Merge pull request #10634 from cabalism/hlint/unused-lang-pragma
[cabal.git] / Cabal-syntax / src / Distribution / Utils / Structured.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
11 -- |
13 -- Copyright: (c) 2019 Oleg Grenrus
15 -- Structurally tag binary serialisation stream.
16 -- Useful when most 'Binary' instances are 'Generic' derived.
18 -- Say you have a data type
20 -- @
21 -- data Record = Record
22 -- { _recordFields :: HM.HashMap Text (Integer, ByteString)
23 -- , _recordEnabled :: Bool
24 -- }
25 -- deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
27 -- instance 'Binary' Record
28 -- instance 'Structured' Record
29 -- @
31 -- then you can serialise and deserialise @Record@ values with a structure tag by simply
33 -- @
34 -- 'structuredEncode' record :: 'LBS.ByteString'
35 -- 'structuredDecode' lbs :: IO Record
36 -- @
38 -- If structure of @Record@ changes in between, deserialisation will fail early.
40 -- Technically, 'Structured' is not related to 'Binary', and may
41 -- be useful in other uses.
42 module Distribution.Utils.Structured
43 ( -- * Encoding and decoding
45 -- | These functions operate like @binary@'s counterparts,
46 -- but the serialised version has a structure hash in front.
47 structuredEncode
48 , structuredEncodeFile
49 , structuredDecode
50 , structuredDecodeOrFailIO
51 , structuredDecodeFileOrFail
53 -- * Structured class
54 , Structured (structure)
55 , MD5
56 , structureHash
57 , structureBuilder
58 , genericStructure
59 , GStructured
60 , nominalStructure
61 , containerStructure
63 -- * Structure type
64 , Structure (..)
65 , Tag (..)
66 , TypeName
67 , ConstructorName
68 , TypeVersion
69 , SopStructure
70 , hashStructure
71 , typeVersion
72 , typeName
73 ) where
75 import Data.Int (Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8)
76 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
77 import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
78 import Data.Ratio (Ratio)
79 import Data.Word (Word, Word16, Word32, Word64, Word8)
81 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
83 import Control.Exception (ErrorCall (..), catch, evaluate)
85 import GHC.Generics
87 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
88 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
89 #if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,4)
90 import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
91 #else
92 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder as Builder
93 #endif
94 import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
95 import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
96 import qualified Data.Map as Map
97 import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
98 import qualified Data.Set as Set
99 import qualified Data.Text as T
100 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
101 import qualified Data.Time as Time
102 import qualified Distribution.Compat.Binary as Binary
104 #ifdef MIN_VERSION_aeson
105 import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
106 #endif
108 import Data.Kind (Type)
109 import Data.Typeable (TypeRep, Typeable, typeRep)
111 import Distribution.Utils.MD5
113 import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
115 import qualified Data.Foldable
116 import qualified Data.Semigroup
118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 -- Types
120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
122 type TypeName = String
123 type ConstructorName = String
125 -- | A semantic version of a data type. Usually 0.
126 type TypeVersion = Word32
128 -- | Structure of a datatype.
130 -- It can be infinite, as far as 'TypeRep's involved are finite.
131 -- (e.g. polymorphic recursion might cause troubles).
132 data Structure
133 = -- | nominal, yet can be parametrised by other structures.
134 Nominal !TypeRep !TypeVersion TypeName [Structure]
135 | -- | a newtype wrapper
136 Newtype !TypeRep !TypeVersion TypeName Structure
137 | -- | sum-of-products structure
138 Structure !TypeRep !TypeVersion TypeName SopStructure
139 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
141 type SopStructure = [(ConstructorName, [Structure])]
143 -- | A MD5 hash digest of 'Structure'.
144 hashStructure :: Structure -> MD5
145 hashStructure = md5 . LBS.toStrict . Builder.toLazyByteString . structureBuilder
147 -- | A van-Laarhoven lens into 'TypeVersion' of 'Structure'
149 -- @
150 -- 'typeVersion' :: Lens' 'Structure' 'TypeVersion'
151 -- @
152 typeVersion :: Functor f => (TypeVersion -> f TypeVersion) -> Structure -> f Structure
153 typeVersion f (Nominal t v n s) = fmap (\v' -> Nominal t v' n s) (f v)
154 typeVersion f (Newtype t v n s) = fmap (\v' -> Newtype t v' n s) (f v)
155 typeVersion f (Structure t v n s) = fmap (\v' -> Structure t v' n s) (f v)
157 -- | A van-Laarhoven lens into 'TypeName' of 'Structure'
159 -- @
160 -- 'typeName' :: Lens' 'Structure' 'TypeName'
161 -- @
162 typeName :: Functor f => (TypeName -> f TypeName) -> Structure -> f Structure
163 typeName f (Nominal t v n s) = fmap (\n' -> Nominal t v n' s) (f n)
164 typeName f (Newtype t v n s) = fmap (\n' -> Newtype t v n' s) (f n)
165 typeName f (Structure t v n s) = fmap (\n' -> Structure t v n' s) (f n)
167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
168 -- Builder
169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
171 -- | Flatten 'Structure' into something we can calculate hash of.
