Merge pull request #10599 from cabalism/typo/depency
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / Glob.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 -- |
10 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Glob
11 -- Copyright : Isaac Jones, Simon Marlow 2003-2004
12 -- License : BSD3
13 -- portions Copyright (c) 2007, Galois Inc.
15 -- Maintainer :
16 -- Portability : portable
18 -- Simple file globbing.
19 module Distribution.Simple.Glob
20 ( -- * Globs
21 Glob
23 -- * Matching on globs
24 , GlobResult (..)
25 , globMatches
26 , fileGlobMatches
27 , matchGlob
28 , matchGlobPieces
29 , matchDirFileGlob
30 , matchDirFileGlobWithDie
31 , runDirFileGlob
33 -- * Parsing globs
34 , parseFileGlob
35 , GlobSyntaxError (..)
36 , explainGlobSyntaxError
38 -- * Utility
39 , isRecursiveInRoot
41 where
43 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
44 import Prelude ()
46 import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion
47 ( CabalSpecVersion (..)
49 import Distribution.Pretty
50 import Distribution.Simple.Errors
51 ( CabalException (MatchDirFileGlob, MatchDirFileGlobErrors)
53 import Distribution.Simple.Glob.Internal
54 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
55 ( debug
56 , dieWithException
57 , getDirectoryContentsRecursive
58 , warn
60 import Distribution.Utils.Path
61 import Distribution.Verbosity
62 ( Verbosity
63 , silent
66 import Control.Monad (mapM)
67 import Data.List (stripPrefix)
68 import System.Directory
69 import System.FilePath hiding ((<.>), (</>))
71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 -- * Matching
75 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 -- | Match a 'Glob' against the file system, starting from a
78 -- given root directory. The results are all relative to the given root.
80 -- @since
81 matchGlob :: FilePath -> Glob -> IO [FilePath]
82 matchGlob root glob =
83 -- For this function, which is the general globbing one (doesn't care about
84 -- cabal spec, used e.g. for monitoring), we consider all matches.
85 mapMaybe
86 ( \case
87 GlobMatch a -> Just a
88 GlobWarnMultiDot a -> Just a
89 GlobMatchesDirectory a -> Just a
90 GlobMissingDirectory{} -> Nothing
92 <$> runDirFileGlob silent Nothing root glob
94 -- | Match a globbing pattern against a file path component
95 matchGlobPieces :: GlobPieces -> String -> Bool
96 matchGlobPieces = goStart
97 where
98 -- From the man page, glob(7):
99 -- "If a filename starts with a '.', this character must be
100 -- matched explicitly."
102 go, goStart :: [GlobPiece] -> String -> Bool
104 goStart (WildCard : _) ('.' : _) = False
105 goStart (Union globs : rest) cs =
107 (\glob -> goStart (glob ++ rest) cs)
108 globs
109 goStart rest cs = go rest cs
111 go [] "" = True
112 go (Literal lit : rest) cs
113 | Just cs' <- stripPrefix lit cs =
114 go rest cs'
115 | otherwise = False
116 go [WildCard] "" = True
117 go (WildCard : rest) (c : cs) = go rest (c : cs) || go (WildCard : rest) cs
118 go (Union globs : rest) cs = any (\glob -> go (glob ++ rest) cs) globs
119 go [] (_ : _) = False
120 go (_ : _) "" = False
122 -- | Extract the matches from a list of 'GlobResult's.
124 -- Note: throws away the 'GlobMissingDirectory' results; chances are
125 -- that you want to check for these and error out if any are present.
127 -- @since
128 globMatches :: [GlobResult a] -> [a]
129 globMatches input = [a | GlobMatch a <- input]
131 -- | This will 'die'' when the glob matches no files, or if the glob
132 -- refers to a missing directory, or if the glob fails to parse.
134 -- The 'Version' argument must be the spec version of the package
135 -- description being processed, as globs behave slightly differently
136 -- in different spec versions.
138 -- The first 'FilePath' argument is the directory that the glob is
139 -- relative to. It must be a valid directory (and hence it can't be
140 -- the empty string). The returned values will not include this
141 -- prefix.
