Merge pull request #10525 from 9999years/field-stanza-names
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / CmdListBin.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
7 module Distribution.Client.CmdListBin
8 ( listbinCommand
9 , listbinAction
11 -- * Internals exposed for testing
12 , selectPackageTargets
13 , selectComponentTarget
14 , noComponentsProblem
15 , matchesMultipleProblem
16 , multipleTargetsProblem
17 , componentNotRightKindProblem
18 ) where
20 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
21 import Prelude ()
23 import Distribution.Client.CmdErrorMessages
24 ( plural
25 , renderListCommaAnd
26 , renderTargetProblem
27 , renderTargetProblemNoTargets
28 , renderTargetSelector
29 , showTargetSelector
30 , targetSelectorFilter
31 , targetSelectorPluralPkgs
33 import Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout (DistDirLayout (..))
34 import Distribution.Client.NixStyleOptions
35 ( NixStyleFlags (..)
36 , defaultNixStyleFlags
37 , nixStyleOptions
39 import Distribution.Client.ProjectOrchestration
40 import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning.Types
41 import Distribution.Client.ScriptUtils
42 ( AcceptNoTargets (..)
43 , TargetContext (..)
44 , movedExePath
45 , updateContextAndWriteProjectFile
46 , withContextAndSelectors
48 import Distribution.Client.Setup (GlobalFlags (..))
49 import Distribution.Client.TargetProblem (TargetProblem (..))
50 import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths (dllExtension, exeExtension)
51 import Distribution.Simple.Command (CommandUI (..))
52 import Distribution.Simple.Setup (configCommonFlags, fromFlagOrDefault, setupVerbosity)
53 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (dieWithException, withOutputMarker, wrapText)
54 import Distribution.System (Platform)
55 import Distribution.Types.ComponentName (showComponentName)
56 import Distribution.Types.UnitId (UnitId)
57 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName (UnqualComponentName)
58 import Distribution.Verbosity (silent, verboseStderr)
59 import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
61 import qualified Data.Map as Map
62 import qualified Data.Set as Set
63 import Distribution.Client.Errors
64 import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as IP
65 import qualified Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs as InstallDirs
66 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.ComponentDeps as CD
68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 -- Command
70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 listbinCommand :: CommandUI (NixStyleFlags ())
73 listbinCommand =
74 CommandUI
75 { commandName = "list-bin"
76 , commandSynopsis = "List the path to a single executable."
77 , commandUsage = \pname ->
78 "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " list-bin [FLAGS] TARGET\n"
79 , commandDescription = Just $ \_ ->
80 wrapText
81 "List the path to a build product."
82 , commandNotes = Nothing
83 , commandDefaultFlags = defaultNixStyleFlags ()
84 , commandOptions = nixStyleOptions (const [])
87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
88 -- Action
89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 listbinAction :: NixStyleFlags () -> [String] -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
92 listbinAction flags@NixStyleFlags{..} args globalFlags = do
93 -- fail early if multiple target selectors specified
94 target <- case args of
95 [] -> dieWithException verbosity NoTargetProvided
96 [x] -> return x
97 _ -> dieWithException verbosity OneTargetRequired
99 -- configure and elaborate target selectors
100 withContextAndSelectors RejectNoTargets (Just ExeKind) flags [target] globalFlags OtherCommand $ \targetCtx ctx targetSelectors -> do
101 baseCtx <- case targetCtx of
102 ProjectContext -> return ctx
103 GlobalContext -> return ctx
104 ScriptContext path exemeta -> updateContextAndWriteProjectFile ctx path exemeta
106 buildCtx <-
107 runProjectPreBuildPhase verbosity baseCtx $ \elaboratedPlan -> do
108 -- Interpret the targets on the command line as build targets
109 -- (as opposed to say repl or haddock targets).
110 targets <-
111 either (reportTargetProblems verbosity) return $
112 resolveTargets
113 selectPackageTargets
114 selectComponentTarget
115 elaboratedPlan
116 Nothing
117 targetSelectors
119 -- Reject multiple targets, or at least targets in different
120 -- components. It is ok to have two module/file targets in the
121 -- same component, but not two that live in different components.
123 -- Note that we discard the target and return the whole 'TargetsMap',
124 -- so this check will be repeated (and must succeed) after
125 -- the 'runProjectPreBuildPhase'. Keep it in mind when modifying this.
