Elim cr-checkbox
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / resources / net_internals / events_view.js
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 /**
6  * EventsView displays a filtered list of all events sharing a source, and
7  * a details pane for the selected sources.
8  *
9  *  +----------------------++----------------+
10  *  |      filter box      ||                |
11  *  +----------------------+|                |
12  *  |                      ||                |
13  *  |                      ||                |
14  *  |                      ||                |
15  *  |                      ||                |
16  *  |     source list      ||    details     |
17  *  |                      ||    view        |
18  *  |                      ||                |
19  *  |                      ||                |
20  *  |                      ||                |
21  *  |                      ||                |
22  *  |                      ||                |
23  *  |                      ||                |
24  *  +----------------------++----------------+
25  */
26 var EventsView = (function() {
27   'use strict';
29   // How soon after updating the filter list the counter should be updated.
32   // We inherit from View.
33   var superClass = View;
35   /*
36    * @constructor
37    */
38   function EventsView() {
39     assertFirstConstructorCall(EventsView);
41     // Call superclass's constructor.
42     superClass.call(this);
44     // Initialize the sub-views.
45     var leftPane = new VerticalSplitView(new DivView(EventsView.TOPBAR_ID),
46                                          new DivView(EventsView.LIST_BOX_ID));
48     this.detailsView_ = new DetailsView(EventsView.DETAILS_LOG_BOX_ID);
50     this.splitterView_ = new ResizableVerticalSplitView(
51         leftPane, this.detailsView_, new DivView(EventsView.SIZER_ID));
53     SourceTracker.getInstance().addSourceEntryObserver(this);
55     this.tableBody_ = $(EventsView.TBODY_ID);
57     this.filterInput_ = $(EventsView.FILTER_INPUT_ID);
58     this.filterCount_ = $(EventsView.FILTER_COUNT_ID);
60     this.filterInput_.addEventListener('search',
61         this.onFilterTextChanged_.bind(this), true);
63     $(EventsView.SELECT_ALL_ID).addEventListener(
64         'click', this.selectAll_.bind(this), true);
66     $(EventsView.SORT_BY_ID_ID).addEventListener(
67         'click', this.sortById_.bind(this), true);
69     $(EventsView.SORT_BY_SOURCE_TYPE_ID).addEventListener(
70         'click', this.sortBySourceType_.bind(this), true);
72     $(EventsView.SORT_BY_DESCRIPTION_ID).addEventListener(
73         'click', this.sortByDescription_.bind(this), true);
75     new MouseOverHelp(EventsView.FILTER_HELP_ID,
76                       EventsView.FILTER_HELP_HOVER_ID);
78     // Sets sort order and filter.
79     this.setFilter_('');
81     this.initializeSourceList_();
82   }
84   EventsView.TAB_ID = 'tab-handle-events';
85   EventsView.TAB_NAME = 'Events';
86   EventsView.TAB_HASH = '#events';
88   // IDs for special HTML elements in events_view.html
89   EventsView.TBODY_ID = 'events-view-source-list-tbody';
90   EventsView.FILTER_INPUT_ID = 'events-view-filter-input';
91   EventsView.FILTER_COUNT_ID = 'events-view-filter-count';
92   EventsView.FILTER_HELP_ID = 'events-view-filter-help';
93   EventsView.FILTER_HELP_HOVER_ID = 'events-view-filter-help-hover';
94   EventsView.SELECT_ALL_ID = 'events-view-select-all';
95   EventsView.SORT_BY_ID_ID = 'events-view-sort-by-id';
96   EventsView.SORT_BY_SOURCE_TYPE_ID = 'events-view-sort-by-source';
97   EventsView.SORT_BY_DESCRIPTION_ID = 'events-view-sort-by-description';
98   EventsView.DETAILS_LOG_BOX_ID = 'events-view-details-log-box';
99   EventsView.TOPBAR_ID = 'events-view-filter-box';
100   EventsView.LIST_BOX_ID = 'events-view-source-list';
101   EventsView.SIZER_ID = 'events-view-splitter-box';
103   cr.addSingletonGetter(EventsView);
105   EventsView.prototype = {
106     // Inherit the superclass's methods.
