Supervised user import: Listen for profile creation/deletion
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / content / browser / appcache /
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "content/browser/appcache/appcache_update_job.h"
7 #include "base/bind.h"
8 #include "base/bind_helpers.h"
9 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
10 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
11 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
12 #include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
13 #include "content/browser/appcache/appcache_group.h"
14 #include "content/browser/appcache/appcache_histograms.h"
15 #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
16 #include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
17 #include "net/base/load_flags.h"
18 #include "net/base/net_errors.h"
19 #include "net/base/request_priority.h"
20 #include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
21 #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
22 #include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h"
24 namespace content {
26 static const int kBufferSize = 32768;
27 static const size_t kMaxConcurrentUrlFetches = 2;
28 static const int kMax503Retries = 3;
30 static std::string FormatUrlErrorMessage(
31 const char* format, const GURL& url,
32 AppCacheUpdateJob::ResultType error,
33 int response_code) {
34 // Show the net response code if we have one.
35 int code = response_code;
36 if (error != AppCacheUpdateJob::SERVER_ERROR)
37 code = static_cast<int>(error);
38 return base::StringPrintf(format, code, url.spec().c_str());
41 // Helper class for collecting hosts per frontend when sending notifications
42 // so that only one notification is sent for all hosts using the same frontend.
43 class HostNotifier {
44 public:
45 typedef std::vector<int> HostIds;
46 typedef std::map<AppCacheFrontend*, HostIds> NotifyHostMap;
48 // Caller is responsible for ensuring there will be no duplicate hosts.
49 void AddHost(AppCacheHost* host) {
50 std::pair<NotifyHostMap::iterator , bool> ret = hosts_to_notify.insert(
51 NotifyHostMap::value_type(host->frontend(), HostIds()));
52 ret.first->second.push_back(host->host_id());
55 void AddHosts(const std::set<AppCacheHost*>& hosts) {
56 for (std::set<AppCacheHost*>::const_iterator it = hosts.begin();
57 it != hosts.end(); ++it) {
58 AddHost(*it);
62 void SendNotifications(AppCacheEventID event_id) {
63 for (NotifyHostMap::iterator it = hosts_to_notify.begin();
64 it != hosts_to_notify.end(); ++it) {
65 AppCacheFrontend* frontend = it->first;
66 frontend->OnEventRaised(it->second, event_id);
70 void SendProgressNotifications(
71 const GURL& url, int num_total, int num_complete) {
72 for (NotifyHostMap::iterator it = hosts_to_notify.begin();
73 it != hosts_to_notify.end(); ++it) {
74 AppCacheFrontend* frontend = it->first;
75 frontend->OnProgressEventRaised(it->second, url,
76 num_total, num_complete);
80 void SendErrorNotifications(const AppCacheErrorDetails& details) {
81 DCHECK(!details.message.empty());
82 for (NotifyHostMap::iterator it = hosts_to_notify.begin();
83 it != hosts_to_notify.end(); ++it) {
84 AppCacheFrontend* frontend = it->first;
85 frontend->OnErrorEventRaised(it->second, details);
89 void SendLogMessage(const std::string& message) {
90 for (NotifyHostMap::iterator it = hosts_to_notify.begin();
91 it != hosts_to_notify.end(); ++it) {
92 AppCacheFrontend* frontend = it->first;
93 for (HostIds::iterator id = it->second.begin();
94 id != it->second.end(); ++id) {
95 frontend->OnLogMessage(*id, APPCACHE_LOG_WARNING, message);
100 private:
101 NotifyHostMap hosts_to_notify;
104 AppCacheUpdateJob::UrlToFetch::UrlToFetch(const GURL& url,
105 bool checked,
106 AppCacheResponseInfo* info)
107 : url(url),
108 storage_checked(checked),
109 existing_response_info(info) {
112 AppCacheUpdateJob::UrlToFetch::~UrlToFetch() {
115 // Helper class to fetch resources. Depending on the fetch type,
116 // can either fetch to an in-memory string or write the response
117 // data out to the disk cache.
118 AppCacheUpdateJob::URLFetcher::URLFetcher(const GURL& url,
119 FetchType fetch_type,
120 AppCacheUpdateJob* job)
121 : url_(url),
122 job_(job),
123 fetch_type_(fetch_type),
124 retry_503_attempts_(0),
125 buffer_(new net::IOBuffer(kBufferSize)),
126 request_(job->service_->request_context()
127 ->CreateRequest(url, net::DEFAULT_PRIORITY, this)),
128 result_(UPDATE_OK),
129 redirect_response_code_(-1) {}
131 AppCacheUpdateJob::URLFetcher::~URLFetcher() {
134 void AppCacheUpdateJob::URLFetcher::Start() {
135 request_->set_first_party_for_cookies(job_->manifest_url_);
136 if (existing_response_headers_.get())
137 AddConditionalHeaders(existing_response_headers_.get());
138 request_->Start();
141 void AppCacheUpdateJob::URLFetcher::OnReceivedRedirect(
142 net::URLRequest* request,
143 const net::RedirectInfo& redirect_info,
144 bool* defer_redirect) {
145 DCHECK(request_ == request);
146 // Redirect is not allowed by the update process.
147 job_->MadeProgress();
148 redirect_response_code_ = request->GetResponseCode();
149 request->Cancel();
150 result_ = REDIRECT_ERROR;
151 OnResponseCompleted();
154 void AppCacheUpdateJob::URLFetcher::OnResponseStarted(
155 net::URLRequest *request) {
156 DCHECK(request == request_);
157 int response_code = -1;
158 if (request->status().is_success()) {
159 response_code = request->GetResponseCode();
160 job_->MadeProgress();
163 if ((response_code / 100) != 2) {
164 if (response_code > 0)
165 result_ = SERVER_ERROR;
166 else
167 result_ = NETWORK_ERROR;
168 OnResponseCompleted();
169 return;
172 if (url_.SchemeIsSecure()) {
173 // Do not cache content with cert errors.
174 // Also, we willfully violate the HTML5 spec at this point in order
175 // to support the appcaching of cross-origin HTTPS resources.
176 // We've opted for a milder constraint and allow caching unless
177 // the resource has a "no-store" header. A spec change has been
178 // requested on the whatwg list.
179 // See
180 // TODO(michaeln): Consider doing this for cross-origin HTTP too.
181 const net::HttpNetworkSession::Params* session_params =
182 request->context()->GetNetworkSessionParams();
183 bool ignore_cert_errors = session_params &&
184 session_params->ignore_certificate_errors;
185 if ((net::IsCertStatusError(request->ssl_info().cert_status) &&
186 !ignore_cert_errors) ||
187 (url_.GetOrigin() != job_->manifest_url_.GetOrigin() &&
188 request->response_headers()->
189 HasHeaderValue("cache-control", "no-store"))) {
190 DCHECK_EQ(-1, redirect_response_code_);
191 request->Cancel();
192 result_ = SECURITY_ERROR;
193 OnResponseCompleted();
194 return;
198 // Write response info to storage for URL fetches. Wait for async write
199 // completion before reading any response data.
