Make “sublibrary” standard terminology in docs
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / Program / GHC.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
7 module Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC
8 ( GhcOptions (..)
9 , GhcMode (..)
10 , GhcOptimisation (..)
11 , GhcDynLinkMode (..)
12 , GhcProfAuto (..)
13 , ghcInvocation
14 , renderGhcOptions
15 , runGHC
16 , packageDbArgsDb
17 , normaliseGhcArgs
18 ) where
20 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
21 import Prelude ()
23 import Distribution.Backpack
24 import Distribution.Compat.Semigroup (First' (..), Last' (..), Option' (..))
25 import Distribution.ModuleName
26 import Distribution.PackageDescription
27 import Distribution.Pretty
28 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
29 import Distribution.Simple.Flag
30 import Distribution.Simple.GHC.ImplInfo
31 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Run
32 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types
33 import Distribution.System
34 import Distribution.Types.ComponentId
35 import Distribution.Utils.NubList
36 import Distribution.Verbosity
37 import Distribution.Version
38 import Language.Haskell.Extension
40 import Data.List (stripPrefix)
41 import qualified Data.Map as Map
42 import Data.Monoid (All (..), Any (..), Endo (..))
43 import qualified Data.Set as Set
44 import Distribution.Types.ParStrat
46 normaliseGhcArgs :: Maybe Version -> PackageDescription -> [String] -> [String]
47 normaliseGhcArgs (Just ghcVersion) PackageDescription{..} ghcArgs
48 | ghcVersion `withinRange` supportedGHCVersions =
49 argumentFilters . filter simpleFilters . filterRtsOpts $ ghcArgs
50 where
51 supportedGHCVersions :: VersionRange
52 supportedGHCVersions = orLaterVersion (mkVersion [8, 0])
53 -- we (weakly) support unknown future GHC versions for the purpose
54 -- of filtering GHC arguments
56 from :: Monoid m => [Int] -> m -> m
57 from version flags
58 | ghcVersion `withinRange` orLaterVersion (mkVersion version) = flags
59 | otherwise = mempty
61 to :: Monoid m => [Int] -> m -> m
62 to version flags
63 | ghcVersion `withinRange` earlierVersion (mkVersion version) = flags
64 | otherwise = mempty
66 checkGhcFlags :: forall m. Monoid m => ([String] -> m) -> m
67 checkGhcFlags fun =
68 mconcat
69 [ fun ghcArgs
70 , checkComponentFlags libBuildInfo pkgLibs
71 , checkComponentFlags buildInfo executables
72 , checkComponentFlags testBuildInfo testSuites
73 , checkComponentFlags benchmarkBuildInfo benchmarks
75 where
76 pkgLibs = maybeToList library ++ subLibraries
78 checkComponentFlags :: (a -> BuildInfo) -> [a] -> m
79 checkComponentFlags getInfo = foldMap (checkComponent . getInfo)
80 where
81 checkComponent :: BuildInfo -> m
82 checkComponent = foldMap fun . filterGhcOptions . allGhcOptions
84 allGhcOptions :: BuildInfo -> [(CompilerFlavor, [String])]
85 allGhcOptions =
86 foldMap
87 (perCompilerFlavorToList .)
88 [options, profOptions, sharedOptions, staticOptions]
90 filterGhcOptions :: [(CompilerFlavor, [String])] -> [[String]]
91 filterGhcOptions l = [opts | (GHC, opts) <- l]
93 safeToFilterWarnings :: Bool
94 safeToFilterWarnings = getAll $ checkGhcFlags checkWarnings
95 where
96 checkWarnings :: [String] -> All
97 checkWarnings = All . Set.null . foldr alter Set.empty
99 alter :: String -> Set String -> Set String
100 alter flag =
101 appEndo $
102 mconcat
103 [ \s -> Endo $ if s == "-Werror" then Set.insert s else id
104 , \s -> Endo $ if s == "-Wwarn" then const Set.empty else id
105 , \s ->
106 from [8, 6] . Endo $
107 if s == "-Werror=compat"
108 then Set.union compatWarningSet
109 else id
110 , \s ->
111 from [8, 6] . Endo $
112 if s == "-Wno-error=compat"
113 then (`Set.difference` compatWarningSet)
114 else id
115 , \s ->
116 from [8, 6] . Endo $
117 if s == "-Wwarn=compat"
118 then (`Set.difference` compatWarningSet)
119 else id