126 _ <-
127 singleComponentOrElse
128 ( reportTargetProblems
129 verbosity
130 [multipleTargetsProblem targets]
132 targets
134 let elaboratedPlan' =
135 pruneInstallPlanToTargets
136 TargetActionBuild
137 targets
138 elaboratedPlan
139 return (elaboratedPlan', targets)
141 (selectedUnitId, selectedComponent) <-
142 -- Slight duplication with 'runProjectPreBuildPhase'.
143 singleComponentOrElse
144 ( dieWithException verbosity ThisIsABug
146 $ targetsMap buildCtx
148 printPlan verbosity baseCtx buildCtx
150 binfiles <- case Map.lookup selectedUnitId $ IP.toMap (elaboratedPlanOriginal buildCtx) of
151 Nothing -> dieWithException verbosity NoOrMultipleTargetsGiven
152 Just gpp ->
153 return $
154 IP.foldPlanPackage
155 (const []) -- IPI don't have executables
156 (elaboratedPackage (distDirLayout baseCtx) (elaboratedShared buildCtx) selectedComponent)
159 case binfiles of
160 [] -> dieWithException verbosity NoTargetFound
161 [exe] -> putStr $ withOutputMarker verbosity $ exe ++ "\n"
162 -- Andreas, 2023-01-13, issue #8400:
163 -- Regular output of `list-bin` should go to stdout unconditionally,
164 -- but for the sake of the testsuite, we want to mark it so it goes
165 -- into the golden value for the test.
166 -- Note: 'withOutputMarker' only checks 'isVerboseMarkOutput',
167 -- thus, we can reuse @verbosity@ here, even if other components
168 -- of @verbosity@ may be wrong (like 'VStderr', verbosity level etc.).
169 -- Andreas, 2023-01-20:
170 -- Appending the newline character here rather than using 'putStrLn'
171 -- because an active 'withOutputMarker' produces text that ends
172 -- in newline characters.
173 _ -> dieWithException verbosity MultipleTargetsFound
174 where
175 defaultVerbosity = verboseStderr silent
176 verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault defaultVerbosity (setupVerbosity $ configCommonFlags configFlags)
178 -- this is copied from
179 elaboratedPackage
180 :: DistDirLayout
181 -> ElaboratedSharedConfig
182 -> UnqualComponentName
183 -> ElaboratedConfiguredPackage
184 -> [FilePath]
185 elaboratedPackage distDirLayout elaboratedSharedConfig selectedComponent elab = case elabPkgOrComp elab of
186 ElabPackage pkg ->
187 [ bin
188 | (c, _) <-
189 CD.toList $
191 (pkgLibDependencies pkg)
192 (pkgExeDependencies pkg)
193 , bin <- bin_file c
195 ElabComponent comp -> bin_file (compSolverName comp)
196 where
197 dist_dir = distBuildDirectory distDirLayout (elabDistDirParams elaboratedSharedConfig elab)
199 bin_file c = case c of
200 CD.ComponentExe s
201 | s == selectedComponent -> [moved_bin_file s]
202 CD.ComponentTest s
203 | s == selectedComponent -> [bin_file' s]
204 CD.ComponentBench s
205 | s == selectedComponent -> [bin_file' s]
206 CD.ComponentFLib s
207 | s == selectedComponent -> [flib_file' s]
208 _ -> []
210 plat :: Platform
211 plat = pkgConfigPlatform elaboratedSharedConfig
213 -- here and in PlanOutput,
214 -- use binDirectoryFor?
215 bin_file' s =
216 if isInplaceBuildStyle (elabBuildStyle elab)
217 then dist_dir </> "build" </> prettyShow s </> prettyShow s <.> exeExtension plat
218 else InstallDirs.bindir (elabInstallDirs elab) </> prettyShow s <.> exeExtension plat
220 flib_file' s =
221 if isInplaceBuildStyle (elabBuildStyle elab)
222 then dist_dir </> "build" </> prettyShow s </> ("lib" ++ prettyShow s) <.> dllExtension plat
223 else InstallDirs.bindir (elabInstallDirs elab) </> ("lib" ++ prettyShow s) <.> dllExtension plat
225 moved_bin_file s = fromMaybe (bin_file' s) (movedExePath selectedComponent distDirLayout elaboratedSharedConfig elab)
227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
228 -- Target Problem: the very similar to CmdRun
229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
231 singleComponentOrElse :: IO (UnitId, UnqualComponentName) -> TargetsMap -> IO (UnitId, UnqualComponentName)
232 singleComponentOrElse action targetsMap =
233 case Set.toList . distinctTargetComponents $ targetsMap of
234 [(unitId, CExeName component)] -> return (unitId, component)
235 [(unitId, CTestName component)] -> return (unitId, component)
236 [(unitId, CBenchName component)] -> return (unitId, component)
237 [(unitId, CFLibName component)] -> return (unitId, component)
238 _ -> action
240 -- | This defines what a 'TargetSelector' means for the @list-bin@ command.
