Elim cr-checkbox
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / resources / print_preview / settings / advanced_settings / advanced_settings.js
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 cr.define('print_preview', function() {
6   'use strict';
8   /**
9    * Modal dialog for print destination's advanced settings.
10    * @param {!print_preview.PrintTicketStore} printTicketStore Contains the
11    *     print ticket to print.
12    * @constructor
13    * @extends {print_preview.Overlay}
14    */
15   function AdvancedSettings(printTicketStore) {
16     print_preview.Overlay.call(this);
18     /**
19      * Contains the print ticket to print.
20      * @private {!print_preview.PrintTicketStore}
21      */
22     this.printTicketStore_ = printTicketStore;
24     /**
25      * Used to record usage statistics.
26      * @private {!print_preview.PrintSettingsUiMetricsContext}
27      */
28     this.metrics_ = new print_preview.PrintSettingsUiMetricsContext();
30     /** @private {!print_preview.SearchBox} */
31     this.searchBox_ = new print_preview.SearchBox(
32         loadTimeData.getString('advancedSettingsSearchBoxPlaceholder'));
33     this.addChild(this.searchBox_);
35     /** @private {print_preview.Destination} */
36     this.destination_ = null;
38     /** @private {!Array<!print_preview.AdvancedSettingsItem>} */
39     this.items_ = [];
40   };
42   /**
43    * CSS classes used by the component.
44    * @enum {string}
45    * @private
46    */
47   AdvancedSettings.Classes_ = {
48     EXTRA_PADDING: 'advanced-settings-item-extra-padding'
49   };
51   AdvancedSettings.prototype = {
52     __proto__: print_preview.Overlay.prototype,
54     /**
55      * @param {!print_preview.Destination} destination Destination to show
56      *     advanced settings for.
57      */
58     showForDestination: function(destination) {
59       assert(!this.destination_);
60       this.destination_ = destination;
61       this.getChildElement('.advanced-settings-title').textContent =
62           loadTimeData.getStringF('advancedSettingsDialogTitle',
63                                   this.destination_.displayName);
64       this.setIsVisible(true);
65       this.renderSettings_();
66     },
68     /** @override */
69     enterDocument: function() {
70       print_preview.Overlay.prototype.enterDocument.call(this);
72       this.tracker.add(
73           this.getChildElement('.button-strip .cancel-button'),
74           'click',
75           this.cancel.bind(this));
77       this.tracker.add(
78           this.getChildElement('.button-strip .done-button'),
79           'click',
80           this.onApplySettings_.bind(this));
82       this.tracker.add(
83           this.searchBox_,
84           print_preview.SearchBox.EventType.SEARCH,
85           this.onSearch_.bind(this));
86     },
88     /** @override */
89     decorateInternal: function() {
90       this.searchBox_.render(this.getChildElement('.search-box-area'));
91     },
93     /** @override */
94     onSetVisibleInternal: function(isVisible) {
95       if (isVisible) {
96         this.searchBox_.focus();
97         this.metrics_.record(print_preview.Metrics.PrintSettingsUiBucket.
99       } else {
100         this.resetSearch_();
101         this.destination_ = null;
102       }
103     },
105     /** @override */
106     onCancelInternal: function() {
107       this.metrics_.record(print_preview.Metrics.PrintSettingsUiBucket.
109     },
111     /** @override */
112     onEnterPressedInternal: function() {
113       var doneButton = this.getChildElement('.button-strip .done-button');
114       if (!doneButton.disabled)
115         doneButton.click();
116       return !doneButton.disabled;
117     },
119     /**
120      * @return {number} Height available for settings, in pixels.
121      * @private
122      */
123     getAvailableContentHeight_: function() {
124       var elStyle = window.getComputedStyle(this.getElement());
125       return this.getElement().offsetHeight -
126           parseInt(elStyle.getPropertyValue('padding-top'), 10) -
127           parseInt(elStyle.getPropertyValue('padding-bottom'), 10) -
128           this.getChildElement('.settings-area').offsetTop -
129           this.getChildElement('.action-area').offsetHeight;
130     },
132     /**
133      * Filters displayed settings with the given query.
134      * @param {?string} query Query to filter settings by.
135      * @private
136      */
137     filterLists_: function(query) {
138       var atLeastOneMatch = false;
139       var lastVisibleItemWithBubble = null;
140       this.items_.forEach(function(item) {
141         item.updateSearchQuery(query);
142         if (getIsVisible(item.getElement()))
143           atLeastOneMatch = true;
144         if (item.searchBubbleShown)
145           lastVisibleItemWithBubble = item;
146       });
147       setIsVisible(
148           this.getChildElement('.no-settings-match-hint'), !atLeastOneMatch);
149       setIsVisible(
150           this.getChildElement('.' + AdvancedSettings.Classes_.EXTRA_PADDING),
151           !!lastVisibleItemWithBubble);
152     },
154     /**
155      * Resets the filter query.
156      * @private
157      */
158     resetSearch_: function() {
159       this.searchBox_.setQuery(null);
160       this.filterLists_(null);
161     },
163     /**
164      * Renders all of the available settings.
165      * @private
166      */
167     renderSettings_: function() {
168       // Remove all children settings elements.
169       this.items_.forEach(function(item) {
170         this.removeChild(item);
171       }.bind(this));
172       this.items_ = [];
174       var extraPadding =
175           this.getChildElement('.' + AdvancedSettings.Classes_.EXTRA_PADDING);
176       if (extraPadding)
177         extraPadding.parentNode.removeChild(extraPadding);
179       var vendorCapabilities = this.printTicketStore_.vendorItems.capability;
180       if (!vendorCapabilities)
181         return;
183       var availableHeight = this.getAvailableContentHeight_();
184       var containerEl = this.getChildElement('.settings-area');
185       containerEl.style.maxHeight = availableHeight + 'px';
186       var settingsEl = this.getChildElement('.settings');
188       vendorCapabilities.forEach(function(capability) {
189         var item = new print_preview.AdvancedSettingsItem(
190             this.eventTarget_, this.printTicketStore_, capability);
191         this.addChild(item);
192         item.render(settingsEl);
193         this.items_.push(item);
194       }.bind(this));
196       extraPadding = document.createElement('div');
197       extraPadding.classList.add(AdvancedSettings.Classes_.EXTRA_PADDING);
198       extraPadding.hidden = true;
199       settingsEl.appendChild(extraPadding);
200     },
202     /**
203      * Called when settings search query changes. Filters displayed settings
204      * with the given query.
205      * @param {Event} evt Contains search query.
206      * @private
207      */
208     onSearch_: function(evt) {
209       this.filterLists_(evt.queryRegExp);
210     },
212     /**
213      * Called when current settings selection need to be stored in the ticket.
214      * @private
215      */
216     onApplySettings_: function(evt) {
217       this.setIsVisible(false);
219       var values = {};
220       this.items_.forEach(function(item) {
221         if (item.isModified())
222           values[item.id] = item.selectedValue;
223       }.bind(this));
225       this.printTicketStore_.vendorItems.updateValue(values);
226     }
227   };
229   // Export
230   return {
231     AdvancedSettings: AdvancedSettings
232   };