Add skipping installed tests
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / tests / UnitTests / Distribution / Solver / Modular / QuickCheck.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
4 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
6 module UnitTests.Distribution.Solver.Modular.QuickCheck (tests) where
8 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
9 import Prelude ()
11 import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
12 import Data.Either (lefts)
13 import Data.Hashable (Hashable (..))
14 import Data.List (groupBy, isInfixOf)
16 import Text.Show.Pretty (parseValue, valToStr)
18 import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..), Blind (..), Gen, Positive (..), counterexample, elements, frequency, listOf, oneof, shrinkList, shrinkNothing, shuffle, sublistOf, vectorOf, (===), (==>))
19 import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Cabal ()
20 import Test.Tasty (TestTree)
22 import Distribution.Types.Flag (FlagName)
23 import Distribution.Utils.ShortText (ShortText)
25 import Distribution.Client.Setup (defaultMaxBackjumps)
27 import Distribution.Types.LibraryVisibility
28 import Distribution.Types.PackageName
29 import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
31 import Distribution.Solver.Types.ComponentDeps
32 ( Component (..)
33 , ComponentDep
34 , ComponentDeps
36 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.ComponentDeps as CD
37 import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza
38 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageConstraint
39 import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath as P
40 import Distribution.Solver.Types.PkgConfigDb
41 ( pkgConfigDbFromList
43 import Distribution.Solver.Types.Settings
44 import Distribution.Solver.Types.Variable
45 import Distribution.Verbosity
46 import Distribution.Version
48 import UnitTests.Distribution.Solver.Modular.DSL
49 import UnitTests.Distribution.Solver.Modular.QuickCheck.Utils
50 ( testPropertyWithSeed
53 tests :: [TestTree]
54 tests =
55 [ -- This test checks that certain solver parameters do not affect the
56 -- existence of a solution. It runs the solver twice, and only sets those
57 -- parameters on the second run. The test also applies parameters that
58 -- can affect the existence of a solution to both runs.
59 testPropertyWithSeed "target and goal order do not affect solvability" $
60 \test targetOrder mGoalOrder1 mGoalOrder2 indepGoals ->
61 let r1 = solve' mGoalOrder1 test
62 r2 = solve' mGoalOrder2 test{testTargets = targets2}
63 solve' goalOrder =
64 solve
65 (EnableBackjumping True)
66 (FineGrainedConflicts True)
67 (ReorderGoals False)
68 (CountConflicts True)
69 indepGoals
70 (PreferOldest False)
71 (getBlind <$> goalOrder)
72 targets = testTargets test
73 targets2 = case targetOrder of
74 SameOrder -> targets
75 ReverseOrder -> reverse targets
76 in counterexample (showResults r1 r2) $
77 noneReachedBackjumpLimit [r1, r2] ==>
78 isRight (resultPlan r1) === isRight (resultPlan r2)
79 , testPropertyWithSeed
80 "solvable without --independent-goals => solvable with --independent-goals"
81 $ \test reorderGoals ->
82 let r1 = solve' (IndependentGoals False) test
83 r2 = solve' (IndependentGoals True) test
84 solve' indep =
85 solve
86 (EnableBackjumping True)
87 (FineGrainedConflicts True)
88 reorderGoals
89 (CountConflicts True)
90 indep
91 (PreferOldest False)
92 Nothing
93 in counterexample (showResults r1 r2) $
94 noneReachedBackjumpLimit [r1, r2] ==>
95 isRight (resultPlan r1) `implies` isRight (resultPlan r2)
96 , testPropertyWithSeed "backjumping does not affect solvability" $
97 \test reorderGoals indepGoals ->
98 let r1 = solve' (EnableBackjumping True) test
99 r2 = solve' (EnableBackjumping False) test
100 solve' enableBj =
101 solve
102 enableBj
103 (FineGrainedConflicts False)
104 reorderGoals
105 (CountConflicts True)
106 indepGoals
107 (PreferOldest False)
108 Nothing
109 in counterexample (showResults r1 r2) $
110 noneReachedBackjumpLimit [r1, r2] ==>