120 , from [8, 4] $ markFlag "-Werror=" Set.insert
121 , from [8, 4] $ markFlag "-Wwarn=" Set.delete
122 , from [8, 4] $ markFlag "-Wno-error=" Set.delete
124 flag
126 markFlag
127 :: String
128 -> (String -> Set String -> Set String)
129 -> String
130 -> Endo (Set String)
131 markFlag name update flag = Endo $ case stripPrefix name flag of
132 Just rest | not (null rest) && rest /= "compat" -> update rest
133 _ -> id
135 flagArgumentFilter :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
136 flagArgumentFilter flags = go
137 where
138 makeFilter :: String -> String -> Option' (First' ([String] -> [String]))
139 makeFilter flag arg = Option' $ First' . filterRest <$> stripPrefix flag arg
140 where
141 filterRest leftOver = case dropEq leftOver of
142 [] -> drop 1
143 _ -> id
145 checkFilter :: String -> Maybe ([String] -> [String])
146 checkFilter = fmap getFirst' . getOption' . foldMap makeFilter flags
148 go :: [String] -> [String]
149 go [] = []
150 go (arg : args) = case checkFilter arg of
151 Just f -> go (f args)
152 Nothing -> arg : go args
154 argumentFilters :: [String] -> [String]
155 argumentFilters =
156 flagArgumentFilter
157 ["-ghci-script", "-H", "-interactive-print"]
159 filterRtsOpts :: [String] -> [String]
160 filterRtsOpts = go False
161 where
162 go :: Bool -> [String] -> [String]
163 go _ [] = []
164 go _ ("+RTS" : opts) = go True opts
165 go _ ("-RTS" : opts) = go False opts
166 go isRTSopts (opt : opts) = addOpt $ go isRTSopts opts
167 where
168 addOpt
169 | isRTSopts = id
170 | otherwise = (opt :)
172 simpleFilters :: String -> Bool
173 simpleFilters =
175 . getAny
176 . mconcat
177 [ flagIn simpleFlags
178 , Any . isPrefixOf "-ddump-"
179 , Any . isPrefixOf "-dsuppress-"
180 , Any . isPrefixOf "-dno-suppress-"
181 , flagIn $ invertibleFlagSet "-" ["ignore-dot-ghci"]
182 , flagIn . invertibleFlagSet "-f" . mconcat $
184 [ "reverse-errors"
185 , "warn-unused-binds"
186 , "break-on-error"
187 , "break-on-exception"
188 , "print-bind-result"
189 , "print-bind-contents"
190 , "print-evld-with-show"
191 , "implicit-import-qualified"
192 , "error-spans"
194 , from
195 [7, 8]
196 [ "print-explicit-foralls" -- maybe also earlier, but GHC-7.6 doesn't have --show-options
197 , "print-explicit-kinds"
199 , from
200 [8, 0]
201 [ "print-explicit-coercions"
202 , "print-explicit-runtime-reps"
203 , "print-equality-relations"
204 , "print-unicode-syntax"
205 , "print-expanded-synonyms"
206 , "print-potential-instances"
207 , "print-typechecker-elaboration"
209 , from
210 [8, 2]
211 [ "diagnostics-show-caret"
212 , "local-ghci-history"
213 , "show-warning-groups"
214 , "hide-source-paths"
215 , "show-hole-constraints"
217 , from [8, 4] ["show-loaded-modules"]
218 , from [8, 6] ["ghci-leak-check", "no-it"]
219 , from
220 [8, 10]
221 [ "defer-diagnostics" -- affects printing of diagnostics
222 , "keep-going" -- try harder, the build will still fail if it's erroneous
223 , "print-axiom-incomps" -- print more debug info for closed type families
226 , flagIn . invertibleFlagSet "-d" $ ["ppr-case-as-let", "ppr-ticks"]
227 , isOptIntFlag
228 , isIntFlag
229 , if safeToFilterWarnings
230 then isWarning <> (Any . ("-w" ==))
231 else mempty
232 , from [8, 6] $
233 if safeToFilterHoles
234 then isTypedHoleFlag
235 else mempty
238 flagIn :: Set String -> String -> Any
239 flagIn set flag = Any $ Set.member flag set
241 isWarning :: String -> Any
242 isWarning =
243 mconcat $
245 ((Any .) . isPrefixOf)
246 ["-fwarn-", "-fno-warn-", "-W", "-Wno-"]
248 simpleFlags :: Set String
249 simpleFlags =
250 Set.fromList . mconcat $
252 [ "-n"
253 , "-#include"
254 , "-Rghc-timing"
255 , "-dstg-stats"
256 , "-dth-dec-file"
257 , "-dsource-stats"
258 , "-dverbose-core2core"
259 , "-dverbose-stg2stg"
260 , "-dcore-lint"
261 , "-dstg-lint"
262 , "-dcmm-lint"
263 , "-dasm-lint"
264 , "-dannot-lint"
265 , "-dshow-passes"
266 , "-dfaststring-stats"