241 -- It selects the 'AvailableTarget's that the 'TargetSelector' refers to,
242 -- or otherwise classifies the problem.
244 -- For the @list-bin@ command we select the exe or flib if there is only one
245 -- and it's buildable. Fail if there are no or multiple buildable exe components.
246 selectPackageTargets
247 :: TargetSelector
248 -> [AvailableTarget k]
249 -> Either ListBinTargetProblem [k]
250 selectPackageTargets targetSelector targets
251 -- If there is a single executable component, select that. See #7403
252 | [target] <- targetsExesBuildable =
253 Right [target]
254 -- Otherwise, if there is a single executable-like component left, select that.
255 | [target] <- targetsExeLikesBuildable =
256 Right [target]
257 -- but fail if there are multiple buildable executables.
258 | not (null targetsExeLikesBuildable) =
259 Left (matchesMultipleProblem targetSelector targetsExeLikesBuildable')
260 -- If there are executables but none are buildable then we report those
261 | not (null targetsExeLikes') =
262 Left (TargetProblemNoneEnabled targetSelector targetsExeLikes')
263 -- If there are no executables but some other targets then we report that
264 | not (null targets) =
265 Left (noComponentsProblem targetSelector)
266 -- If there are no targets at all then we report that
267 | otherwise =
268 Left (TargetProblemNoTargets targetSelector)
269 where
270 -- Targets that are precisely executables
271 targetsExes = filterTargetsKind ExeKind targets
272 targetsExesBuildable = selectBuildableTargets targetsExes
274 -- Any target that could be executed
275 targetsExeLikes =
276 targetsExes
277 ++ filterTargetsKind TestKind targets
278 ++ filterTargetsKind BenchKind targets
280 ( targetsExeLikesBuildable
281 , targetsExeLikesBuildable'
282 ) = selectBuildableTargets' targetsExeLikes
284 targetsExeLikes' = forgetTargetsDetail targetsExeLikes
286 -- | For a 'TargetComponent' 'TargetSelector', check if the component can be
287 -- selected.
289 -- For the @run@ command we just need to check it is a executable-like
290 -- (an executable, a test, or a benchmark), in addition
291 -- to the basic checks on being buildable etc.
292 selectComponentTarget
293 :: SubComponentTarget
294 -> AvailableTarget k
295 -> Either ListBinTargetProblem k
296 selectComponentTarget subtarget@WholeComponent t =
297 case availableTargetComponentName t of
298 CExeName _ -> component
299 CTestName _ -> component
300 CBenchName _ -> component
301 CFLibName _ -> component
302 _ -> Left (componentNotRightKindProblem pkgid cname)
303 where
304 pkgid = availableTargetPackageId t
305 cname = availableTargetComponentName t
306 component = selectComponentTargetBasic subtarget t
307 selectComponentTarget subtarget t =
308 Left
309 ( isSubComponentProblem
310 (availableTargetPackageId t)
311 (availableTargetComponentName t)
312 subtarget
315 -- | The various error conditions that can occur when matching a
316 -- 'TargetSelector' against 'AvailableTarget's for the @run@ command.