107     __proto__: superClass.prototype,
109     /**
110      * Initializes the list of source entries.  If source entries are already,
111      * being displayed, removes them all in the process.
112      */
113     initializeSourceList_: function() {
114       this.currentSelectedRows_ = [];
115       this.sourceIdToRowMap_ = {};
116       this.tableBody_.innerHTML = '';
117       this.numPrefilter_ = 0;
118       this.numPostfilter_ = 0;
119       this.invalidateFilterCounter_();
120       this.invalidateDetailsView_();
121     },
123     setGeometry: function(left, top, width, height) {
124       superClass.prototype.setGeometry.call(this, left, top, width, height);
125       this.splitterView_.setGeometry(left, top, width, height);
126     },
128     show: function(isVisible) {
129       superClass.prototype.show.call(this, isVisible);
130       this.splitterView_.show(isVisible);
131     },
133     getFilterText_: function() {
134       return this.filterInput_.value;
135     },
137     setFilterText_: function(filterText) {
138       this.filterInput_.value = filterText;
139       this.onFilterTextChanged_();
140     },
142     onFilterTextChanged_: function() {
143       this.setFilter_(this.getFilterText_());
144     },
146     /**
147      * Updates text in the details view when privacy stripping is toggled.
148      */
149     onPrivacyStrippingChanged: function() {
150       this.invalidateDetailsView_();
151     },
153     /**
154      * Updates text in the details view when time display mode is toggled.
155      */
156     onUseRelativeTimesChanged: function() {
157       this.invalidateDetailsView_();
158     },
160     comparisonFuncWithReversing_: function(a, b) {
161       var result = this.comparisonFunction_(a, b);
162       if (this.doSortBackwards_)
163         result *= -1;
164       return result;
165     },
167     sort_: function() {
168       var sourceEntries = [];
169       for (var id in this.sourceIdToRowMap_) {
170         sourceEntries.push(this.sourceIdToRowMap_[id].getSourceEntry());
171       }
172       sourceEntries.sort(this.comparisonFuncWithReversing_.bind(this));
174       // Reposition source rows from back to front.
175       for (var i = sourceEntries.length - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
176         var sourceRow = this.sourceIdToRowMap_[sourceEntries[i].getSourceId()];
177         var nextSourceId = sourceEntries[i + 1].getSourceId();
178         if (sourceRow.getNextNodeSourceId() != nextSourceId) {
179           var nextSourceRow = this.sourceIdToRowMap_[nextSourceId];
180           sourceRow.moveBefore(nextSourceRow);
181         }
182       }
183     },
185     setFilter_: function(filterText) {
186       var lastComparisonFunction = this.comparisonFunction_;
187       var lastDoSortBackwards = this.doSortBackwards_;
189       var filterParser = new SourceFilterParser(filterText);
190       this.currentFilter_ = filterParser.filter;
192       this.pickSortFunction_(filterParser.sort);
194       if (lastComparisonFunction != this.comparisonFunction_ ||
195           lastDoSortBackwards != this.doSortBackwards_) {
196         this.sort_();
197       }
199       // Iterate through all of the rows and see if they match the filter.
200       for (var id in this.sourceIdToRowMap_) {
201         var entry = this.sourceIdToRowMap_[id];
202         entry.setIsMatchedByFilter(this.currentFilter_(entry.getSourceEntry()));
203       }
204     },
206     /**
207      * Given a "sort" object with "method" and "backwards" keys, looks up and
208      * sets |comparisonFunction_| and |doSortBackwards_|.  If the ID does not
209      * correspond to a sort function, defaults to sorting by ID.
210      */
211     pickSortFunction_: function(sort) {
212       this.doSortBackwards_ = sort.backwards;
213       this.comparisonFunction_ = COMPARISON_FUNCTION_TABLE[sort.method];
214       if (!this.comparisonFunction_) {
215         this.doSortBackwards_ = false;
216         this.comparisonFunction_ = compareSourceId_;
217       }
218     },
220     /**
221      * Repositions |sourceRow|'s in the table using an insertion sort.