267 , "-fno-max-relevant-binds"
268 , "-recomp"
269 , "-no-recomp"
270 , "-fforce-recomp"
271 , "-fno-force-recomp"
273 , from
274 [8, 2]
275 [ "-fno-max-errors"
276 , "-fdiagnostics-color=auto"
277 , "-fdiagnostics-color=always"
278 , "-fdiagnostics-color=never"
279 , "-dppr-debug"
280 , "-dno-debug-output"
282 , from [8, 4] ["-ddebug-output"]
283 , from [8, 4] $ to [8, 6] ["-fno-max-valid-substitutions"]
284 , from [8, 6] ["-dhex-word-literals"]
285 , from [8, 8] ["-fshow-docs-of-hole-fits", "-fno-show-docs-of-hole-fits"]
286 , from [9, 0] ["-dlinear-core-lint"]
289 isOptIntFlag :: String -> Any
290 isOptIntFlag = mconcat . map (dropIntFlag True) $ ["-v", "-j"]
292 isIntFlag :: String -> Any
293 isIntFlag =
294 mconcat . map (dropIntFlag False) . mconcat $
296 [ "-fmax-relevant-binds"
297 , "-ddpr-user-length"
298 , "-ddpr-cols"
299 , "-dtrace-level"
300 , "-fghci-hist-size"
302 , from [8, 2] ["-fmax-uncovered-patterns", "-fmax-errors"]
303 , from [8, 4] $ to [8, 6] ["-fmax-valid-substitutions"]
306 dropIntFlag :: Bool -> String -> String -> Any
307 dropIntFlag isOpt flag input = Any $ case stripPrefix flag input of
308 Nothing -> False
309 Just rest
310 | isOpt && null rest -> True
311 | otherwise -> case parseInt rest of
312 Just _ -> True
313 Nothing -> False
314 where
315 parseInt :: String -> Maybe Int
316 parseInt = readMaybe . dropEq
318 dropEq :: String -> String
319 dropEq ('=' : s) = s
320 dropEq s = s
322 invertibleFlagSet :: String -> [String] -> Set String
323 invertibleFlagSet prefix flagNames =
324 Set.fromList $ (++) <$> [prefix, prefix ++ "no-"] <*> flagNames
326 compatWarningSet :: Set String
327 compatWarningSet =
328 Set.fromList $
329 mconcat
330 [ from
331 [8, 6]
332 [ "missing-monadfail-instances"
333 , "semigroup"
334 , "noncanonical-monoid-instances"
335 , "implicit-kind-vars"
339 safeToFilterHoles :: Bool
340 safeToFilterHoles =
341 getAll . checkGhcFlags $
342 All . fromMaybe True . fmap getLast' . getOption' . foldMap notDeferred
343 where
344 notDeferred :: String -> Option' (Last' Bool)
345 notDeferred "-fdefer-typed-holes" = Option' . Just . Last' $ False
346 notDeferred "-fno-defer-typed-holes" = Option' . Just . Last' $ True
347 notDeferred _ = Option' Nothing
349 isTypedHoleFlag :: String -> Any
350 isTypedHoleFlag =
351 mconcat
352 [ flagIn . invertibleFlagSet "-f" $
353 [ "show-hole-constraints"
354 , "show-valid-substitutions"
355 , "show-valid-hole-fits"
356 , "sort-valid-hole-fits"
357 , "sort-by-size-hole-fits"
358 , "sort-by-subsumption-hole-fits"
359 , "abstract-refinement-hole-fits"
360 , "show-provenance-of-hole-fits"
361 , "show-hole-matches-of-hole-fits"
362 , "show-type-of-hole-fits"
363 , "show-type-app-of-hole-fits"
364 , "show-type-app-vars-of-hole-fits"
365 , "unclutter-valid-hole-fits"
367 , flagIn . Set.fromList $
368 [ "-fno-max-valid-hole-fits"
369 , "-fno-max-refinement-hole-fits"
370 , "-fno-refinement-level-hole-fits"
372 , mconcat . map (dropIntFlag False) $
373 [ "-fmax-valid-hole-fits"
374 , "-fmax-refinement-hole-fits"
375 , "-frefinement-level-hole-fits"
378 normaliseGhcArgs _ _ args = args
380 -- | A structured set of GHC options/flags
382 -- Note that options containing lists fall into two categories:
384 -- * options that can be safely deduplicated, e.g. input modules or
385 -- enabled extensions;
386 -- * options that cannot be deduplicated in general without changing
387 -- semantics, e.g. extra ghc options or linking options.
388 data GhcOptions = GhcOptions
389 { ghcOptMode :: Flag GhcMode
390 -- ^ The major mode for the ghc invocation.
391 , ghcOptExtra :: [String]
392 -- ^ Any extra options to pass directly to ghc. These go at the end and hence
393 -- override other stuff.
394 , ghcOptExtraDefault :: [String]
395 -- ^ Extra default flags to pass directly to ghc. These go at the beginning
396 -- and so can be overridden by other stuff.