173 -- As 'Structure' can be potentially infinite. For mutually recursive types,
174 -- we keep track of 'TypeRep's, and put just 'TypeRep' name when it's occurred
175 -- another time.
176 structureBuilder :: Structure -> Builder.Builder
177 structureBuilder s0 = State.evalState (go s0) Map.empty
178 where
179 go :: Structure -> State.State (Map.Map String (NonEmpty TypeRep)) Builder.Builder
180 go (Nominal t v n s) = withTypeRep t $ do
181 s' <- traverse go s
182 return $ mconcat $ Builder.word8 1 : Builder.word32LE v : Builder.stringUtf8 n : s'
183 go (Newtype t v n s) = withTypeRep t $ do
184 s' <- go s
185 return $ mconcat [Builder.word8 2, Builder.word32LE v, Builder.stringUtf8 n, s']
186 go (Structure t v n s) = withTypeRep t $ do
187 s' <- goSop s
188 return $ mconcat [Builder.word8 3, Builder.word32LE v, Builder.stringUtf8 n, s']
190 withTypeRep t k = do
191 acc <- State.get
192 case insert t acc of
193 Nothing -> return $ mconcat [Builder.word8 0, Builder.stringUtf8 (show t)]
194 Just acc' -> do
195 State.put acc'
198 goSop :: SopStructure -> State.State (Map.Map String (NonEmpty TypeRep)) Builder.Builder
199 goSop sop = do
200 parts <- traverse part sop
201 return $ mconcat parts
203 part (cn, s) = do
204 s' <- traverse go s
205 return $ Data.Monoid.mconcat [Builder.stringUtf8 cn, mconcat s']
207 insert :: TypeRep -> Map.Map String (NonEmpty TypeRep) -> Maybe (Map.Map String (NonEmpty TypeRep))
208 insert tr m = case Map.lookup trShown m of
209 Nothing -> inserted
210 Just ne
211 | tr `Data.Foldable.elem` ne -> Nothing
212 | otherwise -> inserted
213 where
214 inserted = Just (Map.insertWith (Data.Semigroup.<>) trShown (pure tr) m)
215 trShown = show tr
217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
218 -- Classes
219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
221 -- | Class of types with a known 'Structure'.
223 -- For regular data types 'Structured' can be derived generically.
225 -- @
226 -- data Record = Record { a :: Int, b :: Bool, c :: [Char] } deriving ('Generic')
227 -- instance 'Structured' Record
228 -- @
230 -- @since
231 class Typeable a => Structured a where
232 structure :: Proxy a -> Structure
233 default structure :: (Generic a, GStructured (Rep a)) => Proxy a -> Structure
234 structure = genericStructure
236 -- This member is hidden. It's there to precalc
237 structureHash' :: Tagged a MD5
238 structureHash' = Tagged (hashStructure (structure (Proxy :: Proxy a)))
240 -- private Tagged
241 newtype Tagged a b = Tagged {untag :: b}
243 -- | Semantically @'hashStructure' . 'structure'@.
244 structureHash :: forall a. Structured a => Proxy a -> MD5
245 structureHash _ = untag (structureHash' :: Tagged a MD5)
247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
248 -- Functions
249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
251 -- | Structured 'Binary.encode'.
252 -- Encode a value to using binary serialisation to a lazy 'LBS.ByteString'.
253 -- Encoding starts with 16 byte large structure hash.
254 structuredEncode
255 :: forall a
256 . (Binary.Binary a, Structured a)
257 => a
258 -> LBS.ByteString
259 structuredEncode x = Binary.encode (Tag :: Tag a, x)
261 -- | Lazily serialise a value to a file
262 structuredEncodeFile :: (Binary.Binary a, Structured a) => FilePath -> a -> IO ()
263 structuredEncodeFile f = LBS.writeFile f . structuredEncode
265 -- | Structured 'Binary.decode'.
266 -- Decode a value from a lazy 'LBS.ByteString', reconstructing the original structure.
267 -- Throws pure exception on invalid inputs.