111 isRight (resultPlan r1) === isRight (resultPlan r2)
112 , testPropertyWithSeed "fine-grained conflicts does not affect solvability" $
113 \test reorderGoals indepGoals ->
114 let r1 = solve' (FineGrainedConflicts True) test
115 r2 = solve' (FineGrainedConflicts False) test
116 solve' fineGrainedConflicts =
117 solve
118 (EnableBackjumping True)
119 fineGrainedConflicts
120 reorderGoals
121 (CountConflicts True)
122 indepGoals
123 (PreferOldest False)
124 Nothing
125 in counterexample (showResults r1 r2) $
126 noneReachedBackjumpLimit [r1, r2] ==>
127 isRight (resultPlan r1) === isRight (resultPlan r2)
128 , testPropertyWithSeed "prefer oldest does not affect solvability" $
129 \test reorderGoals indepGoals ->
130 let r1 = solve' (PreferOldest True) test
131 r2 = solve' (PreferOldest False) test
132 solve' prefOldest =
133 solve
134 (EnableBackjumping True)
135 (FineGrainedConflicts True)
136 reorderGoals
137 (CountConflicts True)
138 indepGoals
139 prefOldest
140 Nothing
141 in counterexample (showResults r1 r2) $
142 noneReachedBackjumpLimit [r1, r2] ==>
143 isRight (resultPlan r1) === isRight (resultPlan r2)
144 , -- The next two tests use --no-count-conflicts, because the goal order used
145 -- with --count-conflicts depends on the total set of conflicts seen by the
146 -- solver. The solver explores more of the tree and encounters more
147 -- conflicts when it doesn't backjump. The different goal orders can lead to
148 -- different solutions and cause the test to fail.
149 -- TODO: Find a faster way to randomly sort goals, and then use a random
150 -- goal order in these tests.
152 testPropertyWithSeed
153 "backjumping does not affect the result (with static goal order)"
154 $ \test reorderGoals indepGoals ->
155 let r1 = solve' (EnableBackjumping True) test
156 r2 = solve' (EnableBackjumping False) test
157 solve' enableBj =
158 solve
159 enableBj
160 (FineGrainedConflicts False)
161 reorderGoals
162 (CountConflicts False)
163 indepGoals
164 (PreferOldest False)
165 Nothing
166 in counterexample (showResults r1 r2) $
167 noneReachedBackjumpLimit [r1, r2] ==>
168 resultPlan r1 === resultPlan r2
169 , testPropertyWithSeed
170 "fine-grained conflicts does not affect the result (with static goal order)"
171 $ \test reorderGoals indepGoals ->
172 let r1 = solve' (FineGrainedConflicts True) test
173 r2 = solve' (FineGrainedConflicts False) test
174 solve' fineGrainedConflicts =
175 solve
176 (EnableBackjumping True)
177 fineGrainedConflicts
178 reorderGoals
179 (CountConflicts False)
180 indepGoals
181 (PreferOldest False)
182 Nothing
183 in counterexample (showResults r1 r2) $
184 noneReachedBackjumpLimit [r1, r2] ==>
185 resultPlan r1 === resultPlan r2
187 where
188 noneReachedBackjumpLimit :: [Result] -> Bool
189 noneReachedBackjumpLimit =
190 not . any (\r -> resultPlan r == Left BackjumpLimitReached)
192 showResults :: Result -> Result -> String
193 showResults r1 r2 = showResult 1 r1 ++ showResult 2 r2
195 showResult :: Int -> Result -> String
196 showResult n result =
197 unlines $
198 ["", "Run " ++ show n ++ ":"]
199 ++ resultLog result
200 ++ ["result: " ++ show (resultPlan result)]
202 implies :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
203 implies x y = not x || y
205 isRight :: Either a b -> Bool
206 isRight (Right _) = True
207 isRight _ = False
209 newtype VarOrdering = VarOrdering
210 { unVarOrdering :: Variable P.QPN -> Variable P.QPN -> Ordering
213 solve
214 :: EnableBackjumping
215 -> FineGrainedConflicts
216 -> ReorderGoals
217 -> CountConflicts
218 -> IndependentGoals
219 -> PreferOldest
220 -> Maybe VarOrdering
221 -> SolverTest
222 -> Result
223 solve enableBj fineGrainedConflicts reorder countConflicts indep prefOldest goalOrder test =
224 let (lg, result) =
225 runProgress $
226 exResolve
227 (unTestDb (testDb test))
228 Nothing
229 Nothing
230 (pkgConfigDbFromList [])
231 (map unPN (testTargets test))
232 -- The backjump limit prevents individual tests from using
233 -- too much time and memory.
