Add migration guide for #9718 (#10578)
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Backpack / Configure.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE NoMonoLocalBinds #-}
10 -- | See <>
12 -- WARNING: The contents of this module are HIGHLY experimental.
13 -- We may refactor it under you.
14 module Distribution.Backpack.Configure
15 ( configureComponentLocalBuildInfos
16 ) where
18 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude hiding ((<>))
19 import Prelude ()
21 import Distribution.Backpack
22 import Distribution.Backpack.ComponentsGraph
23 import Distribution.Backpack.ConfiguredComponent
24 import Distribution.Backpack.FullUnitId
25 import Distribution.Backpack.Id
26 import Distribution.Backpack.LinkedComponent
27 import Distribution.Backpack.PreExistingComponent
28 import Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent
30 import Distribution.Backpack.ModuleShape
31 import Distribution.Compat.Graph (Graph, IsNode (..))
32 import qualified Distribution.Compat.Graph as Graph
33 import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
34 ( InstalledPackageInfo
35 , emptyInstalledPackageInfo
37 import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Installed
38 import Distribution.ModuleName
39 import Distribution.Package
40 import Distribution.PackageDescription
41 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
42 import Distribution.Simple.Flag
43 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
44 import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (InstalledPackageIndex)
45 import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
46 import Distribution.Types.AnnotatedId
47 import Distribution.Types.ComponentInclude
48 import Distribution.Types.ComponentRequestedSpec
49 import Distribution.Types.MungedPackageName
50 import Distribution.Utils.LogProgress
51 import Distribution.Verbosity
53 import Data.Either
54 ( lefts
56 import qualified Data.Map as Map
57 import qualified Data.Set as Set
58 import Distribution.Pretty
59 import Text.PrettyPrint
61 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 -- Pipeline
63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 configureComponentLocalBuildInfos
66 :: Verbosity
67 -> Bool -- use_external_internal_deps
68 -> ComponentRequestedSpec
69 -> Bool -- deterministic
70 -> Flag String -- configIPID
71 -> Flag ComponentId -- configCID
72 -> PackageDescription
73 -> ([PreExistingComponent], [ConfiguredPromisedComponent])
74 -> FlagAssignment -- configConfigurationsFlags
75 -> [(ModuleName, Module)] -- configInstantiateWith
76 -> InstalledPackageIndex
77 -> Compiler
78 -> LogProgress ([ComponentLocalBuildInfo], InstalledPackageIndex)
79 configureComponentLocalBuildInfos
80 verbosity
81 use_external_internal_deps
82 enabled
83 deterministic
84 ipid_flag
85 cid_flag
86 pkg_descr
87 (prePkgDeps, promisedPkgDeps)
88 flags
89 instantiate_with
90 installedPackageSet
91 comp = do
92 -- NB: In single component mode, this returns a *single* component.
93 -- In this graph, the graph is NOT closed.