200 if (fetch_type_ == URL_FETCH || fetch_type_ == MASTER_ENTRY_FETCH) {
201 response_writer_.reset(job_->CreateResponseWriter());
202 scoped_refptr<HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer> io_buffer(
203 new HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer(
204 new net::HttpResponseInfo(request->response_info())));
205 response_writer_->WriteInfo(
206 io_buffer.get(),
207 base::Bind(&URLFetcher::OnWriteComplete, base::Unretained(this)));
208 } else {
209 ReadResponseData();
213 void AppCacheUpdateJob::URLFetcher::OnReadCompleted(
214 net::URLRequest* request, int bytes_read) {
215 DCHECK(request_ == request);
216 bool data_consumed = true;
217 if (request->status().is_success() && bytes_read > 0) {
218 job_->MadeProgress();
219 data_consumed = ConsumeResponseData(bytes_read);
220 if (data_consumed) {
221 bytes_read = 0;
222 while (request->Read(buffer_.get(), kBufferSize, &bytes_read)) {
223 if (bytes_read > 0) {
224 data_consumed = ConsumeResponseData(bytes_read);
225 if (!data_consumed)
226 break; // wait for async data processing, then read more
227 } else {
228 break;
233 if (data_consumed && !request->status().is_io_pending()) {
234 DCHECK_EQ(UPDATE_OK, result_);
235 OnResponseCompleted();
239 void AppCacheUpdateJob::URLFetcher::AddConditionalHeaders(
240 const net::HttpResponseHeaders* headers) {
241 DCHECK(request_.get() && headers);
242 net::HttpRequestHeaders extra_headers;
244 // Add If-Modified-Since header if response info has Last-Modified header.
245 const std::string last_modified = "Last-Modified";
246 std::string last_modified_value;
247 headers->EnumerateHeader(NULL, last_modified, &last_modified_value);
248 if (!last_modified_value.empty()) {
249 extra_headers.SetHeader(net::HttpRequestHeaders::kIfModifiedSince,
250 last_modified_value);
253 // Add If-None-Match header if response info has ETag header.
254 const std::string etag = "ETag";
255 std::string etag_value;
256 headers->EnumerateHeader(NULL, etag, &etag_value);
257 if (!etag_value.empty()) {
258 extra_headers.SetHeader(net::HttpRequestHeaders::kIfNoneMatch,
259 etag_value);
261 if (!extra_headers.IsEmpty())
262 request_->SetExtraRequestHeaders(extra_headers);
265 void AppCacheUpdateJob::URLFetcher::OnWriteComplete(int result) {
266 if (result < 0) {
267 request_->Cancel();
268 result_ = DISKCACHE_ERROR;
269 OnResponseCompleted();
270 return;
272 ReadResponseData();
275 void AppCacheUpdateJob::URLFetcher::ReadResponseData() {
276 InternalUpdateState state = job_->internal_state_;
277 if (state == CACHE_FAILURE || state == CANCELLED || state == COMPLETED)
278 return;
279 int bytes_read = 0;
280 request_->Read(buffer_.get(), kBufferSize, &bytes_read);
281 OnReadCompleted(request_.get(), bytes_read);
284 // Returns false if response data is processed asynchronously, in which
285 // case ReadResponseData will be invoked when it is safe to continue
286 // reading more response data from the request.
287 bool AppCacheUpdateJob::URLFetcher::ConsumeResponseData(int bytes_read) {
288 DCHECK_GT(bytes_read, 0);
289 switch (fetch_type_) {
292 manifest_data_.append(buffer_->data(), bytes_read);
293 break;
294 case URL_FETCH:
296 DCHECK(response_writer_.get());
297 response_writer_->WriteData(
298 buffer_.get(),
299 bytes_read,
300 base::Bind(&URLFetcher::OnWriteComplete, base::Unretained(this)));
301 return false; // wait for async write completion to continue reading
302 default:
305 return true;
308 void AppCacheUpdateJob::URLFetcher::OnResponseCompleted() {
309 if (request_->status().is_success())
310 job_->MadeProgress();
312 // Retry for 503s where retry-after is 0.
313 if (request_->status().is_success() &&
314 request_->GetResponseCode() == 503 &&
315 MaybeRetryRequest()) {
316 return;
319 switch (fetch_type_) {
321 job_->HandleManifestFetchCompleted(this);
322 break;
323 case URL_FETCH:
324 job_->HandleUrlFetchCompleted(this);
325 break;
327 job_->HandleMasterEntryFetchCompleted(this);
328 break;
330 job_->HandleManifestRefetchCompleted(this);
331 break;
332 default:
336 delete this;
339 bool AppCacheUpdateJob::URLFetcher::MaybeRetryRequest() {
340 if (retry_503_attempts_ >= kMax503Retries ||
341 !request_->response_headers()->HasHeaderValue("retry-after", "0")) {
342 return false;
344 ++retry_503_attempts_;
345 result_ = UPDATE_OK;
346 request_ = job_->service_->request_context()->CreateRequest(
347 url_, net::DEFAULT_PRIORITY, this);
348 Start();
349 return true;
352 AppCacheUpdateJob::AppCacheUpdateJob(AppCacheServiceImpl* service,
353 AppCacheGroup* group)
354 : service_(service),
355 manifest_url_(group->manifest_url()),
356 group_(group),
357 update_type_(UNKNOWN_TYPE),
358 internal_state_(FETCH_MANIFEST),
359 master_entries_completed_(0),
360 url_fetches_completed_(0),
361 manifest_fetcher_(NULL),
362 manifest_has_valid_mime_type_(false),
363 stored_state_(UNSTORED),
364 storage_(service->storage()),
365 weak_factory_(this) {
366 service_->AddObserver(this);
369 AppCacheUpdateJob::~AppCacheUpdateJob() {
370 if (service_)
371 service_->RemoveObserver(this);
372 if (internal_state_ != COMPLETED)
373 Cancel();
375 DCHECK(!manifest_fetcher_);
376 DCHECK(pending_url_fetches_.empty());
377 DCHECK(!inprogress_cache_.get());
378 DCHECK(pending_master_entries_.empty());
379 DCHECK(master_entry_fetches_.empty());
381 if (group_)
382 group_->SetUpdateAppCacheStatus(AppCacheGroup::IDLE);
385 void AppCacheUpdateJob::StartUpdate(AppCacheHost* host,
386 const GURL& new_master_resource) {
387 DCHECK(group_->update_job() == this);
388 DCHECK(!group_->is_obsolete());
390 bool is_new_pending_master_entry = false;
391 if (!new_master_resource.is_empty()) {
392 DCHECK(new_master_resource == host->pending_master_entry_url());
393 DCHECK(!new_master_resource.has_ref());
394 DCHECK(new_master_resource.GetOrigin() == manifest_url_.GetOrigin());
396 // Cannot add more to this update if already terminating.
397 if (IsTerminating()) {
398 group_->QueueUpdate(host, new_master_resource);
399 return;
402 std::pair<PendingMasters::iterator, bool> ret =
403 pending_master_entries_.insert(
404 PendingMasters::value_type(new_master_resource, PendingHosts()));
405 is_new_pending_master_entry = ret.second;
406 ret.first->second.push_back(host);
407 host->AddObserver(this);
410 // Notify host (if any) if already checking or downloading.
411 AppCacheGroup::UpdateAppCacheStatus update_status = group_->update_status();
412 if (update_status == AppCacheGroup::CHECKING ||
413 update_status == AppCacheGroup::DOWNLOADING) {
414 if (host) {
415 NotifySingleHost(host, APPCACHE_CHECKING_EVENT);
416 if (update_status == AppCacheGroup::DOWNLOADING)
417 NotifySingleHost(host, APPCACHE_DOWNLOADING_EVENT);
419 // Add to fetch list or an existing entry if already fetched.
420 if (!new_master_resource.is_empty()) {
421 AddMasterEntryToFetchList(host, new_master_resource,
422 is_new_pending_master_entry);
425 return;
428 // Begin update process for the group.
