1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #import "chrome/browser/renderer_host/chrome_render_widget_host_view_mac_delegate.h"
9 #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h"
10 #include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
11 #include "chrome/browser/devtools/devtools_window.h"
12 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
13 #include "chrome/browser/spellchecker/spellcheck_platform_mac.h"
14 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
15 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_commands.h"
16 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_finder.h"
17 #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/history_overlay_controller.h"
18 #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/view_id_util.h"
19 #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
20 #include "chrome/common/spellcheck_messages.h"
21 #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
22 #include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h"
23 #include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h"
24 #include "content/public/browser/render_view_host_observer.h"
25 #include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host.h"
26 #include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_view.h"
27 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
29 using content::RenderViewHost;
31 // Declare things that are part of the 10.7 SDK.
32 #if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) || \
35 NSEventPhaseNone = 0, // event not associated with a phase.
36 NSEventPhaseBegan = 0x1 << 0,
37 NSEventPhaseStationary = 0x1 << 1,
38 NSEventPhaseChanged = 0x1 << 2,
39 NSEventPhaseEnded = 0x1 << 3,
40 NSEventPhaseCancelled = 0x1 << 4,
42 typedef NSUInteger NSEventPhase;
45 NSEventSwipeTrackingLockDirection = 0x1 << 0,
46 NSEventSwipeTrackingClampGestureAmount = 0x1 << 1
48 typedef NSUInteger NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions;
50 @interface NSEvent (LionAPI)
51 + (BOOL)isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled;
53 - (NSEventPhase)phase;
54 - (CGFloat)scrollingDeltaX;
55 - (CGFloat)scrollingDeltaY;
56 - (void)trackSwipeEventWithOptions:(NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions)options
57 dampenAmountThresholdMin:(CGFloat)minDampenThreshold
58 max:(CGFloat)maxDampenThreshold
59 usingHandler:(void (^)(CGFloat gestureAmount,
62 BOOL *stop))trackingHandler;
66 @interface ChromeRenderWidgetHostViewMacDelegate ()
67 - (BOOL)maybeHandleHistorySwiping:(NSEvent*)theEvent;
68 - (void)spellCheckEnabled:(BOOL)enabled checked:(BOOL)checked;
71 namespace ChromeRenderWidgetHostViewMacDelegateInternal {
73 // Filters the message sent to RenderViewHost to know if spellchecking is
74 // enabled or not for the currently focused element.
75 class SpellCheckRenderViewObserver : public content::RenderViewHostObserver {
77 SpellCheckRenderViewObserver(
79 ChromeRenderWidgetHostViewMacDelegate* view_delegate)
80 : content::RenderViewHostObserver(host),
81 view_delegate_(view_delegate) {
84 virtual ~SpellCheckRenderViewObserver() {
88 // content::RenderViewHostObserver implementation.
89 virtual void RenderViewHostDestroyed(RenderViewHost* rvh) OVERRIDE {
90 // The parent implementation destroys the observer, scoping the lifetime of
91 // the observer to the RenderViewHost. Since this class is acting as a
92 // bridge to the view for the delegate below, and is owned by that delegate,
93 // undo the scoping by not calling through to the parent implementation.
96 virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE {
98 IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(SpellCheckRenderViewObserver, message)
99 IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(SpellCheckHostMsg_ToggleSpellCheck,
101 IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false)
106 void OnToggleSpellCheck(bool enabled, bool checked) {
107 [view_delegate_ spellCheckEnabled:enabled checked:checked];
110 ChromeRenderWidgetHostViewMacDelegate* view_delegate_;
113 } // namespace ChromeRenderWidgetHostViewMacDelegateInternal
115 @implementation ChromeRenderWidgetHostViewMacDelegate
117 - (id)initWithRenderWidgetHost:(content::RenderWidgetHost*)renderWidgetHost {
120 renderWidgetHost_ = renderWidgetHost;
121 NSView* nativeView = renderWidgetHost_->GetView()->GetNativeView();
122 view_id_util::SetID(nativeView, VIEW_ID_TAB_CONTAINER);
124 if (renderWidgetHost_->IsRenderView()) {
125 spellingObserver_.reset(
126 new ChromeRenderWidgetHostViewMacDelegateInternal::
127 SpellCheckRenderViewObserver(
128 RenderViewHost::From(renderWidgetHost_), self));
134 - (void)viewGone:(NSView*)view {
135 view_id_util::UnsetID(view);
139 - (BOOL)handleEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
140 if ([event type] == NSScrollWheel)
141 return [self maybeHandleHistorySwiping:event];
146 - (void)gotUnhandledWheelEvent {
147 gotUnhandledWheelEvent_ = YES;
150 - (void)scrollOffsetPinnedToLeft:(BOOL)left toRight:(BOOL)right {
151 isPinnedLeft_ = left;
152 isPinnedRight_ = right;
155 - (void)setHasHorizontalScrollbar:(BOOL)hasHorizontalScrollbar {
156 hasHorizontalScrollbar_ = hasHorizontalScrollbar;
159 // Checks if |theEvent| should trigger history swiping, and if so, does
160 // history swiping. Returns YES if the event was consumed or NO if it should
161 // be passed on to the renderer.