268 structuredDecode
269 :: forall a
270 . (Binary.Binary a, Structured a)
271 => LBS.ByteString
272 -> a
273 structuredDecode lbs = snd (Binary.decode lbs :: (Tag a, a))
275 structuredDecodeOrFailIO :: (Binary.Binary a, Structured a) => LBS.ByteString -> IO (Either String a)
276 structuredDecodeOrFailIO bs =
277 catch (evaluate (structuredDecode bs) >>= return . Right) handler
278 where
279 handler (ErrorCall str) = return $ Left str
281 -- | Lazily reconstruct a value previously written to a file.
282 structuredDecodeFileOrFail :: (Binary.Binary a, Structured a) => FilePath -> IO (Either String a)
283 structuredDecodeFileOrFail f = structuredDecodeOrFailIO =<< LBS.readFile f
285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
286 -- Helper data
287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
289 data Tag a = Tag
291 instance Structured a => Binary.Binary (Tag a) where
292 get = do
293 actual <- binaryGetMD5
294 if actual == expected
295 then return Tag
296 else
297 fail $
298 concat
299 [ "Non-matching structured hashes: "
300 , showMD5 actual
301 , "; expected: "
302 , showMD5 expected
304 where
305 expected = untag (structureHash' :: Tagged a MD5)
307 put _ = binaryPutMD5 expected
308 where
309 expected = untag (structureHash' :: Tagged a MD5)
311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
312 -- Smart constructors
313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
315 -- | Use 'Typeable' to infer name
316 nominalStructure :: Typeable a => Proxy a -> Structure
317 nominalStructure p = Nominal tr 0 (show tr) []
318 where
319 tr = typeRep p
321 containerStructure :: forall f a. (Typeable f, Structured a) => Proxy (f a) -> Structure
322 containerStructure _ =
323 Nominal
324 faTypeRep
326 (show fTypeRep)
327 [ structure (Proxy :: Proxy a)
329 where
330 fTypeRep = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy f)
331 faTypeRep = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy (f a))
333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
334 -- Generic
335 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
337 -- | Derive 'structure' generically.
338 genericStructure :: forall a. (Typeable a, Generic a, GStructured (Rep a)) => Proxy a -> Structure
339 genericStructure _ = gstructured (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)) (Proxy :: Proxy (Rep a)) 0
341 -- | Used to implement 'genericStructure'.
342 class GStructured (f :: Type -> Type) where
343 gstructured :: TypeRep -> Proxy f -> TypeVersion -> Structure
345 instance (i ~ D, Datatype c, GStructuredSum f) => GStructured (M1 i c f) where
346 gstructured tr _ v = case sop of
347 [(_, [s])] | isNewtype p -> Newtype tr v name s
348 _ -> Structure tr v name sop
349 where
350 p = undefined :: M1 i c f ()
351 name = datatypeName p
352 sop = gstructuredSum (Proxy :: Proxy f) []
354 class GStructuredSum (f :: Type -> Type) where
355 gstructuredSum :: Proxy f -> SopStructure -> SopStructure
357 instance (i ~ C, Constructor c, GStructuredProd f) => GStructuredSum (M1 i c f) where
358 gstructuredSum _ xs = (name, prod) : xs
359 where
360 name = conName (undefined :: M1 i c f ())
361 prod = gstructuredProd (Proxy :: Proxy f) []
363 instance (GStructuredSum f, GStructuredSum g) => GStructuredSum (f :+: g) where
364 gstructuredSum _ xs =
365 gstructuredSum (Proxy :: Proxy f) $
366 gstructuredSum (Proxy :: Proxy g) xs
368 instance GStructuredSum V1 where
369 gstructuredSum _ = id
371 class GStructuredProd (f :: Type -> Type) where
372 gstructuredProd :: Proxy f -> [Structure] -> [Structure]
374 instance (i ~ S, GStructuredProd f) => GStructuredProd (M1 i c f) where
375 gstructuredProd _ = gstructuredProd (Proxy :: Proxy f)
377 instance Structured c => GStructuredProd (K1 i c) where
378 gstructuredProd _ xs = structure (Proxy :: Proxy c) : xs
380 instance GStructuredProd U1 where
381 gstructuredProd _ = id
383 instance (GStructuredProd f, GStructuredProd g) => GStructuredProd (f :*: g) where
384 gstructuredProd _ xs =
385 gstructuredProd (Proxy :: Proxy f) $
386 gstructuredProd (Proxy :: Proxy g) xs
388 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
389 -- instances
390 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
392 instance Structured ()
393 instance Structured Bool
394 instance Structured Ordering
396 instance Structured Char where structure = nominalStructure
397 instance Structured Int where structure = nominalStructure
398 instance Structured Integer where structure = nominalStructure
400 instance Structured Data.Word.Word where structure = nominalStructure
402 instance Structured Int8 where structure = nominalStructure
403 instance Structured Int16 where structure = nominalStructure
404 instance Structured Int32 where structure = nominalStructure
405 instance Structured Int64 where structure = nominalStructure
407 instance Structured Word8 where structure = nominalStructure
408 instance Structured Word16 where structure = nominalStructure
409 instance Structured Word32 where structure = nominalStructure
410 instance Structured Word64 where structure = nominalStructure
412 instance Structured Float where structure = nominalStructure
413 instance Structured Double where structure = nominalStructure
415 instance Structured a => Structured (Maybe a)
416 instance (Structured a, Structured b) => Structured (Either a b)
417 instance Structured a => Structured (Ratio a) where structure = containerStructure
418 instance Structured a => Structured [a] where structure = containerStructure
419 instance Structured a => Structured (NonEmpty a) where structure = containerStructure
421 -- These instances are defined directly because the generic names for tuples changed
422 -- in 9.6 (
424 -- By defining our own instances the STuple2 identifier will be used in the hash and
425 -- hence the same on all GHC versions.
