Fix various stray bugs in the GN auto-roller, and repair the DEPS file.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / flot / jquery.flot.selection.min.js
1 /* Flot plugin for selecting regions of a plot.
3 Copyright (c) 2007-2013 IOLA and Ole Laursen.
4 Licensed under the MIT license.
6 The plugin supports these options:
8 selection: {
9 mode: null or "x" or "y" or "xy",
10 color: color,
11 shape: "round" or "miter" or "bevel",
12 minSize: number of pixels
15 Selection support is enabled by setting the mode to one of "x", "y" or "xy".
16 In "x" mode, the user will only be able to specify the x range, similarly for
17 "y" mode. For "xy", the selection becomes a rectangle where both ranges can be
18 specified. "color" is color of the selection (if you need to change the color
19 later on, you can get to it with plot.getOptions().selection.color). "shape"
20 is the shape of the corners of the selection.
22 "minSize" is the minimum size a selection can be in pixels. This value can
23 be customized to determine the smallest size a selection can be and still
24 have the selection rectangle be displayed. When customizing this value, the
25 fact that it refers to pixels, not axis units must be taken into account.
26 Thus, for example, if there is a bar graph in time mode with BarWidth set to 1
27 minute, setting "minSize" to 1 will not make the minimum selection size 1
28 minute, but rather 1 pixel. Note also that setting "minSize" to 0 will prevent
29 "plotunselected" events from being fired when the user clicks the mouse without
30 dragging.
32 When selection support is enabled, a "plotselected" event will be emitted on
33 the DOM element you passed into the plot function. The event handler gets a
34 parameter with the ranges selected on the axes, like this:
36 placeholder.bind( "plotselected", function( event, ranges ) {
37 alert("You selected " + ranges.xaxis.from + " to " +
38 // similar for yaxis - with multiple axes, the extra ones are in
39 // x2axis, x3axis, ...
40 });
42 The "plotselected" event is only fired when the user has finished making the
43 selection. A "plotselecting" event is fired during the process with the same
44 parameters as the "plotselected" event, in case you want to know what's
45 happening while it's happening,
47 A "plotunselected" event with no arguments is emitted when the user clicks the
48 mouse to remove the selection. As stated above, setting "minSize" to 0 will
49 destroy this behavior.
51 The plugin allso adds the following methods to the plot object:
53 - setSelection( ranges, preventEvent )
55 Set the selection rectangle. The passed in ranges is on the same form as
56 returned in the "plotselected" event. If the selection mode is "x", you
57 should put in either an xaxis range, if the mode is "y" you need to put in
58 an yaxis range and both xaxis and yaxis if the selection mode is "xy", like
59 this:
61 setSelection({ xaxis: { from: 0, to: 10 }, yaxis: { from: 40, to: 60 } });
63 setSelection will trigger the "plotselected" event when called. If you don't
64 want that to happen, e.g. if you're inside a "plotselected" handler, pass
65 true as the second parameter. If you are using multiple axes, you can
66 specify the ranges on any of those, e.g. as x2axis/x3axis/... instead of
67 xaxis, the plugin picks the first one it sees.
69 - clearSelection( preventEvent )
71 Clear the selection rectangle. Pass in true to avoid getting a
72 "plotunselected" event.
74 - getSelection()
76 Returns the current selection in the same format as the "plotselected"
77 event. If there's currently no selection, the function returns null.