317 data ListBinProblem
318 = -- | The 'TargetSelector' matches targets but no executables
319 TargetProblemNoRightComps TargetSelector
320 | -- | A single 'TargetSelector' matches multiple targets
321 TargetProblemMatchesMultiple TargetSelector [AvailableTarget ()]
322 | -- | Multiple 'TargetSelector's match multiple targets
323 TargetProblemMultipleTargets TargetsMap
324 | -- | The 'TargetSelector' refers to a component that is not an executable
325 TargetProblemComponentNotRightKind PackageId ComponentName
326 | -- | Asking to run an individual file or module is not supported
327 TargetProblemIsSubComponent PackageId ComponentName SubComponentTarget
328 deriving (Eq, Show)
330 type ListBinTargetProblem = TargetProblem ListBinProblem
332 noComponentsProblem :: TargetSelector -> ListBinTargetProblem
333 noComponentsProblem = CustomTargetProblem . TargetProblemNoRightComps
335 matchesMultipleProblem :: TargetSelector -> [AvailableTarget ()] -> ListBinTargetProblem
336 matchesMultipleProblem selector targets =
337 CustomTargetProblem $
338 TargetProblemMatchesMultiple selector targets
340 multipleTargetsProblem :: TargetsMap -> TargetProblem ListBinProblem
341 multipleTargetsProblem = CustomTargetProblem . TargetProblemMultipleTargets
343 componentNotRightKindProblem :: PackageId -> ComponentName -> TargetProblem ListBinProblem
344 componentNotRightKindProblem pkgid name =
345 CustomTargetProblem $
346 TargetProblemComponentNotRightKind pkgid name
348 isSubComponentProblem
349 :: PackageId
350 -> ComponentName
351 -> SubComponentTarget
352 -> TargetProblem ListBinProblem
353 isSubComponentProblem pkgid name subcomponent =
354 CustomTargetProblem $
355 TargetProblemIsSubComponent pkgid name subcomponent
357 reportTargetProblems :: Verbosity -> [ListBinTargetProblem] -> IO a
358 reportTargetProblems verbosity =
359 dieWithException verbosity . ListBinTargetException . unlines . map renderListBinTargetProblem
361 renderListBinTargetProblem :: ListBinTargetProblem -> String
362 renderListBinTargetProblem (TargetProblemNoTargets targetSelector) =
363 case targetSelectorFilter targetSelector of
364 Just kind
365 | kind /= ExeKind ->
366 "The list-bin command is for finding binaries, but the target '"
367 ++ showTargetSelector targetSelector
368 ++ "' refers to "
369 ++ renderTargetSelector targetSelector
370 ++ "."
371 _ -> renderTargetProblemNoTargets "list-bin" targetSelector
372 renderListBinTargetProblem problem =
373 renderTargetProblem "list-bin" renderListBinProblem problem
375 renderListBinProblem :: ListBinProblem -> String
376 renderListBinProblem (TargetProblemMatchesMultiple targetSelector targets) =
377 "The list-bin command is for finding a single binary at once. The target '"
378 ++ showTargetSelector targetSelector
379 ++ "' refers to "
380 ++ renderTargetSelector targetSelector
381 ++ " which includes "
382 ++ renderListCommaAnd
383 ( ("the " ++)
384 <$> showComponentName
385 <$> availableTargetComponentName
386 <$> foldMap
387 (\kind -> filterTargetsKind kind targets)
388 [ExeKind, TestKind, BenchKind]
390 ++ "."
391 renderListBinProblem (TargetProblemMultipleTargets selectorMap) =
392 "The list-bin command is for finding a single binary at once. The targets "
393 ++ renderListCommaAnd
394 [ "'" ++ showTargetSelector ts ++ "'"
395 | ts <- uniqueTargetSelectors selectorMap
397 ++ " refer to different executables."
398 renderListBinProblem (TargetProblemComponentNotRightKind pkgid cname) =
399 "The list-bin command is for finding binaries, but the target '"
400 ++ showTargetSelector targetSelector
401 ++ "' refers to "
402 ++ renderTargetSelector targetSelector
403 ++ " from the package "
404 ++ prettyShow pkgid
405 ++ "."
406 where
407 targetSelector = TargetComponent pkgid cname WholeComponent
408 renderListBinProblem (TargetProblemIsSubComponent pkgid cname subtarget) =
409 "The list-bin command can only find a binary as a whole, "
410 ++ "not files or modules within them, but the target '"
411 ++ showTargetSelector targetSelector
412 ++ "' refers to "
413 ++ renderTargetSelector targetSelector
414 ++ "."
415 where
416 targetSelector = TargetComponent pkgid cname subtarget
417 renderListBinProblem (TargetProblemNoRightComps targetSelector) =
418 "Cannot list-bin the target '"
419 ++ showTargetSelector targetSelector
420 ++ "' which refers to "
421 ++ renderTargetSelector targetSelector
422 ++ " because "
423 ++ plural (targetSelectorPluralPkgs targetSelector) "it does" "they do"
424 ++ " not contain any executables or foreign libraries."