429 MadeProgress();
430 group_->SetUpdateAppCacheStatus(AppCacheGroup::CHECKING);
431 if (group_->HasCache()) {
432 update_type_ = UPGRADE_ATTEMPT;
433 NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(APPCACHE_CHECKING_EVENT);
434 } else {
435 update_type_ = CACHE_ATTEMPT;
436 DCHECK(host);
437 NotifySingleHost(host, APPCACHE_CHECKING_EVENT);
440 if (!new_master_resource.is_empty()) {
441 AddMasterEntryToFetchList(host, new_master_resource,
442 is_new_pending_master_entry);
445 BrowserThread::PostAfterStartupTask(
446 FROM_HERE, base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get(),
447 base::Bind(&AppCacheUpdateJob::FetchManifest, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
448 true));
451 AppCacheResponseWriter* AppCacheUpdateJob::CreateResponseWriter() {
452 AppCacheResponseWriter* writer =
453 storage_->CreateResponseWriter(manifest_url_,
454 group_->group_id());
455 stored_response_ids_.push_back(writer->response_id());
456 return writer;
459 void AppCacheUpdateJob::HandleCacheFailure(
460 const AppCacheErrorDetails& error_details,
461 ResultType result,
462 const GURL& failed_resource_url) {
463 // 6.9.4 cache failure steps 2-8.
464 DCHECK(internal_state_ != CACHE_FAILURE);
465 DCHECK(!error_details.message.empty());
466 DCHECK(result != UPDATE_OK);
467 internal_state_ = CACHE_FAILURE;
468 LogHistogramStats(result, failed_resource_url);
469 CancelAllUrlFetches();
470 CancelAllMasterEntryFetches(error_details);
471 NotifyAllError(error_details);
472 DiscardInprogressCache();
473 internal_state_ = COMPLETED;
474 DeleteSoon(); // To unwind the stack prior to deletion.
477 void AppCacheUpdateJob::FetchManifest(bool is_first_fetch) {
478 DCHECK(!manifest_fetcher_);
479 manifest_fetcher_ = new URLFetcher(
480 manifest_url_,
481 is_first_fetch ? URLFetcher::MANIFEST_FETCH :
483 this);
485 // Add any necessary Http headers before sending fetch request.
486 if (is_first_fetch) {
487 AppCacheEntry* entry = (update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT) ?
488 group_->newest_complete_cache()->GetEntry(manifest_url_) : NULL;
489 if (entry) {
490 // Asynchronously load response info for manifest from newest cache.
491 storage_->LoadResponseInfo(manifest_url_, group_->group_id(),
492 entry->response_id(), this);
493 } else {
494 manifest_fetcher_->Start();
496 } else {
497 DCHECK(internal_state_ == REFETCH_MANIFEST);
498 DCHECK(manifest_response_info_.get());
499 manifest_fetcher_->set_existing_response_headers(
500 manifest_response_info_->headers.get());
501 manifest_fetcher_->Start();
506 void AppCacheUpdateJob::HandleManifestFetchCompleted(
507 URLFetcher* fetcher) {
508 DCHECK_EQ(internal_state_, FETCH_MANIFEST);
509 DCHECK_EQ(manifest_fetcher_, fetcher);
510 manifest_fetcher_ = NULL;
512 net::URLRequest* request = fetcher->request();
513 int response_code = -1;
514 bool is_valid_response_code = false;
515 if (request->status().is_success()) {
516 response_code = request->GetResponseCode();
517 is_valid_response_code = (response_code / 100 == 2);
519 std::string mime_type;
520 request->GetMimeType(&mime_type);
521 manifest_has_valid_mime_type_ = (mime_type == "text/cache-manifest");
524 if (is_valid_response_code) {
525 manifest_data_ = fetcher->manifest_data();
526 manifest_response_info_.reset(
527 new net::HttpResponseInfo(request->response_info()));
528 if (update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT)
529 CheckIfManifestChanged(); // continues asynchronously
530 else
531 ContinueHandleManifestFetchCompleted(true);
532 } else if (response_code == 304 && update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT) {
533 ContinueHandleManifestFetchCompleted(false);
534 } else if ((response_code == 404 || response_code == 410) &&
535 update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT) {
536 storage_->MakeGroupObsolete(group_, this, response_code); // async
537 } else {
538 const char* kFormatString = "Manifest fetch failed (%d) %s";
539 std::string message = FormatUrlErrorMessage(
540 kFormatString, manifest_url_, fetcher->result(), response_code);
541 HandleCacheFailure(AppCacheErrorDetails(message,
543 manifest_url_,
544 response_code,
545 false /*is_cross_origin*/),
546 fetcher->result(),
547 GURL());
551 void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnGroupMadeObsolete(AppCacheGroup* group,
552 bool success,
553 int response_code) {
554 DCHECK(master_entry_fetches_.empty());
555 CancelAllMasterEntryFetches(AppCacheErrorDetails(
556 "The cache has been made obsolete, "
557 "the manifest file returned 404 or 410",
559 GURL(),
560 response_code,
561 false /*is_cross_origin*/));
562 if (success) {
563 DCHECK(group->is_obsolete());
564 NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(APPCACHE_OBSOLETE_EVENT);
565 internal_state_ = COMPLETED;
566 MaybeCompleteUpdate();
567 } else {
568 // Treat failure to mark group obsolete as a cache failure.
569 HandleCacheFailure(AppCacheErrorDetails(
570 "Failed to mark the cache as obsolete",
572 GURL(),
574 false /*is_cross_origin*/),
576 GURL());
580 void AppCacheUpdateJob::ContinueHandleManifestFetchCompleted(bool changed) {
581 DCHECK(internal_state_ == FETCH_MANIFEST);
583 if (!changed) {
584 DCHECK(update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT);
585 internal_state_ = NO_UPDATE;
587 // Wait for pending master entries to download.
588 FetchMasterEntries();
589 MaybeCompleteUpdate(); // if not done, run async 6.9.4 step 7 substeps
590 return;
593 AppCacheManifest manifest;
594 if (!ParseManifest(manifest_url_,,
595 manifest_data_.length(),
596 manifest_has_valid_mime_type_ ?
599 manifest)) {
600 const char* kFormatString = "Failed to parse manifest %s";
601 const std::string message = base::StringPrintf(kFormatString,
602 manifest_url_.spec().c_str());
603 HandleCacheFailure(
604 AppCacheErrorDetails(
606 false /*is_cross_origin*/),
608 GURL());
609 VLOG(1) << message;
610 return;
613 // Proceed with update process. Section 6.9.4 steps 8-20.
614 internal_state_ = DOWNLOADING;
615 inprogress_cache_ = new AppCache(storage_, storage_->NewCacheId());
616 BuildUrlFileList(manifest);
617 inprogress_cache_->InitializeWithManifest(&manifest);
619 // Associate all pending master hosts with the newly created cache.
620 for (PendingMasters::iterator it = pending_master_entries_.begin();
621 it != pending_master_entries_.end(); ++it) {
622 PendingHosts& hosts = it->second;
623 for (PendingHosts::iterator host_it = hosts.begin();
624 host_it != hosts.end(); ++host_it) {
625 (*host_it)
626 ->AssociateIncompleteCache(inprogress_cache_.get(), manifest_url_);
630 if (manifest.did_ignore_intercept_namespaces) {
631 // Must be done after associating all pending master hosts.
632 std::string message(
633 "Ignoring the INTERCEPT section of the application cache manifest "
634 "because the content type is not text/cache-manifest");
635 LogConsoleMessageToAll(message);
638 group_->SetUpdateAppCacheStatus(AppCacheGroup::DOWNLOADING);
639 NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(APPCACHE_DOWNLOADING_EVENT);
640 FetchUrls();
641 FetchMasterEntries();
642 MaybeCompleteUpdate(); // if not done, continues when async fetches complete
645 void AppCacheUpdateJob::HandleUrlFetchCompleted(URLFetcher* fetcher) {
646 DCHECK(internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING);
648 net::URLRequest* request = fetcher->request();
649 const GURL& url = request->original_url();
650 pending_url_fetches_.erase(url);
651 NotifyAllProgress(url);
652 ++url_fetches_completed_;
654 int response_code = request->status().is_success()
655 ? request->GetResponseCode()
656 : fetcher->redirect_response_code();
658 AppCacheEntry& entry = url_file_list_.find(url)->second;
660 if (response_code / 100 == 2) {
661 // Associate storage with the new entry.
