Delete unused downloads page asset.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / media / base /
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "media/base/test_helpers.h"
7 #include "base/bind.h"
8 #include "base/logging.h"
9 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
10 #include "base/pickle.h"
11 #include "base/run_loop.h"
12 #include "base/test/test_timeouts.h"
13 #include "base/time/time.h"
14 #include "base/timer/timer.h"
15 #include "media/base/audio_buffer.h"
16 #include "media/base/bind_to_current_loop.h"
17 #include "media/base/decoder_buffer.h"
18 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
20 using ::testing::_;
21 using ::testing::StrictMock;
23 namespace media {
25 // Utility mock for testing methods expecting Closures and PipelineStatusCBs.
26 class MockCallback : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MockCallback> {
27 public:
28 MockCallback();
29 MOCK_METHOD0(Run, void());
30 MOCK_METHOD1(RunWithBool, void(bool));
31 MOCK_METHOD1(RunWithStatus, void(PipelineStatus));
33 protected:
34 friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MockCallback>;
35 virtual ~MockCallback();
37 private:
41 MockCallback::MockCallback() {}
42 MockCallback::~MockCallback() {}
44 base::Closure NewExpectedClosure() {
45 StrictMock<MockCallback>* callback = new StrictMock<MockCallback>();
46 EXPECT_CALL(*callback, Run());
47 return base::Bind(&MockCallback::Run, callback);
50 base::Callback<void(bool)> NewExpectedBoolCB(bool success) {
51 StrictMock<MockCallback>* callback = new StrictMock<MockCallback>();
52 EXPECT_CALL(*callback, RunWithBool(success));
53 return base::Bind(&MockCallback::RunWithBool, callback);
56 PipelineStatusCB NewExpectedStatusCB(PipelineStatus status) {
57 StrictMock<MockCallback>* callback = new StrictMock<MockCallback>();
58 EXPECT_CALL(*callback, RunWithStatus(status));
59 return base::Bind(&MockCallback::RunWithStatus, callback);
62 WaitableMessageLoopEvent::WaitableMessageLoopEvent()
63 : message_loop_(base::MessageLoop::current()),
64 signaled_(false),
65 status_(PIPELINE_OK) {
66 DCHECK(message_loop_);
69 WaitableMessageLoopEvent::~WaitableMessageLoopEvent() {}
71 base::Closure WaitableMessageLoopEvent::GetClosure() {
72 DCHECK_EQ(message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current());
73 return BindToCurrentLoop(base::Bind(
74 &WaitableMessageLoopEvent::OnCallback, base::Unretained(this),
78 PipelineStatusCB WaitableMessageLoopEvent::GetPipelineStatusCB() {
79 DCHECK_EQ(message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current());
80 return BindToCurrentLoop(base::Bind(
81 &WaitableMessageLoopEvent::OnCallback, base::Unretained(this)));
84 void WaitableMessageLoopEvent::RunAndWait() {
85 RunAndWaitForStatus(PIPELINE_OK);
88 void WaitableMessageLoopEvent::RunAndWaitForStatus(PipelineStatus expected) {
89 DCHECK_EQ(message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current());
90 if (signaled_) {
91 EXPECT_EQ(expected, status_);
92 return;
95 run_loop_.reset(new base::RunLoop());
96 base::Timer timer(false, false);
97 timer.Start(FROM_HERE, TestTimeouts::action_timeout(), base::Bind(
98 &WaitableMessageLoopEvent::OnTimeout, base::Unretained(this)));
100 run_loop_->Run();
101 EXPECT_TRUE(signaled_);
102 EXPECT_EQ(expected, status_);
103 run_loop_.reset();
106 void WaitableMessageLoopEvent::OnCallback(PipelineStatus status) {
107 DCHECK_EQ(message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current());
108 signaled_ = true;
109 status_ = status;
111 // |run_loop_| may be null if the callback fires before RunAndWaitForStatus().
