Merge pull request #10525 from 9999years/field-stanza-names
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / ProjectBuilding.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE NoMonoLocalBinds #-}
11 module Distribution.Client.ProjectBuilding
12 ( -- * Dry run phase
14 -- | What bits of the plan will we execute? The dry run does not change
15 -- anything but tells us what will need to be built.
16 rebuildTargetsDryRun
17 , improveInstallPlanWithUpToDatePackages
19 -- ** Build status
21 -- | This is the detailed status information we get from the dry run.
22 , BuildStatusMap
23 , BuildStatus (..)
24 , BuildStatusRebuild (..)
25 , BuildReason (..)
26 , MonitorChangedReason (..)
27 , buildStatusToString
29 -- * Build phase
31 -- | Now we actually execute the plan.
32 , rebuildTargets
34 -- ** Build outcomes
36 -- | This is the outcome for each package of executing the plan.
37 -- For each package, did the build succeed or fail?
38 , BuildOutcomes
39 , BuildOutcome
40 , BuildResult (..)
41 , BuildFailure (..)
42 , BuildFailureReason (..)
43 ) where
45 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
46 import Prelude ()
48 import Distribution.Client.ProjectBuilding.Types
49 import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig
50 import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig.Types
51 import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning
52 import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning.Types
53 import Distribution.Client.Store
55 import Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout
56 import Distribution.Client.FetchUtils
57 import Distribution.Client.GlobalFlags (RepoContext)
58 import Distribution.Client.InstallPlan
59 ( GenericInstallPlan
60 , GenericPlanPackage
61 , IsUnit
63 import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
64 import Distribution.Client.JobControl
65 import qualified Distribution.Client.Tar as Tar
66 import Distribution.Client.Types hiding
67 ( BuildFailure (..)
68 , BuildOutcome
69 , BuildOutcomes
70 , BuildResult (..)
73 import Distribution.Package
74 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
75 import Distribution.Simple.Program
76 import qualified Distribution.Simple.Register as Cabal
78 import Distribution.Compat.Graph (IsNode (..))
79 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
80 import Distribution.Utils.Path hiding
81 ( (<.>)
82 , (</>)
84 import Distribution.Version
86 import qualified Data.Map as Map
87 import qualified Data.Set as Set
89 import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
91 import Control.Exception (assert, handle)
92 import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, renameDirectory)
93 import System.FilePath (makeRelative, normalise, takeDirectory, (<.>), (</>))
94 import System.Semaphore (SemaphoreName (..))
96 import Distribution.Client.Errors
97 import Distribution.Simple.Flag (fromFlagOrDefault)
99 import Distribution.Client.ProjectBuilding.PackageFileMonitor
100 import Distribution.Client.ProjectBuilding.UnpackedPackage (annotateFailureNoLog, buildAndInstallUnpackedPackage, buildInplaceUnpackedPackage)
102 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 -- * Overall building strategy.
106 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 -- We start with an 'ElaboratedInstallPlan' that has already been improved by
109 -- reusing packages from the store, and pruned to include only the targets of
110 -- interest and their dependencies. So the remaining packages in the
111 -- 'InstallPlan.Configured' state are ones we either need to build or rebuild.
113 -- First, we do a preliminary dry run phase where we work out which packages
114 -- we really need to (re)build, and for the ones we do need to build which
115 -- build phase to start at.
117 -- We use this to improve the 'ElaboratedInstallPlan' again by changing
118 -- up-to-date 'InstallPlan.Configured' packages to 'InstallPlan.Installed'
119 -- so that the build phase will skip them.
121 -- Then we execute the plan, that is actually build packages. The outcomes of
122 -- trying to build all the packages are collected and returned.
124 -- We split things like this (dry run and execute) for a couple reasons.
125 -- Firstly we need to be able to do dry runs anyway, and these need to be
126 -- reasonably accurate in terms of letting users know what (and why) things
127 -- are going to be (re)built.
