1 <?xml version=
"1.0" encoding=
"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1 Basic//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11-basic.dtd">
7 <!--======================================================================-->
9 <!--= Copyright 2000 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts =-->
11 <!--= Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en =-->
13 <!--= Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights =-->
15 <!--= Reserved. See http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/. =-->
17 <!--======================================================================-->
19 <!-- ===================================================================== -->
21 <!-- gradPatt-linearGr-BE-01.svg -->
23 <!-- renamed for 1.1 suite to pservers-grad-08-b.svg -->
25 <!-- Author : Haroon Sheikh 09-Feb-2000 -->
27 <!-- 1.1 revision by Rick Graham -->
29 <!--======================================================================-->
31 <svg version=
"1.1" baseProfile=
"basic" xmlns=
"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:
"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" id=
33 width=
"100%" height=
"100%" viewBox=
"0 0 480 360">
35 <SVGTestCase xmlns=
37 <OperatorScript version=
"$Revision: 1.7 $" testname=
41 Test that the viewer has basic capability to handle linear gradients
43 on fills and stroke of text.
49 This test uses the following elements :
51 and the following properties : stop-color, fill:url(# ), stroke(url# )
57 Both elements in this test use the same simple gradient. It is a linear gradient from blue (left) to red (right). From top-down the appearance of objects is as follows.
63 The first item is a text string
"Gradient on fill" with the gradient on the fill of the text.
69 The second item is a text string that is not filled. It has a
2 user unit stroke on which the gradient is applied.
75 The rendered picture should match the reference image, except for possible
77 variations in the labelling text (per CSS2 rules).
85 <title id=
87 <desc id=
"test-desc">Test that the viewer has basic capability to handle linear gradients on
89 fills and stroke of objects and text. This means it needs to understand
91 the following elements :
> and the following properties :
93 stop-color, fill:url(# ), stroke(url# )
97 <font id=
"MyFont" horiz-adv-x=
"416" >
105 panose-1=
"2 0 0 6 3 0 0 2 0 4"
113 <missing-glyph horiz-adv-x=
"233" />
115 <glyph unicode=
" " glyph-name=
"space" horiz-adv-x=
"233" />
117 <glyph unicode=
"G" glyph-name=
"G" horiz-adv-x=
"547" d=
"M40 700V0H510V383H295V253H360V150H190V550H510V700H40Z" />
119 <glyph unicode=
"a" glyph-name=
"a" horiz-adv-x=
"435" d=
"M71 550L3 0H143L154 119H282L293 0H433L365 550H71ZM168 259L182 410H254L268 259H168Z" />
121 <glyph unicode=
"d" glyph-name=
"d" horiz-adv-x=
"519" d=
"M27 550V410H87V140H27V0H482V550H27ZM230 410H339V140H230V410Z" />
123 <glyph unicode=
"e" glyph-name=
"e" horiz-adv-x=
"442" d=
"M37 550V410V0H419V130H180V210H299V340H180V420H419V550H37Z" />
125 <glyph unicode=
"f" glyph-name=
"f" horiz-adv-x=
"428" d=
"M37 550V410V0H180V196H349V326H180V420H410V550H37Z" />
127 <glyph unicode=
"i" glyph-name=
"i" horiz-adv-x=
"217" d=
"M37 550V410V0H180V550H37Z" />
129 <glyph unicode=
"k" glyph-name=
"k" horiz-adv-x=
"472" d=
"M180 207H233L325 0H480L344 284L474 550H319L233 347H180V550H37V410V0H180V207Z" />
131 <glyph unicode=
"l" glyph-name=
"l" horiz-adv-x=
"435" d=
"M37 0H425V130H180V550H37V410V0Z" />
133 <glyph unicode=
"n" glyph-name=
"n" horiz-adv-x=
"518" d=
"M180 550H37V410V0H180V324L338 0H481V550H338V226L180 550Z" />
135 <glyph unicode=
"o" glyph-name=
"o" horiz-adv-x=
"484" d=
"M37 550V0H447V550H37ZM180 410H304V140H180V410Z" />
137 <glyph unicode=
"r" glyph-name=
"r" horiz-adv-x=
"485" d=
"M37 550V410V0H180V164H222L305 0H465L367 174H444V550H37ZM180 420H301V294H180V420Z" />
139 <glyph unicode=
"s" glyph-name=
"s" horiz-adv-x=
"468" d=
"M34 550V410V218H291V120H34V0H434V338H177V430H434V550H34Z" />
141 <glyph unicode=
"t" glyph-name=
"t" horiz-adv-x=
"417" d=
"M5 550V410H137V0H280V410H412V550H5Z" />
149 <!--======================================================================-->
151 <!--Content of Test Case follows... =====================-->
153 <!--======================================================================-->
155 <g id=
"test-body-content" transform=
"scale(1, 1.5)">
157 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
159 <!-- Very simple blue to red linear gradient from left to right ========== -->
161 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
163 <linearGradient id=
"Gradient" gradientUnits=
"userSpaceOnUse" x1=
"10" y1=
"10" x2=
"440" y2=
165 <stop stop-color=
"blue" offset=
167 <stop stop-color=
"red" offset=
171 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
173 <!-- Gradient on fill of text ======== -->
175 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
177 <text font-family=
"MyFont" font-size=
"68" fill=
"url(#Gradient)" x=
"20" y=
"70">Gradient on fill
179 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
181 <!-- Gradient on stroke of text ======== -->
183 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
185 <text font-family=
"MyFont" x=
"20" y=
"160" font-size=
"55" fill=
"none" stroke=
"url(#Gradient)" stroke-width=
"3" >Gradient on stroke
189 <text font-size=
"30" x=
"40" y=
"145">Linear gradient on filled text
191 <text font-size=
"30" x=
"30" y=
"280">Linear gradient on stroke of text
197 <text id=
"revision" x=
"10" y=
"340" font-size=
"50" stroke=
"none" fill=
1.7 $
199 <rect id=
"test-frame" x=
"1" y=
"1" width=
"478" height=
"358" fill=
"none" stroke=