662 DCHECK(fetcher->response_writer());
663 entry.set_response_id(fetcher->response_writer()->response_id());
664 entry.set_response_size(fetcher->response_writer()->amount_written());
665 if (!inprogress_cache_->AddOrModifyEntry(url, entry))
666 duplicate_response_ids_.push_back(entry.response_id());
668 // TODO(michaeln): Check for <html manifest=xxx>
669 // See
670 // if (entry.IsMaster() && !(entry.IsExplicit() || fallback || intercept))
671 // if (!manifestAttribute) skip it
673 // Foreign entries will be detected during cache selection.
674 // Note: 6.9.4, step 17.9 possible optimization: if resource is HTML or XML
675 // file whose root element is an html element with a manifest attribute
676 // whose value doesn't match the manifest url of the application cache
677 // being processed, mark the entry as being foreign.
678 } else {
679 VLOG(1) << "Request status: " << request->status().status()
680 << " error: " << request->status().error()
681 << " response code: " << response_code;
682 if (entry.IsExplicit() || entry.IsFallback() || entry.IsIntercept()) {
683 if (response_code == 304 && fetcher->existing_entry().has_response_id()) {
684 // Keep the existing response.
685 entry.set_response_id(fetcher->existing_entry().response_id());
686 entry.set_response_size(fetcher->existing_entry().response_size());
687 inprogress_cache_->AddOrModifyEntry(url, entry);
688 } else {
689 const char* kFormatString = "Resource fetch failed (%d) %s";
690 std::string message = FormatUrlErrorMessage(
691 kFormatString, url, fetcher->result(), response_code);
692 ResultType result = fetcher->result();
693 bool is_cross_origin = url.GetOrigin() != manifest_url_.GetOrigin();
694 switch (result) {
696 HandleCacheFailure(
697 AppCacheErrorDetails(
699 is_cross_origin),
700 result,
701 url);
702 break;
704 HandleCacheFailure(
705 AppCacheErrorDetails(message, APPCACHE_RESOURCE_ERROR, url, 0,
706 is_cross_origin),
707 result,
708 url);
709 break;
710 default:
711 HandleCacheFailure(AppCacheErrorDetails(message,
713 url,
714 response_code,
715 is_cross_origin),
716 result,
717 url);
718 break;
720 return;
722 } else if (response_code == 404 || response_code == 410) {
723 // Entry is skipped. They are dropped from the cache.
724 } else if (update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT &&
725 fetcher->existing_entry().has_response_id()) {
726 // Keep the existing response.
727 // TODO(michaeln): Not sure this is a good idea. This is spec compliant
728 // but the old resource may or may not be compatible with the new contents
729 // of the cache. Impossible to know one way or the other.
730 entry.set_response_id(fetcher->existing_entry().response_id());
731 entry.set_response_size(fetcher->existing_entry().response_size());
732 inprogress_cache_->AddOrModifyEntry(url, entry);
736 // Fetch another URL now that one request has completed.
737 DCHECK(internal_state_ != CACHE_FAILURE);
738 FetchUrls();
739 MaybeCompleteUpdate();
742 void AppCacheUpdateJob::HandleMasterEntryFetchCompleted(
743 URLFetcher* fetcher) {
744 DCHECK(internal_state_ == NO_UPDATE || internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING);
746 // TODO(jennb): Handle downloads completing during cache failure when update
747 // no longer fetches master entries directly. For now, we cancel all pending
748 // master entry fetches when entering cache failure state so this will never
749 // be called in CACHE_FAILURE state.
751 net::URLRequest* request = fetcher->request();
752 const GURL& url = request->original_url();
753 master_entry_fetches_.erase(url);
754 ++master_entries_completed_;
756 int response_code = request->status().is_success()
757 ? request->GetResponseCode() : -1;
759 PendingMasters::iterator found = pending_master_entries_.find(url);
760 DCHECK(found != pending_master_entries_.end());
761 PendingHosts& hosts = found->second;
763 // Section 6.9.4. No update case: step 7.3, else step 22.
764 if (response_code / 100 == 2) {
765 // Add fetched master entry to the appropriate cache.
766 AppCache* cache = inprogress_cache_.get() ? inprogress_cache_.get()
767 : group_->newest_complete_cache();
768 DCHECK(fetcher->response_writer());
769 AppCacheEntry master_entry(AppCacheEntry::MASTER,
770 fetcher->response_writer()->response_id(),
771 fetcher->response_writer()->amount_written());
772 if (cache->AddOrModifyEntry(url, master_entry))
773 added_master_entries_.push_back(url);
774 else
775 duplicate_response_ids_.push_back(master_entry.response_id());
777 // In no-update case, associate host with the newest cache.
778 if (!inprogress_cache_.get()) {
779 // TODO(michaeln): defer until the updated cache has been stored
780 DCHECK(cache == group_->newest_complete_cache());
781 for (PendingHosts::iterator host_it = hosts.begin();
782 host_it != hosts.end(); ++host_it) {
783 (*host_it)->AssociateCompleteCache(cache);
786 } else {
787 HostNotifier host_notifier;
788 for (PendingHosts::iterator host_it = hosts.begin();
789 host_it != hosts.end(); ++host_it) {
790 AppCacheHost* host = *host_it;
791 host_notifier.AddHost(host);
793 // In downloading case, disassociate host from inprogress cache.
794 if (inprogress_cache_.get())
795 host->AssociateNoCache(GURL());
797 host->RemoveObserver(this);
799 hosts.clear();
801 const char* kFormatString = "Manifest fetch failed (%d) %s";
802 std::string message = FormatUrlErrorMessage(
803 kFormatString, request->url(), fetcher->result(), response_code);
804 host_notifier.SendErrorNotifications(
805 AppCacheErrorDetails(message,
807 request->url(),
808 response_code,
809 false /*is_cross_origin*/));
811 // In downloading case, update result is different if all master entries
812 // failed vs. only some failing.
813 if (inprogress_cache_.get()) {
814 // Only count successful downloads to know if all master entries failed.
815 pending_master_entries_.erase(found);
816 --master_entries_completed_;
818 // Section 6.9.4, step 22.3.
819 if (update_type_ == CACHE_ATTEMPT && pending_master_entries_.empty()) {
820 HandleCacheFailure(AppCacheErrorDetails(message,
822 request->url(),
823 response_code,
824 false /*is_cross_origin*/),
825 fetcher->result(),
826 GURL());
827 return;
832 DCHECK(internal_state_ != CACHE_FAILURE);
833 FetchMasterEntries();
834 MaybeCompleteUpdate();
837 void AppCacheUpdateJob::HandleManifestRefetchCompleted(
838 URLFetcher* fetcher) {
839 DCHECK(internal_state_ == REFETCH_MANIFEST);
840 DCHECK(manifest_fetcher_ == fetcher);
841 manifest_fetcher_ = NULL;
843 net::URLRequest* request = fetcher->request();
844 int response_code = request->status().is_success()
845 ? request->GetResponseCode() : -1;
846 if (response_code == 304 || manifest_data_ == fetcher->manifest_data()) {
847 // Only need to store response in storage if manifest is not already
848 // an entry in the cache.
