1 {{+bindTo:partials.standard_nacl_api}}
2 <h1>Class Hierarchy
4 {{- dummy div to appease doxygen -}}
6 <!-- Generated by Doxygen -->
11 <div class=
12 <div class=
13 <p><a href=
"hierarchy.html">Go to the textual class hierarchy
14 </div><table border=
"0" cellspacing=
"10" cellpadding=
15 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_0.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_completion_callback" />
16 <map name=
"pp_1_1_completion_callback" id=
17 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_completion_callback.html" title=
"This API enables you to implement and receive callbacks when Pepper operations complete asynchronousl..." alt=
"" coords=
"6,5,178,32"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node2" href=
"classpp_1_1_completion_callback_with_output.html" title=
"A CompletionCallbackWithOutput defines a completion callback that additionally stores a pointer to so..." alt=
"" coords=
19 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_1.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_completion_callback_factory_3_01_t_00_01_thread_traits_01_4" />
20 <map name=
"pp_1_1_completion_callback_factory_3_01_t_00_01_thread_traits_01_4" id=
21 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_completion_callback_factory.html" title=
"CompletionCallbackFactory<T> may be used to create CompletionCallback objects that are bound to membe..." alt=
"" coords=
23 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_2.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_core" />
24 <map name=
"pp_1_1_core" id=
25 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_core.html" title=
"APIs related to memory management, time, and threads." alt=
"" coords=
27 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_3.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_directory_entry" />
28 <map name=
"pp_1_1_directory_entry" id=
29 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_directory_entry.html" title=
"The DirectoryEntry class represents information about a directory entry." alt=
"" coords=
31 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_4.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_float_point" />
32 <map name=
"pp_1_1_float_point" id=
33 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_float_point.html" title=
"A 2 dimensional floating-point point with 0,0 being the upper-left starting coordinate." alt=
"" coords=
35 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_5.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_float_rect" />
36 <map name=
"pp_1_1_float_rect" id=
37 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_float_rect.html" title=
"A 2 dimensional rectangle." alt=
"" coords=
39 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_6.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_float_size" />
40 <map name=
"pp_1_1_float_size" id=
41 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_float_size.html" title=
"A size of an object based on width and height." alt=
"" coords=
43 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_7.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_fullscreen" />
44 <map name=
"pp_1_1_fullscreen" id=
45 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_fullscreen.html" title=
"The Fullscreen class allowing you to check and toggle fullscreen mode." alt=
"" coords=
47 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_8.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_graphics3_d_client" />
48 <map name=
"pp_1_1_graphics3_d_client" id=
49 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_graphics3_d_client.html" title=
"pp::Graphics3DClient" alt=
"" coords=
51 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_9.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_instance" />
52 <map name=
"pp_1_1_instance" id=
53 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_instance.html" title=
"pp::Instance" alt=
"" coords=
55 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_10.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_instance_handle" />
56 <map name=
"pp_1_1_instance_handle" id=
57 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_instance_handle.html" title=
"An instance handle identifies an instance in a constructor for a resource." alt=
"" coords=
59 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_11.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1internal_1_1_callback_output_traits_3_01std_1_1vector_3_01_directory_entry_01_4_01_4" />
60 <map name=
"pp_1_1internal_1_1_callback_output_traits_3_01std_1_1vector_3_01_directory_entry_01_4_01_4" id=
61 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"structpp_1_1internal_1_1_callback_output_traits_3_01std_1_1vector_3_01_directory_entry_01_4_01_4.html" title=
"pp::internal::CallbackOutputTraits\< std::vector\< DirectoryEntry \> \>" alt=
"" coords=
63 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_12.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1internal_1_1_directory_entry_array_output_adapter_with_storage" />
64 <map name=
"pp_1_1internal_1_1_directory_entry_array_output_adapter_with_storage" id=
65 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1internal_1_1_directory_entry_array_output_adapter_with_storage.html" title=
"pp::internal::DirectoryEntryArrayOutputAdapterWithStorage" alt=
"" coords=
67 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_13.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1internal_1_1_type_unwrapper_3_01const_01_t_01_6_01_4" />
68 <map name=
"pp_1_1internal_1_1_type_unwrapper_3_01const_01_t_01_6_01_4" id=
69 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"structpp_1_1internal_1_1_type_unwrapper_3_01const_01_t_01_6_01_4.html" title=
"pp::internal::TypeUnwrapper\< const T & \>" alt=
"" coords=
71 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_14.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1internal_1_1_type_unwrapper_3_01_t_01_6_01_4" />
72 <map name=
"pp_1_1internal_1_1_type_unwrapper_3_01_t_01_6_01_4" id=
73 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"structpp_1_1internal_1_1_type_unwrapper_3_01_t_01_6_01_4.html" title=