129 -- Given that we need to be able to do dry runs, it would not be great if
130 -- we had to repeat all the same work when we do it for real. Not only is
131 -- it duplicate work, but it's duplicate code which is likely to get out of
132 -- sync. So we do things only once. We preserve info we discover in the dry
133 -- run phase and rely on it later when we build things for real. This also
134 -- somewhat simplifies the build phase. So this way the dry run can't so
135 -- easily drift out of sync with the real thing since we're relying on the
136 -- info it produces.
138 -- An additional advantage is that it makes it easier to debug rebuild
139 -- errors (ie rebuilding too much or too little), since all the rebuild
140 -- decisions are made without making any state changes at the same time
141 -- (that would make it harder to reproduce the problem situation).
143 -- Finally, we can use the dry run build status and the build outcomes to
144 -- give us some information on the overall status of packages in the project.
145 -- This includes limited information about the status of things that were
146 -- not actually in the subset of the plan that was used for the dry run or
147 -- execution phases. In particular we may know that some packages are now
148 -- definitely out of date. See "Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanOutput" for
149 -- details.
151 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
153 -- * Dry run: what bits of the 'ElaboratedInstallPlan' will we execute?
155 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
157 -- Refer to ProjectBuilding.Types for details of these important types:
159 -- type BuildStatusMap = ...
160 -- data BuildStatus = ...
161 -- data BuildStatusRebuild = ...
162 -- data BuildReason = ...
164 -- | Do the dry run pass. This is a prerequisite of 'rebuildTargets'.
166 -- It gives us the 'BuildStatusMap'. This should be used with
167 -- 'improveInstallPlanWithUpToDatePackages' to give an improved version of
168 -- the 'ElaboratedInstallPlan' with packages switched to the
169 -- 'InstallPlan.Installed' state when we find that they're already up to date.
170 rebuildTargetsDryRun
171 :: DistDirLayout
172 -> ElaboratedSharedConfig
173 -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
174 -> IO BuildStatusMap
175 rebuildTargetsDryRun distDirLayout@DistDirLayout{..} shared =
176 -- Do the various checks to work out the 'BuildStatus' of each package
177 foldMInstallPlanDepOrder dryRunPkg
178 where
179 dryRunPkg
180 :: ElaboratedPlanPackage
181 -> [BuildStatus]
182 -> IO BuildStatus
183 dryRunPkg (InstallPlan.PreExisting _pkg) _depsBuildStatus =
184 return BuildStatusPreExisting
185 dryRunPkg (InstallPlan.Installed _pkg) _depsBuildStatus =
186 return BuildStatusInstalled
187 dryRunPkg (InstallPlan.Configured pkg) depsBuildStatus = do
188 mloc <- checkFetched (elabPkgSourceLocation pkg)
189 case mloc of
190 Nothing -> return BuildStatusDownload
191 Just (LocalUnpackedPackage srcdir) ->
192 -- For the case of a user-managed local dir, irrespective of the
193 -- build style, we build from that directory and put build
194 -- artifacts under the shared dist directory.
195 dryRunLocalPkg pkg depsBuildStatus srcdir
196 -- The rest cases are all tarball cases are,
197 -- and handled the same as each other though depending on the build style.
