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[cabal.git] / cabal-install / tests / UnitTests / Distribution / Solver / Modular / MemoryUsage.hs
1 -- | Tests for detecting space leaks in the dependency solver.
2 module UnitTests.Distribution.Solver.Modular.MemoryUsage (tests) where
4 import Test.Tasty (TestTree)
6 import UnitTests.Distribution.Solver.Modular.DSL
7 import UnitTests.Distribution.Solver.Modular.DSL.TestCaseUtils
9 tests :: [TestTree]
10 tests =
11 [ runTest $ basicTest "basic space leak test"
12 , runTest $ flagsTest "package with many flags"
13 , runTest $ issue2899 "issue #2899"
14 , runTest $ duplicateDependencies "duplicate dependencies"
15 , runTest $ duplicateFlaggedDependencies "duplicate flagged dependencies"
18 -- | This test solves for n packages that each have two versions. There is no
19 -- solution, because the nth package depends on another package that doesn't fit
20 -- its version constraint. Backjumping and fine grained conflicts are disabled,
21 -- so the solver must explore a search tree of size 2^n. It should fail if
22 -- memory usage is proportional to the size of the tree.
23 basicTest :: String -> SolverTest
24 basicTest name =
25 disableBackjumping $
26 disableFineGrainedConflicts $
27 mkTest pkgs name ["target"] anySolverFailure
28 where
29 n :: Int
30 n = 18
32 pkgs :: ExampleDb
33 pkgs =
34 map Right $
35 [exAv "target" 1 [ExAny $ pkgName 1]]
36 ++ [ exAv (pkgName i) v [ExRange (pkgName $ i + 1) 2 4]
37 | i <- [1 .. n]
38 , v <- [2, 3]
40 ++ [exAv (pkgName $ n + 1) 1 []]
42 pkgName :: Int -> ExamplePkgName
43 pkgName x = "pkg-" ++ show x
45 -- | This test is similar to 'basicTest', except that it has one package with n
46 -- flags, flag-1 through flag-n. The solver assigns flags in order, so it
47 -- doesn't discover the unknown dependencies under flag-n until it has assigned
48 -- all of the flags. It has to explore the whole search tree.
49 flagsTest :: String -> SolverTest
50 flagsTest name =
51 disableBackjumping $
52 disableFineGrainedConflicts $
53 goalOrder orderedFlags $
54 mkTest pkgs name ["pkg"] anySolverFailure
55 where
56 n :: Int
57 n = 16
59 pkgs :: ExampleDb
60 pkgs =
61 [ Right $
62 exAv "pkg" 1 $
63 [exFlagged (numberedFlag n) [ExAny "unknown1"] [ExAny "unknown2"]]
64 -- The remaining flags have no effect:
65 ++ [exFlagged (numberedFlag i) [] [] | i <- [1 .. n - 1]]
68 orderedFlags :: [ExampleVar]
69 orderedFlags = [F QualNone "pkg" (numberedFlag i) | i <- [1 .. n]]
71 -- | Test for a space leak caused by sharing of search trees under packages with
72 -- link choices (issue #2899).
74 -- The goal order is fixed so that the solver chooses setup-dep and then
75 -- target-setup.setup-dep at the top of the search tree. target-setup.setup-dep
76 -- has two choices: link to setup-dep, and don't link to setup-dep. setup-dep
77 -- has a long chain of dependencies (pkg-1 through pkg-n). However, pkg-n
78 -- depends on pkg-n+1, which doesn't exist, so there is no solution. Since each
79 -- dependency has two versions, the solver must try 2^n combinations when
80 -- backjumping and fine grained conflicts are disabled. These combinations
81 -- create large search trees under each of the two choices for
82 -- target-setup.setup-dep. Although the choice to not link is disallowed by the
83 -- Single Instance Restriction, the solver doesn't know that until it has
84 -- explored (and evaluated) the whole tree under the choice to link. If the two
85 -- trees are shared, memory usage spikes.