397 , -----------------------
398 -- Inputs and outputs
400 ghcOptInputFiles :: NubListR FilePath
401 -- ^ The main input files; could be .hs, .hi, .c, .o, depending on mode.
402 , ghcOptInputScripts :: NubListR FilePath
403 -- ^ Script files with irregular extensions that need -x hs.
404 , ghcOptInputModules :: NubListR ModuleName
405 -- ^ The names of input Haskell modules, mainly for @--make@ mode.
406 , ghcOptOutputFile :: Flag FilePath
407 -- ^ Location for output file; the @ghc -o@ flag.
408 , ghcOptOutputDynFile :: Flag FilePath
409 -- ^ Location for dynamic output file in 'GhcStaticAndDynamic' mode;
410 -- the @ghc -dyno@ flag.
411 , ghcOptSourcePathClear :: Flag Bool
412 -- ^ Start with an empty search path for Haskell source files;
413 -- the @ghc -i@ flag (@-i@ on its own with no path argument).
414 , ghcOptSourcePath :: NubListR FilePath
415 -- ^ Search path for Haskell source files; the @ghc -i@ flag.
416 , -------------
417 -- Packages
419 ghcOptThisUnitId :: Flag String
420 -- ^ The unit ID the modules will belong to; the @ghc -this-unit-id@
421 -- flag (or @-this-package-key@ or @-package-name@ on older
422 -- versions of GHC). This is a 'String' because we assume you've
423 -- already figured out what the correct format for this string is
424 -- (we need to handle backwards compatibility.)
425 , ghcOptThisComponentId :: Flag ComponentId
426 -- ^ GHC doesn't make any assumptions about the format of
427 -- definite unit ids, so when we are instantiating a package it
428 -- needs to be told explicitly what the component being instantiated
429 -- is. This only gets set when 'ghcOptInstantiatedWith' is non-empty
430 , ghcOptInstantiatedWith :: [(ModuleName, OpenModule)]
431 -- ^ How the requirements of the package being compiled are to
432 -- be filled. When typechecking an indefinite package, the 'OpenModule'
433 -- is always a 'OpenModuleVar'; otherwise, it specifies the installed module
434 -- that instantiates a package.
435 , ghcOptNoCode :: Flag Bool
436 -- ^ No code? (But we turn on interface writing
437 , ghcOptPackageDBs :: PackageDBStack
438 -- ^ GHC package databases to use, the @ghc -package-conf@ flag.
439 , ghcOptPackages
440 :: NubListR (OpenUnitId, ModuleRenaming)
441 -- ^ The GHC packages to bring into scope when compiling,
442 -- the @ghc -package-id@ flags.
443 , ghcOptHideAllPackages :: Flag Bool
444 -- ^ Start with a clean package set; the @ghc -hide-all-packages@ flag
445 , ghcOptWarnMissingHomeModules :: Flag Bool
446 -- ^ Warn about modules, not listed in command line
447 , ghcOptNoAutoLinkPackages :: Flag Bool
448 -- ^ Don't automatically link in Haskell98 etc; the @ghc
449 -- -no-auto-link-packages@ flag.
450 , -----------------
451 -- Linker stuff
453 ghcOptLinkLibs :: [FilePath]
454 -- ^ Names of libraries to link in; the @ghc -l@ flag.
455 , ghcOptLinkLibPath :: NubListR FilePath
456 -- ^ Search path for libraries to link in; the @ghc -L@ flag.
457 , ghcOptLinkOptions :: [String]
458 -- ^ Options to pass through to the linker; the @ghc -optl@ flag.
459 , ghcOptLinkFrameworks :: NubListR String
460 -- ^ OSX only: frameworks to link in; the @ghc -framework@ flag.
461 , ghcOptLinkFrameworkDirs :: NubListR String
462 -- ^ OSX only: Search path for frameworks to link in; the
463 -- @ghc -framework-path@ flag.
464 , ghcOptLinkRts :: Flag Bool
465 -- ^ Instruct GHC to link against @libHSrts@ when producing a shared library.
466 , ghcOptNoLink :: Flag Bool
467 -- ^ Don't do the link step, useful in make mode; the @ghc -no-link@ flag.
468 , ghcOptLinkNoHsMain :: Flag Bool
469 -- ^ Don't link in the normal RTS @main@ entry point; the @ghc -no-hs-main@
470 -- flag.
471 , ghcOptLinkModDefFiles :: NubListR FilePath
472 -- ^ Module definition files (Windows specific)
473 , --------------------
474 -- C and CPP stuff
476 ghcOptCcOptions :: [String]
477 -- ^ Options to pass through to the C compiler; the @ghc -optc@ flag.
478 , ghcOptCxxOptions :: [String]
479 -- ^ Options to pass through to the C++ compiler.
480 , ghcOptAsmOptions :: [String]
481 -- ^ Options to pass through to the Assembler.
