Merge Chromium + Blink git repositories
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / WebKit / LayoutTests / fast / dom / Window / resources / WindowProperties.js
1 var windowFunctions = [
2     // Functions implemented on the Window object's prototype
3     "getSelection",
4     "focus",
5     "blur",
6     "close",
7     "print",
8     "stop",
9     "alert",
10     "confirm",
11     "prompt",
12     "find",
13     "scrollBy",
14     "scrollTo",
15     "scroll",
16     "moveBy",
17     "moveTo",
18     "resizeBy",
19     "resizeTo",
20     "getComputedStyle",
21     "getMatchedCSSRules",
22     "openDatabase",
23     "postMessage",
25     // Functions currently implemented on the Window object itself.  NOTE: these should be moved to the prototype.
26     "atob",
27     "btoa",
28     "open",
29     "setTimeout",
30     "clearTimeout",
31     "setInterval",
32     "clearInterval",
33     "addEventListener",
34     "removeEventListener",
35     "captureEvents",
36     "releaseEvents",
38     // Functions from the Global Object
39     "eval",
40     "parseInt",
41     "parseFloat",
42     "isNaN",
43     "isFinite",
44     "escape",
45     "unescape",
46     "decodeURI",
47     "decodeURIComponent",
48     "encodeURI",
49     "encodeURIComponent",
51     // Functions from Object.prototype
52     "toString",
53     "toLocaleString",
54     "valueOf",
55     "hasOwnProperty",
56     "propertyIsEnumerable",
57     "isPrototypeOf",
58     "__defineGetter__",
59     "__defineSetter__",
60     "__lookupGetter__",
61     "__lookupSetter__"