94 graph0 <- case mkComponentsGraph enabled pkg_descr of
95 Left ccycle -> dieProgress (componentCycleMsg (package pkg_descr) ccycle)
96 Right g -> return (componentsGraphToList g)
97 infoProgress $
98 hang
99 (text "Source component graph:")
101 (dispComponentsWithDeps graph0)
103 let conf_pkg_map =
104 Map.fromListWith
105 Map.union
106 [ ( pc_pkgname pkg
107 , Map.singleton
108 (pc_compname pkg)
109 ( AnnotatedId
110 { ann_id = pc_cid pkg
111 , ann_pid = packageId pkg
112 , ann_cname = pc_compname pkg
116 | pkg <- prePkgDeps
118 `Map.union` Map.fromListWith
119 Map.union
120 [ (pkg, Map.singleton (ann_cname aid) aid)
121 | ConfiguredPromisedComponent pkg aid <- promisedPkgDeps
123 graph1 <-
124 toConfiguredComponents
125 use_external_internal_deps
126 flags
127 deterministic
128 ipid_flag
129 cid_flag
130 pkg_descr
131 conf_pkg_map
132 (map fst graph0)
133 infoProgress $
134 hang
135 (text "Configured component graph:")
137 (vcat (map dispConfiguredComponent graph1))
139 let shape_pkg_map =
140 Map.fromList
141 [ (pc_cid pkg, (pc_open_uid pkg, pc_shape pkg))
142 | pkg <- prePkgDeps
144 `Map.union` Map.fromList
145 [ ( ann_id aid
147 ( DefiniteUnitId
148 ( unsafeMkDefUnitId
149 (mkUnitId (unComponentId (ann_id aid)))
151 , emptyModuleShape
154 | ConfiguredPromisedComponent _ aid <- promisedPkgDeps
156 uid_lookup def_uid
157 | Just pkg <- PackageIndex.lookupUnitId installedPackageSet uid =
158 FullUnitId
159 (Installed.installedComponentId pkg)
160 (Map.fromList (Installed.instantiatedWith pkg))
161 | otherwise = error ("uid_lookup: " ++ prettyShow uid)
162 where
163 uid = unDefUnitId def_uid
164 graph2 <-
165 toLinkedComponents
166 verbosity
167 (not (null promisedPkgDeps))
168 uid_lookup
169 (package pkg_descr)
170 shape_pkg_map
171 graph1
173 infoProgress $
174 hang
175 (text "Linked component graph:")
177 (vcat (map dispLinkedComponent graph2))
179 let pid_map =
180 Map.fromList $
181 [ (pc_uid pkg, pc_munged_id pkg)
182 | pkg <- prePkgDeps
184 ++ [ (Installed.installedUnitId pkg, mungedId pkg)
185 | (_, Module uid _) <- instantiate_with
186 , Just pkg <-
187 [ PackageIndex.lookupUnitId
188 installedPackageSet
189 (unDefUnitId uid)
192 subst = Map.fromList instantiate_with
193 graph3 = toReadyComponents pid_map subst graph2
194 graph4 = Graph.revTopSort (Graph.fromDistinctList graph3)
196 infoProgress $
197 hang
198 (text "Ready component graph:")
200 (vcat (map dispReadyComponent graph4))
202 toComponentLocalBuildInfos comp installedPackageSet promisedPkgDeps pkg_descr prePkgDeps graph4
204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
205 -- ComponentLocalBuildInfo
206 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
208 toComponentLocalBuildInfos
209 :: Compiler
210 -> InstalledPackageIndex -- FULL set
211 -> [ConfiguredPromisedComponent]
212 -> PackageDescription
213 -> [PreExistingComponent] -- external package deps
214 -> [ReadyComponent]
215 -> LogProgress
216 ( [ComponentLocalBuildInfo]
217 , InstalledPackageIndex -- only relevant packages
219 toComponentLocalBuildInfos
220 comp
221 installedPackageSet
222 promisedPkgDeps
223 pkg_descr
224 externalPkgDeps
225 graph = do
226 -- Check and make sure that every instantiated component exists.
227 -- We have to do this now, because prior to linking/instantiating
228 -- we don't actually know what the full set of 'UnitId's we need
229 -- are.
231 -- TODO: This is actually a bit questionable performance-wise,
232 -- since we will pay for the ALL installed packages even if
233 -- they are not related to what we are building. This was true
234 -- in the old configure code.
235 external_graph :: Graph (Either InstalledPackageInfo ReadyComponent)
236 external_graph =
237 Graph.fromDistinctList
238 . map Left
239 $ PackageIndex.allPackages installedPackageSet
240 internal_graph :: Graph (Either InstalledPackageInfo ReadyComponent)
241 internal_graph =
242 Graph.fromDistinctList
243 . map Right
244 $ graph
245 combined_graph = Graph.unionRight external_graph internal_graph
246 local_graph =
247 fromMaybe (error "toComponentLocalBuildInfos: closure returned Nothing") $
248 Graph.closure combined_graph (map nodeKey graph)
249 -- The database of transitively reachable installed packages that the
250 -- external components the package (as a whole) depends on. This will be
251 -- used in several ways:
253 -- * We'll use it to do a consistency check so we're not depending
254 -- on multiple versions of the same package (TODO: someday relax
255 -- this for private dependencies.) See right below.
