1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // test_custom_bindings.js
6 // mini-framework for ExtensionApiTest browser tests
8 var binding = require('binding').Binding.create('test');
10 var chrome = requireNative('chrome').GetChrome();
11 var GetExtensionAPIDefinitionsForTest =
12 requireNative('apiDefinitions').GetExtensionAPIDefinitionsForTest;
13 var GetAvailability = requireNative('v8_context').GetAvailability;
14 var GetAPIFeatures = requireNative('test_features').GetAPIFeatures;
15 var userGestures = requireNative('user_gestures');
17 binding.registerCustomHook(function(api) {
18 var chromeTest = api.compiledApi;
19 var apiFunctions = api.apiFunctions;
21 chromeTest.tests = chromeTest.tests || [];
23 var currentTest = null;
27 var failureException = 'chrome.test.failure';
29 // Helper function to get around the fact that function names in javascript
30 // are read-only, and you can't assign one to anonymous functions.
31 function testName(test) {
32 return test ? (test.name || test.generatedName) : "(no test)";
36 // Use setTimeout here to allow previous test contexts to be
37 // eligible for garbage collection.
38 setTimeout(chromeTest.runNextTest, 0);
41 function allTestsDone() {
42 if (testsFailed == 0) {
43 chromeTest.notifyPass();
45 chromeTest.notifyFail('Failed ' + testsFailed + ' of ' +
46 testCount + ' tests');
49 // Try to get the script to stop running immediately.
50 // This isn't an error, just an attempt at saying "done".
54 var pendingCallbacks = 0;
56 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('callbackAdded', function() {
62 var redundantPrefix = 'Error\n';
64 'Callback has already been run. ' +
66 $String.slice(called, redundantPrefix.length) + '\n' +
68 $String.slice(new Error().stack, redundantPrefix.length));
70 called = new Error().stack;
73 if (pendingCallbacks == 0) {
79 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('runNextTest', function() {
80 // There may have been callbacks which were interrupted by failure
84 lastTest = currentTest;
85 currentTest = chromeTest.tests.shift();
93 chromeTest.log("( RUN ) " + testName(currentTest));
96 if (e !== failureException)
97 chromeTest.fail('uncaught exception: ' + e);
101 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('fail', function(message) {
102 chromeTest.log("( FAILED ) " + testName(currentTest));
105 Error.captureStackTrace(stack, chromeTest.fail);
108 message = "FAIL (no message)";
110 message += "\n" + stack.stack;
111 console.log("[FAIL] " + testName(currentTest) + ": " + message);
115 // Interrupt the rest of the test.
116 throw failureException;
119 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('succeed', function() {
120 console.log("[SUCCESS] " + testName(currentTest));
121 chromeTest.log("( SUCCESS )");
125 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('assertTrue', function(test, message) {
126 chromeTest.assertBool(test, true, message);
129 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('assertFalse', function(test, message) {
130 chromeTest.assertBool(test, false, message);
133 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('assertBool',
134 function(test, expected, message) {
135 if (test !== expected) {
136 if (typeof(test) == "string") {
138 message = test + "\n" + message;
142 chromeTest.fail(message);
146 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('checkDeepEq', function(expected, actual) {
147 if ((expected === null) != (actual === null))
150 if (expected === actual)
153 if (typeof(expected) !== typeof(actual))
156 for (var p in actual) {
157 if ($Object.hasOwnProperty(actual, p) &&
158 !$Object.hasOwnProperty(expected, p)) {
162 for (var p in expected) {
163 if ($Object.hasOwnProperty(expected, p) &&
164 !$Object.hasOwnProperty(actual, p)) {
169 for (var p in expected) {
171 switch (typeof(expected[p])) {
173 eq = chromeTest.checkDeepEq(expected[p], actual[p]);
176 eq = (typeof(actual[p]) != 'undefined' &&
177 expected[p].toString() == actual[p].toString());
180 eq = (expected[p] == actual[p] &&
181 typeof(expected[p]) == typeof(actual[p]));
190 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('assertEq',
191 function(expected, actual, message) {
192 var error_msg = "API Test Error in " + testName(currentTest);
194 error_msg += ": " + message;
195 if (typeof(expected) == 'object') {
196 if (!chromeTest.checkDeepEq(expected, actual)) {
197 // Note: these JSON.stringify calls may fail in tests that explicitly
198 // override JSON.stringfy, so surround in try-catch.
