Infobar material design refresh: layout
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / ui / libgtk2ui /
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/browser/ui/libgtk2ui/gtk2_border.h"
7 #include <gtk/gtk.h>
9 #include "chrome/browser/ui/libgtk2ui/gtk2_ui.h"
10 #include "chrome/browser/ui/libgtk2ui/gtk2_util.h"
11 #include "chrome/browser/ui/libgtk2ui/native_theme_gtk2.h"
12 #include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkLerpXfermode.h"
13 #include "ui/base/theme_provider.h"
14 #include "ui/gfx/animation/animation.h"
15 #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
16 #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
17 #include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia_source.h"
18 #include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h"
19 #include "ui/views/controls/button/blue_button.h"
20 #include "ui/views/controls/button/label_button.h"
21 #include "ui/views/controls/button/label_button_border.h"
22 #include "ui/views/native_theme_delegate.h"
24 using views::Button;
25 using views::NativeThemeDelegate;
27 namespace libgtk2ui {
29 namespace {
31 const int kNumberOfFocusedStates = 2;
33 class ButtonImageSkiaSource : public gfx::ImageSkiaSource {
34 public:
35 ButtonImageSkiaSource(const Gtk2UI* gtk2_ui,
36 const GtkStateType state,
37 const bool focused,
38 const bool call_to_action,
39 const gfx::Size& size)
40 : gtk2_ui_(gtk2_ui),
41 state_(state),
42 focused_(focused),
43 call_to_action_(call_to_action),
44 size_(size) {
47 ~ButtonImageSkiaSource() override {}
49 gfx::ImageSkiaRep GetImageForScale(float scale) override {
50 int w = size_.width() * scale;
51 int h = size_.height() * scale;
52 return gfx::ImageSkiaRep(
53 gtk2_ui_->DrawGtkButtonBorder(state_, focused_, call_to_action_, w, h),
54 scale);
57 private:
58 const Gtk2UI* gtk2_ui_;
59 const GtkStateType state_;
60 const bool focused_;
61 const bool call_to_action_;
62 const gfx::Size size_;
64 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ButtonImageSkiaSource);
67 } // namespace
69 Gtk2Border::Gtk2Border(Gtk2UI* gtk2_ui,
70 views::LabelButton* owning_button,
71 scoped_ptr<views::LabelButtonBorder> border)
72 : gtk2_ui_(gtk2_ui),
73 owning_button_(owning_button),
74 border_(border.Pass()),
75 observer_manager_(this) {
76 observer_manager_.Add(NativeThemeGtk2::instance());
79 Gtk2Border::~Gtk2Border() {
82 void Gtk2Border::Paint(const views::View& view, gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
83 DCHECK_EQ(&view, owning_button_);
84 const NativeThemeDelegate* native_theme_delegate = owning_button_;
85 gfx::Rect rect(native_theme_delegate->GetThemePaintRect());
86 ui::NativeTheme::ExtraParams extra;
87 ui::NativeTheme::State state = native_theme_delegate->GetThemeState(&extra);
89 const gfx::Animation* animation = native_theme_delegate->GetThemeAnimation();
90 if (animation && animation->is_animating()) {
91 // Linearly interpolate background and foreground painters during animation.
92 const SkRect sk_rect = gfx::RectToSkRect(rect);
93 canvas->sk_canvas()->saveLayer(&sk_rect, NULL);
94 state = native_theme_delegate->GetBackgroundThemeState(&extra);
95 PaintState(state, extra, rect, canvas);
97 SkPaint paint;
98 skia::RefPtr<SkXfermode> sk_lerp_xfer =
99 skia::AdoptRef(SkLerpXfermode::Create(animation->GetCurrentValue()));
100 paint.setXfermode(sk_lerp_xfer.get());
101 canvas->sk_canvas()->saveLayer(&sk_rect, &paint);
102 state = native_theme_delegate->GetForegroundThemeState(&extra);
103 PaintState(state, extra, rect, canvas);
104 canvas->sk_canvas()->restore();
106 canvas->sk_canvas()->restore();
107 } else {
108 PaintState(state, extra, rect, canvas);
112 gfx::Insets Gtk2Border::GetInsets() const {
113 return border_->GetInsets();
116 gfx::Size Gtk2Border::GetMinimumSize() const {
117 return border_->GetMinimumSize();
120 void Gtk2Border::OnNativeThemeUpdated(ui::NativeTheme* observed_theme) {
121 DCHECK_EQ(observed_theme, NativeThemeGtk2::instance());
122 for (int i = 0; i < kNumberOfFocusedStates; ++i) {
123 for (int j = 0; j < views::Button::STATE_COUNT; ++j) {
124 button_images_[i][j] = gfx::ImageSkia();
128 // Our owning view must have its layout invalidated because the insets could
129 // have changed.
130 owning_button_->InvalidateLayout();
133 void Gtk2Border::PaintState(const ui::NativeTheme::State state,
134 const ui::NativeTheme::ExtraParams& extra,
135 const gfx::Rect& rect,
136 gfx::Canvas* canvas) {
137 bool focused = extra.button.is_focused;
138 Button::ButtonState views_state = Button::GetButtonStateFrom(state);
140 if (border_->PaintsButtonState(focused, views_state)) {
141 gfx::ImageSkia* image = &button_images_[focused][views_state];
143 if (image->isNull() || image->size() != rect.size()) {
144 bool call_to_action = owning_button_->GetClassName() ==
145 views::BlueButton::kViewClassName;
146 GtkStateType gtk_state = GetGtkState(state);
147 *image = gfx::ImageSkia(
148 new ButtonImageSkiaSource(gtk2_ui_,
149 gtk_state,
150 focused,
151 call_to_action,
152 rect.size()),
153 rect.size());
155 canvas->DrawImageInt(*image, rect.x(), rect.y());
159 } // namespace libgtk2ui