paths/URLs can be relative to ${pkgroot} or ${pkgrooturl}.
306 -- The "pkgroot" is the directory containing the package database.
307 mungePackagePaths pkgroot pkginfo =
308 pkginfo
309 { importDirs = mungePaths (importDirs pkginfo)
310 , includeDirs = mungePaths (includeDirs pkginfo)
311 , libraryDirs = mungePaths (libraryDirs pkginfo)
312 , libraryDirsStatic = mungePaths (libraryDirsStatic pkginfo)
313 , libraryDynDirs = mungePaths (libraryDynDirs pkginfo)
314 , frameworkDirs = mungePaths (frameworkDirs pkginfo)
315 , haddockInterfaces = mungePaths (haddockInterfaces pkginfo)
316 , haddockHTMLs = mungeUrls (haddockHTMLs pkginfo)
318 where
319 mungePaths = map mungePath
320 mungeUrls = map mungeUrl
322 mungePath p = case stripVarPrefix "${pkgroot}" p of
323 Just p' -> pkgroot </> p'
324 Nothing -> p
326 mungeUrl p = case stripVarPrefix "${pkgrooturl}" p of
327 Just p' -> toUrlPath pkgroot p'
328 Nothing -> p
330 toUrlPath r p =
331 "file:///"
332 -- URLs always use posix style '/' separators:
333 ++ FilePath.Posix.joinPath (r : FilePath.splitDirectories p)
335 stripVarPrefix var p =
336 case splitPath p of
337 (root : path') -> case stripPrefix var root of
338 Just [sep] | isPathSeparator sep -> Just (joinPath path')
339 _ -> Nothing
340 _ -> Nothing
342 -- Older installed package info files did not have the installedUnitId
343 -- field, so if it is missing then we fill it as the source package ID.
344 -- NB: Internal libraries not supported.
345 setUnitId :: InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageInfo
346 setUnitId
347 pkginfo@InstalledPackageInfo
348 { installedUnitId = uid
349 , sourcePackageId = pid
351 | unUnitId uid == "" =
352 pkginfo
353 { installedUnitId = mkLegacyUnitId pid
354 , installedComponentId_ = mkComponentId (prettyShow pid)
356 setUnitId pkginfo = pkginfo
358 -- | Call @hc-pkg@ to get the source package Id of all the packages in the
359 -- given package database.
361 -- This is much less information than with 'dump', but also rather quicker.
362 -- Note in particular that it does not include the 'UnitId', just
363 -- the source 'PackageId' which is not necessarily unique in any package db.
364 list
365 :: HcPkgInfo
366 -> Verbosity
367 -> PackageDB
368 -> IO [PackageId]
369 list hpi verbosity packagedb = do
370 output <-
371 getProgramInvocationOutput
372 verbosity
373 (listInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb)
374 `catchIO` \_ -> dieWithException verbosity $ ListFailed (programId (hcPkgProgram hpi))
376 case parsePackageIds output of
377 Just ok -> return ok
378 _ -> dieWithException verbosity $ FailedToParseOutputList (programId (hcPkgProgram hpi))
379 where
380 parsePackageIds = traverse simpleParsec . words
382 --------------------------
383 -- The program invocations
386 initInvocation :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> FilePath -> ProgramInvocation
387 initInvocation hpi verbosity path =
388 programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) args
389 where
390 args =
391 ["init", path]
392 ++ verbosityOpts hpi verbosity
394 registerInvocation
395 :: HcPkgInfo
396 -> Verbosity
397 -> PackageDBStack
398 -> InstalledPackageInfo
399 -> RegisterOptions
400 -> ProgramInvocation
401 registerInvocation hpi verbosity packagedbs pkgInfo registerOptions =
402 (programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) (args "-"))
403 { progInvokeInput = Just $ IODataText $ showInstalledPackageInfo pkgInfo
404 , progInvokeInputEncoding = IOEncodingUTF8
406 where
407 cmdname
408 | registerAllowOverwrite registerOptions = "update"
409 | registerMultiInstance registerOptions = "update"
410 | otherwise = "register"
412 args file =
413 [cmdname, file]
414 ++ packageDbStackOpts hpi packagedbs
415 ++ [ "--enable-multi-instance"
416 | registerMultiInstance registerOptions
418 ++ [ "--force-files"
419 | registerSuppressFilesCheck registerOptions
421 ++ verbosityOpts hpi verbosity
423 unregisterInvocation
