Re-land: C++ readability review
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / remoting / scripts / webapp /
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4 # found in the LICENSE file.
6 import argparse
7 import json
8 import sys
10 DESCRIPTION = '''This tools reads in a GYP file, parses it as JSON, grabs the
11 requested object(s) using the passed in |key_name| and |key_value| and then
12 builds up a space delimited string using the |return_key| given. The built
13 up string is then output to STDOUT which can be read and tokenized in
14 bash or python scripts.'''
15 FILE_HELP = '''The GYP file to parse'''
16 APP_KEY_NAME_HELP = '''Key name used to identify relevant webapp details'''
17 APP_KEY_VALUE_HELP = '''Key value used to identify relevant webapp details,
18 multiple values can be passed in'''
19 TARGET_KEY_VALUE_HELP = '''The key name used to output the targeted value'''
20 DEBUG_HELP = '''Turns on verbose debugging output'''
22 # Cleans up the text in the passed in GYP file, updates it to make it valid JSON
23 # and returns the valid json string.
24 def gyp_file_to_json_string(gyp_file):
25 # First, read in each line and discard comments and whitespace.
26 line_data = ''
27 for line in gyp_file:
28 lines = line.split("#")
29 line_data += lines[0].strip()
31 # Trailing commas are valid in GYP files but invalid in JSON, so remove them
32 # here. Also convert double quotes to single quotes and those throw off the
33 # python json parser.
34 line_data = line_data.replace(',}', '}')
35 line_data = line_data.replace(',]', ']')
36 line_data = line_data.replace('\'', '\"')
38 return line_data
41 # Finds the matching app detail sections in |data| and generates a space
42 # delimited string with the |return_key|'s value. If we found at least one
43 # matching app and created a string, we output it to STDOUT.
44 def print_details(data, key_name, key_values, target_key):
45 output_string = ''
46 for target in data['targets']:
47 if target[key_name] in key_values:
48 if output_string:
49 output_string += " " + target[target_key]
50 else:
51 output_string += target[target_key]
53 if output_string:
54 print output_string
57 def main():
58 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = DESCRIPTION)
59 parser.add_argument('file', nargs = '+', help = FILE_HELP)
60 parser.add_argument('-k', '--key_name', help = APP_KEY_NAME_HELP,
61 nargs = '?', required=True)
62 parser.add_argument('-v', '--key_value', help = APP_KEY_VALUE_HELP,
63 nargs = '+', required=True)
64 parser.add_argument('-t', '--target_key', help = TARGET_KEY_VALUE_HELP,
65 nargs = '?', required=True)
66 parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', help = DEBUG_HELP,
67 action='store_true')
68 options = parser.parse_args()
70 if options.debug:
71 print 'Reading from file \"' + options.file[0] + '\"'
73 gyp_file = open(options.file[0])
74 json_string = gyp_file_to_json_string(gyp_file)
76 json_object = json.loads(json_string)
78 if options.debug:
79 print 'The following app details were found:'
80 for target in json_object['targets']:
81 print target['target_name'], target['app_id'], target['app_name']
83 print_details(json_object,
84 options.key_name,
85 options.key_value,
86 options.target_key)
88 return 0
90 if __name__ == '__main__':
91 sys.exit(main())