482 , ghcOptCppOptions :: [String]
483 -- ^ Options to pass through to CPP; the @ghc -optP@ flag.
484 , ghcOptCppIncludePath :: NubListR FilePath
485 -- ^ Search path for CPP includes like header files; the @ghc -I@ flag.
486 , ghcOptCppIncludes :: NubListR FilePath
487 -- ^ Extra header files to include at CPP stage; the @ghc -optP-include@ flag.
488 , ghcOptFfiIncludes :: NubListR FilePath
489 -- ^ Extra header files to include for old-style FFI; the @ghc -#include@ flag.
490 , ghcOptCcProgram :: Flag FilePath
491 -- ^ Program to use for the C and C++ compiler; the @ghc -pgmc@ flag.
492 , ----------------------------
493 -- Language and extensions
495 ghcOptLanguage :: Flag Language
496 -- ^ The base language; the @ghc -XHaskell98@ or @-XHaskell2010@ flag.
497 , ghcOptExtensions :: NubListR Extension
498 -- ^ The language extensions; the @ghc -X@ flag.
499 , ghcOptExtensionMap :: Map Extension (Maybe CompilerFlag)
500 -- ^ A GHC version-dependent mapping of extensions to flags. This must be
501 -- set to be able to make use of the 'ghcOptExtensions'.
502 , ----------------
503 -- Compilation
505 ghcOptOptimisation :: Flag GhcOptimisation
506 -- ^ What optimisation level to use; the @ghc -O@ flag.
507 , ghcOptDebugInfo :: Flag DebugInfoLevel
508 -- ^ Emit debug info; the @ghc -g@ flag.
509 , ghcOptProfilingMode :: Flag Bool
510 -- ^ Compile in profiling mode; the @ghc -prof@ flag.
511 , ghcOptProfilingAuto :: Flag GhcProfAuto
512 -- ^ Automatically add profiling cost centers; the @ghc -fprof-auto*@ flags.
513 , ghcOptSplitSections :: Flag Bool
514 -- ^ Use the \"split sections\" feature; the @ghc -split-sections@ flag.
515 , ghcOptSplitObjs :: Flag Bool
516 -- ^ Use the \"split object files\" feature; the @ghc -split-objs@ flag.
517 , ghcOptNumJobs :: Flag ParStrat
518 -- ^ Run N jobs simultaneously (if possible).
519 , ghcOptHPCDir :: Flag FilePath
520 -- ^ Enable coverage analysis; the @ghc -fhpc -hpcdir@ flags.
521 , ----------------
522 -- GHCi
524 ghcOptGHCiScripts :: [FilePath]
525 -- ^ Extra GHCi startup scripts; the @-ghci-script@ flag
526 , ------------------------
527 -- Redirecting outputs
529 ghcOptHiSuffix :: Flag String
530 , ghcOptObjSuffix :: Flag String
531 , ghcOptDynHiSuffix :: Flag String
532 -- ^ only in 'GhcStaticAndDynamic' mode
533 , ghcOptDynObjSuffix :: Flag String
534 -- ^ only in 'GhcStaticAndDynamic' mode
535 , ghcOptHiDir :: Flag FilePath
536 , ghcOptHieDir :: Flag FilePath
537 , ghcOptObjDir :: Flag FilePath
538 , ghcOptOutputDir :: Flag FilePath
539 , ghcOptStubDir :: Flag FilePath
540 , --------------------
541 -- Creating libraries
543 ghcOptDynLinkMode :: Flag GhcDynLinkMode
544 , ghcOptStaticLib :: Flag Bool
545 , ghcOptShared :: Flag Bool
546 , ghcOptFPic :: Flag Bool
547 , ghcOptDylibName :: Flag String
548 , ghcOptRPaths :: NubListR FilePath
549 , ---------------
550 -- Misc flags
552 ghcOptVerbosity :: Flag Verbosity
553 -- ^ Get GHC to be quiet or verbose with what it's doing; the @ghc -v@ flag.
554 , ghcOptExtraPath :: NubListR FilePath
555 -- ^ Put the extra folders in the PATH environment variable we invoke
556 -- GHC with
557 -- | Put the extra folders in the PATH environment variable we invoke
558 -- GHC with
559 , ghcOptCabal :: Flag Bool
560 -- ^ Let GHC know that it is Cabal that's calling it.
561 -- Modifies some of the GHC error messages.