143 -- The second 'FilePath' is the glob itself.
144 matchDirFileGlob
145 :: Verbosity
146 -> CabalSpecVersion
147 -> Maybe (SymbolicPath CWD (Dir dir))
148 -> SymbolicPathX allowAbs dir file
149 -> IO [SymbolicPathX allowAbs dir file]
150 matchDirFileGlob v = matchDirFileGlobWithDie v dieWithException
152 -- | Like 'matchDirFileGlob' but with customizable 'die'
154 -- @since
155 matchDirFileGlobWithDie
156 :: Verbosity
157 -> (forall res. Verbosity -> CabalException -> IO [res])
158 -> CabalSpecVersion
159 -> Maybe (SymbolicPath CWD (Dir dir))
160 -> SymbolicPathX allowAbs dir file
161 -> IO [SymbolicPathX allowAbs dir file]
162 matchDirFileGlobWithDie verbosity rip version mbWorkDir symPath =
163 let rawFilePath = getSymbolicPath symPath
164 dir = maybe "." getSymbolicPath mbWorkDir
165 in case parseFileGlob version rawFilePath of
166 Left err -> rip verbosity $ MatchDirFileGlob (explainGlobSyntaxError rawFilePath err)
167 Right glob -> do
168 results <- runDirFileGlob verbosity (Just version) dir glob
169 let missingDirectories =
170 [missingDir | GlobMissingDirectory missingDir <- results]
171 matches = globMatches results
172 directoryMatches = [a | GlobMatchesDirectory a <- results]
174 let errors :: [String]
175 errors =
176 [ "filepath wildcard '"
177 ++ rawFilePath
178 ++ "' refers to the directory"
179 ++ " '"
180 ++ missingDir
181 ++ "', which does not exist or is not a directory."
182 | missingDir <- missingDirectories
184 ++ [ "filepath wildcard '" ++ rawFilePath ++ "' does not match any files."
185 | null matches && null directoryMatches
186 -- we don't error out on directory matches, simply warn about them and ignore.
189 warns :: [String]
190 warns =
191 [ "Ignoring directory '" ++ path ++ "'" ++ " listed in a Cabal package field which should only include files (not directories)."
192 | path <- directoryMatches
195 if null errors
196 then do
197 unless (null warns) $
198 warn verbosity $
199 unlines warns
200 return $ map unsafeMakeSymbolicPath matches
201 else rip verbosity $ MatchDirFileGlobErrors errors
203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
205 -- * Parsing & printing
207 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
208 -- Filepaths with globs may be parsed in the special context is globbing in
209 -- cabal package fields, such as `data-files`. In that case, we restrict the
210 -- globbing syntax to that supported by the cabal spec version in use.
211 -- Otherwise, we parse the globs to the extent of our globbing features
212 -- (wildcards `*`, unions `{a,b,c}`, and directory-recursive wildcards `**`).