198 Just (LocalTarballPackage tarball) ->
199 dryRunTarballPkg pkg depsBuildStatus tarball
200 Just (RemoteTarballPackage _ tarball) ->
201 dryRunTarballPkg pkg depsBuildStatus tarball
202 Just (RepoTarballPackage _ _ tarball) ->
203 dryRunTarballPkg pkg depsBuildStatus tarball
204 Just (RemoteSourceRepoPackage _repo tarball) ->
205 dryRunTarballPkg pkg depsBuildStatus tarball
207 dryRunTarballPkg
208 :: ElaboratedConfiguredPackage
209 -> [BuildStatus]
210 -> FilePath
211 -> IO BuildStatus
212 dryRunTarballPkg pkg depsBuildStatus tarball =
213 case elabBuildStyle pkg of
214 BuildAndInstall -> return (BuildStatusUnpack tarball)
215 BuildInplaceOnly{} -> do
216 -- TODO: [nice to have] use a proper file monitor rather
217 -- than this dir exists test
218 exists <- doesDirectoryExist srcdir
219 if exists
220 then dryRunLocalPkg pkg depsBuildStatus srcdir
221 else return (BuildStatusUnpack tarball)
222 where
223 srcdir :: FilePath
224 srcdir = distUnpackedSrcDirectory (packageId pkg)
226 dryRunLocalPkg
227 :: ElaboratedConfiguredPackage
228 -> [BuildStatus]
229 -> FilePath
230 -> IO BuildStatus
231 dryRunLocalPkg pkg depsBuildStatus srcdir = do
232 -- Go and do lots of I/O, reading caches and probing files to work out
233 -- if anything has changed
234 change <-
235 checkPackageFileMonitorChanged
236 packageFileMonitor
238 srcdir
239 depsBuildStatus
240 case change of
241 -- It did change, giving us 'BuildStatusRebuild' info on why
242 Left rebuild ->
243 return (BuildStatusRebuild srcdir rebuild)
244 -- No changes, the package is up to date. Use the saved build results.
245 Right buildResult ->
246 return (BuildStatusUpToDate buildResult)
247 where
248 packageFileMonitor :: PackageFileMonitor
249 packageFileMonitor =
250 newPackageFileMonitor
251 shared
252 distDirLayout
253 (elabDistDirParams shared pkg)
255 -- | A specialised traversal over the packages in an install plan.
257 -- The packages are visited in dependency order, starting with packages with no
258 -- dependencies. The result for each package is accumulated into a 'Map' and
259 -- returned as the final result. In addition, when visiting a package, the
260 -- visiting function is passed the results for all the immediate package
261 -- dependencies. This can be used to propagate information from dependencies.
262 foldMInstallPlanDepOrder
263 :: forall m ipkg srcpkg b
264 . (Monad m, IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg)
265 => ( GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg
266 -> [b]
267 -> m b
269 -> GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg
270 -> m (Map UnitId b)
271 foldMInstallPlanDepOrder visit =
272 go Map.empty . InstallPlan.reverseTopologicalOrder
273 where
275 :: Map UnitId b
276 -> [GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg]
277 -> m (Map UnitId b)
278 go !results [] = return results
279 go !results (pkg : pkgs) = do
280 -- we go in the right order so the results map has entries for all deps
281 let depresults :: [b]
282 depresults =
284 ( \ipkgid ->
285 let result = Map.findWithDefault (error "foldMInstallPlanDepOrder") ipkgid results
286 in result
288 (InstallPlan.depends pkg)
289 result <- visit pkg depresults
290 let results' = Map.insert (nodeKey pkg) result results
291 go results' pkgs
293 improveInstallPlanWithUpToDatePackages
294 :: BuildStatusMap
295 -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
296 -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
297 improveInstallPlanWithUpToDatePackages pkgsBuildStatus =
298 InstallPlan.installed canPackageBeImproved
299 where
300 canPackageBeImproved :: ElaboratedConfiguredPackage -> Bool
301 canPackageBeImproved pkg =
302 case Map.lookup (installedUnitId pkg) pkgsBuildStatus of
303 Just BuildStatusUpToDate{} -> True
304 Just _ -> False
305 Nothing ->
306 error $
307 "improveInstallPlanWithUpToDatePackages: "
308 ++ prettyShow (packageId pkg)
309 ++ " not in status map"
311 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
313 -- * Doing it: executing an 'ElaboratedInstallPlan'
315 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
317 -- Refer to ProjectBuilding.Types for details of these important types:
319 -- type BuildOutcomes = ...
