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[chromium-blink-merge.git] / components / autofill / core / browser / webdata / autofill_webdata.h
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <string>
9 #include <vector>
11 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
12 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
13 #include "components/webdata/common/web_data_service_base.h"
15 namespace base {
17 class Time;
19 } // namespace base
21 class Profile;
22 class WebDataServiceConsumer;
24 namespace autofill {
26 class AutofillEntry;
27 class AutofillProfile;
28 class CreditCard;
29 struct FormFieldData;
31 // Pure virtual interface for retrieving Autofill data. API users
32 // should use AutofillWebDataService.
33 class AutofillWebData {
34 public:
35 virtual ~AutofillWebData() {}
37 // Schedules a task to add form fields to the web database.
38 virtual void AddFormFields(
39 const std::vector<FormFieldData>& fields) = 0;
41 // Initiates the request for a vector of values which have been entered in
42 // form input fields named |name|. The method OnWebDataServiceRequestDone of
43 // |consumer| gets called back when the request is finished, with the vector
44 // included in the argument |result|.
45 virtual WebDataServiceBase::Handle GetFormValuesForElementName(
46 const base::string16& name,
47 const base::string16& prefix,
48 int limit,
49 WebDataServiceConsumer* consumer) = 0;
51 // Checks if there are any form elements in the database.
52 virtual WebDataServiceBase::Handle HasFormElements(
53 WebDataServiceConsumer* consumer) = 0;
55 // Removes form elements recorded for Autocomplete from the database.
56 virtual void RemoveFormElementsAddedBetween(
57 const base::Time& delete_begin, const base::Time& delete_end) = 0;
59 virtual void RemoveFormValueForElementName(const base::string16& name,
60 const base::string16& value) = 0;
62 // Schedules a task to add an Autofill profile to the web database.
63 virtual void AddAutofillProfile(const AutofillProfile& profile) = 0;
65 // Schedules a task to update an Autofill profile in the web database.
66 virtual void UpdateAutofillProfile(const AutofillProfile& profile) = 0;
68 // Schedules a task to remove an Autofill profile from the web database.
69 // |guid| is the identifer of the profile to remove.
70 virtual void RemoveAutofillProfile(const std::string& guid) = 0;
72 // Initiates the request for local/server Autofill profiles. The method
73 // OnWebDataServiceRequestDone of |consumer| gets called when the request is
74 // finished, with the profiles included in the argument |result|. The
75 // consumer owns the profiles.
76 virtual WebDataServiceBase::Handle GetAutofillProfiles(
77 WebDataServiceConsumer* consumer) = 0;
78 virtual WebDataServiceBase::Handle GetServerProfiles(
79 WebDataServiceConsumer* consumer) = 0;
81 // Schedules a task to update autofill entries in the web database.
82 virtual void UpdateAutofillEntries(
83 const std::vector<AutofillEntry>& autofill_entries) = 0;
85 // Schedules a task to add credit card to the web database.
86 virtual void AddCreditCard(const CreditCard& credit_card) = 0;
88 // Schedules a task to update credit card in the web database.
89 virtual void UpdateCreditCard(const CreditCard& credit_card) = 0;
91 // Schedules a task to remove a credit card from the web database.
92 // |guid| is identifer of the credit card to remove.
93 virtual void RemoveCreditCard(const std::string& guid) = 0;
95 // Initiates the request for local/server credit cards. The method
96 // OnWebDataServiceRequestDone of |consumer| gets called when the request is
97 // finished, with the credit cards included in the argument |result|. The
98 // consumer owns the credit cards.
99 virtual WebDataServiceBase::Handle GetCreditCards(
100 WebDataServiceConsumer* consumer) = 0;
101 virtual WebDataServiceBase::Handle GetServerCreditCards(
102 WebDataServiceConsumer* consumer) = 0;
104 // Toggles the record for a server credit card between masked (only last 4
105 // digits) and full (all digits).
106 virtual void UnmaskServerCreditCard(const CreditCard& credit_card,
107 const base::string16& full_number) = 0;
108 virtual void MaskServerCreditCard(const std::string& id) = 0;
110 // Updates the use count and last use date for a server card (masked or not).
111 virtual void UpdateServerCardUsageStats(const CreditCard& credit_card) = 0;
113 // Updates the use count and last use date for a server address.
114 virtual void UpdateServerAddressUsageStats(const AutofillProfile& profile)
115 = 0;
117 // Removes Autofill records from the database.
118 virtual void RemoveAutofillDataModifiedBetween(
119 const base::Time& delete_begin, const base::Time& delete_end) = 0;
121 // Removes origin URLs associated with Autofill profiles and credit cards from
122 // the database.
123 virtual void RemoveOriginURLsModifiedBetween(
124 const base::Time& delete_begin, const base::Time& delete_end) = 0;
127 } // namespace autofill