Add migration guide for #9718 (#10578)
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Backpack / ConfiguredComponent.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
3 -- | See <>
4 module Distribution.Backpack.ConfiguredComponent
5 ( ConfiguredComponent (..)
6 , cc_name
7 , cc_cid
8 , cc_pkgid
9 , toConfiguredComponent
10 , toConfiguredComponents
11 , dispConfiguredComponent
12 , ConfiguredComponentMap
13 , extendConfiguredComponentMap
14 -- TODO: Should go somewhere else
15 , newPackageDepsBehaviour
16 ) where
18 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude hiding ((<>))
19 import Prelude ()
21 import Distribution.Backpack.Id
23 import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion
24 import Distribution.Package
25 import Distribution.PackageDescription
26 import Distribution.Simple.BuildToolDepends
27 import Distribution.Simple.Flag (Flag)
28 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
29 import Distribution.Types.AnnotatedId
30 import Distribution.Types.ComponentInclude
31 import Distribution.Utils.Generic
32 import Distribution.Utils.LogProgress
33 import Distribution.Utils.MapAccum
35 import Control.Monad
36 import qualified Data.Map as Map
37 import qualified Data.Set as Set
38 import qualified Distribution.Compat.NonEmptySet as NonEmptySet
39 import Distribution.Pretty
40 import Text.PrettyPrint (Doc, hang, hsep, quotes, text, vcat, ($$))
41 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP
43 -- | A configured component, we know exactly what its 'ComponentId' is,
44 -- and the 'ComponentId's of the things it depends on.
45 data ConfiguredComponent = ConfiguredComponent
46 { cc_ann_id :: AnnotatedId ComponentId
47 -- ^ Unique identifier of component, plus extra useful info.
48 , cc_component :: Component
49 -- ^ The fragment of syntax from the Cabal file describing this
50 -- component.
51 , cc_public :: Bool
52 -- ^ Is this the public library component of the package?
53 -- (If we invoke Setup with an instantiation, this is the
54 -- component the instantiation applies to.)
55 -- Note that in one-component configure mode, this is
56 -- always True, because any component is the "public" one.)
57 , cc_exe_deps :: [AnnotatedId ComponentId]
58 -- ^ Dependencies on executables from @build-tools@ and
59 -- @build-tool-depends@.
60 , cc_includes :: [ComponentInclude ComponentId IncludeRenaming]
61 -- ^ The mixins of this package, including both explicit (from
62 -- the @mixins@ field) and implicit (from @build-depends@). Not
63 -- mix-in linked yet; component configuration only looks at
64 -- 'ComponentId's.
67 -- | Uniquely identifies a configured component.
68 cc_cid :: ConfiguredComponent -> ComponentId
69 cc_cid = ann_id . cc_ann_id
71 -- | The package this component came from.
72 cc_pkgid :: ConfiguredComponent -> PackageId
73 cc_pkgid = ann_pid . cc_ann_id
75 -- | The 'ComponentName' of a component; this uniquely identifies
76 -- a fragment of syntax within a specified Cabal file describing the
77 -- component.
78 cc_name :: ConfiguredComponent -> ComponentName
79 cc_name = ann_cname . cc_ann_id
81 -- | Pretty-print a 'ConfiguredComponent'.
82 dispConfiguredComponent :: ConfiguredComponent -> Doc
83 dispConfiguredComponent cc =
84 hang
85 (text "component" <+> pretty (cc_cid cc))
87 ( vcat
88 [ hsep $
89 [ text "include"
90 , pretty (ci_id incl)
91 , pretty (ci_renaming incl)
93 | incl <- cc_includes cc
97 -- | Construct a 'ConfiguredComponent', given that the 'ComponentId'
98 -- and library/executable dependencies are known. The primary
99 -- work this does is handling implicit @backpack-include@ fields.
100 mkConfiguredComponent
101 :: PackageDescription
102 -> ComponentId
103 -> [AnnotatedId ComponentId] -- lib deps
104 -> [AnnotatedId ComponentId] -- exe deps
105 -> Component
106 -> LogProgress ConfiguredComponent
107 mkConfiguredComponent pkg_descr this_cid lib_deps exe_deps component = do
108 -- Resolve each @mixins@ into the actual dependency
109 -- from @lib_deps@.