162 - (BOOL)maybeHandleHistorySwiping:(NSEvent*)theEvent {
163 BOOL canUseLionApis = [theEvent respondsToSelector:@selector(phase)];
167 // Scroll events always go to the web first, and can only trigger history
168 // swiping if they come back unhandled.
169 if ([theEvent phase] == NSEventPhaseBegan) {
170 totalScrollDelta_ = NSZeroSize;
171 gotUnhandledWheelEvent_ = NO;
174 if (!renderWidgetHost_ || !renderWidgetHost_->IsRenderView())
176 if (DevToolsWindow::IsDevToolsWindow(
177 RenderViewHost::From(renderWidgetHost_))) {
181 if (gotUnhandledWheelEvent_ &&
182 [NSEvent isSwipeTrackingFromScrollEventsEnabled] &&
183 [theEvent phase] == NSEventPhaseChanged) {
184 Browser* browser = chrome::FindBrowserWithWindow([theEvent window]);
185 totalScrollDelta_.width += [theEvent scrollingDeltaX];
186 totalScrollDelta_.height += [theEvent scrollingDeltaY];
188 bool isHorizontalGesture =
189 std::abs(totalScrollDelta_.width) > std::abs(totalScrollDelta_.height);
191 bool isRightScroll = [theEvent scrollingDeltaX] < 0;
192 bool goForward = isRightScroll;
193 bool canGoBack = false, canGoForward = false;
195 canGoBack = chrome::CanGoBack(browser);
196 canGoForward = chrome::CanGoForward(browser);
199 // If "forward" is inactive and the user rubber-bands to the right,
200 // "isPinnedLeft" will be false. When the user then rubber-bands to the
201 // left in the same gesture, that should trigger history immediately if
202 // there's no scrollbar, hence the check for hasHorizontalScrollbar_.
203 bool shouldGoBack = isPinnedLeft_ || !hasHorizontalScrollbar_;
204 bool shouldGoForward = isPinnedRight_ || !hasHorizontalScrollbar_;
205 if (isHorizontalGesture &&
206 // For normal pages, canGoBack/canGoForward are checked in the renderer
207 // (ChromeClientImpl::shouldRubberBand()), when it decides if it should
208 // rubberband or send back an event unhandled. The check here is
209 // required for pages with an onmousewheel handler that doesn't call
211 ((shouldGoBack && canGoBack && !isRightScroll) ||
212 (shouldGoForward && canGoForward && isRightScroll))) {
214 // Released by the tracking handler once the gesture is complete.
215 HistoryOverlayController* historyOverlay =
216 [[HistoryOverlayController alloc]
217 initForMode:goForward ? kHistoryOverlayModeForward :
218 kHistoryOverlayModeBack];
220 // The way this API works: gestureAmount is between -1 and 1 (float). If
221 // the user does the gesture for more than about 25% (i.e. < -0.25 or >
222 // 0.25) and then lets go, it is accepted, we get a NSEventPhaseEnded,
223 // and after that the block is called with amounts animating towards 1
224 // (or -1, depending on the direction). If the user lets go below that
225 // threshold, we get NSEventPhaseCancelled, and the amount animates
226 // toward 0. When gestureAmount has reaches its final value, i.e. the
227 // track animation is done, the handler is called with |isComplete| set
229 // When starting a backwards navigation gesture (swipe from left to right,
230 // gestureAmount will go from 0 to 1), if the user swipes from left to
231 // right and then quickly back to the left, this call can send
232 // NSEventPhaseEnded and then animate to gestureAmount of -1. For a
233 // picture viewer, that makes sense, but for back/forward navigation users
234 // find it confusing. There are two ways to prevent this:
235 // 1. Set Options to NSEventSwipeTrackingLockDirection. This way,
236 // gestureAmount will always stay > 0.
237 // 2. Pass min:0 max:1 (instead of min:-1 max:1). This way, gestureAmount
238 // will become less than 0, but on the quick swipe back to the left,
239 // NSEventPhaseCancelled is sent instead.
240 // The current UI looks nicer with (1) so that swiping the opposite
241 // direction after the initial swipe doesn't cause the shield to move
242 // in the wrong direction.
