[Android] Introduce new UMA action for when user copies Image URL from context menu
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / cc / test / layer_tree_test.h
1 // Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
9 #include "base/threading/thread.h"
10 #include "cc/animation/animation_delegate.h"
11 #include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host.h"
12 #include "cc/trees/layer_tree_host_impl.h"
13 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
15 namespace cc {
16 class AnimationPlayer;
17 class FakeExternalBeginFrameSource;
18 class FakeLayerTreeHostClient;
19 class FakeOutputSurface;
20 class LayerImpl;
21 class LayerTreeHost;
22 class LayerTreeHostClient;
23 class LayerTreeHostImpl;
24 class TestContextProvider;
25 class TestGpuMemoryBufferManager;
26 class TestWebGraphicsContext3D;
28 // Used by test stubs to notify the test when something interesting happens.
29 class TestHooks : public AnimationDelegate {
30 public:
31 TestHooks();
32 ~TestHooks() override;
34 void ReadSettings(const LayerTreeSettings& settings);
36 virtual void CreateResourceAndTileTaskWorkerPool(
37 LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
38 scoped_ptr<TileTaskWorkerPool>* tile_task_worker_pool,
39 scoped_ptr<ResourcePool>* resource_pool,
40 scoped_ptr<ResourcePool>* staging_resource_pool);
41 virtual void WillBeginImplFrameOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
42 const BeginFrameArgs& args) {}
43 virtual void DidFinishImplFrameOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) {}
44 virtual void BeginMainFrameAbortedOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
45 CommitEarlyOutReason reason) {}
46 virtual void BeginCommitOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) {}
47 virtual void CommitCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) {}
48 virtual void WillActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) {}
49 virtual void DidActivateTreeOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) {}
50 virtual void InitializedRendererOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
51 bool success) {}
52 virtual DrawResult PrepareToDrawOnThread(
53 LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
54 LayerTreeHostImpl::FrameData* frame_data,
55 DrawResult draw_result);
56 virtual void DrawLayersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) {}
57 virtual void SwapBuffersOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl, bool result) {}
58 virtual void SwapBuffersCompleteOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) {}
59 virtual void NotifyReadyToActivateOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) {}
60 virtual void NotifyReadyToDrawOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) {}
61 virtual void NotifyAllTileTasksCompleted(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl) {}
62 virtual void NotifyTileStateChangedOnThread(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
63 const Tile* tile) {}
64 virtual void AnimateLayers(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
65 base::TimeTicks monotonic_time) {}
66 virtual void UpdateAnimationState(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
67 bool has_unfinished_animation) {}
68 virtual void WillAnimateLayers(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
69 base::TimeTicks monotonic_time) {}
70 virtual void ApplyViewportDeltas(
71 const gfx::Vector2dF& inner_delta,
72 const gfx::Vector2dF& outer_delta,
73 const gfx::Vector2dF& elastic_overscroll_delta,
74 float scale,
75 float top_controls_delta) {}
76 virtual void BeginMainFrame(const BeginFrameArgs& args) {}
77 virtual void WillBeginMainFrame() {}
78 virtual void DidBeginMainFrame() {}
79 virtual void Layout() {}
80 virtual void DidInitializeOutputSurface() {}
81 virtual void DidFailToInitializeOutputSurface() {}
82 virtual void DidAddAnimation() {}
83 virtual void WillCommit() {}
84 virtual void DidCommit() {}
85 virtual void DidCommitAndDrawFrame() {}
86 virtual void DidCompleteSwapBuffers() {}
87 virtual void DidSetVisibleOnImplTree(LayerTreeHostImpl* host_impl,
88 bool visible) {}
89 virtual void ScheduleComposite() {}
91 // Hooks for SchedulerClient.
