Make “sublibrary” standard terminology in docs
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / Program / Script.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |
6 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Program.Script
7 -- Copyright : Duncan Coutts 2009
8 --
9 -- Maintainer :
10 -- Portability : portable
12 -- This module provides an library interface to the @hc-pkg@ program.
13 -- Currently only GHC and LHC have hc-pkg programs.
14 module Distribution.Simple.Program.Script
15 ( invocationAsSystemScript
16 , invocationAsShellScript
17 , invocationAsBatchFile
18 ) where
20 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
21 import Prelude ()
23 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Run
24 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
25 import Distribution.System
27 -- | Generate a system script, either POSIX shell script or Windows batch file
28 -- as appropriate for the given system.
29 invocationAsSystemScript :: OS -> ProgramInvocation -> String
30 invocationAsSystemScript Windows = invocationAsBatchFile
31 invocationAsSystemScript _ = invocationAsShellScript
33 -- | Generate a POSIX shell script that invokes a program.
34 invocationAsShellScript :: ProgramInvocation -> String
35 invocationAsShellScript
36 ProgramInvocation
37 { progInvokePath = path
38 , progInvokeArgs = args
39 , progInvokeEnv = envExtra
40 , progInvokeCwd = mcwd
41 , progInvokeInput = minput
42 } =
43 unlines $
44 ["#!/bin/sh"]
45 ++ concatMap setEnv envExtra
46 ++ ["cd " ++ quote cwd | cwd <- maybeToList mcwd]
47 ++ [ ( case minput of
48 Nothing -> ""
49 Just input -> "printf '%s' " ++ quote (iodataToText input) ++ " | "
51 ++ unwords (map quote $ path : args)
52 ++ " \"$@\""
54 where
55 setEnv (var, Nothing) = ["unset " ++ var, "export " ++ var]
56 setEnv (var, Just val) = ["export " ++ var ++ "=" ++ quote val]
58 quote :: String -> String
59 quote s = "'" ++ escape s ++ "'"
61 escape [] = []
62 escape ('\'' : cs) = "'\\''" ++ escape cs
63 escape (c : cs) = c : escape cs
65 iodataToText :: IOData -> String
66 iodataToText (IODataText str) = str
67 iodataToText (IODataBinary lbs) = fromUTF8LBS lbs
69 -- | Generate a Windows batch file that invokes a program.
70 invocationAsBatchFile :: ProgramInvocation -> String
71 invocationAsBatchFile
72 ProgramInvocation
73 { progInvokePath = path
74 , progInvokeArgs = args
75 , progInvokeEnv = envExtra
76 , progInvokeCwd = mcwd
77 , progInvokeInput = minput
78 } =
79 unlines $
80 ["@echo off"]
81 ++ map setEnv envExtra
82 ++ ["cd \"" ++ cwd ++ "\"" | cwd <- maybeToList mcwd]
83 ++ case minput of
84 Nothing ->
85 [path ++ concatMap (' ' :) args]
86 Just input ->
87 ["("]
88 ++ ["echo " ++ escape line | line <- lines $ iodataToText input]
89 ++ [ ") | "
90 ++ "\""
91 ++ path
92 ++ "\""
93 ++ concatMap (\arg -> ' ' : quote arg) args
95 where
96 setEnv (var, Nothing) = "set " ++ var ++ "="
97 setEnv (var, Just val) = "set " ++ var ++ "=" ++ escape val
99 quote :: String -> String
100 quote s = "\"" ++ escapeQ s ++ "\""
102 escapeQ [] = []
103 escapeQ ('"' : cs) = "\"\"\"" ++ escapeQ cs
104 escapeQ (c : cs) = c : escapeQ cs
106 escape [] = []
107 escape ('|' : cs) = "^|" ++ escape cs
108 escape ('<' : cs) = "^<" ++ escape cs
109 escape ('>' : cs) = "^>" ++ escape cs
110 escape ('&' : cs) = "^&" ++ escape cs
111 escape ('(' : cs) = "^(" ++ escape cs
112 escape (')' : cs) = "^)" ++ escape cs
113 escape ('^' : cs) = "^^" ++ escape cs
114 escape (c : cs) = c : escape cs