79 */(function(e){function t(t){function s(e){,t.getPlaceholder().trigger("plotselecting",[a()]))}function o(t){if(t.which!=1)return;document.body.focus(),document.onselectstart!==undefined&&r.onselectstart==null&&(r.onselectstart=document.onselectstart,document.onselectstart=function(){return!1}),document.ondrag!==undefined&&r.ondrag==null&&(r.ondrag=document.ondrag,document.ondrag=function(){return!1}),c(n.first,t),!0,i=function(e){u(e)},e(document).one("mouseup",i)}function u(e){return i=null,document.onselectstart!==undefined&&(document.onselectstart=r.onselectstart),document.ondrag!==undefined&&(document.ondrag=r.ondrag),!1,h(e),m()?f():(t.getPlaceholder().trigger("plotunselected",[]),t.getPlaceholder().trigger("plotselecting",[null])),!1}function a(){if(!m())return null;if(! null;var r={},i=n.first,s=n.second;return e.each(t.getAxes(),function(e,t){if(t.used){var n=t.c2p(i[t.direction]),o=t.c2p(s[t.direction]);r[e]={from:Math.min(n,o),to:Math.max(n,o)}}}),r}function f(){var e=a();t.getPlaceholder().trigger("plotselected",[e]),e.xaxis&&e.yaxis&&t.getPlaceholder().trigger("selected",[{x1:e.xaxis.from,y1:e.yaxis.from,,}])}function l(e,t,n){return t<e?e:t>n?n:t}function c(e,r){var i=t.getOptions(),s=t.getPlaceholder().offset(),o=t.getPlotOffset();e.x=l(0,r.pageX-s.left-o.left,t.width()),e.y=l(0,,t.height()),i.selection.mode=="y"&&(e.x=e==n.first?0:t.width()),i.selection.mode=="x"&&(e.y=e==n.first?0:t.height())}function h(e){if(e.pageX==null)return;c(n.second,e),m()?(!0,t.triggerRedrawOverlay()):p(!0)}function p(e){!1,t.triggerRedrawOverlay(),e||t.getPlaceholder().trigger("plotunselected",[]))}function d(e,n){var r,i,s,o,u=t.getAxes();for(var a in u){r=u[a];if(r.direction==n){o=n+r.n+"axis",!e[o]&&r.n==1&&(o=n+"axis");if(e[o]){i=e[o].from,s=e[o].to;break}}}e[o]||(r=n=="x"?t.getXAxes()[0]:t.getYAxes()[0],i=e[n+"1"],s=e[n+"2"]);if(i!=null&&s!=null&&i>s){var f=i;i=s,s=f}return{from:i,to:s,axis:r}}function v(e,r){var i,s,o=t.getOptions();o.selection.mode=="y"?(n.first.x=0,n.second.x=t.width()):(s=d(e,"x"),n.first.x=s.axis.p2c(s.from),n.second.x=s.axis.p2c(,o.selection.mode=="x"?(n.first.y=0,n.second.y=t.height()):(s=d(e,"y"),n.first.y=s.axis.p2c(s.from),n.second.y=s.axis.p2c(,!0,t.triggerRedrawOverlay(),!r&&m()&&f()}function m(){var e=t.getOptions().selection.minSize;return Math.abs(n.second.x-n.first.x)>=e&&Math.abs(n.second.y-n.first.y)>=e}var n={first:{x:-1,y:-1},second:{x:-1,y:-1},show:!1,active:!1},r={},i=null;t.clearSelection=p,t.setSelection=v,t.getSelection=a,t.hooks.bindEvents.push(function(e,t){var n=e.getOptions();n.selection.mode!=null&&(t.mousemove(s),t.mousedown(o))}),t.hooks.drawOverlay.push(function(t,r){if({var i=t.getPlotOffset(),s=t.getOptions();,r.translate(i.left,;var o=e.color.parse(s.selection.color);r.strokeStyle=o.scale("a",.8).toString(),r.lineWidth=1,r.lineJoin=s.selection.shape,r.fillStyle=o.scale("a",.4).toString();var u=Math.min(n.first.x,n.second.x)+.5,a=Math.min(n.first.y,n.second.y)+.5,f=Math.abs(n.second.x-n.first.x)-1,l=Math.abs(n.second.y-n.first.y)-1;r.fillRect(u,a,f,l),r.strokeRect(u,a,f,l),r.restore()}}),t.hooks.shutdown.push(function(t,n){n.unbind("mousemove",s),n.unbind("mousedown",o),i&&e(document).unbind("mouseup",i)})}e.plot.plugins.push({init:t,options:{selection:{mode:null,color:"#e8cfac",shape:"round",minSize:5}},name:"selection",version:"1.1"})})(jQuery);