320 -- type BuildOutcome = ...
321 -- data BuildResult = ...
322 -- data BuildFailure = ...
323 -- data BuildFailureReason = ...
325 -- | Build things for real.
327 -- It requires the 'BuildStatusMap' gathered by 'rebuildTargetsDryRun'.
328 rebuildTargets
329 :: Verbosity
330 -> ProjectConfig
331 -> DistDirLayout
332 -> StoreDirLayout
333 -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
334 -> ElaboratedSharedConfig
335 -> BuildStatusMap
336 -> BuildTimeSettings
337 -> IO BuildOutcomes
338 rebuildTargets
339 verbosity
340 ProjectConfig
341 { projectConfigBuildOnly = config
343 distDirLayout@DistDirLayout{..}
344 storeDirLayout
345 installPlan
346 sharedPackageConfig@ElaboratedSharedConfig
347 { pkgConfigCompiler = compiler
348 , pkgConfigCompilerProgs = progdb
350 pkgsBuildStatus
351 buildSettings@BuildTimeSettings
352 { buildSettingNumJobs
353 , buildSettingKeepGoing
355 | fromFlagOrDefault False (projectConfigOfflineMode config) && not (null packagesToDownload) = return offlineError
356 | otherwise = do
357 registerLock <- newLock -- serialise registration
358 cacheLock <- newLock -- serialise access to setup exe cache
359 -- TODO: [code cleanup] eliminate setup exe cache
360 info verbosity $
361 "Executing install plan "
362 ++ case buildSettingNumJobs of
363 NumJobs n -> "in parallel using " ++ show n ++ " threads."
364 UseSem n -> "in parallel using a semaphore with " ++ show n ++ " slots."
365 Serial -> "serially."
367 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True distBuildRootDirectory
368 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True distTempDirectory
369 traverse_ (createPackageDBIfMissing verbosity compiler progdb) packageDBsToUse
371 -- Concurrency control: create the job controller and concurrency limits
372 -- for downloading, building and installing.
373 withJobControl (newJobControlFromParStrat verbosity compiler buildSettingNumJobs Nothing) $ \jobControl -> do
374 -- Before traversing the install plan, preemptively find all packages that
375 -- will need to be downloaded and start downloading them.
376 asyncDownloadPackages
377 verbosity
378 withRepoCtx
379 installPlan
380 pkgsBuildStatus
381 $ \downloadMap ->
382 -- For each package in the plan, in dependency order, but in parallel...
383 InstallPlan.execute
384 jobControl
385 keepGoing
386 (BuildFailure Nothing . DependentFailed . packageId)
387 installPlan
388 $ \pkg ->
389 -- TODO: review exception handling
390 handle (\(e :: BuildFailure) -> return (Left e)) $ fmap Right $ do
391 let uid = installedUnitId pkg
392 pkgBuildStatus = Map.findWithDefault (error "rebuildTargets") uid pkgsBuildStatus
394 rebuildTarget
395 verbosity
396 distDirLayout
397 storeDirLayout
398 (jobControlSemaphore jobControl)
399 buildSettings
400 downloadMap
401 registerLock
402 cacheLock
403 sharedPackageConfig
404 installPlan
406 pkgBuildStatus
407 where
408 keepGoing = buildSettingKeepGoing
409 withRepoCtx =
410 projectConfigWithBuilderRepoContext