92 virtual void ScheduledActionWillSendBeginMainFrame() {}
93 virtual void ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame() {}
94 virtual void ScheduledActionDrawAndSwapIfPossible() {}
95 virtual void ScheduledActionAnimate() {}
96 virtual void ScheduledActionCommit() {}
97 virtual void ScheduledActionBeginOutputSurfaceCreation() {}
98 virtual void ScheduledActionPrepareTiles() {}
99 virtual void ScheduledActionInvalidateOutputSurface() {}
100 virtual void SendBeginFramesToChildren(const BeginFrameArgs& args) {}
101 virtual void SendBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon() {}
103 // Implementation of AnimationDelegate:
104 void NotifyAnimationStarted(base::TimeTicks monotonic_time,
105 Animation::TargetProperty target_property,
106 int group) override {}
107 void NotifyAnimationFinished(base::TimeTicks monotonic_time,
108 Animation::TargetProperty target_property,
109 int group) override {}
111 virtual void RequestNewOutputSurface() = 0;
114 class BeginTask;
115 class LayerTreeHostClientForTesting;
116 class TimeoutTask;
118 // The LayerTreeTests runs with the main loop running. It instantiates a single
119 // LayerTreeHostForTesting and associated LayerTreeHostImplForTesting and
120 // LayerTreeHostClientForTesting.
122 // BeginTest() is called once the main message loop is running and the layer
123 // tree host is initialized.
125 // Key stages of the drawing loop, e.g. drawing or commiting, redirect to
126 // LayerTreeTest methods of similar names. To track the commit process, override
127 // these functions.
129 // The test continues until someone calls EndTest. EndTest can be called on any
130 // thread, but be aware that ending the test is an asynchronous process.
131 class LayerTreeTest : public testing::Test, public TestHooks {
132 public:
133 ~LayerTreeTest() override;
135 virtual void EndTest();
136 void EndTestAfterDelayMs(int delay_milliseconds);
138 void PostAddAnimationToMainThread(Layer* layer_to_receive_animation);
139 void PostAddInstantAnimationToMainThread(Layer* layer_to_receive_animation);
140 void PostAddLongAnimationToMainThread(Layer* layer_to_receive_animation);
141 void PostAddAnimationToMainThreadPlayer(
142 AnimationPlayer* player_to_receive_animation);
143 void PostAddInstantAnimationToMainThreadPlayer(
144 AnimationPlayer* player_to_receive_animation);
145 void PostAddLongAnimationToMainThreadPlayer(
146 AnimationPlayer* player_to_receive_animation);
147 void PostSetDeferCommitsToMainThread(bool defer_commits);
148 void PostSetNeedsCommitToMainThread();
149 void PostSetNeedsUpdateLayersToMainThread();
150 void PostSetNeedsRedrawToMainThread();
151 void PostSetNeedsRedrawRectToMainThread(const gfx::Rect& damage_rect);
152 void PostSetVisibleToMainThread(bool visible);
153 void PostSetNextCommitForcesRedrawToMainThread();
154 void PostCompositeImmediatelyToMainThread();
156 void DoBeginTest();
157 void Timeout();
159 bool verify_property_trees() const { return verify_property_trees_; }
160 void set_verify_property_trees(bool verify_property_trees) {
161 verify_property_trees_ = verify_property_trees;
164 const LayerSettings& layer_settings() { return layer_settings_; }
166 protected:
167 LayerTreeTest();
169 virtual void InitializeSettings(LayerTreeSettings* settings) {}
170 virtual void InitializeLayerSettings(LayerSettings* layer_settings) {}
172 void RealEndTest();
174 virtual void DispatchAddAnimation(Layer* layer_to_receive_animation,
175 double animation_duration);
176 virtual void DispatchAddAnimationToPlayer(
177 AnimationPlayer* player_to_receive_animation,
178 double animation_duration);
179 void DispatchSetDeferCommits(bool defer_commits);
180 void DispatchSetNeedsCommit();
181 void DispatchSetNeedsUpdateLayers();
182 void DispatchSetNeedsRedraw();
183 void DispatchSetNeedsRedrawRect(const gfx::Rect& damage_rect);
184 void DispatchSetVisible(bool visible);
185 void DispatchSetNextCommitForcesRedraw();
186 void DispatchDidAddAnimation();
187 void DispatchCompositeImmediately();
189 virtual void AfterTest() = 0;
190 virtual void WillBeginTest();
191 virtual void BeginTest() = 0;
192 virtual void SetupTree();
194 virtual void RunTest(bool threaded, bool delegating_renderer);
196 bool HasImplThread() { return !!impl_thread_; }
197 base::SingleThreadTaskRunner* ImplThreadTaskRunner() {
198 DCHECK(proxy());
199 return proxy()->ImplThreadTaskRunner() ? proxy()->ImplThreadTaskRunner()
200 : main_task_runner_.get();
202 base::SingleThreadTaskRunner* MainThreadTaskRunner() {
203 return main_task_runner_.get();
205 Proxy* proxy() const {
206 return layer_tree_host_ ? layer_tree_host_->proxy() : NULL;
208 TaskGraphRunner* task_graph_runner() const {
209 return task_graph_runner_.get();
212 bool TestEnded() const { return ended_; }
214 LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host();
215 bool delegating_renderer() const { return delegating_renderer_; }
216 FakeOutputSurface* output_surface() { return output_surface_; }
217 int LastCommittedSourceFrameNumber(LayerTreeHostImpl* impl) const;
219 void DestroyLayerTreeHost();
221 // By default, output surface recreation is synchronous.
