1 <?xml version=
"1.0" encoding=
"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1 Basic//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11-basic.dtd">
4 <!--======================================================================-->
5 <!--= Copyright 2000 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts =-->
6 <!--= Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en =-->
7 <!--= Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights =-->
8 <!--= Reserved. See http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/. =-->
9 <!--======================================================================-->
10 <!-- ===================================================================== -->
11 <!-- gradPatt-radialGr-BE-04.svg -->
12 <!-- renamed for 1.1 suite to pservers-grad-11-b.svg -->
13 <!-- Author : Haroon Sheikh 07-Mar-2000 -->
14 <!-- 1.1 revision by Rick Graham -->
15 <!--======================================================================-->
16 <svg version=
"1.1" baseProfile=
"basic" xmlns=
"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:
"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" id=
"svg-root" width=
"100%" height=
"100%" viewBox=
"0 0 480 360">
17 <SVGTestCase xmlns=
18 <OperatorScript version=
"$Revision: 1.7 $" testname=
20 Test that the viewer has basic capability to handle radial gradients
21 on fills and stroke of objects and text.
24 This test uses the following elements :
25 and the following properties : stop-color, fill:url(# ), stroke(url# )
28 From top-down (left to right) the appearance of objects is as follows.
31 The top left rectangle should be a radial gradient from black(in) to red(outside).
32 The gradiant is applied to the fill of the rectangle.
35 The next rectangle has no fill, but has a thick stroke on which the gradient is
36 applied. The gradient goes from red(in) to yellow (out).
39 The next item is a text with a radial gradient on the fill. The gradient goes
40 from black (in) to yellow (out).
43 The last item is a text with a
2 user unit stroke on which a black (in) to red
44 (out) linear gradient is applied.
47 The rendered picture should match the reference image exactly, except for possible
48 variations in the labelling text (per CSS2 rules).
52 <title id=
53 <desc id=
"test-desc">Test that the viewer has basic capability to handle radial gradients on fills and stroke of objects and text. This means it needs to understand the following elements :
> and the following properties : stop-color, fill:url(# ), stroke(url# )
54 <!--======================================================================-->
55 <!--Content of Test Case follows... =====================-->
56 <!--======================================================================-->
57 <g id=
58 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
59 <!-- Very simple black to red radial gradient ======== -->
60 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
61 <radialGradient gradientUnits=
"userSpaceOnUse" id=
"Grad1" cx=
"75" cy=
"100" r=
"130" fx=
"75" fy=
62 <stop stop-color=
"black" offset=
63 <stop stop-color=
"red" offset=
65 <rect x=
"10" y=
"10" width=
"210" height=
"140" fill=
"url(#Grad1)" />
66 <text font-family=
"Arial" font-size=
"12" x=
"10" y=
"165">Radial gradient on fill of rectangle
67 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
68 <!-- Radial gradient on the stroke of a rectangle ======== -->
69 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
70 <radialGradient id=
"Grad2" gradientUnits=
"userSpaceOnUse" cx=
"295" cy=
"100" r=
"150" fx=
"295" fy=
71 <stop stop-color=
"red" offset=
72 <stop stop-color=
"yellow" offset=
74 <rect x=
"250" y=
"30" width=
"170" height=
"100" fill=
"none" stroke=
"url(#Grad2)" stroke-width=
"40" />
75 <text font-family=
"Arial" font-size=
"12" x=
"230" y=
"165">Radial gradient on stroke of rectangle
76 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
77 <!-- Gradient on fill of text ======== -->
78 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
79 <radialGradient id=
"Grad3" gradientUnits=
"userSpaceOnUse" cx=
"225" cy=
"180" r=
"90" fx=
"225" fy=
80 <stop stop-color=
"black" offset=
81 <stop stop-color=
"yellow" offset=
83 <text font-family=
"Arial" font-size=
"50" fill=
"url(#Grad3)" x=
"10" y=
"210">Gradient on text fill
84 <text font-family=
"Arial" font-size=
"12" x=
"10" y=
"225">Radial gradient on text, black to yellow
85 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
86 <!-- Gradient on stroke of text ======== -->
87 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
88 <radialGradient id=
"Grad4" gradientUnits=
"userSpaceOnUse" cx=
"225" cy=
"245" r=
"90" fx=
"225" fy=
89 <stop stop-color=
"black" offset=
90 <stop stop-color=
"red" offset=
92 <text font-family=
"Arial" font-size=
"45" fill=
"none" stroke=
"url(#Grad4)" stroke-width=
"2" x=
"10" y=
"270">Gradient on text stroke
93 <text font-family=
"Arial" font-size=
"12" x=
"10" y=
"285">Radial gradient on stroke of text, black to red
97 <text id=
"revision" x=
"10" y=
"340" font-size=
"40" stroke=
"none" fill=
1.7 $
98 <rect id=
"test-frame" x=
"1" y=
"1" width=
"478" height=
"358" fill=
"none" stroke=