1 module Test
6 import Data
8 import Distribution
9 import Distribution
10 import Distribution
11 import Distribution
12 import Distribution
14 import Text
15 import Text
16 import Data
.Array ((!))
18 import qualified Data
as F
20 normalizeOutput
:: NormalizerEnv
-> String -> String
21 normalizeOutput nenv
22 -- Munge away .exe suffix on filenames (Windows)
23 resub
"([A-Za-z0-9.-]+)\\.exe" "\\1"
24 -- Normalize backslashes to forward slashes to normalize
26 . map (\c
-> if c
== '\\' then '/' else c
27 -- Install path frequently has architecture specific elements, so
29 . resub
"Installing (.+) in .+" "Installing \\1 in <PATH>"
30 -- Things that look like libraries
31 . resub
"libHS[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.(so|dll|a|dynlib)" "<LIBRARY>"
32 -- look for PackageHash directories
33 . resub
35 -- This is dumb but I don't feel like pulling in another dep for
36 -- string search-replace. Make sure we do this before backslash
38 . resub
(normalizerGblTmpDir nenv
) ++ "[a-z0-9\\.-]+") "<GBLTMPDIR>"
39 . resub
"tmp/src-" ++ "[0-9]+") "<TMPDIR>"
40 . resub
(normalizerTmpDir nenv
) ++ sameDir
) "<ROOT>/"
41 . resub
(normalizerCanonicalTmpDir nenv
) ++ sameDir
) "<ROOT>/"
42 . appEndo
(map (Endo
. packageIdRegex
) (normalizerKnownPackages nenv
43 -- Look for 0.1/installed-0d6uzW7Ubh1Fb4TB5oeQ3G
44 -- These installed packages will vary depending on GHC version
45 -- Apply this before packageIdRegex, otherwise this regex doesn't match.
46 . resub
47 "<VERSION>/installed-<HASH>"
48 -- incoming directories in the store
49 . resub
50 "/incoming/new-<RAND>"
51 -- Normalize architecture
52 . resub
(normalizerPlatform nenv
))) "<ARCH>"
53 -- Some GHC versions are chattier than others
54 . resub
"^ignoring \\(possibly broken\\) abi-depends field for packages" ""
55 -- Normalize the current GHC version. Apply this BEFORE packageIdRegex,
56 -- which will pick up the install ghc library (which doesn't have the
58 . (if normalizerGhcVersion nenv
/= nullVersion
59 then resub
(normalizerGhcVersion nenv
60 -- Also glob the date, for nightly GHC builds
62 -- Also glob the ABI hash, for GHCs which support it
66 . normalizeBuildInfoJson
67 . maybe id normalizePathCmdOutput
(normalizerCabalInstallVersion nenv
68 -- hackage-security locks occur non-deterministically
69 . resub
"(Released|Acquired|Waiting) .*hackage-security-lock\n" ""
71 sameDir
= "(\\.((\\\\)+|\\/))*"
73 resub
(display pid
) ++ "(-[A-Za-z0-9.-]+)?")
74 (prettyShow
(packageName pid
) ++ "-<VERSION>")
76 normalizePathCmdOutput cabalInstallVersion
77 -- clear the ghc path out of all supported output formats
78 resub
("compiler-path: " <> posixRegexEscape
(normalizerGhcPath nenv
79 "compiler-path: <GHCPATH>"
80 -- ghc compiler path is already covered by 'normalizeBuildInfoJson'
81 . resub
("{\"cabal-version\":\"" ++ posixRegexEscape
(display cabalInstallVersion
) ++ "\"")
82 "{\"cabal-version\":\"<CABAL_INSTALL_VER>\""
83 -- Replace windows filepaths that contain `\\` in the json output.
84 -- since we need to escape each '\' ourselves, these 8 backslashes match on exactly 2 backslashes
85 -- in the test output.
86 -- As the json output is escaped, we need to re-escape the path.
87 . resub
"\\\\\\\\" "\\"
89 -- 'build-info.json' contains a plethora of host system specific information.