"pp::internal::TypeUnwrapper\< T & \>" alt=
"" coords=
75 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_15.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1internal_1_1_type_unwrapper_3_01_t_01_4" />
76 <map name=
"pp_1_1internal_1_1_type_unwrapper_3_01_t_01_4" id=
77 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"structpp_1_1internal_1_1_type_unwrapper.html" title=
"pp::internal::TypeUnwrapper\< T \>" alt=
"" coords=
79 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_16.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_message_handler" />
80 <map name=
"pp_1_1_message_handler" id=
81 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_message_handler.html" title=
"MessageHandler is an abstract base class that the plugin may implement if it wants to receive message..." alt=
"" coords=
83 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_17.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_module" />
84 <map name=
"pp_1_1_module" id=
85 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_module.html" title=
"The Module class." alt=
"" coords=
87 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_18.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_mouse_cursor" />
88 <map name=
"pp_1_1_mouse_cursor" id=
89 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_mouse_cursor.html" title=
"pp::MouseCursor" alt=
"" coords=
91 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_19.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_mouse_lock" />
92 <map name=
"pp_1_1_mouse_lock" id=
93 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_mouse_lock.html" title=
"This class allows you to associate the PPP_MouseLock and PPB_MouseLock C-based interfaces with an obj..." alt=
"" coords=
95 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_20.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_network_proxy" />
96 <map name=
"pp_1_1_network_proxy" id=
97 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_network_proxy.html" title=
"This class provides a way to determine the appropriate proxy settings for for a given URL..." alt=
"" coords=
99 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_21.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_point" />
100 <map name=
"pp_1_1_point" id=
101 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_point.html" title=
"A 2 dimensional point with 0,0 being the upper-left starting coordinate." alt=
"" coords=
103 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_22.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_rect" />
104 <map name=
"pp_1_1_rect" id=
105 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_rect.html" title=
"A 2 dimensional rectangle." alt=
"" coords=
107 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_23.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_resource" />
108 <map name=
"pp_1_1_resource" id=
109 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_resource.html" title=
"A reference counted module resource." alt=
"" coords=
"5,689,109,716"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node2" href=
"classpp_1_1_audio.html" title=
"An audio resource." alt=
"" coords=
"216,5,299,32"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node3" href=
"classpp_1_1_audio_buffer.html" title=
"pp::AudioBuffer" alt=
"" coords=
"197,56,317,83"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node4" href=
"classpp_1_1_audio_config.html" title=
"A 16 bit stereo AudioConfig resource." alt=
"" coords=
"196,107,319,133"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node5" href=
"classpp_1_1_compositor.html" title=
"The Compositor interface is used for setting CompositorLayer layers to the Chromium compositor for co..." alt=
"" coords=
"197,157,317,184"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node6" href=
"classpp_1_1_compositor_layer.html" title=
"pp::CompositorLayer" alt=
"" coords=
"180,208,335,235"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node7" href=
"classpp_1_1_file_i_o.html" title=
"The FileIO class represents a regular file." alt=
"" coords=
"218,259,297,285"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node8" href=
"classpp_1_1_file_ref.html" title='The FileRef class represents a
"weak pointer" to a file in a file system.'
"" coords=
"215,309,300,336"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node9" href=
"classpp_1_1_file_system.html" title=
"The FileSystem class identifies the file system type associated with a file." alt=
"" coords=
"200,360,315,387"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node10" href=
"classpp_1_1_graphics2_d.html" title=
"pp::Graphics2D" alt=
"" coords=
"197,411,317,437"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node11" href=
"classpp_1_1_graphics3_d.html" title=
"This class represents a 3D rendering context in the browser." alt=
"" coords=
"197,461,317,488"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node12" href=
"classpp_1_1_host_resolver.html" title=
"The HostResolver class supports host name resolution." alt=
"" coords=
"193,512,322,539"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node13" href=
"classpp_1_1_image_data.html" title=
"pp::ImageData" alt=
"" coords=
"199,563,316,589"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node14" href=
"classpp_1_1_input_event.html" title=
"This class represents an input event resource." alt=
"" coords=
"200,613,315,640"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node20" href=
"classpp_1_1_media_stream_audio_track.html" title=
"The MediaStreamAudioTrack class contains methods for receiving audio buffers from a MediaStream audio..." alt=
"" coords=
"157,664,357,691"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node21" href=
"classpp_1_1_media_stream_video_track.html" title=
"The MediaStreamVideoTrack class contains methods for receiving video frames from a MediaStream video ..." alt=
"" coords=
"157,715,357,741"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node22" href=
"classpp_1_1_message_loop.html" title=
"A message loop allows PPAPI calls to be issued on a thread." alt=
