1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
10 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
11 #import "ui/base/cocoa/menu_controller.h"
13 class BookmarkMenuBridge
15 @
class MenuTrackedRootView
16 class RecentTabsMenuModelDelegate
17 @
class ToolbarController
18 @
class WrenchMenuButtonViewController
19 class WrenchMenuModel
21 namespace wrench_menu_controller
22 // The vertical offset of the wrench bubbles from the wrench menu button.
23 extern const CGFloat kWrenchBubblePointOffsetY
26 namespace WrenchMenuControllerInternal
27 class AcceleratorDelegate
28 class ZoomLevelObserver
29 } // namespace WrenchMenuControllerInternal
31 // The Wrench menu has a creative layout, with buttons in menu items. There is
32 // a cross-platform model for this special menu, but on the Mac it's easier to
33 // get spacing and alignment precisely right using a NIB. To do that, we
34 // subclass the generic MenuController implementation and special-case the two
35 // items that require specific layout and load them from the NIB.
37 // This object is owned by the ToolbarController and receives its NIB-based
38 // views using the shim view controller below.
39 @interface WrenchMenuController
: MenuController
> {
41 // Used to provide accelerators for the menu.
42 scoped_ptr
45 // The model, rebuilt each time the |-menuNeedsUpdate:|.
46 scoped_ptr
> wrenchMenuModel_
48 // Used to update icons in the recent tabs menu. This must be declared after
49 // |wrenchMenuModel_| so that it gets deleted first.
50 scoped_ptr
> recentTabsMenuModelDelegate_
52 // A shim NSViewController that loads the buttons from the NIB because ObjC
53 // doesn't have multiple inheritance as this class is a MenuController.
54 base::scoped_nsobject
> buttonViewController_
56 // The browser for which this controller exists.
57 Browser
* browser_
; // weak
59 // Used to build the bookmark submenu.
60 scoped_ptr
> bookmarkMenuBridge_
62 // Observer for page zoom level change notifications.
63 scoped_ptr
> observer_
66 // Designated initializer.
67 - (id
69 // Used to dispatch commands from the Wrench menu. The custom items within the
70 // menu cannot be hooked up directly to First Responder because the window in
71 // which the controls reside is not the BrowserWindowController, but a
72 // NSCarbonMenuWindow; this screws up the typical |-commandDispatch:| system.
73 - (IBAction
75 // Returns the weak reference to the WrenchMenuModel.
76 - (WrenchMenuModel
78 // Creates a RecentTabsMenuModelDelegate instance which will take care of
79 // updating the recent tabs submenu.
80 - (void)updateRecentTabsSubmenu
84 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
86 // Shim view controller that merely unpacks objects from a NIB.
87 @interface WrenchMenuButtonViewController
: NSViewController
89 WrenchMenuController
* controller_
91 MenuTrackedRootView
* editItem_
96 MenuTrackedRootView
* zoomItem_
98 NSButton
* zoomDisplay_
100 NSButton
* zoomFullScreen_
103 @
, nonatomic
) IBOutlet MenuTrackedRootView
* editItem
104 @
, nonatomic
) IBOutlet NSButton
* editCut
105 @
, nonatomic
) IBOutlet NSButton
* editCopy
106 @
, nonatomic
) IBOutlet NSButton
* editPaste
107 @
, nonatomic
) IBOutlet MenuTrackedRootView
* zoomItem
108 @
, nonatomic
) IBOutlet NSButton
* zoomPlus
109 @
, nonatomic
) IBOutlet NSButton
* zoomDisplay
110 @
, nonatomic
) IBOutlet NSButton
* zoomMinus
111 @
, nonatomic
) IBOutlet NSButton
* zoomFullScreen
113 - (id
114 - (IBAction