200 error_msg += "\nActual: " + JSON.stringify(actual) +
201 "\nExpected: " + JSON.stringify(expected);
203 chromeTest.fail(error_msg);
207 if (expected != actual) {
208 chromeTest.fail(error_msg +
209 "\nActual: " + actual + "\nExpected: " + expected);
211 if (typeof(expected) != typeof(actual)) {
212 chromeTest.fail(error_msg +
213 " (type mismatch)\nActual Type: " + typeof(actual) +
214 "\nExpected Type:" + typeof(expected));
218 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('assertNoLastError', function() {
219 if (chrome.runtime.lastError != undefined) {
220 chromeTest.fail("lastError.message == " +
221 chrome.runtime.lastError.message);
225 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('assertLastError', function(expectedError) {
226 chromeTest.assertEq(typeof(expectedError), 'string');
227 chromeTest.assertTrue(chrome.runtime.lastError != undefined,
228 "No lastError, but expected " + expectedError);
229 chromeTest.assertEq(expectedError, chrome.runtime.lastError.message);
232 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('assertThrows',
233 function(fn, self, args, message) {
234 chromeTest.assertTrue(typeof fn == 'function');
236 fn.apply(self, args);
237 chromeTest.fail('Did not throw error: ' + fn);
239 if (e != failureException && message !== undefined) {
240 if (message instanceof RegExp) {
241 chromeTest.assertTrue(message.test(e.message),
242 e.message + ' should match ' + message)
244 chromeTest.assertEq(message, e.message);
250 function safeFunctionApply(func, args) {
253 return $Function.apply(func, undefined, args);
255 var msg = "uncaught exception " + e;
256 chromeTest.fail(msg);
260 // Wrapper for generating test functions, that takes care of calling
261 // assertNoLastError() and (optionally) succeed() for you.
262 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('callback', function(func, expectedError) {
264 chromeTest.assertEq(typeof(func), 'function');
266 var callbackCompleted = chromeTest.callbackAdded();
269 if (expectedError == null) {
270 chromeTest.assertNoLastError();
272 chromeTest.assertLastError(expectedError);
277 result = safeFunctionApply(func, arguments);
285 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('listenOnce', function(event, func) {
286 var callbackCompleted = chromeTest.callbackAdded();
287 var listener = function() {
288 event.removeListener(listener);
289 safeFunctionApply(func, arguments);
292 event.addListener(listener);
295 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('listenForever', function(event, func) {
296 var callbackCompleted = chromeTest.callbackAdded();
298 var listener = function() {
299 safeFunctionApply(func, arguments);
302 var done = function() {
303 event.removeListener(listener);
307 event.addListener(listener);
311 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('callbackPass', function(func) {
312 return chromeTest.callback(func);
315 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('callbackFail', function(expectedError, func) {
316 return chromeTest.callback(func, expectedError);
319 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('runTests', function(tests) {
320 chromeTest.tests = tests;
321 testCount = chromeTest.tests.length;
322 chromeTest.runNextTest();
325 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('getApiDefinitions', function() {
326 return GetExtensionAPIDefinitionsForTest();
329 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('getApiFeatures', function() {
330 return GetAPIFeatures();
333 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('isProcessingUserGesture', function() {
334 return userGestures.IsProcessingUserGesture();
337 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('runWithUserGesture', function(callback) {
338 chromeTest.assertEq(typeof(callback), 'function');
339 return userGestures.RunWithUserGesture(callback);
342 apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('runWithoutUserGesture', function(callback) {
343 chromeTest.assertEq(typeof(callback), 'function');
344 return userGestures.RunWithoutUserGesture(callback);
348 exports.binding = binding.generate();