222      * Significantly faster than sorting the entire table again, when only
223      * one entry has changed.
224      */
225     insertionSort_: function(sourceRow) {
226       // SourceRow that should be after |sourceRow|, if it needs
227       // to be moved earlier in the list.
228       var sourceRowAfter = sourceRow;
229       while (true) {
230         var prevSourceId = sourceRowAfter.getPreviousNodeSourceId();
231         if (prevSourceId == null)
232           break;
233         var prevSourceRow = this.sourceIdToRowMap_[prevSourceId];
234         if (this.comparisonFuncWithReversing_(
235                 sourceRow.getSourceEntry(),
236                 prevSourceRow.getSourceEntry()) >= 0) {
237           break;
238         }
239         sourceRowAfter = prevSourceRow;
240       }
241       if (sourceRowAfter != sourceRow) {
242         sourceRow.moveBefore(sourceRowAfter);
243         return;
244       }
246       var sourceRowBefore = sourceRow;
247       while (true) {
248         var nextSourceId = sourceRowBefore.getNextNodeSourceId();
249         if (nextSourceId == null)
250           break;
251         var nextSourceRow = this.sourceIdToRowMap_[nextSourceId];
252         if (this.comparisonFuncWithReversing_(
253                 sourceRow.getSourceEntry(),
254                 nextSourceRow.getSourceEntry()) <= 0) {
255           break;
256         }
257         sourceRowBefore = nextSourceRow;
258       }
259       if (sourceRowBefore != sourceRow)
260         sourceRow.moveAfter(sourceRowBefore);
261     },
263     /**
264      * Called whenever SourceEntries are updated with new log entries.  Updates
265      * the corresponding table rows, sort order, and the details view as needed.
266      */
267     onSourceEntriesUpdated: function(sourceEntries) {
268       var isUpdatedSourceSelected = false;
269       var numNewSourceEntries = 0;
271       for (var i = 0; i < sourceEntries.length; ++i) {
272         var sourceEntry = sourceEntries[i];
274         // Lookup the row.
275         var sourceRow = this.sourceIdToRowMap_[sourceEntry.getSourceId()];
277         if (!sourceRow) {
278           sourceRow = new SourceRow(this, sourceEntry);
279           this.sourceIdToRowMap_[sourceEntry.getSourceId()] = sourceRow;
280           ++numNewSourceEntries;
281         } else {
282           sourceRow.onSourceUpdated();
283         }
285         if (sourceRow.isSelected())
286           isUpdatedSourceSelected = true;
288         // TODO(mmenke): Fix sorting when sorting by duration.
289         //               Duration continuously increases for all entries that
290         //               are still active.  This can result in incorrect
291         //               sorting, until sort_ is called.
292         this.insertionSort_(sourceRow);
293       }
295       if (isUpdatedSourceSelected)
296         this.invalidateDetailsView_();
297       if (numNewSourceEntries)
298         this.incrementPrefilterCount(numNewSourceEntries);
299     },
301     /**
302      * Returns the SourceRow with the specified ID, if there is one.
303      * Otherwise, returns undefined.
304      */
305     getSourceRow: function(id) {
306       return this.sourceIdToRowMap_[id];
307     },
309     /**
310      * Called whenever all log events are deleted.
311      */
312     onAllSourceEntriesDeleted: function() {
313       this.initializeSourceList_();
314     },
316     /**
317      * Called when either a log file is loaded, after clearing the old entries,
318      * but before getting any new ones.
319      */
320     onLoadLogStart: function() {
321       // Needed to sort new sourceless entries correctly.