234 (Just defaultMaxBackjumps)
235 countConflicts
236 fineGrainedConflicts
237 (MinimizeConflictSet False)
238 indep
239 prefOldest
240 reorder
241 (AllowBootLibInstalls False)
242 OnlyConstrainedNone
243 enableBj
244 (SolveExecutables True)
245 (unVarOrdering <$> goalOrder)
246 (testConstraints test)
247 (testPreferences test)
248 normal
249 (EnableAllTests False)
251 failure :: String -> Failure
252 failure msg
253 | "Backjump limit reached" `isInfixOf` msg = BackjumpLimitReached
254 | otherwise = OtherFailure
255 in Result
256 { resultLog = lg
257 , resultPlan =
258 -- Force the result so that we check for internal errors when we check
259 -- for success or failure. See D.C.Dependency.validateSolverResult.
260 force $ either (Left . failure) (Right . extractInstallPlan) result
263 -- | How to modify the order of the input targets.
264 data TargetOrder = SameOrder | ReverseOrder
265 deriving (Show)
267 instance Arbitrary TargetOrder where
268 arbitrary = elements [SameOrder, ReverseOrder]
270 shrink SameOrder = []
271 shrink ReverseOrder = [SameOrder]
273 data Result = Result
274 { resultLog :: [String]
275 , resultPlan :: Either Failure [(ExamplePkgName, ExamplePkgVersion)]
278 data Failure = BackjumpLimitReached | OtherFailure
279 deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
281 instance NFData Failure
283 -- | Package name.
284 newtype PN = PN {unPN :: String}
285 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
287 instance Arbitrary PN where
288 arbitrary = PN <$> elements ("base" : [[pn] | pn <- ['A' .. 'G']])
290 -- | Package version.
291 newtype PV = PV {unPV :: Int}
292 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
294 instance Arbitrary PV where
295 arbitrary = PV <$> elements [1 .. 10]
297 type TestPackage = Either ExampleInstalled ExampleAvailable
299 getName :: TestPackage -> PN
300 getName = PN . either exInstName exAvName
302 getVersion :: TestPackage -> PV
303 getVersion = PV . either exInstVersion exAvVersion
305 data SolverTest = SolverTest
306 { testDb :: TestDb
307 , testTargets :: [PN]
308 , testConstraints :: [ExConstraint]
309 , testPreferences :: [ExPreference]
312 -- | Pretty-print the test when quickcheck calls 'show'.
313 instance Show SolverTest where
314 show test =
315 let str =
316 "SolverTest {testDb = "
317 ++ show (testDb test)
318 ++ ", testTargets = "
319 ++ show (testTargets test)
320 ++ ", testConstraints = "
321 ++ show (testConstraints test)
322 ++ ", testPreferences = "
323 ++ show (testPreferences test)
324 ++ "}"
325 in maybe str valToStr $ parseValue str
327 instance Arbitrary SolverTest where
328 arbitrary = do
329 db <- arbitrary
330 let pkgVersions = nub $ map (getName &&& getVersion) (unTestDb db)
331 pkgs = nub $ map fst pkgVersions
332 Positive n <- arbitrary
333 targets <- randomSubset n pkgs
334 constraints <- case pkgVersions of
335 [] -> return []
336 _ -> boundedListOf 1 $ arbitraryConstraint pkgVersions
337 prefs <- case pkgVersions of
338 [] -> return []
339 _ -> boundedListOf 3 $ arbitraryPreference pkgVersions
340 return (SolverTest db targets constraints prefs)
342 shrink test =
343 [test{testDb = db} | db <- shrink (testDb test)]
344 ++ [test{testTargets = targets} | targets <- shrink (testTargets test)]
345 ++ [test{testConstraints = cs} | cs <- shrink (testConstraints test)]
346 ++ [test{testPreferences = prefs} | prefs <- shrink (testPreferences test)]
348 -- | Collection of source and installed packages.
