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[chromium-blink-merge.git] / components / autofill / core / browser /
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/contact_info.h"
7 #include <stddef.h>
8 #include <ostream>
9 #include <string>
11 #include "base/basictypes.h"
12 #include "base/logging.h"
13 #include "base/strings/string_split.h"
14 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
15 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
16 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_type.h"
17 #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_l10n_util.h"
19 namespace autofill {
21 namespace {
23 const char* const name_prefixes[] = {
24 "1lt", "1st", "2lt", "2nd", "3rd", "admiral", "capt", "captain", "col",
25 "cpt", "dr", "gen", "general", "lcdr", "lt", "ltc", "ltg", "ltjg", "maj",
26 "major", "mg", "mr", "mrs", "ms", "pastor", "prof", "rep", "reverend",
27 "rev", "sen", "st" };
29 const char* const name_suffixes[] = {
30 "b.a", "ba", "d.d.s", "dds", "i", "ii", "iii", "iv", "ix", "jr", "m.a",
31 "m.d", "ma", "md", "ms", "ph.d", "phd", "sr", "v", "vi", "vii", "viii",
32 "x" };
34 const char* const family_name_prefixes[] = {
35 "d'", "de", "del", "der", "di", "la", "le", "mc", "san", "st", "ter",
36 "van", "von" };
38 // Returns true if |set| contains |element|, modulo a final period.
39 bool ContainsString(const char* const set[],
40 size_t set_size,
41 const base::string16& element) {
42 if (!base::IsStringASCII(element))
43 return false;
45 base::string16 trimmed_element;
46 base::TrimString(element, base::ASCIIToUTF16("."), &trimmed_element);
48 for (size_t i = 0; i < set_size; ++i) {
49 if (base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(trimmed_element, set[i]))
50 return true;
53 return false;
56 // Removes common name prefixes from |name_tokens|.
57 void StripPrefixes(std::vector<base::string16>* name_tokens) {
58 std::vector<base::string16>::iterator iter = name_tokens->begin();
59 while(iter != name_tokens->end()) {
60 if (!ContainsString(name_prefixes, arraysize(name_prefixes), *iter))
61 break;
62 ++iter;
65 std::vector<base::string16> copy_vector;
66 copy_vector.assign(iter, name_tokens->end());
67 *name_tokens = copy_vector;
70 // Removes common name suffixes from |name_tokens|.
71 void StripSuffixes(std::vector<base::string16>* name_tokens) {
72 while(!name_tokens->empty()) {
73 if (!ContainsString(name_suffixes, arraysize(name_suffixes),
74 name_tokens->back())) {
75 break;
77 name_tokens->pop_back();
81 struct NameParts {
82 base::string16 given;
83 base::string16 middle;
84 base::string16 family;
87 // TODO(estade): This does Western name splitting. It should do different
88 // splitting based on the app locale.
89 NameParts SplitName(const base::string16& name) {
90 std::vector<base::string16> name_tokens = base::SplitString(
91 name, base::ASCIIToUTF16(" ,"), base::KEEP_WHITESPACE,
93 StripPrefixes(&name_tokens);
95 // Don't assume "Ma" is a suffix in John Ma.
96 if (name_tokens.size() > 2)
97 StripSuffixes(&name_tokens);
99 NameParts parts;
101 if (name_tokens.empty()) {
102 // Bad things have happened; just assume the whole thing is a given name.
103 parts.given = name;
104 return parts;
107 // Only one token, assume given name.
108 if (name_tokens.size() == 1) {
109 parts.given = name_tokens[0];
110 return parts;
113 // 2 or more tokens. Grab the family, which is the last word plus any
114 // recognizable family prefixes.
115 std::vector<base::string16> reverse_family_tokens;
116 reverse_family_tokens.push_back(name_tokens.back());
117 name_tokens.pop_back();
118 while (name_tokens.size() >= 1 &&
119 ContainsString(family_name_prefixes,
120 arraysize(family_name_prefixes),
121 name_tokens.back())) {
122 reverse_family_tokens.push_back(name_tokens.back());
123 name_tokens.pop_back();
126 std::vector<base::string16> family_tokens(reverse_family_tokens.rbegin(),
127 reverse_family_tokens.rend());
128 = base::JoinString(family_tokens, base::ASCIIToUTF16(" "));
130 // Take the last remaining token as the middle name (if there are at least 2
131 // tokens).
132 if (name_tokens.size() >= 2) {
133 parts.middle = name_tokens.back();
134 name_tokens.pop_back();
137 // Remainder is given name.
