Supervised user import: Listen for profile creation/deletion
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / content / browser / shared_worker / worker_document_set.h
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <set>
10 #include "base/basictypes.h"
11 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
13 namespace content {
14 class BrowserMessageFilter;
16 // The WorkerDocumentSet tracks all of the DOM documents associated with a
17 // set of workers. With nested workers, multiple workers can share the same
18 // WorkerDocumentSet (meaning that they all share the same lifetime, and will
19 // all exit when the last document in that set exits, per the WebWorkers spec).
20 class WorkerDocumentSet : public base::RefCounted<WorkerDocumentSet> {
21 public:
22 WorkerDocumentSet();
24 // The information we track for each document
25 class DocumentInfo {
26 public:
27 DocumentInfo(BrowserMessageFilter* filter, unsigned long long document_id,
28 int renderer_process_id, int render_frame_id);
29 BrowserMessageFilter* filter() const { return filter_; }
30 unsigned long long document_id() const { return document_id_; }
31 int render_process_id() const { return render_process_id_; }
32 int render_frame_id() const { return render_frame_id_; }
34 // Define operator "<", which is used to determine uniqueness within
35 // the set.
36 bool operator <(const DocumentInfo& other) const {
37 // Items are identical if the sender and document_id are identical,
38 // otherwise create an arbitrary stable ordering based on the document
39 // id/filter.
40 if (filter() == other.filter()) {
41 return document_id() < other.document_id();
42 } else {
43 return reinterpret_cast<unsigned long long>(filter()) <
44 reinterpret_cast<unsigned long long>(other.filter());
48 private:
49 BrowserMessageFilter* filter_;
50 unsigned long long document_id_;
51 int render_process_id_;
52 int render_frame_id_;
55 // Adds a document to a shared worker's document set. Also includes the
56 // associated render_process_id the document is associated with, to enable
57 // communication with the parent tab for things like http auth dialogs.
58 void Add(BrowserMessageFilter* parent,
59 unsigned long long document_id,
60 int render_process_id,
61 int render_frame_id);
63 // Checks to see if a document is in a shared worker's document set.
64 bool Contains(BrowserMessageFilter* parent,
65 unsigned long long document_id) const;
67 // Checks to see if the document set contains any documents which is
68 // associated with other renderer process than worker_process_id.
69 bool ContainsExternalRenderer(int worker_process_id) const;
71 // Removes a specific document from a worker's document set when that document
72 // is detached.
73 void Remove(BrowserMessageFilter* parent, unsigned long long document_id);
75 // Invoked when a render process exits, to remove all associated documents
76 // from a worker's document set.
77 void RemoveAll(BrowserMessageFilter* parent);
79 bool IsEmpty() const { return document_set_.empty(); }
81 // Define a typedef for convenience here when declaring iterators, etc.
82 typedef std::set<DocumentInfo> DocumentInfoSet;
84 // Returns the set of documents associated with this worker.
85 const DocumentInfoSet& documents() { return document_set_; }
87 private:
88 friend class base::RefCounted<WorkerDocumentSet>;
89 virtual ~WorkerDocumentSet();
91 DocumentInfoSet document_set_;
94 } // namespace content