349 newtype TestDb = TestDb {unTestDb :: ExampleDb}
350 deriving (Show)
352 instance Arbitrary TestDb where
353 arbitrary = do
354 -- Avoid cyclic dependencies by grouping packages by name and only
355 -- allowing each package to depend on packages in the groups before it.
356 groupedPkgs <-
357 shuffle . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . nub . sort
358 =<< boundedListOf 10 arbitrary
359 db <- foldM nextPkgs (TestDb []) groupedPkgs
360 TestDb <$> shuffle (unTestDb db)
361 where
362 nextPkgs :: TestDb -> [(PN, PV)] -> Gen TestDb
363 nextPkgs db pkgs = TestDb . (++ unTestDb db) <$> traverse (nextPkg db) pkgs
365 nextPkg :: TestDb -> (PN, PV) -> Gen TestPackage
366 nextPkg db (pn, v) = do
367 installed <- arbitrary
368 if installed
369 then Left <$> arbitraryExInst pn v (lefts $ unTestDb db)
370 else Right <$> arbitraryExAv pn v db
372 shrink (TestDb pkgs) = map TestDb $ shrink pkgs
374 arbitraryExAv :: PN -> PV -> TestDb -> Gen ExampleAvailable
375 arbitraryExAv pn v db =
376 (\cds -> ExAv (unPN pn) (unPV v) cds []) <$> arbitraryComponentDeps pn db
378 arbitraryExInst :: PN -> PV -> [ExampleInstalled] -> Gen ExampleInstalled
379 arbitraryExInst pn v pkgs = do
380 pkgHash <- vectorOf 10 $ elements $ ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['0' .. '9']
381 numDeps <- min 3 <$> arbitrary
382 deps <- randomSubset numDeps pkgs
383 return $ ExInst (unPN pn) (unPV v) pkgHash (map exInstHash deps)
385 arbitraryComponentDeps :: PN -> TestDb -> Gen (ComponentDeps Dependencies)
386 arbitraryComponentDeps _ (TestDb []) = return $ CD.fromLibraryDeps (dependencies [])
387 arbitraryComponentDeps pn db = do
388 -- dedupComponentNames removes components with duplicate names, for example,
389 -- 'ComponentExe x' and 'ComponentTest x', and then CD.fromList combines
390 -- duplicate unnamed components.
391 cds <-
392 CD.fromList . dedupComponentNames . filter (isValid . fst)
393 <$> boundedListOf 5 (arbitraryComponentDep db)
394 return $
395 if isCompleteComponentDeps cds
396 then cds
397 else -- Add a library if the ComponentDeps isn't complete.
398 CD.fromLibraryDeps (dependencies []) <> cds
399 where
400 isValid :: Component -> Bool
401 isValid (ComponentSubLib name) = name /= mkUnqualComponentName (unPN pn)
402 isValid _ = True
404 dedupComponentNames =
405 nubBy ((\x y -> isJust x && isJust y && x == y) `on` componentName . fst)
407 componentName :: Component -> Maybe UnqualComponentName
408 componentName ComponentLib = Nothing
409 componentName ComponentSetup = Nothing
410 componentName (ComponentSubLib n) = Just n
411 componentName (ComponentFLib n) = Just n
412 componentName (ComponentExe n) = Just n
413 componentName (ComponentTest n) = Just n
414 componentName (ComponentBench n) = Just n
416 -- | Returns true if the ComponentDeps forms a complete package, i.e., it
417 -- contains a library, exe, test, or benchmark.
418 isCompleteComponentDeps :: ComponentDeps a -> Bool
419 isCompleteComponentDeps = any (completesPkg . fst) . CD.toList
420 where
421 completesPkg ComponentLib = True
422 completesPkg (ComponentExe _) = True
423 completesPkg (ComponentTest _) = True
424 completesPkg (ComponentBench _) = True
425 completesPkg (ComponentSubLib _) = False
426 completesPkg (ComponentFLib _) = False
427 completesPkg ComponentSetup = False
429 arbitraryComponentDep :: TestDb -> Gen (ComponentDep Dependencies)
430 arbitraryComponentDep db = do
431 comp <- arbitrary
432 deps <- case comp of
433 ComponentSetup -> smallListOf (arbitraryExDep db SetupDep)
434 _ -> boundedListOf 5 (arbitraryExDep db NonSetupDep)
435 return
436 ( comp
437 , Dependencies
438 { depsExampleDependencies = deps
439 , -- TODO: Test different values for visibility and buildability.