563 deriving (Show, Generic)
565 data GhcMode
566 = -- | @ghc -c@
567 GhcModeCompile
568 | -- | @ghc@
569 GhcModeLink
570 | -- | @ghc --make@
571 GhcModeMake
572 | -- | @ghci@ \/ @ghc --interactive@
573 GhcModeInteractive
574 | -- | @ghc --abi-hash@
575 -- | GhcModeDepAnalysis -- ^ @ghc -M@
576 -- | GhcModeEvaluate -- ^ @ghc -e@
577 GhcModeAbiHash
578 deriving (Show, Eq)
580 data GhcOptimisation
581 = -- | @-O0@
582 GhcNoOptimisation
583 | -- | @-O@
584 GhcNormalOptimisation
585 | -- | @-O2@
586 GhcMaximumOptimisation
587 | -- | e.g. @-Odph@
588 GhcSpecialOptimisation String
589 deriving (Show, Eq)
591 data GhcDynLinkMode
592 = -- | @-static@
593 GhcStaticOnly
594 | -- | @-dynamic@
595 GhcDynamicOnly
596 | -- | @-static -dynamic-too@
597 GhcStaticAndDynamic
598 deriving (Show, Eq)
600 data GhcProfAuto
601 = -- | @-fprof-auto@
602 GhcProfAutoAll
603 | -- | @-fprof-auto-top@
604 GhcProfAutoToplevel
605 | -- | @-fprof-auto-exported@
606 GhcProfAutoExported
607 | -- | @-fprof-late
608 GhcProfLate
609 deriving (Show, Eq)
611 runGHC
612 :: Verbosity
613 -> ConfiguredProgram
614 -> Compiler
615 -> Platform
616 -> GhcOptions
617 -> IO ()
618 runGHC verbosity ghcProg comp platform opts = do
619 runProgramInvocation verbosity (ghcInvocation ghcProg comp platform opts)
621 ghcInvocation
622 :: ConfiguredProgram
623 -> Compiler
624 -> Platform
625 -> GhcOptions
626 -> ProgramInvocation
627 ghcInvocation prog comp platform opts =
628 (programInvocation prog (renderGhcOptions comp platform opts))
629 { progInvokePathEnv = fromNubListR (ghcOptExtraPath opts)
632 renderGhcOptions :: Compiler -> Platform -> GhcOptions -> [String]
633 renderGhcOptions comp _platform@(Platform _arch os) opts
634 | compilerFlavor comp `notElem` [GHC, GHCJS] =
635 error $
636 "Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC.renderGhcOptions: "
637 ++ "compiler flavor must be 'GHC' or 'GHCJS'!"
638 | otherwise =
639 concat
640 [ case flagToMaybe (ghcOptMode opts) of
641 Nothing -> []
642 Just GhcModeCompile -> ["-c"]
643 Just GhcModeLink -> []
644 Just GhcModeMake -> ["--make"]
645 Just GhcModeInteractive -> ["--interactive"]
646 Just GhcModeAbiHash -> ["--abi-hash"]
647 , -- Just GhcModeDepAnalysis -> ["-M"]
648 -- Just GhcModeEvaluate -> ["-e", expr]
650 ghcOptExtraDefault opts
651 , ["-no-link" | flagBool ghcOptNoLink]
652 , ["-flink-rts" | flagBool ghcOptLinkRts]
653 , ---------------
654 -- Misc flags
656 maybe [] verbosityOpts (flagToMaybe (ghcOptVerbosity opts))
657 , ["-fbuilding-cabal-package" | flagBool ghcOptCabal]
658 , ----------------
659 -- Compilation
661 case flagToMaybe (ghcOptOptimisation opts) of
662 Nothing -> []
663 Just GhcNoOptimisation -> ["-O0"]
664 Just GhcNormalOptimisation -> ["-O"]
665 Just GhcMaximumOptimisation -> ["-O2"]
666 Just (GhcSpecialOptimisation s) -> ["-O" ++ s] -- eg -Odph
667 , case flagToMaybe (ghcOptDebugInfo opts) of
668 Nothing -> []
669 Just NoDebugInfo -> []
670 Just MinimalDebugInfo -> ["-g1"]
671 Just NormalDebugInfo -> ["-g2"]
672 Just MaximalDebugInfo -> ["-g3"]
673 , ["-prof" | flagBool ghcOptProfilingMode]
674 , case flagToMaybe (ghcOptProfilingAuto opts) of
676 | not (flagBool ghcOptProfilingMode) ->
678 Nothing -> []
679 Just GhcProfAutoAll
680 | flagProfAuto implInfo -> ["-fprof-auto"]
681 | otherwise -> ["-auto-all"] -- not the same, but close
682 Just GhcProfLate
683 | flagProfLate implInfo -> ["-fprof-late"]
684 | otherwise -> ["-fprof-auto-top"] -- not the same, not very close, but what we have.