849 AppCacheEntry* entry = inprogress_cache_->GetEntry(manifest_url_);
850 if (entry) {
851 entry->add_types(AppCacheEntry::MANIFEST);
852 StoreGroupAndCache();
853 } else {
854 manifest_response_writer_.reset(CreateResponseWriter());
855 scoped_refptr<HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer> io_buffer(
856 new HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer(manifest_response_info_.release()));
857 manifest_response_writer_->WriteInfo(
858 io_buffer.get(),
859 base::Bind(&AppCacheUpdateJob::OnManifestInfoWriteComplete,
860 base::Unretained(this)));
862 } else {
863 VLOG(1) << "Request status: " << request->status().status()
864 << " error: " << request->status().error()
865 << " response code: " << response_code;
866 ScheduleUpdateRetry(kRerunDelayMs);
867 if (response_code == 200) {
868 HandleCacheFailure(AppCacheErrorDetails("Manifest changed during update",
870 GURL(),
872 false /*is_cross_origin*/),
874 GURL());
875 } else {
876 const char* kFormatString = "Manifest re-fetch failed (%d) %s";
877 std::string message = FormatUrlErrorMessage(
878 kFormatString, manifest_url_, fetcher->result(), response_code);
879 HandleCacheFailure(AppCacheErrorDetails(message,
881 GURL(),
882 response_code,
883 false /*is_cross_origin*/),
884 fetcher->result(),
885 GURL());
890 void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnManifestInfoWriteComplete(int result) {
891 if (result > 0) {
892 scoped_refptr<net::StringIOBuffer> io_buffer(
893 new net::StringIOBuffer(manifest_data_));
894 manifest_response_writer_->WriteData(
895 io_buffer.get(),
896 manifest_data_.length(),
897 base::Bind(&AppCacheUpdateJob::OnManifestDataWriteComplete,
898 base::Unretained(this)));
899 } else {
900 HandleCacheFailure(
901 AppCacheErrorDetails("Failed to write the manifest headers to storage",
903 GURL(),
905 false /*is_cross_origin*/),
907 GURL());
911 void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnManifestDataWriteComplete(int result) {
912 if (result > 0) {
913 AppCacheEntry entry(AppCacheEntry::MANIFEST,
914 manifest_response_writer_->response_id(),
915 manifest_response_writer_->amount_written());
916 if (!inprogress_cache_->AddOrModifyEntry(manifest_url_, entry))
917 duplicate_response_ids_.push_back(entry.response_id());
918 StoreGroupAndCache();
919 } else {
920 HandleCacheFailure(
921 AppCacheErrorDetails("Failed to write the manifest data to storage",
923 GURL(),
925 false /*is_cross_origin*/),
927 GURL());
931 void AppCacheUpdateJob::StoreGroupAndCache() {
932 DCHECK(stored_state_ == UNSTORED);
933 stored_state_ = STORING;
934 scoped_refptr<AppCache> newest_cache;
935 if (inprogress_cache_.get())
936 newest_cache.swap(inprogress_cache_);
937 else
938 newest_cache = group_->newest_complete_cache();
939 newest_cache->set_update_time(base::Time::Now());
941 // TODO(michaeln): dcheck is fishing for clues to crbug/95101
942 DCHECK_EQ(manifest_url_, group_->manifest_url());
943 storage_->StoreGroupAndNewestCache(group_, newest_cache.get(), this);
946 void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnGroupAndNewestCacheStored(AppCacheGroup* group,
947 AppCache* newest_cache,
948 bool success,
949 bool would_exceed_quota) {
950 DCHECK(stored_state_ == STORING);
951 if (success) {
952 stored_state_ = STORED;
953 MaybeCompleteUpdate(); // will definitely complete
954 } else {
955 stored_state_ = UNSTORED;
957 // Restore inprogress_cache_ to get the proper events delivered
958 // and the proper cleanup to occur.
959 if (newest_cache != group->newest_complete_cache())
960 inprogress_cache_ = newest_cache;
962 ResultType result = DB_ERROR;
963 AppCacheErrorReason reason = APPCACHE_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
964 std::string message("Failed to commit new cache to storage");
965 if (would_exceed_quota) {
966 message.append(", would exceed quota");
967 result = QUOTA_ERROR;
970 HandleCacheFailure(
971 AppCacheErrorDetails(message, reason, GURL(), 0,
972 false /*is_cross_origin*/),
973 result,
974 GURL());
978 void AppCacheUpdateJob::NotifySingleHost(AppCacheHost* host,
979 AppCacheEventID event_id) {
980 std::vector<int> ids(1, host->host_id());
981 host->frontend()->OnEventRaised(ids, event_id);
984 void AppCacheUpdateJob::NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(AppCacheEventID event_id) {
985 HostNotifier host_notifier;
986 AddAllAssociatedHostsToNotifier(&host_notifier);
987 host_notifier.SendNotifications(event_id);
990 void AppCacheUpdateJob::NotifyAllProgress(const GURL& url) {
991 HostNotifier host_notifier;
992 AddAllAssociatedHostsToNotifier(&host_notifier);
993 host_notifier.SendProgressNotifications(
994 url, url_file_list_.size(), url_fetches_completed_);
997 void AppCacheUpdateJob::NotifyAllFinalProgress() {
998 DCHECK(url_file_list_.size() == url_fetches_completed_);
999 NotifyAllProgress(GURL());
1002 void AppCacheUpdateJob::NotifyAllError(const AppCacheErrorDetails& details) {
1003 HostNotifier host_notifier;
1004 AddAllAssociatedHostsToNotifier(&host_notifier);
1005 host_notifier.SendErrorNotifications(details);
1008 void AppCacheUpdateJob::LogConsoleMessageToAll(const std::string& message) {
1009 HostNotifier host_notifier;
1010 AddAllAssociatedHostsToNotifier(&host_notifier);
1011 host_notifier.SendLogMessage(message);
1014 void AppCacheUpdateJob::AddAllAssociatedHostsToNotifier(
1015 HostNotifier* host_notifier) {
1016 // Collect hosts so we only send one notification per frontend.
1017 // A host can only be associated with a single cache so no need to worry
1018 // about duplicate hosts being added to the notifier.
1019 if (inprogress_cache_.get()) {
1020 DCHECK(internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING || internal_state_ == CACHE_FAILURE);
1021 host_notifier->AddHosts(inprogress_cache_->associated_hosts());
1024 AppCacheGroup::Caches old_caches = group_->old_caches();
1025 for (AppCacheGroup::Caches::const_iterator it = old_caches.begin();
1026 it != old_caches.end(); ++it) {
1027 host_notifier->AddHosts((*it)->associated_hosts());
1030 AppCache* newest_cache = group_->newest_complete_cache();
1031 if (newest_cache)
1032 host_notifier->AddHosts(newest_cache->associated_hosts());
1035 void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnDestructionImminent(AppCacheHost* host) {
1036 // The host is about to be deleted; remove from our collection.
1037 PendingMasters::iterator found =
1038 pending_master_entries_.find(host->pending_master_entry_url());
1039 DCHECK(found != pending_master_entries_.end());
1040 PendingHosts& hosts = found->second;
1041 PendingHosts::iterator it = std::find(hosts.begin(), hosts.end(), host);
1042 DCHECK(it != hosts.end());
1043 hosts.erase(it);
1046 void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnServiceReinitialized(
1047 AppCacheStorageReference* old_storage_ref) {
1048 // We continue to use the disabled instance, but arrange for its
1049 // deletion when its no longer needed.
