Don't show supervised user as "already on this device" while they're being imported.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / remoting / webapp / app_remoting / js / drag_and_drop.js
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 /**
6  * @fileoverview
7  * Provide support for drag-and-drop operations in shaped windows. The
8  * standard API doesn't work because no "dragover" events are generated
9  * if the mouse moves outside the window region.
10  */
11 'use strict';
13 /** @suppress {duplicate} */
14 var remoting = remoting || {};
16 /**
17  * @constructor
18  * @param {Element} element The element to register for drag and drop.
19  * @param {function(number, number):void} dragUpdate Callback to receive the
20  *     X and Y deltas as the element is dragged.
21  * @param {function():void=} opt_dragStart Initiation callback.
22  * @param {function():void=} opt_dragEnd Completion callback.
23  */
24 remoting.DragAndDrop = function(element, dragUpdate,
25                                 opt_dragStart, opt_dragEnd) {
26   /** @private */
27   this.element_ = element;
29   /** @private */
30   this.dragUpdate_ = dragUpdate;
32   /** @private */
33   this.dragStart_ = opt_dragStart;
35   /** @private */
36   this.dragEnd_ = opt_dragEnd;
38   /** @private {number} */
39   this.previousDeltaX_ = 0;
41   /** @private {number} */
42   this.previousDeltaY_ = 0;
44   /** @type {boolean} */
45   this.seenNonZeroDelta_ = false;
47   /** @private {function(Event):void} */
48   this.callOnMouseUp_ = this.onMouseUp_.bind(this);
50   /** @private {function(Event):void} */
51   this.callOnMouseMove_ = this.onMouseMove_.bind(this);
53   element.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onMouseDown_.bind(this), false);
56 /**
57  * @param {Event} event
58  */
59 remoting.DragAndDrop.prototype.onMouseDown_ = function(event) {
60   if (event.button != 0) {
61     return;
62   }
63   this.previousDeltaX_ = 0;
64   this.previousDeltaY_ = 0;
65   this.seenNonZeroDelta_ = false;
66   this.element_.addEventListener('mousemove', this.callOnMouseMove_, false);
67   this.element_.addEventListener('mouseup', this.callOnMouseUp_, false);
68   this.element_.requestPointerLock();
69   if (this.dragStart_) {
70     this.dragStart_();
71   }
74 /**
75  * TODO(jamiewalch): Remove the workarounds in this method once the pointer-lock
76  * API is fixed (
77  *
78  * @param {Event} event
79  */
80 remoting.DragAndDrop.prototype.onMouseMove_ = function(event) {
81   // Ignore the first non-zero delta. A click event will generate a bogus
82   // mousemove event, even if the mouse doesn't move.
83   if (!this.seenNonZeroDelta_ &&
84       (event.movementX != 0 || event.movementY != 0)) {
85     this.seenNonZeroDelta_ = true;
86   }
88   /**
89    * The mouse lock API is buggy when used with shaped windows, and occasionally
90    * generates single, large deltas that must be filtered out.
91    *
92    * @param {number} previous
93    * @param {number} current
94    * @return {number}
95    */
96   var adjustDelta = function(previous, current) {
97     var THRESHOLD = 100;  // Based on observed values.
98     if (Math.abs(previous < THRESHOLD) && Math.abs(current) >= THRESHOLD) {
99       return 0;
100     }
101     return current;
102   };
103   this.previousDeltaX_ = adjustDelta(this.previousDeltaX_, event.movementX);
104   this.previousDeltaY_ = adjustDelta(this.previousDeltaY_, event.movementY);
105   if (this.previousDeltaX_ != 0 || this.previousDeltaY_ != 0) {
106     this.dragUpdate_(this.previousDeltaX_, this.previousDeltaY_);
107   }
111  * @param {Event} event
112  */
113 remoting.DragAndDrop.prototype.onMouseUp_ = function(event) {
114   this.element_.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.callOnMouseMove_, false);
115   this.element_.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.callOnMouseUp_, false);
116   document.exitPointerLock();
117   if (this.dragEnd_) {
118     this.dragEnd_();
119   }