Revert "Reland c91b178b07b0d - Delete dead signin code (SigninGlobalError)"
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / metrics / chrome_stability_metrics_provider.h
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include "base/basictypes.h"
9 #include "base/metrics/user_metrics.h"
10 #include "base/process/kill.h"
11 #include "components/metrics/metrics_provider.h"
12 #include "content/public/browser/browser_child_process_observer.h"
13 #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
14 #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
16 class PrefRegistrySimple;
18 namespace content {
19 class RenderProcessHost;
20 class WebContents;
23 // ChromeStabilityMetricsProvider gathers and logs Chrome-specific stability-
24 // related metrics.
25 class ChromeStabilityMetricsProvider
26 : public metrics::MetricsProvider,
27 public content::BrowserChildProcessObserver,
28 public content::NotificationObserver {
29 public:
30 ChromeStabilityMetricsProvider();
31 ~ChromeStabilityMetricsProvider() override;
33 // metrics::MetricsDataProvider:
34 void OnRecordingEnabled() override;
35 void OnRecordingDisabled() override;
36 void ProvideStabilityMetrics(
37 metrics::SystemProfileProto* system_profile_proto) override;
38 void ClearSavedStabilityMetrics() override;
40 // Registers local state prefs used by this class.
41 static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
43 private:
44 // content::NotificationObserver:
45 void Observe(int type,
46 const content::NotificationSource& source,
47 const content::NotificationDetails& details) override;
49 // content::BrowserChildProcessObserver:
50 void BrowserChildProcessCrashed(
51 const content::ChildProcessData& data,
52 int exit_code) override;
54 // Logs the initiation of a page load and uses |web_contents| to do
55 // additional logging of the type of page loaded.
56 void LogLoadStarted(content::WebContents* web_contents);
58 // Records a renderer process crash.
59 void LogRendererCrash(content::RenderProcessHost* host,
60 base::TerminationStatus status,
61 int exit_code);
63 // Records a renderer process hang.
64 void LogRendererHang();
66 // Registrar for receiving stability-related notifications.
67 content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
69 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ChromeStabilityMetricsProvider);