1050 if (old_storage_ref->storage() == storage_)
1051 disabled_storage_reference_ = old_storage_ref;
1054 void AppCacheUpdateJob::CheckIfManifestChanged() {
1055 DCHECK(update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT);
1056 AppCacheEntry* entry = NULL;
1057 if (group_->newest_complete_cache())
1058 entry = group_->newest_complete_cache()->GetEntry(manifest_url_);
1059 if (!entry) {
1060 // TODO(michaeln): This is just a bandaid to avoid a crash.
1061 //
1062 if (service_->storage() == storage_) {
1063 // Use a local variable because service_ is reset in HandleCacheFailure.
1064 AppCacheServiceImpl* service = service_;
1065 HandleCacheFailure(
1066 AppCacheErrorDetails("Manifest entry not found in existing cache",
1068 GURL(),
1070 false /*is_cross_origin*/),
1071 DB_ERROR,
1072 GURL());
1073 AppCacheHistograms::AddMissingManifestEntrySample();
1074 service->DeleteAppCacheGroup(manifest_url_, net::CompletionCallback());
1076 return;
1079 // Load manifest data from storage to compare against fetched manifest.
1080 manifest_response_reader_.reset(
1081 storage_->CreateResponseReader(manifest_url_,
1082 group_->group_id(),
1083 entry->response_id()));
1084 read_manifest_buffer_ = new net::IOBuffer(kBufferSize);
1085 manifest_response_reader_->ReadData(
1086 read_manifest_buffer_.get(),
1087 kBufferSize,
1088 base::Bind(&AppCacheUpdateJob::OnManifestDataReadComplete,
1089 base::Unretained(this))); // async read
1092 void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnManifestDataReadComplete(int result) {
1093 if (result > 0) {
1094 loaded_manifest_data_.append(read_manifest_buffer_->data(), result);
1095 manifest_response_reader_->ReadData(
1096 read_manifest_buffer_.get(),
1097 kBufferSize,
1098 base::Bind(&AppCacheUpdateJob::OnManifestDataReadComplete,
1099 base::Unretained(this))); // read more
1100 } else {
1101 read_manifest_buffer_ = NULL;
1102 manifest_response_reader_.reset();
1103 ContinueHandleManifestFetchCompleted(
1104 result < 0 || manifest_data_ != loaded_manifest_data_);
1108 void AppCacheUpdateJob::BuildUrlFileList(const AppCacheManifest& manifest) {
1109 for (base::hash_set<std::string>::const_iterator it =
1110 manifest.explicit_urls.begin();
1111 it != manifest.explicit_urls.end(); ++it) {
1112 AddUrlToFileList(GURL(*it), AppCacheEntry::EXPLICIT);
1115 const std::vector<AppCacheNamespace>& intercepts =
1116 manifest.intercept_namespaces;
1117 for (std::vector<AppCacheNamespace>::const_iterator it = intercepts.begin();
1118 it != intercepts.end(); ++it) {
1119 int flags = AppCacheEntry::INTERCEPT;
1120 if (it->is_executable)
1121 flags |= AppCacheEntry::EXECUTABLE;
1122 AddUrlToFileList(it->target_url, flags);
1125 const std::vector<AppCacheNamespace>& fallbacks =
1126 manifest.fallback_namespaces;
1127 for (std::vector<AppCacheNamespace>::const_iterator it = fallbacks.begin();
1128 it != fallbacks.end(); ++it) {
1129 AddUrlToFileList(it->target_url, AppCacheEntry::FALLBACK);
1132 // Add all master entries from newest complete cache.
1133 if (update_type_ == UPGRADE_ATTEMPT) {
1134 const AppCache::EntryMap& entries =
1135 group_->newest_complete_cache()->entries();
1136 for (AppCache::EntryMap::const_iterator it = entries.begin();
1137 it != entries.end(); ++it) {
1138 const AppCacheEntry& entry = it->second;
1139 if (entry.IsMaster())
1140 AddUrlToFileList(it->first, AppCacheEntry::MASTER);
1145 void AppCacheUpdateJob::AddUrlToFileList(const GURL& url, int type) {
1146 std::pair<AppCache::EntryMap::iterator, bool> ret = url_file_list_.insert(
1147 AppCache::EntryMap::value_type(url, AppCacheEntry(type)));
1149 if (ret.second)
1150 urls_to_fetch_.push_back(UrlToFetch(url, false, NULL));
1151 else
1152 ret.first->second.add_types(type); // URL already exists. Merge types.
1155 void AppCacheUpdateJob::FetchUrls() {
1156 DCHECK(internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING);
1158 // Fetch each URL in the list according to section 6.9.4 step 17.1-17.3.
1159 // Fetch up to the concurrent limit. Other fetches will be triggered as each
1160 // each fetch completes.
1161 while (pending_url_fetches_.size() < kMaxConcurrentUrlFetches &&
1162 !urls_to_fetch_.empty()) {
1163 UrlToFetch url_to_fetch = urls_to_fetch_.front();
1164 urls_to_fetch_.pop_front();
1166 AppCache::EntryMap::iterator it = url_file_list_.find(url_to_fetch.url);
1167 DCHECK(it != url_file_list_.end());
1168 AppCacheEntry& entry = it->second;
1169 if (ShouldSkipUrlFetch(entry)) {
1170 NotifyAllProgress(url_to_fetch.url);
1171 ++url_fetches_completed_;
1172 } else if (AlreadyFetchedEntry(url_to_fetch.url, entry.types())) {
1173 NotifyAllProgress(url_to_fetch.url);
1174 ++url_fetches_completed_; // saved a URL request
1175 } else if (!url_to_fetch.storage_checked &&
1176 MaybeLoadFromNewestCache(url_to_fetch.url, entry)) {
1177 // Continues asynchronously after data is loaded from newest cache.
1178 } else {
1179 URLFetcher* fetcher = new URLFetcher(
1180 url_to_fetch.url, URLFetcher::URL_FETCH, this);
1181 if (url_to_fetch.existing_response_info.get()) {
1182 DCHECK(group_->newest_complete_cache());
1183 AppCacheEntry* existing_entry =
1184 group_->newest_complete_cache()->GetEntry(url_to_fetch.url);
1185 DCHECK(existing_entry);
1186 DCHECK(existing_entry->response_id() ==
1187 url_to_fetch.existing_response_info->response_id());
1188 fetcher->set_existing_response_headers(
1189 url_to_fetch.existing_response_info->http_response_info()->headers
1190 .get());
1191 fetcher->set_existing_entry(*existing_entry);
1193 fetcher->Start();
1194 pending_url_fetches_.insert(
1195 PendingUrlFetches::value_type(url_to_fetch.url, fetcher));
1200 void AppCacheUpdateJob::CancelAllUrlFetches() {
1201 // Cancel any pending URL requests.
1202 for (PendingUrlFetches::iterator it = pending_url_fetches_.begin();
1203 it != pending_url_fetches_.end(); ++it) {
1204 delete it->second;
1207 url_fetches_completed_ +=
1208 pending_url_fetches_.size() + urls_to_fetch_.size();
1209 pending_url_fetches_.clear();
1210 urls_to_fetch_.clear();
1213 bool AppCacheUpdateJob::ShouldSkipUrlFetch(const AppCacheEntry& entry) {
1214 // 6.6.4 Step 17
1215 // If the resource URL being processed was flagged as neither an
1216 // "explicit entry" nor or a "fallback entry", then the user agent
1217 // may skip this URL.