685 Just GhcProfAutoToplevel
686 | flagProfAuto implInfo -> ["-fprof-auto-top"]
687 | otherwise -> ["-auto-all"]
688 Just GhcProfAutoExported
689 | flagProfAuto implInfo -> ["-fprof-auto-exported"]
690 | otherwise -> ["-auto"]
691 , ["-split-sections" | flagBool ghcOptSplitSections]
692 , ["-split-objs" | flagBool ghcOptSplitObjs]
693 , case flagToMaybe (ghcOptHPCDir opts) of
694 Nothing -> []
695 Just hpcdir -> ["-fhpc", "-hpcdir", hpcdir]
696 , if parmakeSupported comp
697 then case ghcOptNumJobs opts of
698 NoFlag -> []
699 Flag Serial -> []
700 Flag (UseSem name) ->
701 if jsemSupported comp
702 then ["-jsem " ++ name]
703 else []
704 Flag (NumJobs n) -> ["-j" ++ maybe "" show n]
705 else []
706 , --------------------
707 -- Creating libraries
709 ["-staticlib" | flagBool ghcOptStaticLib]
710 , ["-shared" | flagBool ghcOptShared]
711 , case flagToMaybe (ghcOptDynLinkMode opts) of
712 Nothing -> []
713 Just GhcStaticOnly -> ["-static"]
714 Just GhcDynamicOnly -> ["-dynamic"]
715 Just GhcStaticAndDynamic -> ["-static", "-dynamic-too"]
716 , ["-fPIC" | flagBool ghcOptFPic]
717 , concat [["-dylib-install-name", libname] | libname <- flag ghcOptDylibName]
718 , ------------------------
719 -- Redirecting outputs
721 concat [["-osuf", suf] | suf <- flag ghcOptObjSuffix]
722 , concat [["-hisuf", suf] | suf <- flag ghcOptHiSuffix]
723 , concat [["-dynosuf", suf] | suf <- flag ghcOptDynObjSuffix]
724 , concat [["-dynhisuf", suf] | suf <- flag ghcOptDynHiSuffix]
725 , concat [["-outputdir", dir] | dir <- flag ghcOptOutputDir]
726 , concat [["-odir", dir] | dir <- flag ghcOptObjDir]
727 , concat [["-hidir", dir] | dir <- flag ghcOptHiDir]
728 , concat [["-hiedir", dir] | dir <- flag ghcOptHieDir]
729 , concat [["-stubdir", dir] | dir <- flag ghcOptStubDir]
730 , -----------------------
731 -- Source search path
733 ["-i" | flagBool ghcOptSourcePathClear]
734 , ["-i" ++ dir | dir <- flags ghcOptSourcePath]
735 , --------------------
737 --------------------
738 -- CPP, C, and C++ stuff
740 ["-I" ++ dir | dir <- flags ghcOptCppIncludePath]
741 , ["-optP" ++ opt | opt <- ghcOptCppOptions opts]
742 , concat
743 [ ["-optP-include", "-optP" ++ inc]
744 | inc <- flags ghcOptCppIncludes
746 , ["-optc" ++ opt | opt <- ghcOptCcOptions opts]
747 , -- C++ compiler options: GHC >= 8.10 requires -optcxx, older requires -optc
748 let cxxflag = case compilerCompatVersion GHC comp of
749 Just v | v >= mkVersion [8, 10] -> "-optcxx"
750 _ -> "-optc"
751 in [cxxflag ++ opt | opt <- ghcOptCxxOptions opts]
752 , ["-opta" ++ opt | opt <- ghcOptAsmOptions opts]
753 , concat [["-pgmc", cc] | cc <- flag ghcOptCcProgram]
754 , -----------------
755 -- Linker stuff
757 ["-optl" ++ opt | opt <- ghcOptLinkOptions opts]
758 , ["-l" ++ lib | lib <- ghcOptLinkLibs opts]
759 , ["-L" ++ dir | dir <- flags ghcOptLinkLibPath]
760 , if isOSX
761 then
762 concat
763 [ ["-framework", fmwk]
764 | fmwk <- flags ghcOptLinkFrameworks
766 else []
767 , if isOSX
768 then
769 concat
770 [ ["-framework-path", path]
771 | path <- flags ghcOptLinkFrameworkDirs
773 else []
774 , ["-no-hs-main" | flagBool ghcOptLinkNoHsMain]
775 , ["-dynload deploy" | not (null (flags ghcOptRPaths))]
776 , concat
777 [ ["-optl-Wl,-rpath," ++ dir]
778 | dir <- flags ghcOptRPaths
780 , flags ghcOptLinkModDefFiles
781 , -------------
782 -- Packages
784 concat
785 [ [ case () of
787 | unitIdSupported comp -> "-this-unit-id"
788 | packageKeySupported comp -> "-this-package-key"
789 | otherwise -> "-package-name"
790 , this_arg
792 | this_arg <- flag ghcOptThisUnitId
794 , concat
795 [ ["-this-component-id", prettyShow this_cid]
796 | this_cid <- flag ghcOptThisComponentId
798 , if null (ghcOptInstantiatedWith opts)
799 then []
800 else
801 "-instantiated-with"
802 : intercalate
804 ( map
805 ( \(n, m) ->
806 prettyShow n