411 verbosity
412 buildSettings
413 packageDBsToUse =
414 -- all the package dbs we may need to create
415 (Set.toList . Set.fromList)
416 [ pkgdb
417 | InstallPlan.Configured elab <- InstallPlan.toList installPlan
418 , pkgdb <-
419 concat
420 [ elabBuildPackageDBStack elab
421 , elabRegisterPackageDBStack elab
422 , elabSetupPackageDBStack elab
426 offlineError :: BuildOutcomes
427 offlineError = Map.fromList . map makeBuildOutcome $ packagesToDownload
428 where
429 makeBuildOutcome :: ElaboratedConfiguredPackage -> (UnitId, BuildOutcome)
430 makeBuildOutcome
431 ElaboratedConfiguredPackage
432 { elabUnitId
433 , elabPkgSourceId = PackageIdentifier{pkgName, pkgVersion}
435 ( elabUnitId
436 , Left
437 ( BuildFailure
438 { buildFailureLogFile = Nothing
439 , buildFailureReason = GracefulFailure $ makeError pkgName pkgVersion
443 makeError :: PackageName -> Version -> String
444 makeError n v =
445 "--offline was specified, hence refusing to download the package: "
446 ++ unPackageName n
447 ++ " version "
448 ++ Disp.render (pretty v)
450 packagesToDownload :: [ElaboratedConfiguredPackage]
451 packagesToDownload =
452 [ elab | InstallPlan.Configured elab <- InstallPlan.reverseTopologicalOrder installPlan, isRemote $ elabPkgSourceLocation elab
454 where
455 isRemote :: PackageLocation a -> Bool
456 isRemote (RemoteTarballPackage _ _) = True
457 isRemote (RepoTarballPackage{}) = True
458 isRemote (RemoteSourceRepoPackage _ _) = True
459 isRemote _ = False
461 -- | Create a package DB if it does not currently exist. Note that this action
462 -- is /not/ safe to run concurrently.
463 createPackageDBIfMissing
464 :: Verbosity
465 -> Compiler
466 -> ProgramDb
467 -> PackageDBCWD
468 -> IO ()
469 createPackageDBIfMissing
470 verbosity
471 compiler
472 progdb
473 (SpecificPackageDB dbPath) = do
474 exists <- Cabal.doesPackageDBExist dbPath
475 unless exists $ do
476 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True (takeDirectory dbPath)
477 Cabal.createPackageDB verbosity compiler progdb False dbPath
478 createPackageDBIfMissing _ _ _ _ = return ()
480 -- | Given all the context and resources, (re)build an individual package.
481 rebuildTarget
482 :: Verbosity
483 -> DistDirLayout
484 -> StoreDirLayout
485 -> Maybe SemaphoreName
486 -> BuildTimeSettings
487 -> AsyncFetchMap
488 -> Lock
489 -> Lock
490 -> ElaboratedSharedConfig
491 -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
492 -> ElaboratedReadyPackage
493 -> BuildStatus
494 -> IO BuildResult
495 rebuildTarget
496 verbosity
497 distDirLayout@DistDirLayout{distBuildDirectory}
498 storeDirLayout
499 semaphoreName
500 buildSettings
501 downloadMap
502 registerLock
503 cacheLock
504 sharedPackageConfig
505 plan
506 rpkg@(ReadyPackage pkg)
507 pkgBuildStatus
508 -- Technically, doing the --only-download filtering only in this function is
509 -- not perfect. We could also prune the plan at an earlier stage, like it's
510 -- done with --only-dependencies. But...