110 explicit_includes <- forM (mixins bi) $ \(Mixin pn ln rns) -> do
111 aid <- case Map.lookup (pn, CLibName ln) deps_map of
112 Nothing ->
113 dieProgress $
114 text "Mix-in refers to non-existent library"
115 <+> quotes (pretty pn <<>> prettyLN ln)
116 $$ text "(did you forget to add the package to build-depends?)"
117 Just r -> return r
118 return
119 ComponentInclude
120 { ci_ann_id = aid
121 , ci_renaming = rns
122 , ci_implicit = False
125 -- Any @build-depends@ which is not explicitly mentioned in
126 -- @backpack-include@ is converted into an "implicit" include.
127 let used_explicitly = Set.fromList (map ci_id explicit_includes)
128 implicit_includes =
130 ( \aid ->
131 ComponentInclude
132 { ci_ann_id = aid
133 , ci_renaming = defaultIncludeRenaming
134 , ci_implicit = True
137 $ filter (flip Set.notMember used_explicitly . ann_id) lib_deps
139 return
140 ConfiguredComponent
141 { cc_ann_id =
142 AnnotatedId
143 { ann_id = this_cid
144 , ann_pid = package pkg_descr
145 , ann_cname = componentName component
147 , cc_component = component
148 , cc_public = is_public
149 , cc_exe_deps = exe_deps
150 , cc_includes = explicit_includes ++ implicit_includes
152 where
153 bi :: BuildInfo
154 bi = componentBuildInfo component
156 prettyLN :: LibraryName -> Doc
157 prettyLN LMainLibName = PP.empty
158 prettyLN (LSubLibName n) = PP.colon <<>> pretty n
160 deps_map :: Map (PackageName, ComponentName) (AnnotatedId ComponentId)
161 deps_map =
162 Map.fromList
163 [ ((packageName dep, ann_cname dep), dep)
164 | dep <- lib_deps
167 is_public = componentName component == CLibName LMainLibName
169 type ConfiguredComponentMap =
170 Map PackageName (Map ComponentName (AnnotatedId ComponentId))
172 toConfiguredComponent
173 :: PackageDescription
174 -> ComponentId
175 -> ConfiguredComponentMap
176 -> ConfiguredComponentMap
177 -> Component
178 -> LogProgress ConfiguredComponent
179 toConfiguredComponent pkg_descr this_cid lib_dep_map exe_dep_map component = do
180 lib_deps <-
181 if newPackageDepsBehaviour pkg_descr
182 then fmap concat $
183 forM (targetBuildDepends bi) $
184 \(Dependency name _ sublibs) -> do
185 case Map.lookup name lib_dep_map of
186 Nothing ->
187 dieProgress $
188 text "Dependency on unbuildable"
189 <+> text "package"
190 <+> pretty name
191 Just pkg -> do
192 -- Return all library components
193 forM (NonEmptySet.toList sublibs) $ \lib ->
194 let comp = CLibName lib
195 in case Map.lookup comp pkg of
196 Nothing ->
197 dieProgress $
198 text "Dependency on unbuildable"
199 <+> text (showLibraryName lib)
200 <+> text "from"
201 <+> pretty name
202 Just v -> return v
203 else return old_style_lib_deps
204 mkConfiguredComponent
205 pkg_descr
206 this_cid
207 lib_deps
208 exe_deps
209 component
210 where
211 bi = componentBuildInfo component
212 -- lib_dep_map contains a mix of internal and external deps.
213 -- We want all the public libraries (dep_cn == CLibName)
214 -- of all external deps (dep /= pn). Note that this
215 -- excludes the public library of the current package:
216 -- this is not supported by old-style deps behavior
217 -- because it would imply a cyclic dependency for the
218 -- library itself.