1218 if (entry.IsExplicit() || entry.IsFallback() || entry.IsIntercept())
1219 return false;
1221 // TODO(jennb): decide if entry should be skipped to expire it from cache
1222 return false;
1225 bool AppCacheUpdateJob::AlreadyFetchedEntry(const GURL& url,
1226 int entry_type) {
1227 DCHECK(internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING || internal_state_ == NO_UPDATE);
1228 AppCacheEntry* existing =
1229 inprogress_cache_.get() ? inprogress_cache_->GetEntry(url)
1230 : group_->newest_complete_cache()->GetEntry(url);
1231 if (existing) {
1232 existing->add_types(entry_type);
1233 return true;
1235 return false;
1238 void AppCacheUpdateJob::AddMasterEntryToFetchList(AppCacheHost* host,
1239 const GURL& url,
1240 bool is_new) {
1241 DCHECK(!IsTerminating());
1243 if (internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING || internal_state_ == NO_UPDATE) {
1244 AppCache* cache;
1245 if (inprogress_cache_.get()) {
1246 // always associate
1247 host->AssociateIncompleteCache(inprogress_cache_.get(), manifest_url_);
1248 cache = inprogress_cache_.get();
1249 } else {
1250 cache = group_->newest_complete_cache();
1253 // Update existing entry if it has already been fetched.
1254 AppCacheEntry* entry = cache->GetEntry(url);
1255 if (entry) {
1256 entry->add_types(AppCacheEntry::MASTER);
1257 if (internal_state_ == NO_UPDATE && !inprogress_cache_.get()) {
1258 // only associate if have entry
1259 host->AssociateCompleteCache(cache);
1261 if (is_new)
1262 ++master_entries_completed_; // pretend fetching completed
1263 return;
1267 // Add to fetch list if not already fetching.
1268 if (master_entry_fetches_.find(url) == master_entry_fetches_.end()) {
1269 master_entries_to_fetch_.insert(url);
1270 if (internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING || internal_state_ == NO_UPDATE)
1271 FetchMasterEntries();
1275 void AppCacheUpdateJob::FetchMasterEntries() {
1276 DCHECK(internal_state_ == NO_UPDATE || internal_state_ == DOWNLOADING);
1278 // Fetch each master entry in the list, up to the concurrent limit.
1279 // Additional fetches will be triggered as each fetch completes.
1280 while (master_entry_fetches_.size() < kMaxConcurrentUrlFetches &&
1281 !master_entries_to_fetch_.empty()) {
1282 const GURL& url = *master_entries_to_fetch_.begin();
1284 if (AlreadyFetchedEntry(url, AppCacheEntry::MASTER)) {
1285 ++master_entries_completed_; // saved a URL request
1287 // In no update case, associate hosts to newest cache in group
1288 // now that master entry has been "successfully downloaded".
1289 if (internal_state_ == NO_UPDATE) {
1290 // TODO(michaeln): defer until the updated cache has been stored.
1291 DCHECK(!inprogress_cache_.get());
1292 AppCache* cache = group_->newest_complete_cache();
1293 PendingMasters::iterator found = pending_master_entries_.find(url);
1294 DCHECK(found != pending_master_entries_.end());
1295 PendingHosts& hosts = found->second;
1296 for (PendingHosts::iterator host_it = hosts.begin();
1297 host_it != hosts.end(); ++host_it) {
1298 (*host_it)->AssociateCompleteCache(cache);
1301 } else {
1302 URLFetcher* fetcher = new URLFetcher(
1303 url, URLFetcher::MASTER_ENTRY_FETCH, this);
1304 fetcher->Start();
1305 master_entry_fetches_.insert(PendingUrlFetches::value_type(url, fetcher));
1308 master_entries_to_fetch_.erase(master_entries_to_fetch_.begin());
1312 void AppCacheUpdateJob::CancelAllMasterEntryFetches(
1313 const AppCacheErrorDetails& error_details) {
1314 // For now, cancel all in-progress fetches for master entries and pretend
1315 // all master entries fetches have completed.
1316 // TODO(jennb): Delete this when update no longer fetches master entries
1317 // directly.
1319 // Cancel all in-progress fetches.
1320 for (PendingUrlFetches::iterator it = master_entry_fetches_.begin();
1321 it != master_entry_fetches_.end(); ++it) {
1322 delete it->second;
1323 master_entries_to_fetch_.insert(it->first); // back in unfetched list
1325 master_entry_fetches_.clear();
1327 master_entries_completed_ += master_entries_to_fetch_.size();
1329 // Cache failure steps, step 2.
1330 // Pretend all master entries that have not yet been fetched have completed
1331 // downloading. Unassociate hosts from any appcache and send ERROR event.
1332 HostNotifier host_notifier;
1333 while (!master_entries_to_fetch_.empty()) {
1334 const GURL& url = *master_entries_to_fetch_.begin();
1335 PendingMasters::iterator found = pending_master_entries_.find(url);
1336 DCHECK(found != pending_master_entries_.end());
1337 PendingHosts& hosts = found->second;
1338 for (PendingHosts::iterator host_it = hosts.begin();
1339 host_it != hosts.end(); ++host_it) {
1340 AppCacheHost* host = *host_it;
1341 host->AssociateNoCache(GURL());
1342 host_notifier.AddHost(host);
1343 host->RemoveObserver(this);
1345 hosts.clear();
1347 master_entries_to_fetch_.erase(master_entries_to_fetch_.begin());
1349 host_notifier.SendErrorNotifications(error_details);
1352 bool AppCacheUpdateJob::MaybeLoadFromNewestCache(const GURL& url,
1353 AppCacheEntry& entry) {
1354 if (update_type_ != UPGRADE_ATTEMPT)
1355 return false;
1357 AppCache* newest = group_->newest_complete_cache();
1358 AppCacheEntry* copy_me = newest->GetEntry(url);
1359 if (!copy_me || !copy_me->has_response_id())
1360 return false;
1362 // Load HTTP headers for entry from newest cache.
1363 loading_responses_.insert(
1364 LoadingResponses::value_type(copy_me->response_id(), url));
1365 storage_->LoadResponseInfo(manifest_url_, group_->group_id(),
1366 copy_me->response_id(),
1367 this);
1368 // Async: wait for OnResponseInfoLoaded to complete.
1369 return true;
1372 void AppCacheUpdateJob::OnResponseInfoLoaded(
1373 AppCacheResponseInfo* response_info, int64 response_id) {
1374 const net::HttpResponseInfo* http_info = response_info ?
1375 response_info->http_response_info() : NULL;
1377 // Needed response info for a manifest fetch request.
1378 if (internal_state_ == FETCH_MANIFEST) {
1379 if (http_info)
1380 manifest_fetcher_->set_existing_response_headers(
1381 http_info->headers.get());
1382 manifest_fetcher_->Start();
1383 return;
1386 LoadingResponses::iterator found = loading_responses_.find(response_id);
1387 DCHECK(found != loading_responses_.end());
1388 const GURL& url = found->second;
1390 if (!http_info) {
1391 LoadFromNewestCacheFailed(url, NULL); // no response found
1392 } else {
1393 // Check if response can be re-used according to HTTP caching semantics.
1394 // Responses with a "vary" header get treated as expired.
1395 const std::string name = "vary";
1396 std::string value;
1397 void* iter = NULL;
1398 if (!http_info->headers.get() ||
1399 http_info->headers->RequiresValidation(http_info->request_time,
1400 http_info->response_time,
1401 base::Time::Now()) ||
1402 http_info->headers->EnumerateHeader(&iter, name, &value)) {
1403 LoadFromNewestCacheFailed(url, response_info);
1404 } else {
1405 DCHECK(group_->newest_complete_cache());
1406 AppCacheEntry* copy_me = group_->newest_complete_cache()->GetEntry(url);
1407 DCHECK(copy_me);
1408 DCHECK(copy_me->response_id() == response_id);
1410 AppCache::EntryMap::iterator it = url_file_list_.find(url);
1411 DCHECK(it != url_file_list_.end());
1412 AppCacheEntry& entry = it->second;
1413 entry.set_response_id(response_id);
1414 entry.set_response_size(copy_me->response_size());
1415 inprogress_cache_->AddOrModifyEntry(url, entry);
1416 NotifyAllProgress(url);
1417 ++url_fetches_completed_;
1420 loading_responses_.erase(found);
1422 MaybeCompleteUpdate();
1425 void AppCacheUpdateJob::LoadFromNewestCacheFailed(
1426 const GURL& url, AppCacheResponseInfo* response_info) {
1427 if (internal_state_ == CACHE_FAILURE)
1428 return;
1430 // Re-insert url at front of fetch list. Indicate storage has been checked.
