Update broken references to image assets
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / resources / chromeos / login / offline_gaia.js
1 // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 Polymer((function() {
6   var DEFAULT_EMAIL_DOMAIN = '@gmail.com';
8   return {
9     is: 'offline-gaia',
11     properties: {
12       disabled: {
13         type: Boolean,
14         value: false
15       },
17       enterpriseInfo: String,
19       emailDomain: String
20     },
22     ready: function() {
23       /**
24        * Workaround for
25        * https://github.com/PolymerElements/neon-animation/issues/32
26        * TODO(dzhioev): Remove when fixed in Polymer.
27        */
28       var pages = this.$.animatedPages;
29       delete pages._squelchNextFinishEvent;
30       Object.defineProperty(pages, '_squelchNextFinishEvent',
31           { get: function() { return false; } });
32     },
34     onAnimationFinish_: function() {
35       this.$.backButton.hidden = this.isEmailSectionActive_();
36       this.focus();
37     },
39     focus: function() {
40       if (this.isEmailSectionActive_())
41         this.$.emailInput.focus();
42       else
43         this.$.passwordInput.focus();
44     },
46     onForgotPasswordClicked_: function() {
47       this.$.forgotPasswordDlg.fitInto = this;
48       this.disabled = true;
49       this.$.forgotPasswordDlg.open();
50       this.$.passwordCard.classList.add('full-disabled');
51       this.$.forgotPasswordDlg.focus();
52     },
54     onDialogOverlayClosed_: function() {
55       this.disabled = false;
56       this.$.passwordCard.classList.remove('full-disabled');
57     },
59     setEmail: function(email) {
60       if (email) {
61         if (this.emailDomain)
62           email = email.replace(this.emailDomain, '');
63         this.switchToPasswordCard(email);
64         this.$.passwordInput.isInvalid = true;
65       } else {
66         this.$.emailInput.value = '';
67         this.switchToEmailCard();
68       }
69     },
71     onBack_: function() {
72       this.$.backButton.hidden = true;
73       this.switchToEmailCard();
74     },
76     isRTL_: function() {
77       return !!document.querySelector('html[dir=rtl]');
78     },
80     isEmailSectionActive_: function() {
81       return this.$.animatedPages.selected == 'emailSection';
82     },
84     switchToEmailCard() {
85       this.$.passwordInput.value = '';
86       this.$.passwordInput.isInvalid = false;
87       this.$.emailInput.isInvalid = false;
88       if (this.isEmailSectionActive_())
89         return;
90       this.$.animatedPages.entryAnimation =
91           'slide-from-' + (this.isRTL_() ? 'right' : 'left') + '-animation';
92       this.$.animatedPages.exitAnimation =
93           'slide-' + (this.isRTL_() ? 'left' : 'right') + '-animation';
94       this.$.animatedPages.selected = 'emailSection';
95     },
97     switchToPasswordCard(email) {
98       this.$.emailInput.value = email;
99       if (email.indexOf('@') === -1) {
100         if (this.emailDomain)
101           email = email + this.emailDomain;
102         else
103           email = email + DEFAULT_EMAIL_DOMAIN;
104       }
105       this.$.passwordHeader.email = email;
106       if (!this.isEmailSectionActive_())
107         return;
108       this.$.animatedPages.entryAnimation =
109           'slide-from-' + (this.isRTL_() ? 'left' : 'right') + '-animation';
110       this.$.animatedPages.exitAnimation =
111           'slide-' + (this.isRTL_() ? 'right' : 'left') + '-animation';
112       this.$.animatedPages.selected = 'passwordSection';
113     },
115     onEmailSubmitted_: function() {
116       if (this.$.emailInput.checkValidity())
117         this.switchToPasswordCard(this.$.emailInput.value);
118       else
119         this.$.emailInput.focus();
120     },
122     onPasswordSubmitted_: function() {
123       if (!this.$.passwordInput.checkValidity())
124         return;
125       var msg = {
126         'useOffline': true,
127         'email': this.$.passwordHeader.email,
128         'password': this.$.passwordInput.value
129       };
130       this.$.passwordInput.value = '';
131       this.fire('authCompleted', msg);
132     }
133   };
134 })());