91 -- This must happen before the root-dir normalisation.
92 normalizeBuildInfoJson
93 -- Remove ghc path from show-build-info output
94 resub
("\"path\":\"" <> posixRegexEscape
(normalizerGhcPath nenv
) <> "\"")
95 "\"path\":\"<GHCPATH>\""
96 -- Remove cabal version output from show-build-info output
97 . resub
("{\"cabal-lib-version\":\"" ++ posixRegexEscape
(normalizerCabalVersion nenv
)) ++ "\"")
98 "{\"cabal-lib-version\":\"<CABALVER>\""
99 -- Remove the package id for stuff such as:
100 -- > "-package-id","base-<some-hash>"
101 -- and replace it with:
102 -- > "-package-id","<PACKAGEDEP>"
104 -- Otherwise, output can not be properly normalized as on MacOs we remove
105 -- vowels from packages to make the names shorter.
106 -- E.g. "another-framework-" -> "nthr-frmwrk-"
108 -- This makes it impossible to have a stable package id, thus remove it completely.
109 -- Check manually in your test-cases if the package-id needs to be verified.
110 . resub
111 "\"-package-id\",\"<PACKAGEDEP>\""
113 data NormalizerEnv
= NormalizerEnv
114 { normalizerRoot
:: FilePath
115 , normalizerTmpDir
:: FilePath
116 , normalizerCanonicalTmpDir
:: FilePath
117 -- ^ May differ from 'normalizerTmpDir', especially e.g. on macos, where
118 -- `/var` is a symlink for `/private/var`.
119 , normalizerGblTmpDir
:: FilePath
120 , normalizerGhcVersion
:: Version
121 , normalizerGhcPath
:: FilePath
122 , normalizerKnownPackages
:: [PackageId
123 , normalizerPlatform
:: Platform
124 , normalizerCabalVersion
:: Version
125 , normalizerCabalInstallVersion
:: Maybe Version
128 posixSpecialChars
:: [Char]
129 posixSpecialChars
= ".^$*+?()[{\\|"
131 posixRegexEscape
:: String -> String
132 posixRegexEscape
= concatMap (\c
-> if c `
elem` posixSpecialChars
then ['\\', c
] else [c
134 -- From regex-compat-tdfa by Christopher Kuklewicz and shelarcy, BSD-3-Clause
135 -------------------------
137 resub
:: String {- search -} -> String {- replace -} -> String {- input -} -> String
139 resub regexp repl inp
140 let compile _i str
[] = \ _m
-> (str
141 compile i str
(("\\", (off
, len
)) : rest
) =
143 pre
= take (off
- i
) str
144 str
' = drop (i
' - i
) str
145 in if null str
' then \ _m
-> (pre
++) . ('\\' :)
146 else \ m
-> (pre
++) . ('\\' :) . compile i
' str
' rest m
147 compile i str
, (off
, len
)) : rest
) =
149 pre
= take (off
- i
) str
150 str
' = drop (i
' - i
) str
152 in if null str
' then \ m
-> (pre
++) . (fst (m
! x
) ++)
153 else \ m
-> (pre
++) . (fst (m
! x
) ++) . compile i
' str
' rest m
154 compiled
:: MatchText
String -> String -> String
155 compiled
= compile
0 repl findrefs
156 -- bre matches a backslash then capture either a backslash or some digits
157 bre
= mkRegex
158 findrefs
= map (\m
-> (fst (m
! 1), snd (m
! 0))) (matchAllText bre repl
161 let (_
, (off
, len
)) = m
! 0
163 pre
= take (off
- i
) str
164 str
' = drop (i
' - i
) str
165 in if null str
' then pre
++ compiled m
166 else pre
++ compiled m
(go i
' str
' ms
167 in go
0 inp
(mkRegex regexp
) inp
169 mkRegex
:: String -> Regex
170 mkRegex s
= makeRegexOpts opt defaultExecOpt s
171 where opt
= defaultCompOpt
{ newSyntax
= True, multiline
= True }