1431 urls_to_fetch_.push_front(UrlToFetch(url, true, response_info));
1432 FetchUrls();
1435 void AppCacheUpdateJob::MaybeCompleteUpdate() {
1436 DCHECK(internal_state_ != CACHE_FAILURE);
1438 // Must wait for any pending master entries or url fetches to complete.
1439 if (master_entries_completed_ != pending_master_entries_.size() ||
1440 url_fetches_completed_ != url_file_list_.size()) {
1441 DCHECK(internal_state_ != COMPLETED);
1442 return;
1445 switch (internal_state_) {
1446 case NO_UPDATE:
1447 if (master_entries_completed_ > 0) {
1448 switch (stored_state_) {
1449 case UNSTORED:
1450 StoreGroupAndCache();
1451 return;
1452 case STORING:
1453 return;
1454 case STORED:
1455 break;
1458 // 6.9.4 steps 7.3-7.7.
1459 NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(APPCACHE_NO_UPDATE_EVENT);
1460 DiscardDuplicateResponses();
1461 internal_state_ = COMPLETED;
1462 break;
1463 case DOWNLOADING:
1464 internal_state_ = REFETCH_MANIFEST;
1465 FetchManifest(false);
1466 break;
1468 DCHECK(stored_state_ == STORED);
1469 NotifyAllFinalProgress();
1470 if (update_type_ == CACHE_ATTEMPT)
1471 NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(APPCACHE_CACHED_EVENT);
1472 else
1473 NotifyAllAssociatedHosts(APPCACHE_UPDATE_READY_EVENT);
1474 DiscardDuplicateResponses();
1475 internal_state_ = COMPLETED;
1476 LogHistogramStats(UPDATE_OK, GURL());
1477 break;
1478 case CACHE_FAILURE:
1479 NOTREACHED(); // See HandleCacheFailure
1480 break;
1481 default:
1482 break;
1485 // Let the stack unwind before deletion to make it less risky as this
1486 // method is called from multiple places in this file.
1487 if (internal_state_ == COMPLETED)
1488 DeleteSoon();
1491 void AppCacheUpdateJob::ScheduleUpdateRetry(int delay_ms) {
1492 // TODO(jennb): post a delayed task with the "same parameters" as this job
1493 // to retry the update at a later time. Need group, URLs of pending master
1494 // entries and their hosts.
1497 void AppCacheUpdateJob::Cancel() {
1498 internal_state_ = CANCELLED;
1500 LogHistogramStats(CANCELLED_ERROR, GURL());
1502 if (manifest_fetcher_) {
1503 delete manifest_fetcher_;
1504 manifest_fetcher_ = NULL;
1507 for (PendingUrlFetches::iterator it = pending_url_fetches_.begin();
1508 it != pending_url_fetches_.end(); ++it) {
1509 delete it->second;
1511 pending_url_fetches_.clear();
1513 for (PendingUrlFetches::iterator it = master_entry_fetches_.begin();
1514 it != master_entry_fetches_.end(); ++it) {
1515 delete it->second;
1517 master_entry_fetches_.clear();
1519 ClearPendingMasterEntries();
1520 DiscardInprogressCache();
1522 // Delete response writer to avoid any callbacks.
1523 if (manifest_response_writer_)
1524 manifest_response_writer_.reset();
1526 storage_->CancelDelegateCallbacks(this);
1529 void AppCacheUpdateJob::ClearPendingMasterEntries() {
1530 for (PendingMasters::iterator it = pending_master_entries_.begin();
1531 it != pending_master_entries_.end(); ++it) {
1532 PendingHosts& hosts = it->second;
1533 for (PendingHosts::iterator host_it = hosts.begin();
1534 host_it != hosts.end(); ++host_it) {
1535 (*host_it)->RemoveObserver(this);
1539 pending_master_entries_.clear();
1542 void AppCacheUpdateJob::DiscardInprogressCache() {
1543 if (stored_state_ == STORING) {
1544 // We can make no assumptions about whether the StoreGroupAndCacheTask
1545 // actually completed or not. This condition should only be reachable
1546 // during shutdown. Free things up and return to do no harm.
1547 inprogress_cache_ = NULL;
1548 added_master_entries_.clear();
1549 return;
1552 storage_->DoomResponses(manifest_url_, stored_response_ids_);
1554 if (!inprogress_cache_.get()) {
1555 // We have to undo the changes we made, if any, to the existing cache.
1556 if (group_ && group_->newest_complete_cache()) {
1557 for (std::vector<GURL>::iterator iter = added_master_entries_.begin();
1558 iter != added_master_entries_.end(); ++iter) {
1559 group_->newest_complete_cache()->RemoveEntry(*iter);
1562 added_master_entries_.clear();
1563 return;
1566 AppCache::AppCacheHosts& hosts = inprogress_cache_->associated_hosts();
1567 while (!hosts.empty())
1568 (*hosts.begin())->AssociateNoCache(GURL());
1570 inprogress_cache_ = NULL;
1571 added_master_entries_.clear();
1574 void AppCacheUpdateJob::DiscardDuplicateResponses() {
1575 storage_->DoomResponses(manifest_url_, duplicate_response_ids_);
1578 void AppCacheUpdateJob::LogHistogramStats(
1579 ResultType result, const GURL& failed_resource_url) {
1580 AppCacheHistograms::CountUpdateJobResult(result, manifest_url_.GetOrigin());
1581 if (result == UPDATE_OK)
1582 return;
1584 int percent_complete = 0;
1585 if (url_file_list_.size() > 0) {
1586 size_t actual_fetches_completed = url_fetches_completed_;
1587 if (!failed_resource_url.is_empty() && actual_fetches_completed)
1588 --actual_fetches_completed;
1589 percent_complete = (static_cast<double>(actual_fetches_completed) /
1590 static_cast<double>(url_file_list_.size())) * 100.0;
1591 percent_complete = std::min(percent_complete, 99);
1594 bool was_making_progress =
1595 base::Time::Now() - last_progress_time_ <
1596 base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(5);
1598 bool off_origin_resource_failure =
1599 !failed_resource_url.is_empty() &&
1600 (failed_resource_url.GetOrigin() != manifest_url_.GetOrigin());
1602 AppCacheHistograms::LogUpdateFailureStats(
1603 manifest_url_.GetOrigin(),
1604 percent_complete,
1605 was_making_progress,
1606 off_origin_resource_failure);
1609 void AppCacheUpdateJob::DeleteSoon() {
1610 ClearPendingMasterEntries();
1611 manifest_response_writer_.reset();
1612 storage_->CancelDelegateCallbacks(this);
1613 service_->RemoveObserver(this);
1614 service_ = NULL;
1616 // Break the connection with the group so the group cannot call delete
1617 // on this object after we've posted a task to delete ourselves.
1618 group_->SetUpdateAppCacheStatus(AppCacheGroup::IDLE);
1619 group_ = NULL;
1621 base::MessageLoop::current()->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, this);
1624 } // namespace content