112 if (run_loop_)
113 run_loop_->Quit();
116 void WaitableMessageLoopEvent::OnTimeout() {
117 DCHECK_EQ(message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current());
118 ADD_FAILURE() << "Timed out waiting for message loop to quit";
119 run_loop_->Quit();
122 static VideoDecoderConfig GetTestConfig(VideoCodec codec,
123 gfx::Size coded_size,
124 bool is_encrypted) {
125 gfx::Rect visible_rect(coded_size.width(), coded_size.height());
126 gfx::Size natural_size = coded_size;
128 return VideoDecoderConfig(codec, VIDEO_CODEC_PROFILE_UNKNOWN,
130 coded_size, visible_rect, natural_size, NULL, 0,
131 is_encrypted);
134 static const gfx::Size kNormalSize(320, 240);
135 static const gfx::Size kLargeSize(640, 480);
137 VideoDecoderConfig TestVideoConfig::Invalid() {
138 return GetTestConfig(kUnknownVideoCodec, kNormalSize, false);
141 VideoDecoderConfig TestVideoConfig::Normal() {
142 return GetTestConfig(kCodecVP8, kNormalSize, false);
145 VideoDecoderConfig TestVideoConfig::NormalEncrypted() {
146 return GetTestConfig(kCodecVP8, kNormalSize, true);
149 VideoDecoderConfig TestVideoConfig::Large() {
150 return GetTestConfig(kCodecVP8, kLargeSize, false);
153 VideoDecoderConfig TestVideoConfig::LargeEncrypted() {
154 return GetTestConfig(kCodecVP8, kLargeSize, true);
157 gfx::Size TestVideoConfig::NormalCodedSize() {
158 return kNormalSize;
161 gfx::Size TestVideoConfig::LargeCodedSize() {
162 return kLargeSize;
165 template <class T>
166 scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> MakeAudioBuffer(SampleFormat format,
167 ChannelLayout channel_layout,
168 size_t channel_count,
169 int sample_rate,
170 T start,
171 T increment,
172 size_t frames,
173 base::TimeDelta timestamp) {
174 const size_t channels = ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(channel_layout);
175 scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> output =
176 AudioBuffer::CreateBuffer(format,
177 channel_layout,
178 static_cast<int>(channel_count),
179 sample_rate,
180 static_cast<int>(frames));
181 output->set_timestamp(timestamp);
183 const bool is_planar =
184 format == kSampleFormatPlanarS16 || format == kSampleFormatPlanarF32;
186 // Values in channel 0 will be:
187 // start
188 // start + increment
189 // start + 2 * increment, ...
190 // While, values in channel 1 will be:
191 // start + frames * increment
192 // start + (frames + 1) * increment
193 // start + (frames + 2) * increment, ...
194 for (size_t ch = 0; ch < channels; ++ch) {
195 T* buffer =
196 reinterpret_cast<T*>(output->channel_data()[is_planar ? ch : 0]);
197 const T v = static_cast<T>(start + ch * frames * increment);
198 for (size_t i = 0; i < frames; ++i) {
199 buffer[is_planar ? i : ch + i * channels] =
200 static_cast<T>(v + i * increment);
203 return output;
206 // Instantiate all the types of MakeAudioBuffer() and
207 // MakeAudioBuffer() needed.
209 template scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> MakeAudioBuffer<type>( \
210 SampleFormat format, \
211 ChannelLayout channel_layout, \
212 size_t channel_count, \
213 int sample_rate, \
214 type start, \
215 type increment, \
216 size_t frames, \
217 base::TimeDelta start_time)
223 static const char kFakeVideoBufferHeader[] = "FakeVideoBufferForTest";
225 scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> CreateFakeVideoBufferForTest(
226 const VideoDecoderConfig& config,
227 base::TimeDelta timestamp, base::TimeDelta duration) {
228 base::Pickle pickle;
229 pickle.WriteString(kFakeVideoBufferHeader);
230 pickle.WriteInt(config.coded_size().width());
231 pickle.WriteInt(config.coded_size().height());
232 pickle.WriteInt64(timestamp.InMilliseconds());
234 scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> buffer = DecoderBuffer::CopyFrom(
235 static_cast<const uint8*>(,
236 static_cast<int>(pickle.size()));
237 buffer->set_timestamp(timestamp);
238 buffer->set_duration(duration);
239 buffer->set_is_key_frame(true);
241 return buffer;
244 bool VerifyFakeVideoBufferForTest(
245 const scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer>& buffer,
246 const VideoDecoderConfig& config) {
247 // Check if the input |buffer| matches the |config|.
248 base::PickleIterator pickle(base::Pickle(
249 reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer->data()), buffer->data_size()));
250 std::string header;
251 int width = 0;
252 int height = 0;
253 bool success = pickle.ReadString(&header) && pickle.ReadInt(&width) &&
254 pickle.ReadInt(&height);
255 return (success && header == kFakeVideoBufferHeader &&
256 width == config.coded_size().width() &&
257 height == config.coded_size().height());
260 CallbackPairChecker::CallbackPairChecker() : expecting_b_(false) {
263 CallbackPairChecker::~CallbackPairChecker() {
264 EXPECT_FALSE(expecting_b_);
267 void CallbackPairChecker::RecordACalled() {
268 EXPECT_FALSE(expecting_b_);
269 expecting_b_ = true;
272 void CallbackPairChecker::RecordBCalled() {
273 EXPECT_TRUE(expecting_b_);
274 expecting_b_ = false;
277 } // namespace media