138 parts.given = base::JoinString(name_tokens, base::ASCIIToUTF16(" "));
140 return parts;
143 } // namespace
145 NameInfo::NameInfo() {}
147 NameInfo::NameInfo(const NameInfo& info) : FormGroup() {
148 *this = info;
151 NameInfo::~NameInfo() {}
153 NameInfo& NameInfo::operator=(const NameInfo& info) {
154 if (this == &info)
155 return *this;
157 given_ = info.given_;
158 middle_ = info.middle_;
159 family_ = info.family_;
160 full_ = info.full_;
161 return *this;
164 bool NameInfo::ParsedNamesAreEqual(const NameInfo& info) const {
165 l10n::CaseInsensitiveCompare compare;
166 return compare.StringsEqual(given_, info.given_) &&
167 compare.StringsEqual(middle_, info.middle_) &&
168 compare.StringsEqual(family_, info.family_);
171 void NameInfo::GetSupportedTypes(ServerFieldTypeSet* supported_types) const {
172 supported_types->insert(NAME_FIRST);
173 supported_types->insert(NAME_MIDDLE);
174 supported_types->insert(NAME_LAST);
175 supported_types->insert(NAME_MIDDLE_INITIAL);
176 supported_types->insert(NAME_FULL);
179 base::string16 NameInfo::GetRawInfo(ServerFieldType type) const {
180 DCHECK_EQ(NAME, AutofillType(type).group());
181 switch (type) {
182 case NAME_FIRST:
183 return given_;
185 case NAME_MIDDLE:
186 return middle_;
188 case NAME_LAST:
189 return family_;
192 return MiddleInitial();
194 case NAME_FULL:
195 return full_;
197 default:
198 return base::string16();
202 void NameInfo::SetRawInfo(ServerFieldType type, const base::string16& value) {
203 DCHECK_EQ(NAME, AutofillType(type).group());
205 switch (type) {
206 case NAME_FIRST:
207 given_ = value;
208 break;
210 case NAME_MIDDLE:
212 middle_ = value;
213 break;
215 case NAME_LAST:
216 family_ = value;
217 break;
219 case NAME_FULL:
220 full_ = value;
221 break;
223 default:
228 base::string16 NameInfo::GetInfo(const AutofillType& type,
229 const std::string& app_locale) const {
230 if (type.GetStorableType() == NAME_FULL)
231 return FullName();
233 return GetRawInfo(type.GetStorableType());
236 bool NameInfo::SetInfo(const AutofillType& type,
237 const base::string16& value,
238 const std::string& app_locale) {
239 // Always clear out the full name if we're making a change.
240 if (value != GetInfo(type, app_locale))
241 full_.clear();
243 if (type.GetStorableType() == NAME_FULL) {
244 SetFullName(value);
245 return true;
248 return FormGroup::SetInfo(type, value, app_locale);
251 base::string16 NameInfo::FullName() const {
252 if (!full_.empty())
253 return full_;
255 std::vector<base::string16> full_name;
256 if (!given_.empty())
257 full_name.push_back(given_);
259 if (!middle_.empty())
260 full_name.push_back(middle_);
262 if (!family_.empty())
263 full_name.push_back(family_);
265 return base::JoinString(full_name, base::ASCIIToUTF16(" "));
268 base::string16 NameInfo::MiddleInitial() const {
269 if (middle_.empty())
270 return base::string16();
272 base::string16 middle_name(middle_);
273 base::string16 initial;
274 initial.push_back(middle_name[0]);
275 return initial;
278 void NameInfo::SetFullName(const base::string16& full) {
279 full_ = full;
281 // If |full| is empty, leave the other name parts alone. This might occur
282 // due to a migrated database with an empty |full_name| value.
283 if (full.empty())
284 return;
286 NameParts parts = SplitName(full);
287 given_ = parts.given;
288 middle_ = parts.middle;
289 family_ =;
292 EmailInfo::EmailInfo() {}
294 EmailInfo::EmailInfo(const EmailInfo& info) : FormGroup() {
295 *this = info;
298 EmailInfo::~EmailInfo() {}
300 EmailInfo& EmailInfo::operator=(const EmailInfo& info) {
301 if (this == &info)
302 return *this;
304 email_ = info.email_;
305 return *this;
308 void EmailInfo::GetSupportedTypes(ServerFieldTypeSet* supported_types) const {
309 supported_types->insert(EMAIL_ADDRESS);
312 base::string16 EmailInfo::GetRawInfo(ServerFieldType type) const {
313 if (type == EMAIL_ADDRESS)
314 return email_;
316 return base::string16();
319 void EmailInfo::SetRawInfo(ServerFieldType type, const base::string16& value) {
321 email_ = value;
324 CompanyInfo::CompanyInfo() {}
326 CompanyInfo::CompanyInfo(const CompanyInfo& info) : FormGroup() {
327 *this = info;
330 CompanyInfo::~CompanyInfo() {}
332 CompanyInfo& CompanyInfo::operator=(const CompanyInfo& info) {
333 if (this == &info)
334 return *this;
336 company_name_ = info.company_name_;
337 return *this;
340 void CompanyInfo::GetSupportedTypes(ServerFieldTypeSet* supported_types) const {
341 supported_types->insert(COMPANY_NAME);
344 base::string16 CompanyInfo::GetRawInfo(ServerFieldType type) const {
345 if (type == COMPANY_NAME)
346 return company_name_;
348 return base::string16();
351 void CompanyInfo::SetRawInfo(ServerFieldType type,
352 const base::string16& value) {
354 company_name_ = value;
357 } // namespace autofill