440 depsVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic
441 , depsIsBuildable = True
445 -- | Location of an 'ExampleDependency'. It determines which values are valid.
446 data ExDepLocation = SetupDep | NonSetupDep
448 arbitraryExDep :: TestDb -> ExDepLocation -> Gen ExampleDependency
449 arbitraryExDep db@(TestDb pkgs) level =
450 let flag =
451 ExFlagged
452 <$> arbitraryFlagName
453 <*> arbitraryDeps db
454 <*> arbitraryDeps db
455 other =
456 -- Package checks require dependencies on "base" to have bounds.
457 let notBase = filter ((/= PN "base") . getName) pkgs
458 in [ExAny . unPN <$> elements (map getName notBase) | not (null notBase)]
459 ++ [
460 -- existing version
461 let fixed pkg = ExFix (unPN $ getName pkg) (unPV $ getVersion pkg)
462 in fixed <$> elements pkgs
463 , -- random version of an existing package
464 ExFix . unPN . getName <$> elements pkgs <*> (unPV <$> arbitrary)
466 in oneof $
467 case level of
468 NonSetupDep -> flag : other
469 SetupDep -> other
471 arbitraryDeps :: TestDb -> Gen Dependencies
472 arbitraryDeps db =
473 frequency
474 [ (1, return unbuildableDependencies)
475 , (20, dependencies <$> smallListOf (arbitraryExDep db NonSetupDep))
478 arbitraryFlagName :: Gen String
479 arbitraryFlagName = (: []) <$> elements ['A' .. 'E']
481 arbitraryConstraint :: [(PN, PV)] -> Gen ExConstraint
482 arbitraryConstraint pkgs = do
483 (PN pn, v) <- elements pkgs
484 let anyQualifier = ScopeAnyQualifier (mkPackageName pn)
485 oneof
486 [ ExVersionConstraint anyQualifier <$> arbitraryVersionRange v
487 , ExStanzaConstraint anyQualifier <$> sublistOf [TestStanzas, BenchStanzas]
490 arbitraryPreference :: [(PN, PV)] -> Gen ExPreference
491 arbitraryPreference pkgs = do
492 (PN pn, v) <- elements pkgs
493 oneof
494 [ ExStanzaPref pn <$> sublistOf [TestStanzas, BenchStanzas]
495 , ExPkgPref pn <$> arbitraryVersionRange v
498 arbitraryVersionRange :: PV -> Gen VersionRange
499 arbitraryVersionRange (PV v) =
500 let version = mkSimpleVersion v
501 in elements
502 [ thisVersion version
503 , notThisVersion version
504 , earlierVersion version
505 , orLaterVersion version
506 , noVersion
509 instance Arbitrary ReorderGoals where
510 arbitrary = ReorderGoals <$> arbitrary
512 shrink (ReorderGoals reorder) = [ReorderGoals False | reorder]
514 instance Arbitrary IndependentGoals where
515 arbitrary = IndependentGoals <$> arbitrary
517 shrink (IndependentGoals indep) = [IndependentGoals False | indep]
519 instance Arbitrary Component where
520 arbitrary =
521 oneof
522 [ return ComponentLib
523 , ComponentSubLib <$> arbitraryUQN
524 , ComponentExe <$> arbitraryUQN
525 , ComponentFLib <$> arbitraryUQN
526 , ComponentTest <$> arbitraryUQN
527 , ComponentBench <$> arbitraryUQN
528 , return ComponentSetup
531 shrink ComponentLib = []
532 shrink _ = [ComponentLib]
534 -- The "component-" prefix prevents component names and build-depends
535 -- dependency names from overlapping.
536 -- TODO: Remove the prefix once the QuickCheck tests support dependencies on
537 -- internal libraries.