222 void RequestNewOutputSurface() override;
223 // Override this for pixel tests, where you need a real output surface.
224 virtual scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> CreateOutputSurface();
225 // Override this for unit tests, which should not produce pixel output.
226 virtual scoped_ptr<FakeOutputSurface> CreateFakeOutputSurface();
228 TestWebGraphicsContext3D* TestContext();
230 TestGpuMemoryBufferManager* GetTestGpuMemoryBufferManager() {
231 return gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get();
234 private:
235 LayerTreeSettings settings_;
236 LayerSettings layer_settings_;
238 scoped_ptr<LayerTreeHostClientForTesting> client_;
239 scoped_ptr<LayerTreeHost> layer_tree_host_;
240 FakeOutputSurface* output_surface_;
241 FakeExternalBeginFrameSource* external_begin_frame_source_;
243 bool beginning_;
244 bool end_when_begin_returns_;
245 bool timed_out_;
246 bool scheduled_;
247 bool started_;
248 bool ended_;
249 bool delegating_renderer_;
250 bool verify_property_trees_;
252 int timeout_seconds_;
254 scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_task_runner_;
255 scoped_ptr<base::Thread> impl_thread_;
256 scoped_ptr<SharedBitmapManager> shared_bitmap_manager_;
257 scoped_ptr<TestGpuMemoryBufferManager> gpu_memory_buffer_manager_;
258 scoped_ptr<TaskGraphRunner> task_graph_runner_;
259 base::CancelableClosure timeout_;
260 scoped_refptr<TestContextProvider> compositor_contexts_;
261 base::WeakPtr<LayerTreeTest> main_thread_weak_ptr_;
262 base::WeakPtrFactory<LayerTreeTest> weak_factory_;
265 } // namespace cc
268 TEST_F(TEST_FIXTURE_NAME, RunSingleThread_DirectRenderer) { \
269 RunTest(false, false); \
271 class SingleThreadDirectImplNeedsSemicolon##TEST_FIXTURE_NAME {}
274 TEST_F(TEST_FIXTURE_NAME, RunSingleThread_DelegatingRenderer) { \
275 RunTest(false, true); \
277 class SingleThreadDelegatingImplNeedsSemicolon##TEST_FIXTURE_NAME {}
284 TEST_F(TEST_FIXTURE_NAME, RunMultiThread_DirectRenderer) { \
285 RunTest(true, false); \
287 class MultiThreadDirectImplNeedsSemicolon##TEST_FIXTURE_NAME {}
290 TEST_F(TEST_FIXTURE_NAME, RunMultiThread_DelegatingRenderer) { \
291 RunTest(true, true); \
293 class MultiThreadDelegatingImplNeedsSemicolon##TEST_FIXTURE_NAME {}
311 // Some tests want to control when notify ready for activation occurs,
312 // but this is not supported in the single-threaded case.
316 #endif // CC_TEST_LAYER_TREE_TEST_H_