"" coords=
"190,765,325,792"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node23" href=
"classpp_1_1_net_address.html" title=
"The NetAddress class represents a network address." alt=
"" coords=
"197,816,318,843"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node24" href=
"classpp_1_1_network_list.html" title=
"pp::NetworkList" alt=
"" coords=
"197,867,317,893"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node25" href=
"classpp_1_1_network_monitor.html" title=
"pp::NetworkMonitor" alt=
"" coords=
"184,917,331,944"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node26" href=
"classpp_1_1_t_c_p_socket.html" title=
"The TCPSocket class provides TCP socket operations." alt=
"" coords=
"201,968,314,995"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node27" href=
"classpp_1_1_u_d_p_socket.html" title=
"The UDPSocket class provides UDP socket operations." alt=
"" coords=
"198,1019,317,1045"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node28" href=
"classpp_1_1_u_r_l_loader.html" title=
"URLLoader provides an API for loading URLs." alt=
"" coords=
"200,1069,315,1096"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node29" href=
"classpp_1_1_u_r_l_request_info.html" title=
"URLRequestInfo provides an API for creating and manipulating URL requests." alt=
"" coords=
"185,1120,330,1147"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node30" href=
"classpp_1_1_u_r_l_response_info.html" title=
"URLResponseInfo provides an API for examining URL responses." alt=
"" coords=
"180,1171,335,1197"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node31" href=
"classpp_1_1_video_decoder.html" title=
"Video decoder interface." alt=
"" coords=
"189,1221,325,1248"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node32" href=
"classpp_1_1_video_frame.html" title=
"pp::VideoFrame" alt=
"" coords=
"196,1272,319,1299"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node33" href=
"classpp_1_1_view.html" title=
"This class represents the state of the view for an instance and contains functions for retrieving the..." alt=
"" coords=
"220,1323,295,1349"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node34" href=
"classpp_1_1_web_socket.html" title=
"The WebSocket class providing bi-directional, full-duplex, communications over a single TCP socket..." alt=
"" coords=
"199,1373,315,1400"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node15" href=
"classpp_1_1_i_m_e_input_event.html" title=
"pp::IMEInputEvent" alt=
"" coords=
"424,512,560,539"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node16" href=
"classpp_1_1_keyboard_input_event.html" title=
"pp::KeyboardInputEvent" alt=
"" coords=
"405,563,579,589"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node17" href=
"classpp_1_1_mouse_input_event.html" title=
"This class handles mouse events." alt=
"" coords=
"414,613,570,640"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node18" href=
"classpp_1_1_touch_input_event.html" title=
"pp::TouchInputEvent" alt=
"" coords=
"417,664,567,691"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node19" href=
"classpp_1_1_wheel_input_event.html" title=
"pp::WheelInputEvent" alt=
"" coords=
111 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_24.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_size" />
112 <map name=
"pp_1_1_size" id=
113 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_size.html" title=
"A size of an object based on width and height." alt=
"" coords=
115 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_25.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_text_input_controller" />
116 <map name=
"pp_1_1_text_input_controller" id=
117 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_text_input_controller.html" title=
"This class can be used for giving hints to the browser about the text input status of plugins..." alt=
"" coords=
119 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_26.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_touch_point" />
120 <map name=
"pp_1_1_touch_point" id=
121 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_touch_point.html" title=
"Wrapper class for PP_TouchPoint." alt=
"" coords=
123 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_27.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_var" />
124 <map name=
"pp_1_1_var" id=
125 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_var.html" title=
"A generic type used for passing data types between the module and the page." alt=
"" coords=
"5,56,72,83"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node2" href=
"classpp_1_1_var_array.html" title=
"pp::VarArray" alt=
"" coords=
"139,5,240,32"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node3" href=
"classpp_1_1_var_array_buffer.html" title=
"VarArrayBuffer provides a way to interact with JavaScript ArrayBuffers, which represent a contiguous ..." alt=
"" coords=
"120,56,259,83"></area><area shape=
"rect" id=
"node4" href=
"classpp_1_1_var_dictionary.html" title=
"pp::VarDictionary" alt=
"" coords=
127 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_28.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_var_1_1_dont_manage" />
128 <map name=
"pp_1_1_var_1_1_dont_manage" id=
129 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"structpp_1_1_var_1_1_dont_manage.html" title=
"pp::Var::DontManage" alt=
"" coords=
131 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_29.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_var_1_1_null" />
132 <map name=
"pp_1_1_var_1_1_null" id=
133 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"structpp_1_1_var_1_1_null.html" title=
"Special value passed to constructor to make NULL." alt=
"" coords=
135 <tr><td><img src=
"inherit_graph_30.png" border=
"0" alt=
"" usemap=
"#pp_1_1_var_1_1_out_exception" />
136 <map name=
"pp_1_1_var_1_1_out_exception" id=
137 <area shape=
"rect" id=
"node1" href=
"classpp_1_1_var_1_1_out_exception.html" title=
"This class is used when calling the raw C PPAPI when using the C++ Var as a possible NULL exception..." alt=
"" coords=
140 </div><!-- contents -->
142 {{/partials.standard_nacl_api}}