86 issue2899 :: String -> SolverTest
87 issue2899 name =
88 disableBackjumping $
89 disableFineGrainedConflicts $
90 goalOrder goals $
91 mkTest pkgs name ["target"] anySolverFailure
92 where
93 n :: Int
94 n = 16
96 pkgs :: ExampleDb
97 pkgs =
98 map Right $
99 [ exAv "target" 1 [ExAny "setup-dep"] `withSetupDeps` [ExAny "setup-dep"]
100 , exAv "setup-dep" 1 [ExAny $ pkgName 1]
102 ++ [ exAv (pkgName i) v [ExAny $ pkgName (i + 1)]
103 | i <- [1 .. n]
104 , v <- [1, 2]
107 pkgName :: Int -> ExamplePkgName
108 pkgName x = "pkg-" ++ show x
110 goals :: [ExampleVar]
111 goals = [P QualNone "setup-dep", P (QualSetup "target") "setup-dep"]
113 -- | Test for an issue related to lifting dependencies out of conditionals when
114 -- converting a PackageDescription to the solver's internal representation.
116 -- Issue:
117 -- For each conditional and each package B, the solver combined each dependency
118 -- on B in the true branch with each dependency on B in the false branch. It
119 -- added the combined dependencies to the build-depends outside of the
120 -- conditional. Since dependencies could be lifted out of multiple levels of
121 -- conditionals, the number of new dependencies could grow exponentially in the
122 -- number of levels. For example, the following package generated 4 copies of B
123 -- under flag-2=False, 8 copies under flag-1=False, and 16 copies at the top
124 -- level:
126 -- if flag(flag-1)
127 -- build-depends: B, B
128 -- else
129 -- if flag(flag-2)
130 -- build-depends: B, B
131 -- else
132 -- if flag(flag-3)
133 -- build-depends: B, B
134 -- else
135 -- build-depends: B, B
137 -- This issue caused the quickcheck tests to start frequently running out of
138 -- memory after an optimization that pruned unreachable branches (See PR #4929).
139 -- Each problematic test case contained at least one build-depends field with
140 -- duplicate dependencies, which was then duplicated under multiple levels of
141 -- conditionals by the solver's "buildable: False" transformation, when
142 -- "buildable: False" was under multiple flags. Finally, the branch pruning
143 -- feature put all build-depends fields in consecutive levels of the condition
144 -- tree, causing the solver's representation of the package to follow the
145 -- pattern in the example above.
147 -- Now the solver avoids this issue by combining all dependencies on the same
148 -- package before lifting them out of conditionals.
150 -- This test case is an expanded version of the example above, with library and
151 -- build-tool dependencies.
152 duplicateDependencies :: String -> SolverTest
153 duplicateDependencies name =
154 mkTest pkgs name ["A"] $ solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1)]
155 where
156 copies, depth :: Int
157 copies = 50
158 depth = 50
160 pkgs :: ExampleDb
161 pkgs =
162 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 (dependencyTree 1)
163 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [] `withExe` exExe "exe" []
166 dependencyTree :: Int -> [ExampleDependency]
167 dependencyTree n
168 | n > depth = buildDepends
169 | otherwise =
170 [ exFlagged
171 (numberedFlag n)
172 buildDepends
173 (dependencyTree (n + 1))
175 where
176 buildDepends =
177 replicate copies (ExFix "B" 1)
178 ++ replicate copies (ExBuildToolFix "B" "exe" 1)
180 -- | This test is similar to duplicateDependencies, except that every dependency
181 -- on B is replaced by a conditional that contains B in both branches. It tests
182 -- that the solver doesn't just combine dependencies within one build-depends or
183 -- build-tool-depends field; it also needs to combine dependencies after they
184 -- are lifted out of conditionals.
185 duplicateFlaggedDependencies :: String -> SolverTest
186 duplicateFlaggedDependencies name =
187 mkTest pkgs name ["A"] $ solverSuccess [("A", 1), ("B", 1)]
188 where
189 copies, depth :: Int
190 copies = 15
191 depth = 15
193 pkgs :: ExampleDb
194 pkgs =
195 [ Right $ exAv "A" 1 (dependencyTree 1)
196 , Right $ exAv "B" 1 [] `withExe` exExe "exe" []
199 dependencyTree :: Int -> [ExampleDependency]
200 dependencyTree n
201 | n > depth = flaggedDeps
202 | otherwise =
203 [ exFlagged
204 (numberedFlag n)
205 flaggedDeps
206 (dependencyTree (n + 1))
208 where
209 flaggedDeps = zipWith ($) (replicate copies flaggedDep) [0 :: Int ..]
210 flaggedDep m =
211 exFlagged
212 (numberedFlag n ++ "-" ++ show m)
213 buildDepends
214 buildDepends
215 buildDepends = [ExFix "B" 1, ExBuildToolFix "B" "exe" 1]
217 numberedFlag :: Int -> ExampleFlagName
218 numberedFlag n = "flag-" ++ show n