Vectorize website settings icons in omnibox
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / cc / trees / blocking_task_runner.h
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <vector>
10 #include "base/location.h"
11 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
12 #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
13 #include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
14 #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
15 #include "cc/base/cc_export.h"
17 namespace cc {
19 // This class wraps a SingleThreadTaskRunner but allows posted tasks to be
20 // run without a round trip through the message loop. This shortcutting
21 // removes guarantees about ordering. Tasks posted while the
22 // BlockingTaskRunner is in a capturing state will run in order, and tasks
23 // posted while the BlockingTaskRunner is /not/ in a capturing state will
24 // run in order, but the two sets of tasks will *not* run in order relative
25 // to when they were posted.
27 // To use this class, post tasks to the task runner returned by
28 // BlockingTaskRunner::Create(). The thread it is created on identifies the
29 // thread you want the tasks to run on. The SingleThreadTaskRunner which is
30 // passed into Create() is used to run tasks that are posted when not in a
31 // capturing state.
33 // Then, on the thread that the given task runner belongs to, you may
34 // instantiate a BlockingTaskRunner::CapturePostTasks. While this object
35 // exists, the task runner will collect any PostTasks called on it, posting
36 // tasks to that thread from anywhere. This CapturePostTasks object provides
37 // a window in time where tasks can shortcut past the MessageLoop. As soon
38 // as the CapturePostTasks object is destroyed (goes out of scope), all
39 // tasks that had been posted to the thread during the window will be executed
40 // immediately.
42 // Beware of re-entrancy, make sure the CapturePostTasks object is destroyed at
43 // a time when it makes sense for the embedder to call arbitrary things.
44 class CC_EXPORT BlockingTaskRunner {
45 public:
46 // Creates a BlockingTaskRunner for a given SingleThreadTaskRunner.
47 // |task_runner| will be used to run the tasks which are posted while we are
48 // not capturing. |task_runner| should belong to same the thread on which
49 // capturing is done.
50 static scoped_ptr<BlockingTaskRunner> Create(
51 scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner);
53 ~BlockingTaskRunner();
55 // While an object of this type is held alive on a thread, any tasks
56 // posted to the thread will be captured and run as soon as the object
57 // is destroyed, shortcutting past the task runner.
58 class CC_EXPORT CapturePostTasks {
59 public:
60 explicit CapturePostTasks(BlockingTaskRunner* blocking_runner);
61 ~CapturePostTasks();
63 private:
64 BlockingTaskRunner* blocking_runner_;
69 // True if tasks posted to the BlockingTaskRunner will run on the current
70 // thread.
71 bool BelongsToCurrentThread();
73 // Posts a task using the contained SingleThreadTaskRunner unless |capture_|
74 // is true. When |capture_| is true, tasks posted will be caught and stored
75 // until the capturing stops. At that time the tasks will be run directly
76 // instead of being posted to the SingleThreadTaskRunner.
77 bool PostTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
78 const base::Closure& task);
80 private:
81 explicit BlockingTaskRunner(
82 scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner);
84 void SetCapture(bool capture);
86 base::PlatformThreadId thread_id_;
87 scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_;
89 base::Lock lock_;
90 int capture_;
91 std::vector<base::Closure> captured_tasks_;
93 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BlockingTaskRunner);
96 } // namespace cc