BookmarkManager: Fix 'new folder text field size changes on clicking it' issue.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / ui / passwords /
1 // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/browser/ui/passwords/manage_passwords_view_utils.h"
7 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
8 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
9 #include "chrome/grit/generated_resources.h"
10 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
11 #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
12 #include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
13 #include "url/gurl.h"
15 namespace {
17 const struct {
18 const char* const user_visible_url;
19 const char* const form_origin_url;
20 bool is_smartlock_branding_enabled;
21 bool is_update_password_bubble;
22 const char* const expected_domain_placeholder; // "this site" or domain name
23 size_t expected_link_range_start;
24 size_t expected_link_range_end;
25 } kDomainsTestCases[] = {
26 // Same domains.
27 {"", "",
28 false, false, "this site", 0, 0},
29 {"", "",
30 true, false, "this site", 12, 29},
32 // Different subdomains.
33 {"",
34 "", false, false, "this site", 0,
35 0},
36 {"",
37 "", true, false, "this site", 12,
38 29},
40 // Different domains.
41 {"", "", false,
42 false, "", 0, 0},
43 {"", "", true,
44 false, "", 12, 29},
46 // Different domains and password form origin url with
47 // default port for the scheme.
48 {"", "", false,
49 false, "", 0, 0},
50 {"", "", true,
51 false, "", 12, 29},
53 // Different domains and password form origin url with
54 // non-default port for the scheme.
55 {"", "",
56 false, false, "", 0, 0},
57 {"", "", true,
58 false, "", 12, 29},
60 // Update bubble.
61 {"", "",
62 false, true, "this site", 0, 0},
63 {"", "",
64 true, true, "this site", 12, 29}};
66 } // namespace
68 // Test for GetSavePasswordDialogTitleTextAndLinkRange().
69 TEST(ManagePasswordsViewUtilTest, GetSavePasswordDialogTitleTextAndLinkRange) {
70 for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kDomainsTestCases); ++i) {
71 SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "user_visible_url = "
72 << kDomainsTestCases[i].user_visible_url
73 << ", form_origin_url = "
74 << kDomainsTestCases[i].form_origin_url);
76 base::string16 title;
77 gfx::Range title_link_range;
78 GetSavePasswordDialogTitleTextAndLinkRange(
79 GURL(kDomainsTestCases[i].user_visible_url),
80 GURL(kDomainsTestCases[i].form_origin_url),
81 kDomainsTestCases[i].is_smartlock_branding_enabled,
82 kDomainsTestCases[i].is_update_password_bubble, &title,
83 &title_link_range);
85 // Verify against expectations.
86 base::string16 domain =
87 base::ASCIIToUTF16(kDomainsTestCases[i].expected_domain_placeholder);
88 EXPECT_TRUE(title.find(domain) != base::string16::npos);
89 EXPECT_EQ(kDomainsTestCases[i].expected_link_range_start,
90 title_link_range.start());
91 EXPECT_EQ(kDomainsTestCases[i].expected_link_range_end,
92 title_link_range.end());
93 if (kDomainsTestCases[i].is_update_password_bubble) {
94 EXPECT_TRUE(title.find(base::ASCIIToUTF16("update")) !=
95 base::string16::npos);
96 } else {
97 EXPECT_TRUE(title.find(base::ASCIIToUTF16("save")) !=
98 base::string16::npos);
103 TEST(ManagePasswordsViewUtilTest, GetManagePasswordsDialogTitleText) {
104 for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kDomainsTestCases); ++i) {
105 SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "user_visible_url = "
106 << kDomainsTestCases[i].user_visible_url
107 << ", password_origin_url = "
108 << kDomainsTestCases[i].form_origin_url);
110 base::string16 title;
111 gfx::Range title_link_range;
112 GetManagePasswordsDialogTitleText(
113 GURL(kDomainsTestCases[i].user_visible_url),
114 GURL(kDomainsTestCases[i].form_origin_url), &title);
116 // Verify against expectations.
117 base::string16 domain =
118 base::ASCIIToUTF16(kDomainsTestCases[i].expected_domain_placeholder);
119 EXPECT_TRUE(title.find(domain) != base::string16::npos);
123 TEST(ManagePasswordsViewUtilTest,
124 GetAccountChooserDialogTitleTextAndLinkRangeSmartLockUsers) {
125 base::string16 branding =
127 base::string16 title;
128 gfx::Range title_link_range;
129 GetAccountChooserDialogTitleTextAndLinkRange(
130 true /* is_smartlock_branding_enabled */, &title, &title_link_range);
132 // Check that branding string is a part of a title.
133 EXPECT_LT(title.find(branding, 0), title.size());
134 EXPECT_GT(title.find(branding, 0), 0U);
135 // Check that link range is not empty.
136 EXPECT_NE(0U, title_link_range.start());
137 EXPECT_NE(0U, title_link_range.end());
140 TEST(ManagePasswordsViewUtilTest,
141 GetAccountChooserDialogTitleTextAndLinkRangeNonSmartLockUsers) {
142 base::string16 branding =
144 base::string16 title;
145 gfx::Range title_link_range;
146 GetAccountChooserDialogTitleTextAndLinkRange(
147 false /* is_smartlock_branding_enabled */, &title, &title_link_range);
148 EXPECT_GE(title.find(branding, 0), title.size());
149 EXPECT_EQ(0U, title_link_range.start());
150 EXPECT_EQ(0U, title_link_range.end());