214 -- ** Parsing globs in a cabal package
216 parseFileGlob :: CabalSpecVersion -> FilePath -> Either GlobSyntaxError Glob
217 parseFileGlob version filepath = case reverse (splitDirectories filepath) of
218 [] ->
219 Left EmptyGlob
220 (filename : "**" : segments)
221 | allowGlobStar -> do
222 finalSegment <- case splitExtensions filename of
223 ("*", ext)
224 | '*' `elem` ext -> Left StarInExtension
225 | null ext -> Left NoExtensionOnStar
226 | otherwise -> Right (GlobDirRecursive [WildCard, Literal ext])
228 | allowLiteralFilenameGlobStar ->
229 Right (GlobDirRecursive [Literal filename])
230 | otherwise ->
231 Left LiteralFileNameGlobStar
233 foldM addStem finalSegment segments
234 | otherwise -> Left VersionDoesNotSupportGlobStar
235 (filename : segments) -> do
236 pat <- case splitExtensions filename of
237 ("*", ext)
238 | not allowGlob -> Left VersionDoesNotSupportGlob
239 | '*' `elem` ext -> Left StarInExtension
240 | null ext -> Left NoExtensionOnStar
241 | otherwise -> Right (GlobFile [WildCard, Literal ext])
242 (_, ext)
243 | '*' `elem` ext -> Left StarInExtension
244 | '*' `elem` filename -> Left StarInFileName
245 | otherwise -> Right (GlobFile [Literal filename])
247 foldM addStem pat segments
248 where
249 addStem pat seg
250 | '*' `elem` seg = Left StarInDirectory
251 | otherwise = Right (GlobDir [Literal seg] pat)
252 allowGlob = version >= CabalSpecV1_6
253 allowGlobStar = version >= CabalSpecV2_4
254 allowLiteralFilenameGlobStar = version >= CabalSpecV3_8
256 enableMultidot :: CabalSpecVersion -> Bool
257 enableMultidot version
258 | version >= CabalSpecV2_4 = True
259 | otherwise = False
261 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
262 -- Parse and printing utils
263 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
265 -- ** Cabal package globbing errors
267 data GlobSyntaxError
268 = StarInDirectory
269 | StarInFileName
270 | StarInExtension
271 | NoExtensionOnStar
272 | EmptyGlob
273 | LiteralFileNameGlobStar
274 | VersionDoesNotSupportGlobStar
275 | VersionDoesNotSupportGlob
276 deriving (Eq, Show)
278 explainGlobSyntaxError :: FilePath -> GlobSyntaxError -> String
279 explainGlobSyntaxError filepath StarInDirectory =
280 "invalid file glob '"
281 ++ filepath
282 ++ "'. A wildcard '**' is only allowed as the final parent"
283 ++ " directory. Stars must not otherwise appear in the parent"
284 ++ " directories."
285 explainGlobSyntaxError filepath StarInExtension =
286 "invalid file glob '"
287 ++ filepath
288 ++ "'. Wildcards '*' are only allowed as the"
289 ++ " file's base name, not in the file extension."
290 explainGlobSyntaxError filepath StarInFileName =
291 "invalid file glob '"
292 ++ filepath
293 ++ "'. Wildcards '*' may only totally replace the"
294 ++ " file's base name, not only parts of it."
295 explainGlobSyntaxError filepath NoExtensionOnStar =
296 "invalid file glob '"
297 ++ filepath
298 ++ "'. If a wildcard '*' is used it must be with an file extension."
299 explainGlobSyntaxError filepath LiteralFileNameGlobStar =
300 "invalid file glob '"
301 ++ filepath
302 ++ "'. Prior to 'cabal-version: 3.8'"
303 ++ " if a wildcard '**' is used as a parent directory, the"
304 ++ " file's base name must be a wildcard '*'."
305 explainGlobSyntaxError _ EmptyGlob =
306 "invalid file glob. A glob cannot be the empty string."
307 explainGlobSyntaxError filepath VersionDoesNotSupportGlobStar =
308 "invalid file glob '"
309 ++ filepath
310 ++ "'. Using the double-star syntax requires 'cabal-version: 2.4'"
311 ++ " or greater. Alternatively, for compatibility with earlier Cabal"
312 ++ " versions, list the included directories explicitly."
313 explainGlobSyntaxError filepath VersionDoesNotSupportGlob =
314 "invalid file glob '"
315 ++ filepath
316 ++ "'. Using star wildcards requires 'cabal-version: >= 1.6'. "
317 ++ "Alternatively if you require compatibility with earlier Cabal "
318 ++ "versions then list all the files explicitly."
320 -- Note throughout that we use splitDirectories, not splitPath. On
321 -- Posix, this makes no difference, but, because Windows accepts both
322 -- slash and backslash as its path separators, if we left in the
323 -- separators from the glob we might not end up properly normalised.
325 data GlobResult a
326 = -- | The glob matched the value supplied.
327 GlobMatch a
328 | -- | The glob did not match the value supplied because the
329 -- cabal-version is too low and the extensions on the file did
330 -- not precisely match the glob's extensions, but rather the
331 -- glob was a proper suffix of the file's extensions; i.e., if
332 -- not for the low cabal-version, it would have matched.