807 ++ "="
808 ++ prettyShow m
810 (ghcOptInstantiatedWith opts)
812 : []
813 , concat [["-fno-code", "-fwrite-interface"] | flagBool ghcOptNoCode]
814 , ["-hide-all-packages" | flagBool ghcOptHideAllPackages]
815 , ["-Wmissing-home-modules" | flagBool ghcOptWarnMissingHomeModules]
816 , ["-no-auto-link-packages" | flagBool ghcOptNoAutoLinkPackages]
817 , packageDbArgs implInfo (ghcOptPackageDBs opts)
818 , concat $
819 let space "" = ""
820 space xs = ' ' : xs
821 in [ ["-package-id", prettyShow ipkgid ++ space (prettyShow rns)]
822 | (ipkgid, rns) <- flags ghcOptPackages
824 , ----------------------------
825 -- Language and extensions
827 if supportsHaskell2010 implInfo
828 then ["-X" ++ prettyShow lang | lang <- flag ghcOptLanguage]
829 else []
830 , [ ext'
831 | ext <- flags ghcOptExtensions
832 , ext' <- case Map.lookup ext (ghcOptExtensionMap opts) of
833 Just (Just arg) -> [arg]
834 Just Nothing -> []
835 Nothing ->
836 error $
837 "Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC.renderGhcOptions: "
838 ++ prettyShow ext
839 ++ " not present in ghcOptExtensionMap."
841 , ----------------
842 -- GHCi
844 concat
845 [ ["-ghci-script", script] | script <- ghcOptGHCiScripts opts, flagGhciScript implInfo
847 , ---------------
848 -- Inputs
850 -- Specify the input file(s) first, so that in ghci the `main-is` module is
851 -- in scope instead of the first module defined in `other-modules`.
852 flags ghcOptInputFiles
853 , concat [["-x", "hs", script] | script <- flags ghcOptInputScripts]
854 , [prettyShow modu | modu <- flags ghcOptInputModules]
855 , concat [["-o", out] | out <- flag ghcOptOutputFile]
856 , concat [["-dyno", out] | out <- flag ghcOptOutputDynFile]
857 , ---------------
858 -- Extra
860 ghcOptExtra opts
862 where
863 implInfo = getImplInfo comp
864 isOSX = os == OSX
865 flag flg = flagToList (flg opts)
866 flags flg = fromNubListR . flg $ opts
867 flagBool flg = fromFlagOrDefault False (flg opts)
869 verbosityOpts :: Verbosity -> [String]
870 verbosityOpts verbosity
871 | verbosity >= deafening = ["-v"]
872 | verbosity >= normal = []
873 | otherwise = ["-w", "-v0"]
875 -- | GHC <7.6 uses '-package-conf' instead of '-package-db'.
876 packageDbArgsConf :: PackageDBStack -> [String]
877 packageDbArgsConf dbstack = case dbstack of
878 (GlobalPackageDB : UserPackageDB : dbs) -> concatMap specific dbs
879 (GlobalPackageDB : dbs) ->
880 ("-no-user-package-conf")
881 : concatMap specific dbs
882 _ -> ierror
883 where
884 specific (SpecificPackageDB db) = ["-package-conf", db]
885 specific _ = ierror
886 ierror =
887 error $
888 "internal error: unexpected package db stack: "
889 ++ show dbstack
891 -- | GHC >= 7.6 uses the '-package-db' flag. See
892 --
893 packageDbArgsDb :: PackageDBStack -> [String]
894 -- special cases to make arguments prettier in common scenarios
895 packageDbArgsDb dbstack = case dbstack of
896 (GlobalPackageDB : UserPackageDB : dbs)
897 | all isSpecific dbs -> concatMap single dbs
898 (GlobalPackageDB : dbs)
899 | all isSpecific dbs ->
900 "-no-user-package-db"
901 : concatMap single dbs
902 dbs ->
903 "-clear-package-db"
904 : concatMap single dbs
905 where
906 single (SpecificPackageDB db) = ["-package-db", db]
907 single GlobalPackageDB = ["-global-package-db"]
908 single UserPackageDB = ["-user-package-db"]
909 isSpecific (SpecificPackageDB _) = True
910 isSpecific _ = False
912 packageDbArgs :: GhcImplInfo -> PackageDBStack -> [String]
913 packageDbArgs implInfo
914 | flagPackageConf implInfo = packageDbArgsConf
915 | otherwise = packageDbArgsDb
917 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
918 -- Boilerplate Monoid instance for GhcOptions
920 instance Monoid GhcOptions where
921 mempty = gmempty
922 mappend = (<>)
924 instance Semigroup GhcOptions where
925 (<>) = gmappend