427 data STuple2 a b = STuple2 a b deriving (Generic)
428 data STuple3 a b c = STuple3 a b c deriving (Generic)
429 data STuple4 a b c d = STuple4 a b c d deriving (Generic)
430 data STuple5 a b c d e = STuple5 a b c d e deriving (Generic)
431 data STuple6 a b c d e f = STuple6 a b c d e f deriving (Generic)
432 data STuple7 a b c d e f g = STuple7 a b c d e f g deriving (Generic)
434 instance (Structured a1, Structured a2) => Structured (STuple2 a1 a2)
435 instance (Structured a1, Structured a2) => Structured (a1, a2) where
436 structure Proxy = structure @(STuple2 a1 a2) Proxy
438 instance (Structured a1, Structured a2, Structured a3) => Structured (STuple3 a1 a2 a3)
439 instance (Structured a1, Structured a2, Structured a3) => Structured (a1, a2, a3) where
440 structure Proxy = structure @(STuple3 a1 a2 a3) Proxy
442 instance (Structured a1, Structured a2, Structured a3, Structured a4) => Structured (STuple4 a1 a2 a3 a4)
443 instance (Structured a1, Structured a2, Structured a3, Structured a4) => Structured (a1, a2, a3, a4) where
444 structure Proxy = structure @(STuple4 a1 a2 a3 a4) Proxy
446 instance (Structured a1, Structured a2, Structured a3, Structured a4, Structured a5) => Structured (STuple5 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5)
447 instance (Structured a1, Structured a2, Structured a3, Structured a4, Structured a5) => Structured (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) where
448 structure Proxy = structure @(STuple5 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5) Proxy
450 instance (Structured a1, Structured a2, Structured a3, Structured a4, Structured a5, Structured a6) => Structured (STuple6 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6)
451 instance (Structured a1, Structured a2, Structured a3, Structured a4, Structured a5, Structured a6) => Structured (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) where
452 structure Proxy = structure @(STuple6 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6) Proxy
454 instance (Structured a1, Structured a2, Structured a3, Structured a4, Structured a5, Structured a6, Structured a7) => Structured (STuple7 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7)
455 instance (Structured a1, Structured a2, Structured a3, Structured a4, Structured a5, Structured a6, Structured a7) => Structured (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) where
456 structure Proxy = structure @(STuple7 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7) Proxy
458 instance Structured BS.ByteString where structure = nominalStructure
459 instance Structured LBS.ByteString where structure = nominalStructure
461 instance Structured T.Text where structure = nominalStructure
462 instance Structured LT.Text where structure = nominalStructure
464 instance (Structured k, Structured v) => Structured (Map.Map k v) where structure _ = Nominal (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy (Map.Map k v))) 0 "Map" [structure (Proxy :: Proxy k), structure (Proxy :: Proxy v)]
465 instance Structured k => Structured (Set.Set k) where structure = containerStructure
466 instance Structured v => Structured (IM.IntMap v) where structure = containerStructure
467 instance Structured IS.IntSet where structure = nominalStructure
468 instance Structured v => Structured (Seq.Seq v) where structure = containerStructure
470 instance Structured Time.UTCTime where structure = nominalStructure
471 instance Structured Time.DiffTime where structure = nominalStructure
472 instance Structured Time.UniversalTime where structure = nominalStructure
473 instance Structured Time.NominalDiffTime where structure = nominalStructure
474 instance Structured Time.Day where structure = nominalStructure
475 instance Structured Time.TimeZone where structure = nominalStructure
476 instance Structured Time.TimeOfDay where structure = nominalStructure
477 instance Structured Time.LocalTime where structure = nominalStructure