[Session restore] Rename group name Enabled to Restore.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / tools / perf / profile_creators / history_profile_extender.py
1 # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
4 import multiprocessing
5 import os
6 import tempfile
8 from profile_creators import fast_navigation_profile_extender
11 class HistoryProfileExtender(
12 fast_navigation_profile_extender.FastNavigationProfileExtender):
13 """This extender navigates Chrome to a large number of URIs pointing to local
14 files. It continues running until the history DB becomes full."""
17 def __init__(self):
18 # The rate limiting factors are the speed of page navigation, and the speed
19 # of python bindings. The former is larger than the latter, so having a
20 # large batch size skews the amortized average time per page load towards
21 # the latter.
22 maximum_batch_size = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2
23 super(HistoryProfileExtender, self).__init__(maximum_batch_size)
25 # A list of paths of temporary files. The instance is responsible for
26 # making sure that the files are deleted before they are removed from this
27 # list.
28 self._generated_temp_files = []
30 def _MakeTemporaryFile(self):
31 """Makes a temporary file and returns a URI to the file.
33 This method has the side effect of appending the temporary file to
34 self._generated_temp_files. The instance is responsible for deleting the
35 file at a later point in time.
36 """
37 # Adding a long suffix to the name of the file fills up the history
38 # database faster. The suffix can't be too long, since some file systems
39 # have a 256 character limit on the length of the path. While we could
40 # dynamically vary the length of the path, that would generate different
41 # profiles on different OSes, which is not ideal.
42 suffix = "reallylongsuffixintendedtoartificiallyincreasethelengthoftheurl"
44 # Neither tempfile.TemporaryFile() nor tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() work
45 # well here. The former doesn't work at all, since it doesn't gaurantee a
46 # file-system visible path. The latter doesn't work well, since the
47 # returned file cannot be opened a second time on Windows. The returned
48 # file would have to be closed, and the method would need to be called with
49 # Delete=False, which makes its functionality no simpler than
50 # tempfile.mkstemp().
51 handle, path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix)
52 os.close(handle)
53 self._generated_temp_files.append(path)
55 file_url = "file://" + path
56 return file_url
58 def GetUrlIterator(self):
59 """Superclass override."""
60 while True:
61 yield self._MakeTemporaryFile()
63 def ShouldExitAfterBatchNavigation(self):
64 """Superclass override."""
65 return self._IsHistoryDBAtMaxSize()
67 def TearDown(self):
68 """Superclass override."""
69 super(HistoryProfileExtender, self).TearDown()
70 for path in self._generated_temp_files:
71 os.remove(path)
72 self._generated_temp_files = []
74 def CleanUpAfterBatchNavigation(self):
75 """Superclass override."""
76 for path in self._generated_temp_files:
77 os.remove(path)
78 self._generated_temp_files = []
80 def _IsHistoryDBAtMaxSize(self):
81 """Whether the history DB has reached its maximum size."""
82 history_db_path = os.path.join(self.profile_path, "Default", "History")
83 stat_info = os.stat(history_db_path)
84 size = stat_info.st_size
86 max_size_threshold = 0.95
87 bytes_in_megabyte = 2**20
88 max_size = (bytes_in_megabyte *
89 HistoryProfileExtender._HISTORY_DB_MAX_SIZE_IN_MB * max_size_threshold)
90 return size > max_size