Merge pull request #10634 from cabalism/hlint/unused-lang-pragma
[cabal.git] / Cabal-syntax / src / Distribution / SPDX / LicenseExpression.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4 module Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExpression
5 ( LicenseExpression (..)
6 , SimpleLicenseExpression (..)
7 , simpleLicenseExpression
8 ) where
10 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
11 import Prelude ()
13 import Distribution.Parsec
14 import Distribution.Pretty
15 import Distribution.SPDX.LicenseExceptionId
16 import Distribution.SPDX.LicenseId
17 import Distribution.SPDX.LicenseListVersion
18 import Distribution.SPDX.LicenseReference
19 import Distribution.Utils.Generic (isAsciiAlphaNum)
21 import qualified Distribution.Compat.CharParsing as P
22 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
24 -- | SPDX License Expression.
26 -- @
27 -- idstring = 1*(ALPHA \/ DIGIT \/ "-" \/ "." )
28 -- license id = \<short form license identifier inAppendix I.1>
29 -- license exception id = \<short form license exception identifier inAppendix I.2>
30 -- license ref = [\"DocumentRef-"1*(idstring)":"]\"LicenseRef-"1*(idstring)
32 -- simple expression = license id \/ license id"+" \/ license ref
34 -- compound expression = 1*1(simple expression \/
35 -- simple expression \"WITH" license exception id \/
36 -- compound expression \"AND" compound expression \/
37 -- compound expression \"OR" compound expression ) \/
38 -- "(" compound expression ")" )
40 -- license expression = 1*1(simple expression / compound expression)
41 -- @
42 data LicenseExpression
43 = ELicense !SimpleLicenseExpression !(Maybe LicenseExceptionId)
44 | EAnd !LicenseExpression !LicenseExpression
45 | EOr !LicenseExpression !LicenseExpression
46 deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Generic)
48 -- | Simple License Expressions.
49 data SimpleLicenseExpression
50 = -- | An SPDX License List Short Form Identifier. For example: @GPL-2.0-only@
51 ELicenseId LicenseId
52 | -- | An SPDX License List Short Form Identifier with a unary"+" operator suffix to represent the current version of the license or any later version. For example: @GPL-2.0+@
53 ELicenseIdPlus LicenseId
54 | -- | A SPDX user defined license reference: For example: @LicenseRef-23@, @LicenseRef-MIT-Style-1@, or @DocumentRef-spdx-tool-1.2:LicenseRef-MIT-Style-2@
55 ELicenseRef LicenseRef
56 deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Generic)
58 simpleLicenseExpression :: LicenseId -> LicenseExpression
59 simpleLicenseExpression i = ELicense (ELicenseId i) Nothing
61 instance Binary LicenseExpression
62 instance Binary SimpleLicenseExpression
63 instance Structured SimpleLicenseExpression
64 instance Structured LicenseExpression
66 instance Pretty LicenseExpression where
67 pretty = go 0
68 where
69 go :: Int -> LicenseExpression -> Disp.Doc
70 go _ (ELicense lic exc) =
71 let doc = pretty lic
72 in maybe id (\e d -> d <+> Disp.text "WITH" <+> pretty e) exc doc
73 go d (EAnd e1 e2) = parens (d < 0) $ go 0 e1 <+> Disp.text "AND" <+> go 0 e2
74 go d (EOr e1 e2) = parens (d < 1) $ go 1 e1 <+> Disp.text "OR" <+> go 1 e2
76 parens False doc = doc
77 parens True doc = Disp.parens doc
79 instance Pretty SimpleLicenseExpression where
80 pretty (ELicenseId i) = pretty i
81 pretty (ELicenseIdPlus i) = pretty i <<>> Disp.char '+'
82 pretty (ELicenseRef r) = pretty r
84 instance Parsec SimpleLicenseExpression where
85 parsec = idstring >>= simple
86 where
87 simple n
88 | Just l <- "LicenseRef-" `isPrefixOfMaybe` n =
89 maybe (fail $ "Incorrect LicenseRef format: " ++ n) (return . ELicenseRef) $ mkLicenseRef Nothing l
90 | Just d <- "DocumentRef-" `isPrefixOfMaybe` n = do
91 _ <- P.string ":LicenseRef-"
92 l <- idstring
93 maybe (fail $ "Incorrect LicenseRef format:" ++ n) (return . ELicenseRef) $ mkLicenseRef (Just d) l
94 | otherwise = do
95 v <- askCabalSpecVersion
96 l <-
97 maybe (fail $ "Unknown SPDX license identifier: '" ++ n ++ "' " ++ licenseIdMigrationMessage n) return $
98 mkLicenseId (cabalSpecVersionToSPDXListVersion v) n
99 orLater <- isJust <$> P.optional (P.char '+')
100 if orLater
101 then return (ELicenseIdPlus l)
102 else return (ELicenseId l)
104 idstring :: P.CharParsing m => m String
105 idstring = P.munch1 $ \c -> isAsciiAlphaNum c || c == '-' || c == '.'
107 -- returns suffix part
108 isPrefixOfMaybe :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
109 isPrefixOfMaybe pfx s
110 | pfx `isPrefixOf` s = Just (drop (length pfx) s)
111 | otherwise = Nothing
113 instance Parsec LicenseExpression where
114 parsec = expr
115 where
116 expr = compoundOr
118 simple = do
119 s <- parsec
120 exc <- exception
121 return $ ELicense s exc
123 exception = P.optional $ P.try (spaces1 *> P.string "WITH" *> spaces1) *> parsec
125 compoundOr = do
126 x <- compoundAnd
127 l <- P.optional $ P.try (spaces1 *> P.string "OR" *> spaces1) *> compoundOr
128 return $ maybe id (flip EOr) l x
130 compoundAnd = do
131 x <- compound
132 l <- P.optional $ P.try (spaces1 *> P.string "AND" *> spaces1) *> compoundAnd
133 return $ maybe id (flip EAnd) l x
135 compound = braces <|> simple
137 -- NOTE: we require that there's a space around AND & OR operators,
138 -- i.e. @(MIT)AND(MIT)@ will cause parse-error.
139 braces = do
140 _ <- P.char '('
141 _ <- P.spaces
142 x <- expr
143 _ <- P.char ')'
144 return x
146 spaces1 = *> P.spaces
148 -- notes:
150 -- There MUST NOT be whitespace between a license­id and any following "+".  This supports easy parsing and
151 -- backwards compatibility.  There MUST be whitespace on either side of the operator "WITH".  There MUST be
152 -- whitespace and/or parentheses on either side of the operators "AND" and "OR".
154 -- We handle that by having greedy 'idstring' parser, so MITAND would parse as invalid license identifier.
156 instance NFData LicenseExpression where
157 rnf (ELicense s e) = rnf s `seq` rnf e
158 rnf (EAnd x y) = rnf x `seq` rnf y
159 rnf (EOr x y) = rnf x `seq` rnf y
161 instance NFData SimpleLicenseExpression where
162 rnf (ELicenseId i) = rnf i
163 rnf (ELicenseIdPlus i) = rnf i
164 rnf (ELicenseRef r) = rnf r