Merge pull request #10634 from cabalism/hlint/unused-lang-pragma
[cabal.git] / Cabal-syntax / src / Distribution / PackageDescription / PrettyPrint.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- |
8 -- Module : Distribution.PackageDescription.PrettyPrint
9 -- Copyright : Jürgen Nicklisch-Franken 2010
10 -- License : BSD3
12 -- Maintainer :
13 -- Stability : provisional
14 -- Portability : portable
16 -- Pretty printing for cabal files
17 module Distribution.PackageDescription.PrettyPrint
18 ( -- * Generic package descriptions
19 writeGenericPackageDescription
20 , showGenericPackageDescription
21 , ppGenericPackageDescription
23 -- * Package descriptions
24 , writePackageDescription
25 , showPackageDescription
27 -- ** Supplementary build information
28 , writeHookedBuildInfo
29 , showHookedBuildInfo
30 ) where
32 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
33 import Prelude ()
35 import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion
36 import Distribution.Compat.Lens
37 import Distribution.FieldGrammar (PrettyFieldGrammar', prettyFieldGrammar)
38 import Distribution.Fields.Pretty
39 import Distribution.PackageDescription
40 import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration (transformAllBuildInfos)
41 import Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar
42 ( benchmarkFieldGrammar
43 , buildInfoFieldGrammar
44 , executableFieldGrammar
45 , flagFieldGrammar
46 , foreignLibFieldGrammar
47 , libraryFieldGrammar
48 , packageDescriptionFieldGrammar
49 , setupBInfoFieldGrammar
50 , sourceRepoFieldGrammar
51 , testSuiteFieldGrammar
53 import Distribution.Pretty
54 import Distribution.Utils.Generic (writeFileAtomic, writeUTF8File)
56 import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar as FG
57 import qualified Distribution.Types.BuildInfo.Lens as L
58 import qualified Distribution.Types.SetupBuildInfo.Lens as L
60 import Text.PrettyPrint (Doc, char, hsep, parens, text)
62 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS.Char8
63 import qualified Distribution.Compat.NonEmptySet as NES
65 -- | Writes a .cabal file from a generic package description
66 writeGenericPackageDescription :: FilePath -> GenericPackageDescription -> IO ()
67 writeGenericPackageDescription fpath pkg = writeUTF8File fpath (showGenericPackageDescription pkg)
69 -- | Writes a generic package description to a string
70 showGenericPackageDescription :: GenericPackageDescription -> String
71 showGenericPackageDescription gpd = showFields (const NoComment) $ ppGenericPackageDescription v gpd
72 where
73 v = specVersion $ packageDescription gpd
75 -- | Convert a generic package description to 'PrettyField's.
76 ppGenericPackageDescription :: CabalSpecVersion -> GenericPackageDescription -> [PrettyField ()]
77 ppGenericPackageDescription v gpd0 =
78 concat
79 [ ppPackageDescription v (packageDescription gpd)
80 , ppSetupBInfo v (setupBuildInfo (packageDescription gpd))
81 , ppGenPackageFlags v (genPackageFlags gpd)
82 , ppCondLibrary v (condLibrary gpd)
83 , ppCondSubLibraries v (condSubLibraries gpd)
84 , ppCondForeignLibs v (condForeignLibs gpd)
85 , ppCondExecutables v (condExecutables gpd)
86 , ppCondTestSuites v (condTestSuites gpd)
87 , ppCondBenchmarks v (condBenchmarks gpd)
89 where
90 gpd = preProcessInternalDeps (specVersion (packageDescription gpd0)) gpd0
92 ppPackageDescription :: CabalSpecVersion -> PackageDescription -> [PrettyField ()]
93 ppPackageDescription v pd =
94 prettyFieldGrammar v packageDescriptionFieldGrammar pd
95 ++ ppSourceRepos v (sourceRepos pd)
97 ppSourceRepos :: CabalSpecVersion -> [SourceRepo] -> [PrettyField ()]
98 ppSourceRepos = map . ppSourceRepo
100 ppSourceRepo :: CabalSpecVersion -> SourceRepo -> PrettyField ()
101 ppSourceRepo v repo =
102 PrettySection () "source-repository" [pretty kind] $
103 prettyFieldGrammar v (sourceRepoFieldGrammar kind) repo