243 [theEvent trackSwipeEventWithOptions:NSEventSwipeTrackingLockDirection
244 dampenAmountThresholdMin:-1
246 usingHandler:^(CGFloat gestureAmount,
250 if (phase == NSEventPhaseBegan) {
251 [historyOverlay showPanelForView:
252 renderWidgetHost_->GetView()->GetNativeView()];
256 BOOL ended = phase == NSEventPhaseEnded;
258 // Dismiss the panel before navigation for immediate visual feedback.
259 [historyOverlay setProgress:gestureAmount];
261 [historyOverlay dismiss];
263 // |gestureAmount| obeys -[NSEvent isDirectionInvertedFromDevice]
265 Browser* browser = chrome::FindBrowserWithWindow(
266 historyOverlay.view.window);
267 if (ended && browser) {
269 chrome::GoForward(browser, CURRENT_TAB);
271 chrome::GoBack(browser, CURRENT_TAB);
275 [historyOverlay release];
283 - (BOOL)validateUserInterfaceItem:(id<NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>)item
284 isValidItem:(BOOL*)valid {
285 SEL action = [item action];
287 // For now, this action is always enabled for render view;
288 // this is sub-optimal.
289 // TODO(suzhe): Plumb the "can*" methods up from WebCore.
290 if (action == @selector(checkSpelling:)) {
291 *valid = renderWidgetHost_->IsRenderView();
295 // TODO(groby): Clarify who sends this and if toggleContinuousSpellChecking:
296 // is still necessary.
297 if (action == @selector(toggleContinuousSpellChecking:)) {
298 if ([(id)item respondsToSelector:@selector(setState:)]) {
299 content::RenderProcessHost* host = renderWidgetHost_->GetProcess();
300 Profile* profile = Profile::FromBrowserContext(host->GetBrowserContext());
303 profile->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kEnableContinuousSpellcheck);
304 NSCellStateValue checkedState =
305 spellcheckChecked_ ? NSOnState : NSOffState;
306 [(id)item setState:checkedState];
308 *valid = spellcheckEnabled_;
315 // Spellchecking methods
316 // The next five methods are implemented here since this class is the first
317 // responder for anything in the browser.
319 // This message is sent whenever the user specifies that a word should be
320 // changed from the spellChecker.
321 - (void)changeSpelling:(id)sender {
322 // Grab the currently selected word from the spell panel, as this is the word
323 // that we want to replace the selected word in the text with.
324 NSString* newWord = [[sender selectedCell] stringValue];
325 if (newWord != nil) {
326 renderWidgetHost_->Replace(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(newWord));
330 // This message is sent by NSSpellChecker whenever the next word should be
331 // advanced to, either after a correction or clicking the "Find Next" button.
332 // This isn't documented anywhere useful, like in NSSpellProtocol.h with the
333 // other spelling panel methods. This is probably because Apple assumes that the
334 // the spelling panel will be used with an NSText, which will automatically
335 // catch this and advance to the next word for you. Thanks Apple.
336 // This is also called from the Edit -> Spelling -> Check Spelling menu item.
337 - (void)checkSpelling:(id)sender {
338 renderWidgetHost_->Send(new SpellCheckMsg_AdvanceToNextMisspelling(
339 renderWidgetHost_->GetRoutingID()));
342 // This message is sent by the spelling panel whenever a word is ignored.
343 - (void)ignoreSpelling:(id)sender {
344 // Ideally, we would ask the current RenderView for its tag, but that would
345 // mean making a blocking IPC call from the browser. Instead,
346 // spellcheck_mac::CheckSpelling remembers the last tag and
347 // spellcheck_mac::IgnoreWord assumes that is the correct tag.
348 NSString* wordToIgnore = [sender stringValue];
349 if (wordToIgnore != nil)
350 spellcheck_mac::IgnoreWord(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(wordToIgnore));
353 - (void)showGuessPanel:(id)sender {
354 renderWidgetHost_->Send(new SpellCheckMsg_ToggleSpellPanel(
355 renderWidgetHost_->GetRoutingID(),
356 spellcheck_mac::SpellingPanelVisible()));
359 - (void)toggleContinuousSpellChecking:(id)sender {
360 content::RenderProcessHost* host = renderWidgetHost_->GetProcess();
361 Profile* profile = Profile::FromBrowserContext(host->GetBrowserContext());
363 PrefService* pref = profile->GetPrefs();
364 pref->SetBoolean(prefs::kEnableContinuousSpellcheck,
365 !pref->GetBoolean(prefs::kEnableContinuousSpellcheck));
368 - (void)spellCheckEnabled:(BOOL)enabled checked:(BOOL)checked {
369 spellcheckEnabled_ = enabled;
370 spellcheckChecked_ = checked;
373 // END Spellchecking methods