511 -- * the benefit would be minimal (practically just avoiding to print the
512 -- "requires build" parts of the plan)
513 -- * we currently don't have easy access to the BuildStatus of packages
514 -- in the pruning phase
515 -- * we still have to check it here to avoid performing successive phases
516 | buildSettingOnlyDownload buildSettings = do
517 case pkgBuildStatus of
518 BuildStatusDownload ->
519 void $ waitAsyncPackageDownload verbosity downloadMap pkg
520 _ -> return ()
521 return $ BuildResult DocsNotTried TestsNotTried Nothing
522 | otherwise =
523 -- We rely on the 'BuildStatus' to decide which phase to start from:
524 case pkgBuildStatus of
525 BuildStatusDownload -> downloadPhase
526 BuildStatusUnpack tarball -> unpackTarballPhase tarball
527 BuildStatusRebuild srcdir status -> rebuildPhase status (makeSymbolicPath srcdir)
528 -- TODO: perhaps re-nest the types to make these impossible
529 BuildStatusPreExisting{} -> unexpectedState
530 BuildStatusInstalled{} -> unexpectedState
531 BuildStatusUpToDate{} -> unexpectedState
532 where
533 unexpectedState = error "rebuildTarget: unexpected package status"
535 downloadPhase :: IO BuildResult
536 downloadPhase = do
537 downsrcloc <-
538 annotateFailureNoLog DownloadFailed $
539 waitAsyncPackageDownload verbosity downloadMap pkg
540 case downsrcloc of
541 DownloadedTarball tarball -> unpackTarballPhase tarball
542 -- TODO: [nice to have] git/darcs repos etc
544 unpackTarballPhase :: FilePath -> IO BuildResult
545 unpackTarballPhase tarball =
546 withTarballLocalDirectory
547 verbosity
548 distDirLayout
549 tarball
550 (packageId pkg)
551 (elabDistDirParams sharedPackageConfig pkg)
552 (elabBuildStyle pkg)
553 (elabPkgDescriptionOverride pkg)
554 $ case elabBuildStyle pkg of
555 BuildAndInstall -> buildAndInstall
556 BuildInplaceOnly{} -> buildInplace buildStatus
557 where
558 buildStatus = BuildStatusConfigure MonitorFirstRun
560 -- Note that this really is rebuild, not build. It can only happen for
561 -- 'BuildInplaceOnly' style packages. 'BuildAndInstall' style packages
562 -- would only start from download or unpack phases.
564 rebuildPhase :: BuildStatusRebuild -> SymbolicPath CWD (Dir Pkg) -> IO BuildResult
565 rebuildPhase buildStatus srcdir =
566 assert
567 (isInplaceBuildStyle $ elabBuildStyle pkg)
568 buildInplace
569 buildStatus
570 srcdir
571 builddir
572 where
573 distdir = distBuildDirectory (elabDistDirParams sharedPackageConfig pkg)
574 builddir =
575 makeSymbolicPath $
576 makeRelative (normalise $ getSymbolicPath srcdir) distdir
577 -- TODO: [nice to have] ^^ do this relative stuff better
579 buildAndInstall :: SymbolicPath CWD (Dir Pkg) -> SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir Dist) -> IO BuildResult
580 buildAndInstall srcdir builddir =
581 buildAndInstallUnpackedPackage
582 verbosity
583 distDirLayout
584 storeDirLayout
585 semaphoreName
586 buildSettings
587 registerLock
588 cacheLock
589 sharedPackageConfig
590 plan
591 rpkg
592 srcdir
593 builddir
595 buildInplace :: BuildStatusRebuild -> SymbolicPath CWD (Dir Pkg) -> SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir Dist) -> IO BuildResult
596 buildInplace buildStatus srcdir builddir =
597 -- TODO: [nice to have] use a relative build dir rather than absolute
598 buildInplaceUnpackedPackage
599 verbosity
600 distDirLayout
601 semaphoreName
602 buildSettings
603 registerLock
604 cacheLock
605 sharedPackageConfig
606 plan
607 rpkg
608 buildStatus
609 srcdir
610 builddir
612 -- TODO: [nice to have] do we need to use a with-style for the temp
613 -- files for downloading http packages, or are we going to cache them
614 -- persistently?
616 -- | Given the current 'InstallPlan' and 'BuildStatusMap', select all the
617 -- packages we have to download and fork off an async action to download them.
618 -- We download them in dependency order so that the one's we'll need
619 -- first are the ones we will start downloading first.
621 -- The body action is passed a map from those packages (identified by their
622 -- location) to a completion var for that package. So the body action should
623 -- lookup the location and use 'waitAsyncPackageDownload' to get the result.