333 GlobWarnMultiDot a
334 | -- | The glob couldn't match because the directory named doesn't
335 -- exist. The directory will be as it appears in the glob (i.e.,
336 -- relative to the directory passed to 'matchDirFileGlob', and,
337 -- for 'data-files', relative to 'data-dir').
338 GlobMissingDirectory a
339 | -- | The glob matched a directory when we were looking for files only.
340 -- It didn't match a file!
342 -- @since
343 GlobMatchesDirectory a
344 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor)
346 -- | Match files against a pre-parsed glob, starting in a directory.
348 -- The 'Version' argument must be the spec version of the package
349 -- description being processed, as globs behave slightly differently
350 -- in different spec versions.
352 -- The 'FilePath' argument is the directory that the glob is relative
353 -- to. It must be a valid directory (and hence it can't be the empty
354 -- string). The returned values will not include this prefix.
355 runDirFileGlob
356 :: Verbosity
357 -> Maybe CabalSpecVersion
358 -- ^ If the glob we are running should care about the cabal spec, and warnings such as 'GlobWarnMultiDot', then this should be the version.
359 -- If you want to run a glob but don't care about any of the cabal-spec restrictions on globs, use 'Nothing'!
360 -> FilePath
361 -> Glob
362 -> IO [GlobResult FilePath]
363 runDirFileGlob verbosity mspec rawRoot pat = do
364 -- The default data-dir is null. Our callers -should- be
365 -- converting that to '.' themselves, but it's a certainty that
366 -- some future call-site will forget and trigger a really
367 -- hard-to-debug failure if we don't check for that here.
368 when (null rawRoot) $
369 warn verbosity $
370 "Null dir passed to runDirFileGlob; interpreting it "
371 ++ "as '.'. This is probably an internal error."
372 let root = if null rawRoot then "." else rawRoot
373 debug verbosity $ "Expanding glob '" ++ show (pretty pat) ++ "' in directory '" ++ root ++ "'."
374 -- This function might be called from the project root with dir as
375 -- ".". Walking the tree starting there involves going into .git/
376 -- and dist-newstyle/, which is a lot of work for no reward, so
377 -- extract the constant prefix from the pattern and start walking
378 -- there, and only walk as much as we need to: recursively if **,
379 -- the whole directory if *, and just the specific file if it's a
380 -- literal.
382 (prefixSegments, variablePattern) = splitConstantPrefix pat
383 joinedPrefix = joinPath prefixSegments
385 -- The glob matching function depends on whether we care about the cabal version or not
386 doesGlobMatch :: GlobPieces -> String -> Maybe (GlobResult ())
387 doesGlobMatch glob str = case mspec of
388 Just spec -> checkNameMatches spec glob str
389 Nothing -> if matchGlobPieces glob str then Just (GlobMatch ()) else Nothing
391 go (GlobFile glob) dir = do
392 entries <- getDirectoryContents (root </> dir)
393 catMaybes
394 <$> mapM
395 ( \s -> do
396 -- When running a glob from a Cabal package description (i.e.
397 -- when a cabal spec version is passed as an argument), we
398 -- disallow matching a @GlobFile@ against a directory, preferring
399 -- @GlobDir dir GlobDirTrailing@ to specify a directory match.
