1 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
5 -- | Functionality for invoking Haskell scripts with the correct
6 -- package database setup.
7 module Test
16 import Test
18 import Distribution
19 import Distribution
20 import Distribution
21 import Distribution
22 import Distribution
23 import Distribution
24 import Distribution
25 import Distribution
26 import Distribution
27 import Distribution
28 import Distribution
29 import Distribution
31 import qualified Data
as M
34 -- | The runner environment, which contains all of the important
35 -- parameters for invoking GHC. Mostly subset of 'LocalBuildInfo'.
36 data ScriptEnv
= ScriptEnv
37 { runnerProgramDb
:: ProgramDb
38 , runnerPackageDbStack
:: PackageDBStack
39 , runnerVerbosity
:: Verbosity
40 , runnerPlatform
:: Platform
41 , runnerCompiler
:: Compiler
42 , runnerPackages
:: [(OpenUnitId
, ModuleRenaming
43 , runnerWithSharedLib
:: Bool
49 -- | Convert package database into absolute path, so that
50 -- if we change working directories in a subprocess we get the correct database.
51 canonicalizePackageDB :: PackageDB -> IO PackageDB
52 canonicalizePackageDB (SpecificPackageDB path)
53 = SpecificPackageDB `fmap` canonicalizePath path
54 canonicalizePackageDB x = return x
58 -- | Create a 'ScriptEnv' from a 'LocalBuildInfo' configured with
59 -- the GHC that we want to use.
60 mkScriptEnv
:: Verbosity
-> IO ScriptEnv
61 mkScriptEnv verbosity
63 { runnerVerbosity
= verbosity
64 , runnerProgramDb
= lbiProgramDb
65 , runnerPackageDbStack
= lbiPackageDbStack
66 , runnerPlatform
= lbiPlatform
67 , runnerCompiler
= lbiCompiler
68 -- NB: the set of packages available to test.hs scripts will COINCIDE
69 -- with the dependencies on the cabal-testsuite library
70 , runnerPackages
= lbiPackages
71 , runnerWithSharedLib
= lbiWithSharedLib
74 -- | Run a script with 'runghc', under the 'ScriptEnv'.
75 runghc
:: ScriptEnv
-> Maybe FilePath -> [(String, Maybe String)]
76 -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO Result
77 runghc senv mb_cwd env_overrides script_path args
= do
78 (real_path
, real_args
) <- runnerCommand senv mb_cwd env_overrides script_path args
79 run
(runnerVerbosity senv
) mb_cwd env_overrides real_path real_args Nothing
81 -- | Compute the command line which should be used to run a Haskell
82 -- script with 'runghc'.
83 runnerCommand
:: ScriptEnv
-> Maybe FilePath -> [(String, Maybe String)]
84 -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO (FilePath, [String])
85 runnerCommand senv mb_cwd _env_overrides script_path args
= do
86 (prog
, _
) <- requireProgram verbosity runghcProgram
(runnerProgramDb senv
89 runghc_args
++ ["--"] ++ map ("--ghc-arg="++) ghc_args
++ [script_path
] ++ args
91 verbosity
= runnerVerbosity senv
93 ghc_args
= runnerGhcArgs senv mb_cwd
95 -- | Compute the GHC flags to invoke 'runghc' with under a 'ScriptEnv'.
96 runnerGhcArgs
:: ScriptEnv
-> Maybe FilePath -> [String]
97 runnerGhcArgs senv mb_cwd
98 renderGhcOptions
(runnerCompiler senv
) (runnerPlatform senv
) ghc_options
100 ghc_options
= M
{ ghcOptPackageDBs
= runnerPackageDbStack senv
101 , ghcOptPackages
= toNubListR
(runnerPackages senv
102 , ghcOptHideAllPackages
= Flag
103 -- Avoid picking stray module files that look
104 -- like our imports...
105 , ghcOptSourcePathClear
= Flag
106 -- ... yet retain the current directory as an included
107 -- directory, e.g. so that we can compile a Setup.hs
108 -- script which imports a locally defined module.
109 -- See the PackageTests/SetupDep test.
110 , ghcOptSourcePath
= toNubListR
113 Just
{} -> [sameDirectory