Merge Chromium + Blink git repositories
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / WebKit / LayoutTests / storage / indexeddb / resources / open-during-transaction.js
1 if (this.importScripts) {
2     importScripts('../../../resources/js-test.js');
3     importScripts('shared.js');
6 description("Test IndexedDB opening database connections during transactions");
8 indexedDBTest(prepareDatabase, startTransaction);
9 function prepareDatabase()
11     dbc1 =;
12     evalAndLog("dbc1.createObjectStore('storeName')");
13 = function (e) {
14         debug("database preparation complete");
15         debug("");
16     };
19 function startTransaction()
21     debug("starting transaction");
22     evalAndLog("state = 'starting'");
23     evalAndLog("trans = dbc1.transaction('storeName', 'readwrite')");
25     debug("the transaction is kept alive with a series of puts until opens are complete");
26     (function keepAlive() {
27         // Don't log, since this may run an arbitrary number of times.
28         if (state !== 'open3complete') {
29             var request = trans.objectStore('storeName').put('value', 'key');
30             request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback;
31             request.onsuccess = keepAlive;
32         }
33     }());
35     trans.onabort = unexpectedAbortCallback;
36     trans.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback;
37     trans.oncomplete = function (e) {
38         debug("transaction complete");
39         shouldBeEqualToString("state", "open3complete");
40         debug("");
41         finishJSTest();
42     };
44     debug("");
45     tryOpens();
48 function tryOpens()
50     debug("trying to open the same database");
51     evalAndLog("openreq2 =");
52     openreq2.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback;
53     openreq2.onsuccess = function (e) {
54         debug("openreq2.onsuccess");
55         shouldBeEqualToString("state", "starting");
56         evalAndLog("state = 'open2complete'");
57         debug("");
58     };
59     debug("");
61     debug("trying to open a different database");
62     evalAndLog("openreq3 = + '2')");
63     openreq3.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback;
64     openreq3.onsuccess = function (e) {
65         debug("openreq3.onsuccess");
66         shouldBeEqualToString("state", "open2complete");
67         evalAndLog("state = 'open3complete'");
68         debug("");
69     };
70     debug("");