424 :: HcPkgInfo
425 -> Verbosity
426 -> PackageDB
427 -> PackageId
428 -> ProgramInvocation
429 unregisterInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid =
430 programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) $
431 ["unregister", packageDbOpts hpi packagedb, prettyShow pkgid]
432 ++ verbosityOpts hpi verbosity
434 recacheInvocation
435 :: HcPkgInfo
436 -> Verbosity
437 -> PackageDB
438 -> ProgramInvocation
439 recacheInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb =
440 programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) $
441 ["recache", packageDbOpts hpi packagedb]
442 ++ verbosityOpts hpi verbosity
444 exposeInvocation
445 :: HcPkgInfo
446 -> Verbosity
447 -> PackageDB
448 -> PackageId
449 -> ProgramInvocation
450 exposeInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid =
451 programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) $
452 ["expose", packageDbOpts hpi packagedb, prettyShow pkgid]
453 ++ verbosityOpts hpi verbosity
455 describeInvocation
456 :: HcPkgInfo
457 -> Verbosity
458 -> PackageDBStack
459 -> PackageId
460 -> ProgramInvocation
461 describeInvocation hpi verbosity packagedbs pkgid =
462 programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) $
463 ["describe", prettyShow pkgid]
464 ++ packageDbStackOpts hpi packagedbs
465 ++ verbosityOpts hpi verbosity
467 hideInvocation
468 :: HcPkgInfo
469 -> Verbosity
470 -> PackageDB
471 -> PackageId
472 -> ProgramInvocation
473 hideInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid =
474 programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) $
475 ["hide", packageDbOpts hpi packagedb, prettyShow pkgid]
476 ++ verbosityOpts hpi verbosity
478 dumpInvocation :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> ProgramInvocation
479 dumpInvocation hpi _verbosity packagedb =
480 (programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) args)
481 { progInvokeOutputEncoding = IOEncodingUTF8
483 where
484 args =
485 ["dump", packageDbOpts hpi packagedb]
486 ++ verbosityOpts hpi silent
488 -- We use verbosity level 'silent' because it is important that we
489 -- do not contaminate the output with info/debug messages.
491 listInvocation :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> ProgramInvocation
492 listInvocation hpi _verbosity packagedb =
493 (programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) args)
494 { progInvokeOutputEncoding = IOEncodingUTF8
496 where
497 args =
498 ["list", "--simple-output", packageDbOpts hpi packagedb]
499 ++ verbosityOpts hpi silent
501 -- We use verbosity level 'silent' because it is important that we
502 -- do not contaminate the output with info/debug messages.
504 packageDbStackOpts :: HcPkgInfo -> PackageDBStack -> [String]
505 packageDbStackOpts hpi dbstack
506 | noPkgDbStack hpi = [packageDbOpts hpi (registrationPackageDB dbstack)]
507 | otherwise = case dbstack of
508 (GlobalPackageDB : UserPackageDB : dbs) ->
509 "--global"
510 : "--user"
511 : map specific dbs
512 (GlobalPackageDB : dbs) ->
513 "--global"
514 : ("--no-user-" ++ packageDbFlag hpi)
515 : map specific dbs
516 _ -> ierror
517 where
518 specific (SpecificPackageDB db) = "--" ++ packageDbFlag hpi ++ "=" ++ db
519 specific _ = ierror
520 ierror :: a
521 ierror = error ("internal error: unexpected package db stack: " ++ show dbstack)
523 packageDbFlag :: HcPkgInfo -> String
524 packageDbFlag hpi
525 | flagPackageConf hpi =
526 "package-conf"
527 | otherwise =
528 "package-db"
530 packageDbOpts :: HcPkgInfo -> PackageDB -> String
531 packageDbOpts _ GlobalPackageDB = "--global"
532 packageDbOpts _ UserPackageDB = "--user"
533 packageDbOpts hpi (SpecificPackageDB db) = "--" ++ packageDbFlag hpi ++ "=" ++ db
535 verbosityOpts :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> [String]
536 verbosityOpts hpi v
537 | noVerboseFlag hpi =
539 | v >= deafening = ["-v2"]
540 | v == silent = ["-v0"]
541 | otherwise = []