Roll src/third_party/WebKit f36d5e0:68b67cd (svn 193299:193303)
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / remoting / base /
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "remoting/base/auto_thread.h"
7 #include "base/bind.h"
8 #include "base/lazy_instance.h"
9 #include "base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/dynamic_annotations.h"
10 #include "base/threading/thread_local.h"
11 #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
12 #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
13 #include "remoting/base/auto_thread_task_runner.h"
15 #if defined(OS_WIN)
16 #include "base/win/scoped_com_initializer.h"
17 #endif
19 namespace remoting {
21 namespace {
23 #if defined(OS_WIN)
24 scoped_ptr<base::win::ScopedCOMInitializer> CreateComInitializer(
25 AutoThread::ComInitType type) {
26 scoped_ptr<base::win::ScopedCOMInitializer> initializer;
27 if (type == AutoThread::COM_INIT_MTA) {
28 initializer.reset(new base::win::ScopedCOMInitializer(
29 base::win::ScopedCOMInitializer::kMTA));
30 } else if (type == AutoThread::COM_INIT_STA) {
31 initializer.reset(new base::win::ScopedCOMInitializer());
33 return initializer.Pass();
35 #endif
39 // Used to pass data to ThreadMain. This structure is allocated on the stack
40 // from within StartWithType.
41 struct AutoThread::StartupData {
42 // Fields describing the desired thread behaviour.
43 base::MessageLoop::Type loop_type;
45 // Used to receive the AutoThreadTaskRunner for the thread.
46 scoped_refptr<AutoThreadTaskRunner> task_runner;
48 // Used to synchronize thread startup.
49 base::WaitableEvent event;
51 explicit StartupData(base::MessageLoop::Type type)
52 : loop_type(type), event(false, false) {}
55 // static
56 scoped_refptr<AutoThreadTaskRunner> AutoThread::CreateWithType(
57 const char* name,
58 scoped_refptr<AutoThreadTaskRunner> joiner,
59 base::MessageLoop::Type type) {
60 AutoThread* thread = new AutoThread(name, joiner.get());
61 scoped_refptr<AutoThreadTaskRunner> task_runner = thread->StartWithType(type);
62 if (!task_runner.get())
63 delete thread;
64 return task_runner;
67 // static
68 scoped_refptr<AutoThreadTaskRunner> AutoThread::Create(
69 const char* name, scoped_refptr<AutoThreadTaskRunner> joiner) {
70 return CreateWithType(name, joiner, base::MessageLoop::TYPE_DEFAULT);
73 #if defined(OS_WIN)
74 // static
75 scoped_refptr<AutoThreadTaskRunner> AutoThread::CreateWithLoopAndComInitTypes(
76 const char* name,
77 scoped_refptr<AutoThreadTaskRunner> joiner,
78 base::MessageLoop::Type loop_type,
79 ComInitType com_init_type) {
80 AutoThread* thread = new AutoThread(name, joiner.get());
81 thread->SetComInitType(com_init_type);
82 scoped_refptr<AutoThreadTaskRunner> task_runner =
83 thread->StartWithType(loop_type);
84 if (!task_runner.get())
85 delete thread;
86 return task_runner;
88 #endif
90 AutoThread::AutoThread(const char* name)
91 : startup_data_(NULL),
92 #if defined(OS_WIN)
93 com_init_type_(COM_INIT_NONE),
94 #endif
95 thread_(),
96 name_(name),
97 was_quit_properly_(false) {
100 AutoThread::AutoThread(const char* name, AutoThreadTaskRunner* joiner)
101 : startup_data_(NULL),
102 #if defined(OS_WIN)
103 com_init_type_(COM_INIT_NONE),
104 #endif
105 thread_(),
106 name_(name),
107 was_quit_properly_(false),
108 joiner_(joiner) {
111 AutoThread::~AutoThread() {
112 DCHECK(!startup_data_);
114 // Wait for the thread to exit.
115 if (!thread_.is_null()) {
116 base::PlatformThread::Join(thread_);
120 scoped_refptr<AutoThreadTaskRunner> AutoThread::StartWithType(
121 base::MessageLoop::Type type) {
122 DCHECK(thread_.is_null());
123 #if defined(OS_WIN)
124 DCHECK(com_init_type_ != COM_INIT_STA || type == base::MessageLoop::TYPE_UI);
125 #endif
127 StartupData startup_data(type);
128 startup_data_ = &startup_data;
130 if (!base::PlatformThread::Create(0, this, &thread_)) {
131 DLOG(ERROR) << "failed to create thread";
132 startup_data_ = NULL;
133 return NULL;
136 // Wait for the thread to start and initialize message_loop_
137 // TODO(wez): Since at this point we know the MessageLoop _will_ run, and
138 // the thread lifetime is controlled by the AutoThreadTaskRunner, we would
139 // ideally return the AutoThreadTaskRunner to the caller without waiting for
140 // the thread to signal us.
141 base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowWait allow_wait;
142 startup_data.event.Wait();
144 // set it to NULL so we don't keep a pointer to some object on the stack.
145 startup_data_ = NULL;
147 DCHECK(startup_data.task_runner.get());
148 return startup_data.task_runner;
151 #if defined(OS_WIN)
152 void AutoThread::SetComInitType(ComInitType com_init_type) {
153 DCHECK_EQ(com_init_type_, COM_INIT_NONE);
154 com_init_type_ = com_init_type;
156 #endif
158 void AutoThread::QuitThread(
159 scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner) {
160 if (!task_runner->BelongsToCurrentThread()) {
161 task_runner->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&AutoThread::QuitThread,
162 base::Unretained(this),
163 task_runner));
164 return;
167 base::MessageLoop::current()->Quit();
168 was_quit_properly_ = true;
170 if (joiner_.get()) {
171 joiner_->PostTask(
173 base::Bind(&AutoThread::JoinAndDeleteThread, base::Unretained(this)));
177 void AutoThread::JoinAndDeleteThread() {
178 delete this;
181 void AutoThread::ThreadMain() {
182 // The message loop for this thread.
183 base::MessageLoop message_loop(startup_data_->loop_type);
185 // Complete the initialization of our AutoThread object.
186 base::PlatformThread::SetName(name_.c_str());
187 ANNOTATE_THREAD_NAME(name_.c_str()); // Tell the name to race detector.
188 message_loop.set_thread_name(name_);
190 // Return an AutoThreadTaskRunner that will cleanly quit this thread when
191 // no more references to it remain.
192 startup_data_->task_runner =
193 new AutoThreadTaskRunner(message_loop.message_loop_proxy(),
194 base::Bind(&AutoThread::QuitThread,
195 base::Unretained(this),
196 message_loop.message_loop_proxy()));
198 startup_data_->event.Signal();
199 // startup_data_ can't be touched anymore since the starting thread is now
200 // unlocked.
202 #if defined(OS_WIN)
203 // Initialize COM on the thread, if requested.
204 scoped_ptr<base::win::ScopedCOMInitializer> com_initializer(
205 CreateComInitializer(com_init_type_));
206 #endif
208 message_loop.Run();
210 // Assert that MessageLoop::Quit was called by AutoThread::QuitThread.
211 DCHECK(was_quit_properly_);
214 } // namespace base