Upstreaming browser/ui/uikit_ui_util from iOS.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chromecast / renderer / cast_content_renderer_client.h
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <vector>
10 #include "base/macros.h"
11 #include "content/public/renderer/content_renderer_client.h"
13 namespace IPC {
14 class MessageFilter;
17 namespace network_hints {
18 class PrescientNetworkingDispatcher;
19 } // namespace network_hints
21 namespace chromecast {
22 namespace shell {
23 class CastRenderProcessObserver;
25 class CastContentRendererClient : public content::ContentRendererClient {
26 public:
27 // Creates an implementation of CastContentRendererClient. Platform should
28 // link in an implementation as needed.
29 static scoped_ptr<CastContentRendererClient> Create();
31 ~CastContentRendererClient() override;
33 // Adds any platform-specific bindings to the current frame.
34 virtual void AddRendererNativeBindings(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame);
36 // Returns any MessageFilters from the platform implementation that should
37 // be added to the render process.
38 virtual std::vector<scoped_refptr<IPC::MessageFilter>>
39 GetRendererMessageFilters();
41 // ContentRendererClient implementation:
42 void RenderThreadStarted() override;
43 void RenderViewCreated(content::RenderView* render_view) override;
44 void AddKeySystems(
45 std::vector< ::media::KeySystemInfo>* key_systems) override;
46 #if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
47 scoped_ptr<::media::RendererFactory> CreateMediaRendererFactory(
48 content::RenderFrame* render_frame,
49 const scoped_refptr<::media::GpuVideoAcceleratorFactories>& gpu_factories,
50 const scoped_refptr<::media::MediaLog>& media_log) override;
51 #endif
52 blink::WebPrescientNetworking* GetPrescientNetworking() override;
53 void DeferMediaLoad(content::RenderFrame* render_frame,
54 const base::Closure& closure) override;
56 protected:
57 CastContentRendererClient();
59 private:
60 scoped_ptr<network_hints::PrescientNetworkingDispatcher>
61 prescient_networking_dispatcher_;
62 scoped_ptr<CastRenderProcessObserver> cast_observer_;
64 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CastContentRendererClient);
67 } // namespace shell
68 } // namespace chromecast