322       this.maxReceivedSourceId_ = 0;
323     },
325     onLoadLogFinish: function(data) {
326       return true;
327     },
329     incrementPrefilterCount: function(offset) {
330       this.numPrefilter_ += offset;
331       this.invalidateFilterCounter_();
332     },
334     incrementPostfilterCount: function(offset) {
335       this.numPostfilter_ += offset;
336       this.invalidateFilterCounter_();
337     },
339     onSelectionChanged: function() {
340       this.invalidateDetailsView_();
341     },
343     clearSelection: function() {
344       var prevSelection = this.currentSelectedRows_;
345       this.currentSelectedRows_ = [];
347       // Unselect everything that is currently selected.
348       for (var i = 0; i < prevSelection.length; ++i) {
349         prevSelection[i].setSelected(false);
350       }
352       this.onSelectionChanged();
353     },
355     selectAll_: function(event) {
356       for (var id in this.sourceIdToRowMap_) {
357         var sourceRow = this.sourceIdToRowMap_[id];
358         if (sourceRow.isMatchedByFilter()) {
359           sourceRow.setSelected(true);
360         }
361       }
362       event.preventDefault();
363     },
365     unselectAll_: function() {
366       var entries = this.currentSelectedRows_.slice(0);
367       for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
368         entries[i].setSelected(false);
369       }
370     },
372     /**
373      * If |params| includes a query, replaces the current filter and unselects.
374      * all items.  If it includes a selection, tries to select the relevant
375      * item.
376      */
377     setParameters: function(params) {
378       if (params.q) {
379         this.unselectAll_();
380         this.setFilterText_(params.q);
381       }
383       if (params.s) {
384         var sourceRow = this.sourceIdToRowMap_[params.s];
385         if (sourceRow) {
386           sourceRow.setSelected(true);
387           this.scrollToSourceId(params.s);
388         }
389       }
390     },
392     /**
393      * Scrolls to the source indicated by |sourceId|, if displayed.
394      */
395     scrollToSourceId: function(sourceId) {
396       this.detailsView_.scrollToSourceId(sourceId);
397     },
399     /**
400      * If already using the specified sort method, flips direction.  Otherwise,
401      * removes pre-existing sort parameter before adding the new one.
402      */
403     toggleSortMethod_: function(sortMethod) {
404       // Get old filter text and remove old sort directives, if any.
405       var filterParser = new SourceFilterParser(this.getFilterText_());
406       var filterText = filterParser.filterTextWithoutSort;
408       filterText = 'sort:' + sortMethod + ' ' + filterText;
410       // If already using specified sortMethod, sort backwards.
411       if (!this.doSortBackwards_ &&
412           COMPARISON_FUNCTION_TABLE[sortMethod] == this.comparisonFunction_) {
413         filterText = '-' + filterText;
414       }
416       this.setFilterText_(filterText.trim());
417     },
419     sortById_: function(event) {
420       this.toggleSortMethod_('id');
421     },
423     sortBySourceType_: function(event) {
424       this.toggleSortMethod_('source');
425     },
427     sortByDescription_: function(event) {
428       this.toggleSortMethod_('desc');
429     },
431     /**
432      * Modifies the map of selected rows to include/exclude the one with
433      * |sourceId|, if present.  Does not modify checkboxes or the LogView.
434      * Should only be called by a SourceRow in response to its selection
435      * state changing.
436      */
437     modifySelectionArray: function(sourceId, addToSelection) {
438       var sourceRow = this.sourceIdToRowMap_[sourceId];
439       if (!sourceRow)
440         return;
441       // Find the index for |sourceEntry| in the current selection list.
442       var index = -1;
443       for (var i = 0; i < this.currentSelectedRows_.length; ++i) {
444         if (this.currentSelectedRows_[i] == sourceRow) {
445           index = i;
446           break;
447         }
448       }
450       if (index != -1 && !addToSelection) {
451         // Remove from the selection.