538 arbitraryUQN :: Gen UnqualComponentName
539 arbitraryUQN =
540 mkUnqualComponentName <$> (\c -> "component-" ++ [c]) <$> elements "ABC"
542 instance Arbitrary ExampleInstalled where
543 arbitrary = error "arbitrary not implemented: ExampleInstalled"
545 shrink ei =
546 [ ei{exInstBuildAgainst = deps}
547 | deps <- shrinkList shrinkNothing (exInstBuildAgainst ei)
550 instance Arbitrary ExampleAvailable where
551 arbitrary = error "arbitrary not implemented: ExampleAvailable"
553 shrink ea = [ea{exAvDeps = deps} | deps <- shrink (exAvDeps ea)]
555 instance (Arbitrary a, Monoid a) => Arbitrary (ComponentDeps a) where
556 arbitrary = error "arbitrary not implemented: ComponentDeps"
558 shrink = filter isCompleteComponentDeps . map CD.fromList . shrink . CD.toList
560 instance Arbitrary ExampleDependency where
561 arbitrary = error "arbitrary not implemented: ExampleDependency"
563 shrink (ExAny _) = []
564 shrink (ExFix "base" _) = [] -- preserve bounds on base
565 shrink (ExFix pn _) = [ExAny pn]
566 shrink (ExFlagged flag th el) =
567 depsExampleDependencies th
568 ++ depsExampleDependencies el
569 ++ [ExFlagged flag th' el | th' <- shrink th]
570 ++ [ExFlagged flag th el' | el' <- shrink el]
571 shrink dep = error $ "Dependency not handled: " ++ show dep
573 instance Arbitrary Dependencies where
574 arbitrary = error "arbitrary not implemented: Dependencies"
576 shrink deps =
577 [deps{depsVisibility = v} | v <- shrink $ depsVisibility deps]
578 ++ [deps{depsIsBuildable = b} | b <- shrink $ depsIsBuildable deps]
579 ++ [deps{depsExampleDependencies = ds} | ds <- shrink $ depsExampleDependencies deps]
581 instance Arbitrary ExConstraint where
582 arbitrary = error "arbitrary not implemented: ExConstraint"
584 shrink (ExStanzaConstraint scope stanzas) =
585 [ExStanzaConstraint scope stanzas' | stanzas' <- shrink stanzas]
586 shrink (ExVersionConstraint scope vr) =
587 [ExVersionConstraint scope vr' | vr' <- shrink vr]
588 shrink _ = []
590 instance Arbitrary ExPreference where
591 arbitrary = error "arbitrary not implemented: ExPreference"
593 shrink (ExStanzaPref pn stanzas) =
594 [ExStanzaPref pn stanzas' | stanzas' <- shrink stanzas]
595 shrink (ExPkgPref pn vr) = [ExPkgPref pn vr' | vr' <- shrink vr]
597 instance Arbitrary OptionalStanza where
598 arbitrary = error "arbitrary not implemented: OptionalStanza"
600 shrink BenchStanzas = [TestStanzas]
601 shrink TestStanzas = []
603 -- Randomly sorts solver variables using 'hash'.
604 -- TODO: Sorting goals with this function is very slow.
605 instance Arbitrary VarOrdering where
606 arbitrary = do
607 f <- arbitrary :: Gen (Int -> Int)
608 return $ VarOrdering (comparing (f . hash))
610 instance Hashable pn => Hashable (Variable pn)
611 instance Hashable a => Hashable (P.Qualified a)
612 instance Hashable P.PackagePath
613 instance Hashable P.Qualifier
614 instance Hashable P.Namespace
615 instance Hashable OptionalStanza
616 instance Hashable FlagName
617 instance Hashable PackageName
618 instance Hashable ShortText
620 deriving instance Generic (Variable pn)
621 deriving instance Generic (P.Qualified a)
622 deriving instance Generic P.PackagePath
623 deriving instance Generic P.Namespace
624 deriving instance Generic P.Qualifier
626 randomSubset :: Int -> [a] -> Gen [a]
627 randomSubset n xs = take n <$> shuffle xs
629 boundedListOf :: Int -> Gen a -> Gen [a]
630 boundedListOf n gen = take n <$> listOf gen
632 -- | Generates lists with average length less than 1.
633 smallListOf :: Gen a -> Gen [a]
634 smallListOf gen =
635 frequency
636 [ (fr, vectorOf n gen)
637 | (fr, n) <- [(3, 0), (5, 1), (2, 2)]