219 old_style_lib_deps =
221 | (pn, comp_map) <- Map.toList lib_dep_map
222 , pn /= packageName pkg_descr
223 , (cn, e) <- Map.toList comp_map
224 , cn == CLibName LMainLibName
226 -- We have to nub here, because 'getAllToolDependencies' may return
227 -- duplicates (see #4986). (NB: This is not needed for lib_deps,
228 -- since those elaborate into includes, for which there explicitly
229 -- may be multiple instances of a package)
230 exe_deps =
231 ordNub $
232 [ exe
233 | ExeDependency pn cn _ <- getAllToolDependencies pkg_descr bi
234 , -- The error suppression here is important, because in general
235 -- we won't know about external dependencies (e.g., 'happy')
236 -- which the package is attempting to use (those deps are only
237 -- fed in when cabal-install uses this codepath.)
238 -- TODO: Let cabal-install request errors here
239 Just exe <- [Map.lookup (CExeName cn) =<< Map.lookup pn exe_dep_map]
242 -- | Also computes the 'ComponentId', and sets cc_public if necessary.
243 -- This is Cabal-only; cabal-install won't use this.
244 toConfiguredComponent'
245 :: Bool -- use_external_internal_deps
246 -> FlagAssignment
247 -> PackageDescription
248 -> Bool -- deterministic
249 -> Flag String -- configIPID (todo: remove me)
250 -> Flag ComponentId -- configCID
251 -> ConfiguredComponentMap
252 -> Component
253 -> LogProgress ConfiguredComponent
254 toConfiguredComponent'
255 use_external_internal_deps
256 flags
257 pkg_descr
258 deterministic
259 ipid_flag
260 cid_flag
261 dep_map
262 component = do
263 cc <-
264 toConfiguredComponent
265 pkg_descr
266 this_cid
267 dep_map
268 dep_map
269 component
270 return $
271 if use_external_internal_deps
272 then cc{cc_public = True}
273 else cc
274 where
275 -- TODO: pass component names to it too!
276 this_cid =
277 computeComponentId
278 deterministic
279 ipid_flag
280 cid_flag
281 (package pkg_descr)
282 (componentName component)
283 (Just (deps, flags))
284 deps =
285 [ ann_id aid | m <- Map.elems dep_map, aid <- Map.elems m
288 extendConfiguredComponentMap
289 :: ConfiguredComponent
290 -> ConfiguredComponentMap
291 -> ConfiguredComponentMap
292 extendConfiguredComponentMap cc =
293 Map.insertWith
294 Map.union
295 (pkgName (cc_pkgid cc))
296 (Map.singleton (cc_name cc) (cc_ann_id cc))
298 -- Compute the 'ComponentId's for a graph of 'Component's. The
299 -- list of internal components must be topologically sorted
300 -- based on internal package dependencies, so that any internal
301 -- dependency points to an entry earlier in the list.
303 -- TODO: This function currently restricts the input configured components to
304 -- one version per package, by using the type ConfiguredComponentMap. It cannot
305 -- be used to configure a component that depends on one version of a package for
306 -- a library and another version for a build-tool.
307 toConfiguredComponents
308 :: Bool -- use_external_internal_deps
309 -> FlagAssignment
310 -> Bool -- deterministic
311 -> Flag String -- configIPID
312 -> Flag ComponentId -- configCID
313 -> PackageDescription
314 -> ConfiguredComponentMap
315 -> [Component]
316 -> LogProgress [ConfiguredComponent]
317 toConfiguredComponents
318 use_external_internal_deps
319 flags
320 deterministic
321 ipid_flag
322 cid_flag
323 pkg_descr
324 dep_map
325 comps =
326 fmap snd (mapAccumM go dep_map comps)
327 where
328 go m component = do
329 cc <-
330 toConfiguredComponent'
331 use_external_internal_deps
332 flags
333 pkg_descr
334 deterministic
335 ipid_flag
336 cid_flag
338 component
339 return (extendConfiguredComponentMap cc m, cc)
341 newPackageDepsBehaviourMinVersion :: CabalSpecVersion
342 newPackageDepsBehaviourMinVersion = CabalSpecV1_8
344 -- In older cabal versions, there was only one set of package dependencies for
345 -- the whole package. In this version, we can have separate dependencies per
346 -- target, but we only enable this behaviour if the minimum cabal version
347 -- specified is >= a certain minimum. Otherwise, for compatibility we use the
348 -- old behaviour.
349 newPackageDepsBehaviour :: PackageDescription -> Bool
350 newPackageDepsBehaviour pkg =
351 specVersion pkg >= newPackageDepsBehaviourMinVersion