104 where
105 kind = repoKind repo
107 ppSetupBInfo :: CabalSpecVersion -> Maybe SetupBuildInfo -> [PrettyField ()]
108 ppSetupBInfo _ Nothing = mempty
109 ppSetupBInfo v (Just sbi)
110 | defaultSetupDepends sbi = mempty
111 | otherwise =
112 pure $
113 PrettySection () "custom-setup" [] $
114 prettyFieldGrammar v (setupBInfoFieldGrammar False) sbi
116 ppGenPackageFlags :: CabalSpecVersion -> [PackageFlag] -> [PrettyField ()]
117 ppGenPackageFlags = map . ppFlag
119 ppFlag :: CabalSpecVersion -> PackageFlag -> PrettyField ()
120 ppFlag v flag@(MkPackageFlag name _ _ _) =
121 PrettySection () "flag" [ppFlagName name] $
122 prettyFieldGrammar v (flagFieldGrammar name) flag
124 ppCondTree2 :: CabalSpecVersion -> PrettyFieldGrammar' s -> CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] s -> [PrettyField ()]
125 ppCondTree2 v grammar = go
126 where
127 -- TODO: recognise elif opportunities
128 go (CondNode it _ ifs) =
129 prettyFieldGrammar v grammar it
130 ++ concatMap ppIf ifs
132 ppIf (CondBranch c thenTree Nothing)
133 -- | isEmpty thenDoc = mempty
134 | otherwise = [ppIfCondition c thenDoc]
135 where
136 thenDoc = go thenTree
137 ppIf (CondBranch c thenTree (Just elseTree)) =
138 -- See #6193
139 [ ppIfCondition c (go thenTree)
140 , PrettySection () "else" [] (go elseTree)
143 ppCondLibrary :: CabalSpecVersion -> Maybe (CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Library) -> [PrettyField ()]
144 ppCondLibrary _ Nothing = mempty
145 ppCondLibrary v (Just condTree) =
146 pure $
147 PrettySection () "library" [] $
148 ppCondTree2 v (libraryFieldGrammar LMainLibName) condTree
150 ppCondSubLibraries :: CabalSpecVersion -> [(UnqualComponentName, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Library)] -> [PrettyField ()]
151 ppCondSubLibraries v libs =
152 [ PrettySection () "library" [pretty n] $
153 ppCondTree2 v (libraryFieldGrammar $ LSubLibName n) condTree
154 | (n, condTree) <- libs
157 ppCondForeignLibs :: CabalSpecVersion -> [(UnqualComponentName, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] ForeignLib)] -> [PrettyField ()]
158 ppCondForeignLibs v flibs =
159 [ PrettySection () "foreign-library" [pretty n] $
160 ppCondTree2 v (foreignLibFieldGrammar n) condTree
161 | (n, condTree) <- flibs
164 ppCondExecutables :: CabalSpecVersion -> [(UnqualComponentName, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Executable)] -> [PrettyField ()]
165 ppCondExecutables v exes =
166 [ PrettySection () "executable" [pretty n] $
167 ppCondTree2 v (executableFieldGrammar n) condTree
168 | (n, condTree) <- exes
171 ppCondTestSuites :: CabalSpecVersion -> [(UnqualComponentName, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] TestSuite)] -> [PrettyField ()]
172 ppCondTestSuites v suites =
173 [ PrettySection () "test-suite" [pretty n] $
174 ppCondTree2 v testSuiteFieldGrammar (fmap FG.unvalidateTestSuite condTree)
175 | (n, condTree) <- suites
178 ppCondBenchmarks :: CabalSpecVersion -> [(UnqualComponentName, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Benchmark)] -> [PrettyField ()]
179 ppCondBenchmarks v suites =
180 [ PrettySection () "benchmark" [pretty n] $
181 ppCondTree2 v benchmarkFieldGrammar (fmap FG.unvalidateBenchmark condTree)
182 | (n, condTree) <- suites
185 ppCondition :: Condition ConfVar -> Doc
186 ppCondition (Var x) = ppConfVar x
187 ppCondition (Lit b) = text (show b)
188 ppCondition (CNot c) = char '!' <<>> (ppCondition c)
189 ppCondition (COr c1 c2) =
190 parens
191 ( hsep
192 [ ppCondition c1
193 , text "||"
194 <+> ppCondition c2
197 ppCondition (CAnd c1 c2) =
198 parens
199 ( hsep
200 [ ppCondition c1
201 , text "&&"
202 <+> ppCondition c2
205 ppConfVar :: ConfVar -> Doc
206 ppConfVar (OS os) = text "os" <<>> parens (pretty os)
207 ppConfVar (Arch arch) = text "arch" <<>> parens (pretty arch)