257 -- * We'll pass it on in the LocalBuildInfo, where preprocessors
258 -- and other things will incorrectly use it to determine what
259 -- the include paths and everything should be.
261 packageDependsIndex = PackageIndex.fromList (lefts local_graph)
262 fullIndex = Graph.fromDistinctList local_graph
264 case Graph.broken fullIndex of
265 [] -> return ()
266 -- If there are promised dependencies, we don't know what the dependencies
267 -- of these are and that can easily lead to a broken graph. So assume that
268 -- any promised package is not broken (ie all its dependencies, transitively,
269 -- will be there). That's a promise.
270 broken
271 | not (null promisedPkgDeps) -> return ()
272 | otherwise ->
273 -- TODO: ppr this
274 dieProgress . text $
275 "The following packages are broken because other"
276 ++ " packages they depend on are missing. These broken "
277 ++ "packages must be rebuilt before they can be used.\n"
278 -- TODO: Undupe.
279 ++ unlines
280 [ "installed package "
281 ++ prettyShow (packageId pkg)
282 ++ " is broken due to missing package "
283 ++ intercalate ", " (map prettyShow deps)
284 | (Left pkg, deps) <- broken
286 ++ unlines
287 [ "planned package "
288 ++ prettyShow (packageId pkg)
289 ++ " is broken due to missing package "
290 ++ intercalate ", " (map prettyShow deps)
291 | (Right pkg, deps) <- broken
294 -- In this section, we'd like to look at the 'packageDependsIndex'
295 -- and see if we've picked multiple versions of the same
296 -- installed package (this is bad, because it means you might
297 -- get an error could not match foo-0.1:Type with foo-0.2:Type).
299 -- What is pseudoTopPkg for? I have no idea. It was used
300 -- in the very original commit which introduced checking for
301 -- inconsistencies 5115bb2be4e13841ea07dc9166b9d9afa5f0d012,
302 -- and then moved out of PackageIndex and put here later.
303 -- TODO: Try this code without it...
305 -- TODO: Move this into a helper function
307 -- TODO: This is probably wrong for Backpack
308 let pseudoTopPkg :: InstalledPackageInfo
309 pseudoTopPkg =
310 emptyInstalledPackageInfo
311 { Installed.installedUnitId = mkLegacyUnitId (packageId pkg_descr)
312 , Installed.sourcePackageId = packageId pkg_descr
313 , Installed.depends = map pc_uid externalPkgDeps
315 case PackageIndex.dependencyInconsistencies
316 . PackageIndex.insert pseudoTopPkg
317 $ packageDependsIndex of
318 [] -> return ()
319 inconsistencies ->
320 warnProgress $
321 hang
322 ( text "This package indirectly depends on multiple versions of the same"
323 <+> text "package. This is very likely to cause a compile failure."
326 ( vcat
327 [ text "package"
328 <+> pretty (packageName user)
329 <+> parens (pretty (installedUnitId user))
330 <+> text "requires"
331 <+> pretty inst
332 | (_dep_key, insts) <- inconsistencies
333 , (inst, users) <- insts
334 , user <- users
337 let clbis = mkLinkedComponentsLocalBuildInfo comp graph
338 -- forM clbis $ \(clbi,deps) -> info verbosity $ "UNIT" ++ hashUnitId (componentUnitId clbi) ++ "\n" ++ intercalate "\n" (map hashUnitId deps)
339 return (clbis, packageDependsIndex)
341 -- Build ComponentLocalBuildInfo for each component we are going
342 -- to build.