624 asyncDownloadPackages
625 :: Verbosity
626 -> ((RepoContext -> IO a) -> IO a)
627 -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
628 -> BuildStatusMap
629 -> (AsyncFetchMap -> IO a)
630 -> IO a
631 asyncDownloadPackages verbosity withRepoCtx installPlan pkgsBuildStatus body
632 | null pkgsToDownload = body Map.empty
633 | otherwise = withRepoCtx $ \repoctx ->
634 asyncFetchPackages
635 verbosity
636 repoctx
637 pkgsToDownload
638 body
639 where
640 pkgsToDownload :: [PackageLocation (Maybe FilePath)]
641 pkgsToDownload =
642 ordNub $
643 [ elabPkgSourceLocation elab
644 | InstallPlan.Configured elab <-
645 InstallPlan.reverseTopologicalOrder installPlan
646 , let uid = installedUnitId elab
647 pkgBuildStatus = Map.findWithDefault (error "asyncDownloadPackages") uid pkgsBuildStatus
648 , BuildStatusDownload <- [pkgBuildStatus]
651 -- | Check if a package needs downloading, and if so expect to find a download
652 -- in progress in the given 'AsyncFetchMap' and wait on it to finish.
653 waitAsyncPackageDownload
654 :: Verbosity
655 -> AsyncFetchMap
656 -> ElaboratedConfiguredPackage
657 -> IO DownloadedSourceLocation
658 waitAsyncPackageDownload verbosity downloadMap elab = do
659 pkgloc <-
660 waitAsyncFetchPackage
661 verbosity
662 downloadMap
663 (elabPkgSourceLocation elab)
664 case downloadedSourceLocation pkgloc of
665 Just loc -> return loc
666 Nothing -> fail "waitAsyncPackageDownload: unexpected source location"
668 data DownloadedSourceLocation = DownloadedTarball FilePath
670 -- TODO: [nice to have] git/darcs repos etc
672 downloadedSourceLocation
673 :: PackageLocation FilePath
674 -> Maybe DownloadedSourceLocation
675 downloadedSourceLocation pkgloc =
676 case pkgloc of
677 RemoteTarballPackage _ tarball -> Just (DownloadedTarball tarball)
678 RepoTarballPackage _ _ tarball -> Just (DownloadedTarball tarball)
679 _ -> Nothing
681 -- | Ensure that the package is unpacked in an appropriate directory, either
682 -- a temporary one or a persistent one under the shared dist directory.
683 withTarballLocalDirectory
684 :: Verbosity
685 -> DistDirLayout
686 -> FilePath
687 -> PackageId
688 -> DistDirParams
689 -> BuildStyle
690 -> Maybe CabalFileText
691 -> ( SymbolicPath CWD (Dir Pkg) -- Source directory
692 -> SymbolicPath Pkg (Dir Dist) -- Build directory
693 -> IO a
695 -> IO a
696 withTarballLocalDirectory
697 verbosity
698 distDirLayout@DistDirLayout{..}
699 tarball
700 pkgid
701 dparams
702 buildstyle
703 pkgTextOverride
704 buildPkg =
705 case buildstyle of
706 -- In this case we make a temp dir (e.g. tmp/src2345/), unpack
707 -- the tarball to it (e.g. tmp/src2345/foo-1.0/), and for
708 -- compatibility we put the dist dir within it
709 -- (i.e. tmp/src2345/foo-1.0/dist/).
