Elim cr-checkbox
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / resources / print_preview / settings / more_settings.js
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 cr.define('print_preview', function() {
6   'use strict';
8   /**
9    * Toggles visibility of the specified printing options sections.
10    * @param {!print_preview.DestinationStore} destinationStore To listen for
11    *     destination changes.
12    * @param {!Array<print_preview.SettingsSection>} settingsSections Sections
13    *     to toggle by this component.
14    * @constructor
15    * @extends {print_preview.Component}
16    */
17   function MoreSettings(destinationStore, settingsSections) {
18     print_preview.Component.call(this);
20     /** @private {!print_preview.DestinationStore} */
21     this.destinationStore_ = destinationStore;
23     /** @private {!Array<print_preview.SettingsSection>} */
24     this.settingsSections_ = settingsSections;
26     /** @private {MoreSettings.SettingsToShow} */
27     this.settingsToShow_ = MoreSettings.SettingsToShow.MOST_POPULAR;
29     /** @private {boolean} */
30     this.capabilitiesReady_ = false;
32     /** @private {boolean} */
33     this.firstDestinationReady_ = false;
35     /**
36      * Used to record usage statistics.
37      * @private {!print_preview.PrintSettingsUiMetricsContext}
38      */
39     this.metrics_ = new print_preview.PrintSettingsUiMetricsContext();
40   };
42   /**
43    * Which settings are visible to the user.
44    * @enum {number}
45    */
46   MoreSettings.SettingsToShow = {
47     MOST_POPULAR: 1,
48     ALL: 2
49   };
51   MoreSettings.prototype = {
52     __proto__: print_preview.Component.prototype,
54     /** @return {boolean} Returns {@code true} if settings are expanded. */
55     get isExpanded() {
56       return this.settingsToShow_ == MoreSettings.SettingsToShow.ALL;
57     },
59     /** @override */
60     enterDocument: function() {
61       print_preview.Component.prototype.enterDocument.call(this);
63       this.tracker.add(this.getElement(), 'click', this.onClick_.bind(this));
64       this.tracker.add(
65           this.destinationStore_,
66           print_preview.DestinationStore.EventType.DESTINATION_SELECT,
67           this.onDestinationChanged_.bind(this));
68       this.tracker.add(
69           this.destinationStore_,
70           print_preview.DestinationStore.EventType.
72           this.onDestinationCapabilitiesReady_.bind(this));
73       this.settingsSections_.forEach(function(section) {
74         this.tracker.add(
75             section,
76             print_preview.SettingsSection.EventType.COLLAPSIBLE_CONTENT_CHANGED,
77             this.updateState_.bind(this));
78       }.bind(this));
80       this.updateState_(true);
81     },
83     /**
84      * Toggles "more/fewer options" state and notifies all the options sections
85      *     to reflect the new state.
86      * @private
87      */
88     onClick_: function() {
89       this.settingsToShow_ =
90           this.settingsToShow_ == MoreSettings.SettingsToShow.MOST_POPULAR ?
91               MoreSettings.SettingsToShow.ALL :
92               MoreSettings.SettingsToShow.MOST_POPULAR;
93       this.updateState_(false);
94       this.metrics_.record(this.isExpanded ?
95           print_preview.Metrics.PrintSettingsUiBucket.MORE_SETTINGS_CLICKED :
96           print_preview.Metrics.PrintSettingsUiBucket.LESS_SETTINGS_CLICKED);
97     },
99     /**
100      * Called when the destination selection has changed. Updates UI elements.
101      * @private
102      */
103     onDestinationChanged_: function() {
104       this.firstDestinationReady_ = true;
105       this.capabilitiesReady_ = false;
106       this.updateState_(false);
107     },
109     /**
110      * Called when the destination selection has changed. Updates UI elements.
111      * @private
112      */
113     onDestinationCapabilitiesReady_: function() {
114       this.capabilitiesReady_ = true;
115       this.updateState_(false);
116     },
118     /**
119      * Updates the component appearance according to the current state.
120      * @param {boolean} noAnimation Whether section visibility transitions
121      *     should not be animated.
122      * @private
123      */
124     updateState_: function(noAnimation) {
125       if (!this.firstDestinationReady_) {
126         fadeOutElement(this.getElement());
127         return;
128       }
129       // When capabilities are not known yet, don't change the state to avoid
130       // unnecessary fade in/out cycles.
131       if (!this.capabilitiesReady_)
132         return;
134       var all = this.settingsToShow_ == MoreSettings.SettingsToShow.ALL;
135       this.getChildElement('.more-settings-label').textContent =
136           loadTimeData.getString(all ? 'lessOptionsLabel' : 'moreOptionsLabel');
137       var iconEl = this.getChildElement('.more-settings-icon');
138       iconEl.classList.toggle('more-settings-icon-plus', !all);
139       iconEl.classList.toggle('more-settings-icon-minus', all);
141       var availableSections = this.settingsSections_.reduce(
142           function(count, section) {
143             return count + (section.isAvailable() ? 1 : 0);
144           }, 0);
146       // Magic 6 is chosen as the number of sections when it still feels like
147       // manageable and not too crowded.
148       var hasSectionsToToggle =
149           availableSections > 6 &&
150           this.settingsSections_.some(function(section) {
151             return section.hasCollapsibleContent();
152           });
154       if (hasSectionsToToggle)
155         fadeInElement(this.getElement(), noAnimation);
156       else
157         fadeOutElement(this.getElement());
159       var collapseContent =
160           this.settingsToShow_ == MoreSettings.SettingsToShow.MOST_POPULAR &&
161           hasSectionsToToggle;
162       this.settingsSections_.forEach(function(section) {
163         section.setCollapseContent(collapseContent, noAnimation);
164       });
165     }
166   };
168   // Export
169   return {
170     MoreSettings: MoreSettings
171   };