400 isFile <- maybe (return True) (const $ doesFileExist (root </> dir </> s)) mspec
401 let match = (dir </> s <$) <$> doesGlobMatch glob s
402 return $
403 if isFile
404 then match
405 else case match of
406 Just (GlobMatch x) -> Just $ GlobMatchesDirectory x
407 Just (GlobWarnMultiDot x) -> Just $ GlobMatchesDirectory x
408 Just (GlobMatchesDirectory x) -> Just $ GlobMatchesDirectory x
409 Just (GlobMissingDirectory x) -> Just $ GlobMissingDirectory x -- this should never match, unless you are in a file-delete-heavy concurrent setting i guess
410 Nothing -> Nothing
412 entries
413 go (GlobDirRecursive glob) dir = do
414 entries <- getDirectoryContentsRecursive (root </> dir)
415 return $
416 mapMaybe
417 ( \s -> do
418 globMatch <- doesGlobMatch glob (takeFileName s)
419 pure ((dir </> s) <$ globMatch)
421 entries
422 go (GlobDir glob globPath) dir = do
423 entries <- getDirectoryContents (root </> dir)
424 subdirs <-
425 filterM
426 ( \subdir ->
427 doesDirectoryExist
428 (root </> dir </> subdir)
430 $ filter (matchGlobPieces glob) entries
431 concat <$> traverse (\subdir -> go globPath (dir </> subdir)) subdirs
432 go GlobDirTrailing dir = return [GlobMatch dir]
434 directoryExists <- doesDirectoryExist (root </> joinedPrefix)
435 if directoryExists
436 then go variablePattern joinedPrefix
437 else return [GlobMissingDirectory joinedPrefix]
438 where
439 -- \| Extract the (possibly null) constant prefix from the pattern.
440 -- This has the property that, if @(pref, final) = splitConstantPrefix pat@,
441 -- then @pat === foldr GlobDir final pref@.
442 splitConstantPrefix :: Glob -> ([FilePath], Glob)
443 splitConstantPrefix = unfoldr' step
444 where
445 step (GlobDir [Literal seg] pat') = Right (seg, pat')
446 step pat' = Left pat'
448 unfoldr' :: (a -> Either r (b, a)) -> a -> ([b], r)
449 unfoldr' f a = case f a of
450 Left r -> ([], r)
451 Right (b, a') -> case unfoldr' f a' of
452 (bs, r) -> (b : bs, r)
454 -- | Is the root of this relative glob path a directory-recursive wildcard, e.g. @**/*.txt@ ?
455 isRecursiveInRoot :: Glob -> Bool
456 isRecursiveInRoot (GlobDirRecursive _) = True
457 isRecursiveInRoot _ = False
459 -- | Check how the string matches the glob under this cabal version
460 checkNameMatches :: CabalSpecVersion -> GlobPieces -> String -> Maybe (GlobResult ())
461 checkNameMatches spec glob candidate
462 -- Check if glob matches in its general form
463 | matchGlobPieces glob candidate =
464 -- if multidot is supported, then this is a clean match
465 if enableMultidot spec
466 then pure (GlobMatch ())
467 else -- if not, issue a warning saying multidot is needed for the match
469 let (_, candidateExts) = splitExtensions $ takeFileName candidate
470 extractExts :: GlobPieces -> Maybe String
471 extractExts [] = Nothing
472 extractExts [Literal lit]
473 -- Any literal terminating a glob, and which does have an extension,
474 -- returns that extension. Otherwise, recurse until Nothing is returned.
475 | let ext = takeExtensions lit
476 , ext /= "" =
477 Just ext
478 extractExts (_ : x) = extractExts x
479 in case extractExts glob of
480 Just exts
481 | exts == candidateExts ->
482 return (GlobMatch ())
483 | exts `isSuffixOf` candidateExts ->
484 return (GlobWarnMultiDot ())
485 _ -> return (GlobMatch ())
486 | otherwise = empty
488 -- | How/does the glob match the given filepath, according to the cabal version?
489 -- Since this is pure, we don't make a distinction between matching on
490 -- directories or files (i.e. this function won't return 'GlobMatchesDirectory')
491 fileGlobMatches :: CabalSpecVersion -> Glob -> FilePath -> Maybe (GlobResult ())
492 fileGlobMatches version g path = go g (splitDirectories path)
493 where
494 go GlobDirTrailing [] = Just (GlobMatch ())
495 go (GlobFile glob) [file] = checkNameMatches version glob file
496 go (GlobDirRecursive glob) dirs
497 | [] <- reverse dirs =
498 Nothing -- @dir/**/x.txt@ should not match @dir/hello@
499 | file : _ <- reverse dirs =
500 checkNameMatches version glob file
501 go (GlobDir glob globPath) (dir : dirs) = do
502 _ <- checkNameMatches version glob dir -- we only care if dir segment matches
503 go globPath dirs
504 go _ _ = Nothing