711 -- Unfortunately, a few custom Setup.hs scripts do not respect
712 -- the --builddir flag and always look for it at ./dist/ so
713 -- this way we avoid breaking those packages
714 BuildAndInstall ->
715 let tmpdir = distTempDirectory
716 builddir = relativeSymbolicPath $ makeRelativePathEx "dist"
717 in withTempDirectory verbosity tmpdir "src" $ \unpackdir -> do
718 let srcdir = makeSymbolicPath $ unpackdir </> prettyShow pkgid
719 unpackPackageTarball
720 verbosity
721 tarball
722 unpackdir
723 pkgid
724 pkgTextOverride
725 buildPkg srcdir builddir
727 -- In this case we make sure the tarball has been unpacked to the
728 -- appropriate location under the shared dist dir, and then build it
729 -- inplace there
730 BuildInplaceOnly{} -> do
731 let srcrootdir = distUnpackedSrcRootDirectory
732 srcdir = distUnpackedSrcDirectory pkgid
733 builddir =
734 makeSymbolicPath $
735 makeRelative (normalise srcdir) $
736 distBuildDirectory dparams
737 -- TODO: [nice to have] ^^ do this relative stuff better
738 exists <- doesDirectoryExist srcdir
739 -- TODO: [nice to have] use a proper file monitor rather
740 -- than this dir exists test
741 unless exists $ do
742 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True srcrootdir
743 unpackPackageTarball
744 verbosity
745 tarball
746 srcrootdir
747 pkgid
748 pkgTextOverride
749 moveTarballShippedDistDirectory
750 verbosity
751 distDirLayout
752 srcrootdir
753 pkgid
754 dparams
755 buildPkg (makeSymbolicPath srcdir) builddir
757 unpackPackageTarball
758 :: Verbosity
759 -> FilePath
760 -> FilePath
761 -> PackageId
762 -> Maybe CabalFileText
763 -> IO ()
764 unpackPackageTarball verbosity tarball parentdir pkgid pkgTextOverride =
765 -- TODO: [nice to have] switch to tar package and catch tar exceptions
766 annotateFailureNoLog UnpackFailed $ do
767 -- Unpack the tarball
769 info verbosity $ "Extracting " ++ tarball ++ " to " ++ parentdir ++ "..."
770 Tar.extractTarGzFile parentdir pkgsubdir tarball
772 -- Sanity check
774 exists <- doesFileExist cabalFile
775 unless exists $
776 dieWithException verbosity $
777 CabalFileNotFound cabalFile
779 -- Overwrite the .cabal with the one from the index, when appropriate
781 case pkgTextOverride of
782 Nothing -> return ()
783 Just pkgtxt -> do
784 info verbosity $
785 "Updating "
786 ++ prettyShow pkgname <.> "cabal"
787 ++ " with the latest revision from the index."
788 writeFileAtomic cabalFile pkgtxt
789 where
790 cabalFile :: FilePath
791 cabalFile =
792 parentdir
793 </> pkgsubdir
794 </> prettyShow pkgname
795 <.> "cabal"
796 pkgsubdir = prettyShow pkgid
797 pkgname = packageName pkgid
799 -- | This is a bit of a hacky workaround. A number of packages ship
800 -- pre-processed .hs files in a dist directory inside the tarball. We don't
801 -- use the standard 'dist' location so unless we move this dist dir to the
802 -- right place then we'll miss the shipped pre-processed files. This hacky
803 -- approach to shipped pre-processed files ought to be replaced by a proper
804 -- system, though we'll still need to keep this hack for older packages.
805 moveTarballShippedDistDirectory
806 :: Verbosity
807 -> DistDirLayout
808 -> FilePath
809 -> PackageId
810 -> DistDirParams
811 -> IO ()
812 moveTarballShippedDistDirectory
813 verbosity
814 DistDirLayout{distBuildDirectory}
815 parentdir
816 pkgid
817 dparams = do
818 distDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist tarballDistDir
819 when distDirExists $ do
820 debug verbosity $
821 "Moving '"
822 ++ tarballDistDir
823 ++ "' to '"
824 ++ targetDistDir
825 ++ "'"
826 -- TODO: [nice to have] or perhaps better to copy, and use a file monitor
827 renameDirectory tarballDistDir targetDistDir
828 where
829 tarballDistDir = parentdir </> prettyShow pkgid </> "dist"
830 targetDistDir = distBuildDirectory dparams