452         this.currentSelectedRows_.splice(index, 1);
453       }
455       if (index == -1 && addToSelection) {
456         this.currentSelectedRows_.push(sourceRow);
457       }
458     },
460     getSelectedSourceEntries_: function() {
461       var sourceEntries = [];
462       for (var i = 0; i < this.currentSelectedRows_.length; ++i) {
463         sourceEntries.push(this.currentSelectedRows_[i].getSourceEntry());
464       }
465       return sourceEntries;
466     },
468     invalidateDetailsView_: function() {
469       this.detailsView_.setData(this.getSelectedSourceEntries_());
470     },
472     invalidateFilterCounter_: function() {
473       if (!this.outstandingRepaintFilterCounter_) {
474         this.outstandingRepaintFilterCounter_ = true;
475         window.setTimeout(this.repaintFilterCounter_.bind(this),
476                           REPAINT_FILTER_COUNTER_TIMEOUT_MS);
477       }
478     },
480     repaintFilterCounter_: function() {
481       this.outstandingRepaintFilterCounter_ = false;
482       this.filterCount_.innerHTML = '';
483       addTextNode(this.filterCount_,
484                   this.numPostfilter_ + ' of ' + this.numPrefilter_);
485     }
486   };  // end of prototype.
488   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
489   // Helper code for comparisons
490   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
493     // sort: and sort:- are allowed
494     '': compareSourceId_,
495     'active': compareActive_,
496     'desc': compareDescription_,
497     'description': compareDescription_,
498     'duration': compareDuration_,
499     'id': compareSourceId_,
500     'source': compareSourceType_,
501     'type': compareSourceType_
502   };
504   /**
505    * Sorts active entries first.  If both entries are inactive, puts the one
506    * that was active most recently first.  If both are active, uses source ID,
507    * which puts longer lived events at the top, and behaves better than using
508    * duration or time of first event.
509    */
510   function compareActive_(source1, source2) {
511     if (!source1.isInactive() && source2.isInactive())
512       return -1;
513     if (source1.isInactive() && !source2.isInactive())
514       return 1;
515     if (source1.isInactive()) {
516       var deltaEndTime = source1.getEndTicks() - source2.getEndTicks();
517       if (deltaEndTime != 0) {
518         // The one that ended most recently (Highest end time) should be sorted
519         // first.
520         return -deltaEndTime;
521       }
522       // If both ended at the same time, then odds are they were related events,
523       // started one after another, so sort in the opposite order of their
524       // source IDs to get a more intuitive ordering.
525       return -compareSourceId_(source1, source2);
526     }
527     return compareSourceId_(source1, source2);
528   }
530   function compareDescription_(source1, source2) {
531     var source1Text = source1.getDescription().toLowerCase();
532     var source2Text = source2.getDescription().toLowerCase();
533     var compareResult = source1Text.localeCompare(source2Text);
534     if (compareResult != 0)
535       return compareResult;
536     return compareSourceId_(source1, source2);
537   }
539   function compareDuration_(source1, source2) {
540     var durationDifference = source2.getDuration() - source1.getDuration();
541     if (durationDifference)
542       return durationDifference;
543     return compareSourceId_(source1, source2);
544   }
546   /**
547    * For the purposes of sorting by source IDs, entries without a source
548    * appear right after the SourceEntry with the highest source ID received
549    * before the sourceless entry. Any ambiguities are resolved by ordering
550    * the entries without a source by the order in which they were received.
551    */
552   function compareSourceId_(source1, source2) {
553     var sourceId1 = source1.getSourceId();
554     if (sourceId1 < 0)
555       sourceId1 = source1.getMaxPreviousEntrySourceId();
556     var sourceId2 = source2.getSourceId();
557     if (sourceId2 < 0)
558       sourceId2 = source2.getMaxPreviousEntrySourceId();
560     if (sourceId1 != sourceId2)
561       return sourceId1 - sourceId2;
563     // One or both have a negative ID. In either case, the source with the
564     // highest ID should be sorted first.
565     return source2.getSourceId() - source1.getSourceId();
566   }
568   function compareSourceType_(source1, source2) {
569     var source1Text = source1.getSourceTypeString();
570     var source2Text = source2.getSourceTypeString();
571     var compareResult = source1Text.localeCompare(source2Text);
572     if (compareResult != 0)
573       return compareResult;
574     return compareSourceId_(source1, source2);
575   }
577   return EventsView;
578 })();