344 -- This conversion is lossy; we lose some invariants from ReadyComponent
345 mkLinkedComponentsLocalBuildInfo
346 :: Compiler
347 -> [ReadyComponent]
348 -> [ComponentLocalBuildInfo]
349 mkLinkedComponentsLocalBuildInfo comp rcs = map go rcs
350 where
351 internalUnits = Set.fromList (map rc_uid rcs)
352 isInternal x = Set.member x internalUnits
353 go rc =
354 case rc_component rc of
355 CLib lib ->
356 let convModuleExport (modname', (Module uid modname))
357 | this_uid == unDefUnitId uid
358 , modname' == modname =
359 Installed.ExposedModule modname' Nothing
360 | otherwise =
361 Installed.ExposedModule
362 modname'
363 (Just (OpenModule (DefiniteUnitId uid) modname))
364 convOpenModuleExport (modname', modu@(OpenModule uid modname))
365 | uid == this_open_uid
366 , modname' == modname =
367 Installed.ExposedModule modname' Nothing
368 | otherwise =
369 Installed.ExposedModule modname' (Just modu)
370 convOpenModuleExport (_, OpenModuleVar _) =
371 error "convOpenModuleExport: top-level modvar"
372 exports =
373 -- Loses invariants
374 case rc_i rc of
375 Left indefc ->
376 map convOpenModuleExport $
377 Map.toList (indefc_provides indefc)
378 Right instc ->
379 map convModuleExport $
380 Map.toList (instc_provides instc)
381 insts =
382 case rc_i rc of
383 Left indefc -> [(m, OpenModuleVar m) | m <- indefc_requires indefc]
384 Right instc ->
385 [ (m, OpenModule (DefiniteUnitId uid') m')
386 | (m, Module uid' m') <- instc_insts instc
389 compat_name = MungedPackageName (packageName rc) (libName lib)
390 compat_key = computeCompatPackageKey comp compat_name (packageVersion rc) this_uid
391 in LibComponentLocalBuildInfo
392 { componentPackageDeps = cpds
393 , componentUnitId = this_uid
394 , componentComponentId = this_cid
395 , componentInstantiatedWith = insts
396 , componentIsIndefinite_ = is_indefinite
397 , componentLocalName = cname
398 , componentInternalDeps = internal_deps
399 , componentExeDeps = exe_deps
400 , componentIncludes = includes
401 , componentExposedModules = exports
402 , componentIsPublic = rc_public rc
403 , componentCompatPackageKey = compat_key
404 , componentCompatPackageName = compat_name
406 CFLib _ ->
407 FLibComponentLocalBuildInfo
408 { componentUnitId = this_uid
409 , componentComponentId = this_cid
410 , componentLocalName = cname
411 , componentPackageDeps = cpds
412 , componentExeDeps = exe_deps
413 , componentInternalDeps = internal_deps
414 , componentIncludes = includes
416 CExe _ ->
417 ExeComponentLocalBuildInfo
418 { componentUnitId = this_uid
419 , componentComponentId = this_cid
420 , componentLocalName = cname
421 , componentPackageDeps = cpds
422 , componentExeDeps = exe_deps
423 , componentInternalDeps = internal_deps
424 , componentIncludes = includes
426 CTest _ ->
427 TestComponentLocalBuildInfo
428 { componentUnitId = this_uid
429 , componentComponentId = this_cid
430 , componentLocalName = cname
431 , componentPackageDeps = cpds
432 , componentExeDeps = exe_deps
433 , componentInternalDeps = internal_deps
434 , componentIncludes = includes
436 CBench _ ->
437 BenchComponentLocalBuildInfo
438 { componentUnitId = this_uid
439 , componentComponentId = this_cid
440 , componentLocalName = cname
441 , componentPackageDeps = cpds
442 , componentExeDeps = exe_deps
443 , componentInternalDeps = internal_deps
444 , componentIncludes = includes
446 where
447 this_uid = rc_uid rc
448 this_open_uid = rc_open_uid rc
449 this_cid = rc_cid rc
450 cname = componentName (rc_component rc)
451 cpds = rc_depends rc
452 exe_deps = map ann_id $ rc_exe_deps rc
453 is_indefinite =
454 case rc_i rc of
455 Left _ -> True
456 Right _ -> False
457 includes =
458 map (\ci -> (ci_id ci, ci_renaming ci)) $
459 case rc_i rc of
460 Left indefc ->
461 indefc_includes indefc
462 Right instc ->
464 (\ci -> ci{ci_ann_id = fmap DefiniteUnitId (ci_ann_id ci)})
465 (instc_includes instc)
466 internal_deps = filter isInternal (nodeNeighbors rc)