208 ppConfVar (PackageFlag name) = text "flag" <<>> parens (ppFlagName name)
209 ppConfVar (Impl c v) = text "impl" <<>> parens (pretty c <+> pretty v)
211 ppFlagName :: FlagName -> Doc
212 ppFlagName = text . unFlagName
214 ppIfCondition :: Condition ConfVar -> [PrettyField ()] -> PrettyField ()
215 ppIfCondition c = PrettySection () "if" [ppCondition c]
217 -- | @since
218 writePackageDescription :: FilePath -> PackageDescription -> IO ()
219 writePackageDescription fpath pkg = writeUTF8File fpath (showPackageDescription pkg)
221 -- TODO: make this use section syntax
222 -- add equivalent for GenericPackageDescription
224 -- | @since
225 showPackageDescription :: PackageDescription -> String
226 showPackageDescription = showGenericPackageDescription . pdToGpd
228 pdToGpd :: PackageDescription -> GenericPackageDescription
229 pdToGpd pd =
230 GenericPackageDescription
231 { packageDescription = pd
232 , gpdScannedVersion = Nothing
233 , genPackageFlags = []
234 , condLibrary = mkCondTree <$> library pd
235 , condSubLibraries = mkCondTreeL <$> subLibraries pd
236 , condForeignLibs = mkCondTree' foreignLibName <$> foreignLibs pd
237 , condExecutables = mkCondTree' exeName <$> executables pd
238 , condTestSuites = mkCondTree' testName <$> testSuites pd
239 , condBenchmarks = mkCondTree' benchmarkName <$> benchmarks pd
241 where
242 -- We set CondTree's [Dependency] to an empty list, as it
243 -- is not pretty printed anyway.
244 mkCondTree x = CondNode x [] []
245 mkCondTreeL l = (fromMaybe (mkUnqualComponentName "") (libraryNameString (libName l)), CondNode l [] [])
247 mkCondTree'
248 :: (a -> UnqualComponentName)
249 -> a
250 -> (UnqualComponentName, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] a)
251 mkCondTree' f x = (f x, CondNode x [] [])
253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
254 -- Internal libs
255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
257 -- See Note [Dependencies on sublibraries] in Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec
259 preProcessInternalDeps :: CabalSpecVersion -> GenericPackageDescription -> GenericPackageDescription
260 preProcessInternalDeps specVer gpd
261 | specVer >= CabalSpecV3_4 = gpd
262 | otherwise = transformAllBuildInfos transformBI transformSBI gpd
263 where
264 transformBI :: BuildInfo -> BuildInfo
265 transformBI =
266 over L.targetBuildDepends (concatMap transformD)
267 . over L.mixins (map transformM)
269 transformSBI :: SetupBuildInfo -> SetupBuildInfo
270 transformSBI = over L.setupDepends (concatMap transformD)
272 transformD :: Dependency -> [Dependency]
273 transformD (Dependency pn vr ln)
274 | pn == thisPn =
275 if LMainLibName `NES.member` ln
276 then Dependency thisPn vr mainLibSet : sublibs
277 else sublibs
278 where
279 sublibs =
280 [ Dependency (unqualComponentNameToPackageName uqn) vr mainLibSet
281 | LSubLibName uqn <- NES.toList ln
283 transformD d = [d]
285 transformM :: Mixin -> Mixin
286 transformM (Mixin pn (LSubLibName uqn) inc)
287 | pn == thisPn =
288 mkMixin (unqualComponentNameToPackageName uqn) LMainLibName inc
289 transformM m = m
291 thisPn :: PackageName
292 thisPn = pkgName (package (packageDescription gpd))
294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
295 -- HookedBuildInfo
296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
298 -- | @since
299 writeHookedBuildInfo :: FilePath -> HookedBuildInfo -> IO ()
300 writeHookedBuildInfo fpath =
301 writeFileAtomic fpath
302 . BS.Char8.pack
303 . showHookedBuildInfo
305 -- | @since
306 showHookedBuildInfo :: HookedBuildInfo -> String
307 showHookedBuildInfo (mb_lib_bi, ex_bis) =
308 showFields (const NoComment) $
309 maybe mempty (prettyFieldGrammar cabalSpecLatest buildInfoFieldGrammar) mb_lib_bi
310 ++ [ PrettySection () "executable:" [pretty name] $
311 prettyFieldGrammar cabalSpecLatest buildInfoFieldGrammar bi
312 | (name, bi) <- ex_bis